The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 593 Lucky Coins for the Weepers

Chapter 593 Lucky Coins for the Weepers
"Dad, I'm hungry." Sitting in a dark environment, the hungry Minasha said to her father who was lying not far from her.

"Hold on, Minasha, you are as strong as your mother, so you must hold on, okay?" Hearing what his daughter said, the man said in a hoarse voice, even though he was so tired that he was struggling to speak Degree.

"Well, I know." Minasha nodded. She actually just wanted to hear her father's voice, which made her realize that her father was there even when she couldn't see anything. beside.

Suddenly, Minasha thought of something, she moved gently to her father's side, stretched out her soft palm, and gently placed it on her father's chest.

"." Minasha's father noticed Minasha's movements, and a gleam of light shone in his cloudy eyes, and then he raised his right hand with great effort, and held his daughter's soft little hand.

"I want to take a break." Minasha's father said softly. He looked at Minasha in the dark with his feeling, and said, "Can I hold it for a while?"

Before Minasha could speak, the man slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Father?" Minasha looked at her father worriedly. In the books she saw, many characters said they were going to sleep, but they couldn't get up again.

But fortunately, his father was still breathing weakly, and Minasha could still feel the faint, beating heart in the palm of his father's chest.

This made Minasha feel relieved.


The sound of sand flowing came out of nowhere, Minasha suddenly remembered something, and carefully took out a golden coin from her bosom.

This was a gift from her father on her birthday last year, and it was a special coin made of pure gold that was specially entrusted to craftsmen.

The surface of the coin is engraved with ancient elf patterns representing luck, and the other side is a gently swaying four-leaf clover pattern. The ancient elf language can increase one's own luck.

Of course, this is what Minasa's father said. In fact, this gold coin has no effect.

"clang clang"

The gold coin fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and Minasha groped for the place where the gold coin fell according to the sound.

There was a cold metal touch from the fingertips, and before Minasha could pick up the gold coin, the sound of fine sand flowing suddenly increased, accompanied by the sound of some gravel being moved away.

"It seems to be here, hello, is there anyone!?" A young man's voice sounded from above the gravel.

Almost at the moment when she heard the young man's voice, Minasha's heart beat faster in vain. She opened her lips excitedly, and said, "Yes, there is someone."

There was a trace of crying in the voice, and Minasha stretched out her helpless palm on the ground where no hope could be seen.

"Is anyone out there!?" Minasa's mother also heard the young man's voice. She raised her head, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said, "Please, good-hearted people, please help us, we have already We have been locked up here for a long time, and we have a six-year-old daughter."

"I will rescue you!" The young man said with excitement after hearing the voice from the gravel.

"Come here quickly, I've found someone!" The young man said to the followers behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of excavation gradually becoming clearer, the dazzling sunlight appeared from above the crushed stones. Minasha stared at the dazzling sunlight with a concentrated expression. From the sunlight, she saw Yeye's shining blond hair, and a pair of bright, blue eyes. colored pupils.

The memory world ended after Minasha met the young king. Lu Qing really did not expect that the first meeting between the king and the queen would be under such circumstances.

And the queen is not the daughter of a nobleman, but the daughter of a wandering businessman with good luck. Besides, the most interesting point is that
In the memory world at that time, Minasha was six years old, and the king who dug up the gravel and appeared in front of Lu Qing was already a tall young man in armor.

How old is the age difference between the queen and the king?
It's a pity that no one can answer her. The Queen's memory world is over for the time being. If she wants to see more memories, she has to put her soul into the Queen's mask.

When she came back to her senses, she had returned to the real world, holding the queen's mask tightly in her hand.

【The Wailer Mask】

[The rescued soul will spontaneously surround the fire, because it is her light. When the fire goes out, the faith will also collapse. 】

[Development degree: 25%]

[The Lucky Coin of the Lamenter: Toss a lucky coin. When the coin lands and faces up, your luck will be greatly improved. When the coin lands and its tails are up, your luck will be slightly increased. 】

[However, it is worth noting that when the luck obtained by turning the coin upside down ends, it will be backlashed by the coin to reduce luck. 】

"Lucky coin?" Lu Qing looked at the skills described in the diary with some curiosity.

With a thought, a coin made of pure gold appeared in her hand. After thinking for a while, Lu Qing threw the coin into the air.


The coin fell on the hard floor tiles, making a crisp sound, and after a while of shaking, the coin landed face-up on the ground.

"Good luck." Lu Qing commented after seeing the coin turned upside down.

There is a reason for her tossing coins, and it was not a reckless act. You must know that her current state is very, very bad. If she is unlucky when she goes back and encounters some difficult enemies, things will be troublesome.

So it doesn't matter how you toss the coin, as long as it can increase your luck, it's enough. As for the backlash of the coin, after she goes back and recovers from her injuries, she should be fine if she pays attention.

But now there is no need to worry about the coin backlash. Lu Qing took back the lucky coin of the Lamenter, and searched for the exit in the underground train station with Ling.

Probably due to the effect of the Lamenter's lucky coin, she and Ling just walked around the ground by feeling, and found the exit of the underground train station.

After coming here, Lu Qing regained some of her physical strength, and her speed increased a lot. As for the skeletons and carrion that roamed the streets before, they all disappeared after the Queen's death.

As for the flesh and blood giants, she didn't meet any of them. This should be the effect brought by the lucky coin. If she encounters the flesh and blood giants now, she won't be able to defeat them. It's just that it will be very troublesome and tricky. best result.

Speaking of the flesh giant, Lu Qing remembered that she would help Jaegers kill the flesh giant's mother body and bring it to him to help him study the method of resolving the tumor inside the roots of the sacred tree. I hope that the flesh giant's mother body will not be like that. The queen's grudge spirit is so difficult to deal with.

Because of the consequences of underestimating the enemy, she no longer wants to do it a second time.

(End of this chapter)

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