Chapter 597

Exhaling a long breath of hot air, Char's brows soaked in white frowned slightly, and then wrapped the coat on the baby girl.

The blizzard is really too big, and walking here will consume a lot of calories every moment. Charl doesn't know how long the baby girl has been lying in this snow, but just in case, he still puts his own The coat came off.

Charl looked at the slope in front of him, the angle of inclination was not too great, but in such bad weather, if he forced to walk on it, it was very likely that he would be blown down by the violent storm.

Maybe there are hidden ice blocks under the snow, and an accidental slip will cause extremely serious consequences, but
The sound of howling snow suddenly disappeared, and within ten meters around Char, the snowflakes became calm one after another. This is the blessing of Char's holy tree named [Apocalypse], which can control the weather within a certain range.

As long as there is no gust of wind that is blowing all the time, it is not difficult to walk up this slope with Charle's years of experience in walking in the wild and his physical fitness.

Thinking of this, Charles squatted down slightly, adjusted his center to his lower body, and after ensuring that he would not fall easily, he carefully climbed up the slope step by step. He still held the baby girl in his arms. If he rolled down from above, nothing would happen to him, but it was hard to say what would happen to this fragile baby.

If he wanted to be more stable, he would choose to bypass this slope and go up from another place, but at the top of the slope, when the owner of the carriage was still alive and dead, he could only take a little risk to move forward.

After walking for about 5 minutes, Char finally climbed up from the slope, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

I saw the broken carriage standing in the snow, and the dazzling red was stained on the snow. Charles found some dragging traces. If he followed these dragging traces, he might be able to catch up with the creature that attacked the carriage. of.

But what's the point of catching up? Judging from the traces at the scene, the owner of the carriage who was attacked was definitely dead. Perhaps it was because he knew there was no way to survive that he pushed the baby girl down the slope.

If he hadn't happened to pass by here, the baby girl would have been frozen to death in the icy snow in the end.

Thinking of this, Charles checked the baby girl's condition again. Unexpectedly, some conditions were found out during this check, and his expression changed involuntarily.

This baby girl seems sick!
Now that there is no time to chase that creature, Char must find a way to return to the inhabited place in the shortest possible time, and then find an experienced and reliable doctor.

A reliable doctor knows where to find Char, and the only problem is how he can quickly return to the city.

Recalling the way back, Char began to walk towards the business road in his memory. As long as he could find the business road, he could follow it back to the city.

It's not far from the commercial road here, just a little bit off. Within 3 minutes, the commercial road covered by the snow appeared in Char's sight.

After roughly judging the direction, Char walked towards the south, and not long after, a road sign that looked a little worn-out appeared in his vision.

After seeing this road sign, the anxiety in Charl's heart disappeared a lot, because the road ahead was familiar to him.

Taking out a damaged wooden board collected from the wreckage of the carriage, Char used a hunting knife to simply process it.

He hollowed out a part of the inside of the board so that he could stand in the center of the board, and then cut off some corners that would affect the balance and sliding speed.

To walk on the right path of the business road, one has to go around a big circle and go down from the top. At this time, Charl has no idea of ​​honestly following the business road.

It is well known that the road most familiar to human beings is the way home, so Char is more familiar with this journey than other places, and he knows how to go back at the fastest speed.

Holding the baby girl tightly in his arms, Charle stood on the improvised skateboard with his legs, pushing gently on the snow with his hands.


The skateboard tilted forward slightly, and after encountering a downhill, it began to paddle downward at constant speed with the help of gravity.

The howling snow wind hit Char's face. It seemed that this was not the first time he had done this kind of thing. He manipulated the skateboard under his feet very skillfully and rowed towards the distant city of Fremures.

A few minutes later, under the accustomed expression of the guard in charge of guarding the city gate, Charr slowly stopped at the city gate.

"You dare to use your skateboard to come down in such a heavy snow day, and you are not afraid of accidents." The guard looked at Char who was walking towards him and said, but as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed something was wrong.

"Why don't you even put on your cotton coat, what is that in your arms?"

"Don't ask so many questions, I'm going to find a doctor first." Charle said to the guard angrily, and gave him a look at the baby girl in his arms.

"Picked up on the road, her family is likely to have died." Char said.

"Oh, poor child." The guard said subconsciously, and then put Char into the city.

After walking into the city, Char came to a medical center with ease, pushed open the door of the room and walked in.
The memory world suddenly became blurred here, and it seemed that Char was not very clear about the next memory. Just when this memory was about to disappear completely, Lu Qing suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a small piece of memory that had not been presented.

She mobilized the [Dream Maker] skill of Transcendent Sequence Nightmare to temporarily stabilize this memory, and with the stabilization of this memory, the picture in front of Lu Qing became clear again.

"Sneeze!" Charl sneezed heavily, the day after he returned from the blizzard last time, he found himself with a cold.

The reason, probably because he took off his coat at that time and was still riding a skateboard in the blizzard to blow the air, probably because he was frozen at that time.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah." A baby crying sounded from the room on the second floor.

"Alas" sighed insignificantly, Charl stood up and walked towards the room on the second floor.

I don't know if it's because of bedwetting, hunger, or other reasons. These days, Charl has gradually gotten used to it.

"It turns out that taking care of a baby is such a troublesome thing." Charl thought so.

These days he has found the identity of the baby, and he also knows that the baby's grandfather is living in a small town in Fremures. , too sad to pass away.

So there is no way, this baby girl can only be taken care of by him, since he came out of the orphanage, he doesn't want this baby girl to experience life in the orphanage again.

"Qingrou, don't cry, don't cry, let me see." Char pushed Fang Qingrou's room, and said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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