The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 579 Myron's Homecoming

Chapter 579 Myron's Homecoming

"If you don't believe me, I still have a video here." Archbishop Angus saw that the expression on the face of the knight Merlin did not change, and slowly stretched out a tentacle to point at the knight Merlin.

In the next moment, there was an extra memory in the mind of Knight Myron. It was the scene of Archbishop Angus manipulating the body of Her Royal Highness, entering the interior of the Elven Sacrifice, and detonating all the blood in Her Royal Highness' body.


"Damn you!!"

Knight Myron roared in a hoarse voice, he did not doubt the authenticity of the memory, because he knew very well in his heart that there was no need for the other party to lie to himself.

He was extremely angry at this time, and what was far more than anger was remorse and hated his own incompetence. No matter how good the shadow talent is, what if he couldn't give Verena a happy home, so what about the number one knight in the kingdom? A girl cannot be protected well.

"I don't have time to quarrel with you. I have more important things to do." Archbishop Angus said while looking at the angry Merren knight. The next moment, a wall of flesh and blood appeared behind him. Archbishop Angus slowly Slowly back into the wall of flesh and blood.

How could it be possible for the furious Knight Merren to watch Angus leave. He suddenly pulled out Altaïr's sword, unleashed his full strength and slashed at Angus.

A terrifying sonic boom sounded, and the blazing heat hovered over the sword of Altaïr's sword. However, to the surprise of Knight Meren, his blow was missed.

Archbishop Angus who appeared in front of him was just a phantom, and the real Angus appeared behind him at this time.
"It's too emotional, but there will be big problems." Archbishop Angus said as his arm squirmed and pierced into the heart of Knight Myron.

"I'm not what I used to be." Archbishop Angus felt the unprecedented power in his body, with a somewhat intoxicated expression on his face.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Archbishop Angus noticed something was wrong. There was obviously nothing where his arm touched at this time.

The next moment, a sharp sense of crisis appeared behind Archbishop Angus. He dodged to the side suddenly, but his arm was cut off by the sharp sword of Altaïr.

【Light Curve】

This is the basis for Knight Merren's blessing of the holy tree to be able to deceive Archbishop Angus' sight, and what deceives Archbishop Angus' horror perception is the ability he has trained in the Shadow Assassin Training Camp.

Knight Myron's talent as an assassin is really good. He said that he is not good at lurking is actually a lie. Even after leaving the Shadow Assassin, he did not lose the ability to lurk, but the training time was inevitably reduced a lot.

If he was not a knight, but an assassin who specialized in assassination, Archbishop Angus might not have noticed the blow just now.

After finally gaining the upper hand, Knight Merren didn't even use his shield, and launched a shower of blows against Archbishop Angus with swords in both hands!
And Archbishop Angus is obviously not good at close combat with people. As the former Pope of Manulife Samuel, his best fighting method is to use endless spells to defeat the enemy.

Even after tainting the power of the void, hand-to-hand combat was not his forte.

But at this time, his strength has reached an unprecedented height, even if his figure is slightly embarrassed, he will not be fatally wounded by the Knight of Myron.

"Enough!" Archbishop Angus seemed to have had enough of being crushed and beaten. His body kept wriggling, and he released a powerful shock wave, knocking the Merren knight into the air.

Countless tentacles of flesh and blood drilled out from his back, like snake heads one after another, biting towards Merren Knight.

Seeing this, Knight Merren quickly took out his shield, and while using the shield to block, he swung his long sword to cut off the tentacles that were coming.

Suddenly, Archbishop Angus leaped high, the tentacles behind him squirmed and intertwined, and the visible power of the void hovered over the twisting tentacles.

Knight Myron watched Angus's movements with full concentration, but the next second, Archbishop Angus came in front of him, and the huge tentacles knocked Knight Myron against the wall of the elf sacrificial field.

"Ugh..." Knight Myron struggled in pain, a large number of writhing tentacles crawled on his body, and blood mixed with void power spit out from his mouth.

"Farewell, the first knight of the kingdom." Archbishop Angus said softly, injecting huge void power into the blood of Merren Knight.

This is the void power in the body of Archbishop Angus. Just a little bit can distort and swell the body of an official knight, and finally die suddenly. But now he injected nearly half of the amount into the body of Merren Knight!

In this case, even the first knight of the kingdom
"What?" Archbishop Angus had a look of surprise on his face.

The violent sword light cut off the tentacles of Archbishop Angus in an instant, and the muscles of Knight Mellen's body swelled violently, almost bursting his silver-white armor.

"He took the initiative to absorb my power?" Archbishop Angus looked at Knight Mellon in astonishment. He didn't expect him to make such a near-suicidal move.

The next moment, a blood-red sword light slashed at Archbishop Angus. There was no chance to dodge, and nearly a quarter of Angus' brain-like body was hacked off.

"Forcibly merge the void and spiritual power, and use the strong body to suppress it for a short time"

"Although it can bring terrifying power, it will definitely bring you death."

"I won't continue to pester you foolishly."

Archbishop Angus said, and the passage of flesh and blood behind him opened again, but this time, he was less leisurely and more urgent.


The deafening roar came to the ears, and the flesh and blood channel that Archbishop Angus Gan had just summoned was instantly torn into pieces by the violent sword energy. The soaring knight of Merren came to him and took Altaïr's sword statue It was like a club swinging on the body of Archbishop Angus.

The terrifying power instantly destroyed most of Archbishop Angus's body, and it was too late to repair the body, and even more terrifying sword moves fell on Archbishop Angus one after another.

"It's really terrifying strength." The archbishop's body that was beaten into a pool of rotten flesh swelled rapidly, and soon turned into a twisted giant. Countless tentacles emerged from his body, and a large number of eyeballs stared at Mai Ren Knight, cast the curse of [Petrified Eye] on him.

However, this only slowed down the speed of the Myron Knight. After more than 30 minutes of fierce fighting, the Myron Knight slowly stopped.

"Has it finally stopped?" Angus, whose flesh and blood were constantly being destroyed and reborn, looked at the stopped Myron Knight and said.

Different from the swollen and deformed tall body before, the Merren knight was thin now, like an undead creature with only bones left in the human skin.


The heavy armor crushed the body of the knight Myron. He half knelt on the ground, holding a sword in one hand and staring at the scarred Archbishop Angus.

After burning out his life force and soul, Knight Myron closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Perhaps, I am not born to be a knight."

(End of this chapter)

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