The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 581 The Knights of the Old King

Chapter 581 The Knights of the Old King

"Hey, here, go here." When Lu Qing and Ling arrived at the gate of the old royal capital, a deliberately lowered male voice sounded from beside them.

"Is there someone?" Lu Qing and Ling looked at each other in surprise, after thinking about it, they decided to find out where the person who spoke was first.

Recalling the direction where the voice came from just now, Lu Qing got into a broken hole on the left side of the city wall, and soon, a man with a thin figure, one eye infected by void power, and emitting a faint red light appeared in front of them .

"Ah, by the Holy Tree, I never expected to see such a beautiful young lady in the old capital." After seeing Lu Qing's face, the man was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help admiring.

As he spoke, he shifted his gaze to Ling again: "Could this... be the son of the legendary holy tree?" The man looked at Ling hesitantly and said.

The Son of the Holy Tree is another name humans call elves. It usually appears in the mouths of the priests of the Manulife Sham religion. Those who believe in the Holy Tree firmly believe that the elves born from the branches of the Holy Tree have very mysterious and powerful power. , so in addition to the son of the holy tree, the elves also have titles such as the son of gold and the white angel.

According to the customs and habits of each region, the name will also change. The most official name is the elves, and the most widely spread name is the son of the holy tree.

Without answering the man's question, Lu Qing looked at him with some doubts, and said, "Are you a normal human being? Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm a normal human being, it's just that my eyes have been eroded by a little void power. As for the reason why I'm here" the man paused, narrowing his eyes slightly and said:

"It's okay to tell you, I think you probably guessed it, I am a priest of Manulife Sam, but unlike those crazy colleagues, I have sufficient knowledge and experience, and the brain that relies on logic to think is sorry Talk too much."

"The reason why I stay here is because it is close enough to the holy tree, so that I have enough time to study the state of the holy tree."

"Study the state of the holy tree?" Hearing the man's words, Lu Qing said in surprise. Logically speaking, it is impossible for a pious priest to use the holy tree as a research material, because it often represents blasphemy. .

"Of course, as a priest of Manulife Samism, how could he not care about the health of the sacred tree?"

"Those crazy priests are really stupid. There is something wrong with the holy tree. They can't do anything but pray every day. They also rejected my request to cut the roots of the rotten holy tree into samples for research. .”

"Ah, of course, they are probably all dead now, and no one will come to stop my research."

"Then have you researched anything?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Of course, are you willing to listen?" After hearing Lu Qing's words, the man seemed to be in high spirits, and he continued to explain for Lu Qing: "The roots of the sacred tree were originally extremely difficult to cut off, but after it withered , because of the blood energy and void power filled inside, a large number of holes were corroded."

"As long as you find the places where these holes are dense, and then use a heavy sledgehammer to strike, you can easily collect the roots of the sacred tree."

"After some research, I found that these roots still retain their original activity. As long as nutrition is involved, they will recover at an unimaginable speed."

"The reason why the sacred tree cannot obtain nutrition is mainly because of the blood energy and void power that are blocked inside the roots and form huge tumors one after another."

"If these clogged blood energy and void power can be eliminated, the roots of the holy tree will absorb a large amount of nutrients in a short period of time, and eventually fully recover."

"Is what you said true?" Lu Qing said with some doubts, she felt that the person in front of her might be bragging, or she might be telling the truth.

And there is one thing that she really cares about. The man in front of him said that he is a priest of Manulife Samism, but as a priest of Manulife Samism, would he fail to recognize his ritual attire?

She walked all the way from the cathedral in the city to the gate of the city, and almost everyone in the city has seen her, let alone the priest of Manulife Sam.

There are two possibilities. One is that the other party really did not go to the holy tree festival held by her 50 years ago. I came here after the Holy Tree Festival ended.

Of the two possibilities, Lu Qing prefers the latter.

"Trust me!" The man's expression suddenly became a little excited, he straightened up with a growl, his scarlet right eye exuded a strong breath of emptiness.

"See my eyes, this fascinating power, I can use it to see things that ordinary people can't see, that is a deeper world."

"Huhu." The man's voice gradually returned to normal. He seemed to be panting very tiredly, and gently covered his right eye with one hand and said, "I'm sorry, this eye always affects my emotions, which makes me feel tired." Get a little irritable."

"Is it really okay? You looked so scary just now." Ling floated beside Lu Qing, and couldn't help but said.

"Oh~ this kind Miss Son of the Holy Tree, don't worry, I'll be fine." The man smiled and said after hearing Ling's words.

"So why did you stop the two of us at that time?" A little worried that the other party would enter a state of anger again, Lu Qing decided to not discuss the issue of the holy tree research for the time being, but asked the man when he stopped the two of them. s reason.

"About this matter."

The man seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he said, "I mainly want to remind you that the old capital is very dangerous. There is no other living person here except me."

"Under the influence of the remnant souls of the king and queen of the old capital, the entire capital is filled with a thick fog full of undead breath. Once injured, the body will become very stiff, and there is even the risk of turning into a rotting corpse."

"Under the influence of this mist, the streets are full of twisted flesh monsters, walking carrion, and skeletons transformed into undead. However, these are not the most dangerous."

"The most dangerous is the Knights of the Old King, a patrol troop composed of a group of spirits who have lost their sanity. They patrol the streets of the capital every day. If anyone is killed by them, they will become theirs. part."

"Of course, the Old King's Knights also have patrol routes. As long as they don't make too much noise in the city, it's okay to bypass them deliberately, but there is one place that you absolutely can't go to!"

"That is the castle in the center of the old royal capital. The resentful souls of the king and queen after death have been entrenched there. Anything that dares to approach, whether it is a spirit body or a flesh and blood monster without sanity, will be violently attacked by it. s attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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