Chapter 569 Flight
[Congratulations to the player for receiving the blessing of the wind element! 】

[You have obtained: the characteristics of blocking flow and the characteristics of accelerating flow]

[Through the blessing of the power of the wind element, you can block or accelerate the flow of all things that are flowing, such as air currents, water currents, quicksand, etc. 】

[Note: The blessing will only take effect in this world. When the player returns to the game lobby, the blessing of the wind element will change into another form. 】

Lu Qing looked at the words in the diary and felt the power of the wind element lingering in her body. With a thought, the wind walls surrounding the wind element slowly stopped.

This is the power that the element of wind blesses, the ability to stand still or speed up flowing things.

"The wind element has been blessed because we helped it purify the void power inside!" Spirit floated beside Lu Qing, and said after seeing Lu Qing stop the flow of the wind wall.

"It's really a very convenient ability." Lu Qing said after thinking for a while, this skill is very manipulable, and she thought of more than one usage in a short period of time.

"Let's go down first." Lu Qing said looking at the chaotic storm below.

She stopped all the air currents around her, and her body fell down quickly. Those violent air currents and wind blades made of wind elements all disappeared before they got close to Lu Qing.

At this time, a loud eagle cry sounded from a distance, Lu Qing and Ling looked in the direction of the eagle cry, and saw Maeveline flying in the storm.

She spread her broken wings and flew along the violent wind. Because she hadn't flown for many years and one wing was severely damaged, Maeveline's flying movements looked a little clumsy, as if she would fall from the sky at any time.


Maeveline shouted loudly, the wind element on her wings seemed to reach its peak at this moment, she quickly swooped down to the ground, then flapped her wings violently, and jumped over the high cliff in one fell swoop, before Lu Qing could react, Mei Fulin Flynn caught her and Ling from the sky.

"It feels so good to fly again," Maeveline said with emotion after catching Lu Qing.

Those raging winds couldn't interfere with her flight, and the sharp wind blades couldn't leave any scars on her feathers. Lu Qing sat on Maeveline's back, felt the wind blowing over her cheeks, and tidied up her hair. Fan Xiufa said: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing hard, it's nothing more than going home." Maevelin nodded, and flew towards the crown of the holy tree very quickly.

While flying, she used spiritual power to open a barrier, so that Lu Qing didn't feel the recoil brought by the fast flight at all.

While flying over the pitch-black Fan Lingshui Lake, Bolton, who was hiding in the river, slowly raised his head, with a cloudy light shining in his eyes.

"Let Wutian come back, don't let her sleep in there." Bolton said to the Bouys beside him.


The Bouys responded softly to Bolton, and then they all left from the rocks on both sides of the river bank, and got into the dense bushes.

"We'll be there soon." Maeveline said in mid-air.

After leaving Storm Valley, Maeveline's flying speed was much slower without the blessing of the wind element. Now she is more suitable for gliding than flying.

There was a trace of reluctance on her face. This feeling of flying has not been felt in the past few decades. However, when the wind element accumulated in the storm valley for more than ten years returned to calm, she could no longer fly. up.


Maeveline flapped her wings and slowly landed on the canopy of the sacred tree. Here, Lu Qing saw Maeveline's home.

It's very simple, completely different from what Lu Qing imagined, and even because of the withering of the holy tree, there was a faint smell of decay here. Even so, Maeveline looked at the familiar nest in front of her, and couldn't help but linger in her eyes. Shed a few tears.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as my own small nest, not to mention that this is a sacred tree, the place where Maeveline was born.

"This tree hole was dug out by the elves, long before the elves' sacrificial ground was born." The spirit floated beside Lu Qing, explaining to her: "When Ao was just born, the pollution of the holy tree It's already serious."

"The part that was hollowed out here is actually the part of the sacred tree that was polluted and rotted by the power of the void. The elves hollowed out this place, and then came to the core of the sacred tree."

"Isn't Ao the first born elf?" Lu Qing thought of something and asked with some doubts.

"At that time, the holy tree gave birth to hundreds of elves at the same time, and Ao was the first one born out of them." This time it was Maeveline who answered her.

"I thought Ao and the later elves were not born in the same batch." Hearing Maveline's words, Lu Qing was a little surprised and confused at the same time. She looked at Maveline and asked curiously: "You How do you know?"

"My grandma told me this." Hearing Lu Qing's words, Maeveline said, "My grandma was born in the same era as Bolton, and she knows many things from ancient times."

"But there should be no way to the core of the sacred tree here. I have lived here for more than 5000 years since I was born, and I never knew that this place could lead to the interior of the sacred tree."

"Of course you don't know, because only elves can find this entrance, and only elves can enter." After hearing Maveline's words, Ling said with a slight flickering light in the air.

As Ling talked, he came to a corner of the tree hole. After injecting spiritual power, an entrance the size of a puppy appeared in front of Lu Qing and Maeveline.

"In a sense, only elves can enter." Lu Qing said with a somewhat delicate expression.

"Elves are not big in size, and you humans won't make houses that are far larger than your own size."

"Okay, okay, let's go in quickly!" Ling suddenly cheered up.

Hearing Ling's words, there was no other way, Lu Qing could only use the ability of becoming an elf, and walked into this door that "only elves can enter".


Lu Qing and Ling walked in the pitch-black tunnel, except for the light on Ling, they couldn't see any light source. Fortunately, Lu Qing didn't need this thing, and she didn't feel intimidated when walking.


"Huh?" Lu Qing paused, then looked at Ling and said, "Ling, did you hear any strange sounds?"

"Strange voice, don't scare me at this time!" The light on Ling's body flickered and dimmed.

"It's not to scare you, it's a real voice, listen carefully," Lu Qing said with a helpless expression on her face.

"Huh~ It's even more scary." Ling seemed to be shaking in the air in a panic, and then carefully searched for the voice Lu Qing said. After a while, she said in surprise:

"There's really a voice!"

"Very small, it sounded like the beating of a heart."

(End of this chapter)

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