Chapter 567

The dream world slowly shattered, and Lu Qing returned to the real world.

【Guardian Mask】

[Shield bearer, when you go forward indomitably, I will guard my creed for the rest of my life until death. 】

[Development degree: 50%]

[Guardian's Shield skill effect has been improved! 】

With a thought, Lu Qing summoned the Guardian's Shield, and felt that the light on the shield became more solid. She didn't know how much the effect had been improved, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Taking out the guardian mask, Lu Qing found that there were more silvery-white moiré patterns on the mask, occupying almost half of the mask. Among them, the most attention-grabbing part was the tear-stained half under the left eye of the mask. cloud patterns.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing put the mask on her face, and mobilized the power in the mask with her spiritual power.

A heavy force suddenly pressed on her body, Lu Qing slowly raised her left hand, and found that her left hand had turned into a silver-white armor.

At this time, she is still in the No. 1 perspective, and will not see her own position, but her size has become much larger, and at the same time, there is an extra pair of silver-white thick armor on her body.

Lu Qing slowly clenched her right fist, and punched it against the rock wall beside her that had been eroded by strong winds for years and had a smooth surface.


She effortlessly punched a big hole in the rock wall, and at the same time, there was no pain in her fist.

"It's completely different from the bug hunter's mask." Lu Qing said softly, looking at her palm wrapped in silver-white armor.

When the Bug Hunter mask is used, the perspective will change to the third person, and the power in the mask will not be used to protect oneself. It is a mask that can only continue to attack after use.

And the guardian mask, as its name says, is a mask with very strong defensive power, and what the strong defensive power brings is the reduction of flexibility. The sense of heaviness brings more than just a sense of security.

With a thought, a huge silver-white metal round shield appeared on Lu Qing's left hand, while on her right hand was a sharp silver-white long sword.


After exhaling a long breath, Lu Qing withdrew the power of the guardian mask.

Unexpectedly, the mental power consumed by the guardian mask is much smaller than when she used the bug hunter mask before. I don't know whether it is because she is used to it, or because the development of the mask increases, and the energy consumed when using it The load will also be reduced?

Of course, it may also be because her mental attributes have improved during this period of time.

"Ling, put the rest of your soul into the bug hunter's mask." Lu Qing said, hanging the guardian mask next to the bug hunter's mask.

"Got it." The light on Ling's body flickered, sending the remaining 234 points of soul into the bug hunter mask.

【Bug Hunter Mask】

[Development degree: 44%]

"Okay, let's move on." Lu Qing nodded in satisfaction, and put back the bug hunter mask.

She and Ling continued to walk towards the depths of the Storm Valley, and soon encountered a high cliff. Lu Qing wanted to use psychic climbing to climb up from the bottom of the cliff, but was stopped by Ling.

"Climbing up is not only slow, but also consumes a lot of spiritual power. We can use other methods to go up." Ling said after stopping Lu Qing.

"Ling, do you mean using Maeveline's feathers?" After hearing Ling's words, Lu Qing thought of something.

"Well." Ling kept shaking up and down, and said: "If you use that feather, you can release the wind element here in a short time, and then we will fly up along the airflow."

"Why don't we climb up." Lu Qing took out the [White Eagle's Feather], looking at the feather in her hand and hesitated.

Flying to the sky with feathers, although she knew it was completely possible, she still felt unreliable in her heart. This unreliability did not come from distrust of props, but from herself.

Because she has never used this thing before, who knows if a mistake will cause her to fly in the wrong direction, or fall from the sky.

"Ah, don't worry, if you fall, Ling'er will catch you!" The light on Ling's body kept flickering.

"Then try it."

Lu Qing picked up a feather that was almost as tall as her own, and vigorously fanned it in front of her. With a strong air flow flying out, an upward gust of wind suddenly burst out on the ground in front of Lu Qing.

Lu Qing lifted the [White Eagle's Feather], and immediately felt an upward force. The huge feather was like a hot air balloon, slowly taking her up into the sky.

"It's really flying. Ah!"

Just when Lu Qing looked at the ground and sighed, a sudden airflow disturbed her balance, forcing her to hit the smooth cliff.

Lu Qing quickly controlled her body's center of gravity, and lightly stepped her feet on the smooth cliff to regain her balance.

While ascending, she also found that she could fly in the direction she wanted by moving her center of gravity. Although she certainly couldn't go against the airflow and land downward, she could move forward, backward, left, and right at will.

In this way, after flying in the air for about 3 minutes, Lu Qing and Ling finally saw the top of the cliff.

Gently retracting the 【White Eagle's Feather】, Lu Qing lightly landed on the top of the cliff with her toes. Only then did they officially enter the deepest part of the Storm Valley.

Except for Lu Qing, Wein and spirits, there is no creature here, and because of the influence of the wind element, they can't even hear the sound of the wind.

In such a dead environment, Lu Qing subconsciously speeded up her movement, moving towards the location of the wind element provided by Wein.

Along the way, they encountered many difficult terrains, or deep pits exceeding [-] meters. With the help of the feathers Maeveline gave them, they arrived directly under the wind element without any accidents.


Lu Qing was breathing with some difficulty. The strong wind element here almost froze the air, and the gas inhaled into her lungs seemed to be as hard as steel.

She raised her head, and using the ultra-long-distance vision brought by the eagle eye, she saw the air mass floating in mid-air, without a fixed shape, and constantly changing. That was their goal this time, the wind element!

"Now is not the time to use feathers."

Thinking of this, Lu Qing injected spiritual power into her feet, and her legs bent slowly.

【Super jump! 】

Accompanied by a "bang", a dark shock wave was released from under Lu Qing's feet, and the whole person flew high towards the hanging rock wall above.

Injecting spiritual power into her feet, Lu Qing used [Spiritual Climbing] to stick herself to the suspended rock wall, and then used [Super Jump] to jump to the suspended rock above.

And the hanging rock wall that she used as a springboard suddenly fell down a short distance, and then floated up slowly.

In this way, Lu Qing kept jumping upwards until there were no other suspenseful items above her head except the wind element.

(End of this chapter)

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