The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 572 The Vine Who Can't Swim

Chapter 572 The Vine Who Can't Swim

Lu Qing originally planned to learn the purple skill [Elf Blade], but when she opened the skill panel and saw that the [Underwater Dash] skill hadn't disappeared, she gave up on this plan.

She will be moving in caves full of undercurrents next, and the underwater sprint skill will help her move more flexibly underwater. Anyway, it's just a hundred points of magic energy, and it will be replenished later.

Thinking this way, Lu Qing learned the skill [Underwater Sprint], and the magic energy dropped from [-] points to [-] points.

"Let's go, Ling." After learning the skills, Lu Qing looked at Ling and said.

"Yeah." Ling shook his body and said.

Drilling headlong into the turbulent water, what Lu Qing immediately felt was not how turbulent the water was, but the clarity of the water source.

Different from the polluted Fanlingshui Lake, the water flow under the eyes of this water is extremely clear. After getting in, Lu Qing even saw many plants and fishes that were still alive.

At this time, Ling looked at everything around him in surprise, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The water under the eyes of the water is constantly flowing, and because of the rich water elements, the water sources here are very self-regulating, which is probably why There's no reason why it's polluted here."

"But hasn't the water element itself been polluted?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts.

"Water element is the element with the strongest self-regulation ability among all the elements." The light on Ling's body flickered and said: "If Ling'er guessed correctly, the pollution of the water element itself may have been removed."

"The remaining pollution, if the pollution of the water element itself has been removed, then Fan Lingshui Lake should also return to its original state."

"Ling'er guesses that there must be something in Fan Lingshui Lake that affects the self-regulation ability of the water element!"

"In short, let's find the water element first!" Ling finally concluded.

"Okay." Lu Qing nodded, agreeing with Ling's statement.

Although Ling often looks a little silly, she is actually very reliable. Most of the things she says are carefully thought out, and what she promises can be done.

Regardless of whether the water elementals rely on the ability of self-regulation to purify the void power, they still need to check the state of the water elementals.


Lu Qing moved slowly in the water, carefully observing every terrain.

Bolton said that the terrain here is very complicated. If you are not careful, you will get lost in it. If it is on land, Lu Qing will record the location by leaving blood, but here
She has tried it, because of the purification ability of the water flow, the blood she smeared on the wall or coral will be quickly washed away by the water flow, and it will not be able to record the position at all.

[Explorer: Throwing or leaving a part of the body in place can clearly perceive the position of the thrown part. 】

Lu Qing carefully read the skill introduction of [Explorer], thinking in her mind what else could help her find water elements in this place full of caves.

As long as it is a part of the body, if Lu Qing is ruthless, no, even if some pieces of meat are cut off and thrown on the ground or buried in the soil for positioning, they will be eaten by other creatures in the water. .

As for the hair and nails, it's not within the effective range of the [Explorer] skill, otherwise she wouldn't foolishly hit herself twice with a knife every time she used the skill, and just bury her hair or nails in the soil. Is it fragrant?


Lu Qing swam past a piece of algae, and her gaze stayed on the algae for a moment. Unlike Fan Ling Lake, which was polluted by the power of the void, there were various plants growing everywhere under the water.

"Plants. By the way, plants!" Lu Qing suddenly thought of something, and said with a happy expression.

She remembered that the hut had a loot function. The whispering tree heart she obtained in the dark forest last time, after sacrificing it to the hut, gave her the ability to communicate with plants.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing returned to the waterweed that had just passed by, and used the ability of Whispering Tree Heart to communicate with it.

As soon as she was connected with the algae, Lu Qing felt the other party's closeness to her. This is definitely because of the effect of the skill [Natural Affinity] of [Festival Costume].

A plant cannot move, so even if Lu Qing asks the other party, this algae can't answer too many things she wants to know. Lu Qing originally planned to use the skill of [Spiritual Contract] to sign a contract with the other party , so as to record the location, and the algae gave Lu Qing a very unexpected answer.

"The water element is warmer, and the water flow is clearer. The denser the element is, the closer it is to the water element." This was Lu Qing's answer when she asked whether the algae knew about the water element.

After that, no matter what Lu Qing asked, the algae would only give some ignorant answers. After repeating it a few times, she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to ask and left here.

"Vin, can you breathe in water?" Lu Qing thought of Vein at this time. When he was in the Valley of Storms, Vein could see the density of wind elements in the air. If she could be pulled underwater .
"I don't need to breathe, but" before Wein finished speaking, Lu Qing used a dagger to shed a drop of blood from his fingertips and summoned him over.

As soon as Wayne got into the water, she was sucked into the depths of the cave by the rushing water flow. She flapped her wings violently, but the speed of being sucked away was much faster: "You bastard gurgling, listen to the bird gurgling when it finishes talking." , I can't swim, gurgling!" Wein said as he struggled violently in the water.

Seeing that Wein was about to be sucked away by the water, Lu Qing stretched out her hand, grabbed one of Wein's paws, and pulled him back.

As for why she didn't use the wind element to stop the water here, hey, keep it a secret.

"Okay, don't worry if I catch you." Lu Qing suppressed her smile, looked at Vin and said, "Help me see which direction the water elements are denser, or which direction the water flow is more dense." Be clearer."

How could Wein fail to see that Lu Qing did it on purpose, but there is no way, who told the other party to be his wayward little master.

She looked around, and then said to Lu Qing in her heart: "There are two caves in the upper right corner, and the water elements seem to be denser there."

"Are these two holes the same?" Lu Qing brought Wein and Ling to the hole she mentioned and asked.

"It's almost the same, and I can't tell the specifics." Wein said, looking at the cave in front of him.

"That's it"

After thinking about it, Lu Qing summoned the wolf spirit and asked the wolf spirit to explore the cave on the left first, and then he and Ling went to explore the cave on the other side.

Not long after they moved forward, a message came from the wolf spirit that her side was a dead end.

"It seems that we are on the right track." After receiving the message from the wolf spirit, Lu Qing said.

In this way, with the help of Wein, Lu Qing and Ling gradually approached the water element in the depths. After advancing for more than two hours, they finally found the location of the water element.

(End of this chapter)

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