Chapter 604 Ah yes yes yes
In front of the third person, Lin pinned the man to the ground, and then chopped off the man's two arms one by one with a dagger.

Along with the scarlet foam flying, Lin's eyes gradually filled with madness, and the indifferent look in the man's eyes also gradually changed. It didn't take long before the liquid in the huge needle tube entangled and poured into Lin's body .

The man in charge of researching the void potion was a cold-blooded pervert who was indifferent to everything. He could stand beside the screaming subject and record data expressionlessly. After that experiment, he was killed by Lin who had mastered the power of the void. But no remorse can be seen in death.

"Ugh..." Lin suddenly knelt down on the ground, retching in pain, blood-red tears ran across her cheeks, and the sky of the entire memory world turned scarlet.

At this time, Lu Qing also roughly understood Lin's memory, she walked slowly behind Lin, and used the power of [Dream Maker] to gently pat Lin on the shoulder.


The scarlet world shattered in an instant, and Lu Qing found herself in a dark cell, with a damp and stench constantly pouring into her nostrils.

Frowning subconsciously, Lu Qing observed the surrounding environment, and found that this place was similar to the cell where Lin and other experimental subjects were locked up in her memory.

"This is."

Just as Lu Qing was observing the surroundings, a soft voice sounded from the cell next to her: "Well, sister, are you alright?"

"Sister?" Lu Qing froze for a moment, and then said to the cell next to her, "Are you talking about me?"

"Yes, yes." Lin who was in the cell on the other side had no idea that Lu Qing would say such a thing, and said after being slightly taken aback.

"You are?" Although Lu Qing had already guessed the other party's identity in her heart, she still asked.

"I, my name is Lin, I was arrested by them three days ago." Lin said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Really." Lu Qing lowered her head and thought, a little confused about the situation at this time.

She seems to have entered Lin's memory world, but unlike usual, this time her identity is no longer an ordinary audience, but a supporting role in it.

Although she can also use the power of [Dream Maker] to influence the direction of the story in the memory world when she is an audience, but
"It doesn't matter, let's get out of here first."

Just when Lu Qing thought so, the door at the end of the cell was pushed open, and a burly man was seen walking in the dark corridor with a little boy who had fallen asleep on his shoulders.

"Bada." The leather boots stepped on the hard stone floor and made a slightly muffled sound. The man glanced at Lu Qing, with a look of surprise on his face.

But he didn't say anything, but continued to carry the boy inside. Before and after arriving at Lin's cell, the man looked at Lin, raised his eyebrows and said, "This is your roommate from now on, so get along well. "

After finishing speaking, the man locked the cell door and came to Lu Qing's cell door.

"Yo, who caught this, she looks so pretty." The man's frivolous voice came.

"It's still a bit of a vision, but the tone sounds a little bit of a punch." Lu Qing thought in her heart, but didn't respond to the other party.

She noticed just now that she didn't seem to have any weapons on her body, only an outfit that looked like a noble lady.

Clean and tidy long leather boots, off-white trousers with a waist, a dark green long-sleeved top, and a pale black cloak.

This is presumably to blend into the background?

After all, no matter whether he was arrested or came in undercover, it doesn't make sense to have a weapon on his body.

"Don't talk." Seeing Lu Qing's silence, the man thought that the noble lady in front of him was a tough and stubborn type, and tried to reduce his aura by ignoring him.

This set is really good for civilized people, but unfortunately, he is not a civilized person.

Using the key to open the cell door, the man walked into the cell and raised his hand to touch Lu Qing's chin.


Lu Qing froze for a moment, then took a step back to avoid the man's palm.

"Very well, I like your temper." The man smiled ferociously, then stood in front of Lu Qing, and said condescendingly: "Because the more stubborn a woman is, the more fulfilled I feel when I conquer her. "

Lu Qing: "."

Ah yes yes yes.

At this time, she was already thinking about how to capture the man in front of her without making any noise. After all, she still had some questions to ask, so it would not be good to kill him directly.

In the man's eyes, her expression seemed to mean that she was unwilling to cooperate. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fist with his right hand and punched Lu Qing's abdomen fiercely.

To be honest, even if Lu Qing didn't dodge this slow blow, it would be fine, but if it was an ordinary woman, it would probably be uncomfortable for a long time to be hit by this punch.

It should not be the first time that the other party has done this kind of thing. Lu Qing has no intention of showing mercy to this kind of scum, even though this is just a memory world, not the real world.


The man was punched heavily by Lu Qing in the abdomen. The terrifying force made him speechless. Lu Qing pinched the man's neck with one hand and pressed him hard to the ground.


The man was struggling violently on the ground, but he couldn't say anything because his neck was held tightly by Lu Qing. While holding him down, Lu Qing's other hand was not idle. Pulling out a dagger from his body, he laid it slowly across the opponent's neck.

"I'll let go later, but you can't scream out, or you'll die, understand?" Lu Qing said slowly.

"Uh huh!!" The man nodded vigorously.

"very good."

Lu Qing let go of her palm, and the dagger held in the other hand was tightly attached to the man's neck.

"." Feeling the cold touch from the neck, the man was so scared that he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva.

"Hehe, in the final analysis, you are a bullying waste. Where was your toughness before?" Seeing this, Lu Qing couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, I'm trash, hahahaha." The man smiled dryly, sweating profusely.

"Tell me, where is this place, what is it for specifically, if I am satisfied with the answer, it's not that I can't consider letting your life go." Lu Qing looked at the man and said.

"Will you really let me go after I finish speaking?" The man was not a fool, he asked immediately.

"Do you have a choice?" Lu Qing asked back.


"Forget it, I won't ask you any more." Shaking her head, Lu Qing thrust the dagger (possibly a river crab) into the man's neck with a frightened expression on his face.

Taking away the other party's key, Lu Qing stood up from the ground, came to Lin's cell and opened the cell door with the key.

It's not impossible to use the key, but it will be a bit laborious. She can choose to pick the lock, or choose some methods with more movement.

But if you have the keys and still do that kind of thing, isn't that free?
(End of this chapter)

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