The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 575 The title mother has asked for leave

Chapter 575 The title mother asked for leave and went home
【Face of the Spirit Frog】

[It is never power that governs rivers and deep waters, but wisdom and communication. 】

[Development degree: 100%]

[Touch of Flowing Water: Summon a docile water elemental spirit that can quickly heal wounds and purify toxins. 】


Hanging the face of the spirit frog on her waist, Lu Qing gently stroked Bolton's slightly rough chin with her hand, and said, "Take a good rest."

"Woo..." Ling floated in front of Bolton in a somewhat depressed mood, and said, "He hasn't even had time to take a look at the clear water of the lake."


A booy jumped onto the rocks next to the deer and cried out as if to comfort the spirit.

"Thank you." Linger came to this Bui, and the light on his body became brighter again, and said: "Linger needs to cheer up again, the holy tree is still waiting for us!"

"Let's rest for the night first." Lu Qing looked up at the sky, when they got out of the lake, half of the sun had disappeared.

At this time, the sky was completely dimmed, and apart from the light emanating from Ling, only some luminescent plants with dim light could be seen in the forest.

This was actually the second night after she came out of the elf sacrificial field. Before that, she hadn't rested for a moment, either on the way or on the way.


There was a sound of hunger in the stomach, Lu Qing touched the flat belly, looked at Xiang Ling and asked: "Is there any way we can get food?"

[Emergency reply: You can consume part of your physical strength in an instant and heal the wound quickly, but it is worth noting that the consumption of this skill is huge. 】

[Side effects: Your digestion speed is accelerated, and you will feel hungry more easily. 】

【Appetite: Your digestive system has been strengthened, and you can easily digest wood. That is to say, as long as there are trees around you, you will never starve to death. 】

[Side effects: Your appetite will increase uncontrollably. 】

Lu Qing glanced at her skills. If it was not necessary, she would never eat wood, because wood has no smell at all, the taste is also very bad, and the increased energy is not much.

If she only relied on wood to restore her strength, she would need to devour a lot of trees.

Well, not much actually, it's just a lot for her small mouth.

In addition to recovering her physical strength, Lu Qing also needs to find a place to take a bath to wash off the wet mud and dust on her body. In addition, there is also the rotten body from that disgusting slime monster. stink.

"Um, let me ask the Bouys." Ling floated to the Bouys around Bolton, and asked softly what they usually ate.

After a while, Ling floated back to Lu Qing's side, and said, "Boys usually catch bugs by the water to eat. Besides, they also go into the water to catch fish, or find some aquatic plants to eat. .”

After a pause, Ling opened his mouth and said, "Because of Bolton's efforts, the river in the forest has not been infested too much by the power of the void, so there are still many fishes surviving there."

"Even if the sacred tree withers, there are still many lives that survive. They live in the air where the power of the void is richer, adapting to the changes in the power of the void."

"On the contrary, the elves created by the holy tree are the race most affected by the power of the void." Ling looked at Lu Qing as if thinking of something and asked:

"Will the existence of the holy tree affect life instead? With limited land and powerful and mysterious elves, people are all paying attention to the holy tree. Only a few people think about it. What happens outside the holy tree?" have what."

"Ling..." Lu Qing looked at Ling with some surprise. She didn't expect that she could say these words. From Ling's perspective and the impression Ling brought to Lu Qing, she didn't seem to be able to think of so many things. Talent is right.

But no matter what Ling thought of these things, she had to answer Ling, and she couldn't let her sink deeper and deeper into confusion!
"There will always be people who think about this. With the continuous development of civilization, more and more people will be curious about what's out there." Lu Qing looked at Ling and said.

"Life in this world was born because of the sacred tree. No matter what the future holds, we must cure her."

"If the holy tree completely withers and dies, the disorderly destructive forces outside will kill all life, and then there will be nothing, let alone development."

"Well..." Ling carefully thought about what Lu Qing said just now. After a while, she regained her composure and said, "You're right. Ling'er won't be swayed by some people's crazy words." Affect!"

"Some people?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts.

"Well, those words just now were all said by a friend of Ling'er. When I see him next time, I will have to settle accounts with him, so I know how to fool me!" Ling shook his body angrily and said.

"And moreover." Ling floated beside Lu Qing, the light on his body flickered and said: "The shape of the holy tree will continue to grow, but the speed of expansion is a bit slow."

"." After hearing Ling's words, Lu Qing can be sure that the expansion speed of the holy tree is definitely not as simple as a little slow, perhaps a little bit slower.

But these are not things she should consider. For people in this world, it is better for the holy tree to return to its usual appearance. As for the lack of living space?
To put it bluntly, it's none of her business, someone will find a way at that time, all Lu Qing can do now is to save the holy tree again.

"Right here." Lu Qing said, looking at the relatively spacious river in front of her.

When they were talking just now, they had been walking along the river. Lu Qing was mainly looking for a place suitable for bathing. As for Ling, she was just following Lu Qing.


With a long exhalation, Lu Qing took off all kinds of weapons and armor on her body, and stuffed them all into the locker of the hut.

Randomly finding a suitable rock to sit on, Lu Qing bent down and slowly took off her thick leather boots, exposing five small toes. She stood barefoot on the ground and took off the rest of her clothes.

"Hiss~ the water is so cold." Lu Qing slowly sank her feet into the water.

In fact, it's not that cold, it's just that it looks a little cold compared to the feeling just now.

Lu Qing stood in the water, then sat down slowly, using the clear river water to wash off the dirt on her body, as well as the lingering rancid smell.

The crystal clear river water soaked her shoulders, glistening in her delicate collarbone under the moonlight, Lu Qing lightly flicked her silver-white hair, and dived into the water with a "plop".

A few minutes later, the girl suddenly emerged from the river, holding a big fat and tender blue fish in her hand.

"Tonight's dinner is up to you!" Lu Qing said while looking at Fat Fish struggling in her hands with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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