Chapter 606 The Dark Alley

Minasha's father did not die. After careful treatment and care, although her legs could not be saved, her life was finally saved.

According to the doctor, he was almost wandering in front of the gate of hell, but in the end he didn't go in. His tenacious will to survive didn't let him die in that dark cave.

Compared with life, just losing a pair of legs is already very good, and Minasa's father has no dissatisfaction about it.

Now he doesn't need to travel all year round to do business, even if his legs are gone, it's not too serious.

As for why His Royal Highness Prince Fanhusda passed by that trade route and rescued Minasa and others who were buried under the rubble?
This was just a coincidence. During the hunting activity for practicing archery, an injured reindeer ran around, gradually moved away from the scope of the original hunting ground, and brought the prince and others near the trade road.

The magician in the team told His Royal Highness the information after feeling the riot of the earth elements, and asked them to come over to investigate the situation.

It just so happened that not all the people in the caravan were buried by the rubble, and some of them survived. They told the kind-hearted Prince His Royal Highness what happened to them, and after hearing the pleas of these people, the young and wealthy The prince with a sense of justice decided to save all the buried people.

There is nothing to talk about after that, it is nothing more than a long excavation, because the earth element here has not been mobilized by the mountain shaker for a long time, the earth element here is extremely lively, if you use the earth element to dig, it is very likely lead to secondary collapse.

Therefore, manpower can only be used during the excavation process. Even if the prince called many guards and craftsmen from the capital, the excavation speed is very slow.

This is why it took nearly a week of digging to find Minasha and others.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." Sitting in the carriage going back, Minasa's father looked at His Royal Highness with a grateful face and said.

"It's okay, protecting the citizens is what I should do." The prince in the polished armor said with a smile.

The eldest prince, Kevin, is rumored to be a very gentle man. It is said that his favorite thing is to read knight publications in his spare time. He has a deep understanding of knight etiquette and is very willing to appreciate those who abide by knight virtues. people.

This may be one of the reasons why he will accept the Knight of Myron as his confidant in the future, Lu Qing thought so.

She glanced at Minasha again. This little girl had completely become a little fan of the eldest prince Kevin at this time, and the admiration in her eyes was almost radiating to the eldest prince Kevin.

Being watched by such fiery eyes, it was difficult for the eldest prince Kevin not to pay attention. He couldn't help chatting with Minasha, and soon became familiar with the little girl with silver-white hair.

Maybe it was a whim, or maybe it was some other reason, the eldest prince Kevin gave Minasha's parents an envelope, telling them that they could use this envelope to let Minasha go to the royal academy in the capital, and he would communicate with her in advance. The people above said hello.

In this way, the first meeting between Minasha and the eldest prince Kevin ended.

This fragment of memory became blurred here, and when Lu Qing came back to her senses, she found that Minasha had grown up a lot, wearing a well-made dark blue uniform and standing in a clean white corridor.

She knew this uniform, if nothing else happened, it was the school uniform of the Royal Academy. If that was the case, then Minasha should be on the campus of the Royal Academy at this time.

At this time, a burly middle-aged man walked over from the other side of the corridor and stopped in front of Minasha.

"Well, you are Minasha?" The middle-aged man looked down at Minasha, and said with some surprise in his eyes.

"En." Minasha nodded, she seemed a little excited.

"Okay, come with me." The man led Minasha into the teacher's room next to him. As soon as he walked in, they heard some noisy discussions.

"Everyone be quiet." The man clapped his hands, then looked at the students below and said, "Today we have a new skipper in our class."

"Plop, plop." Minasa's heart was beating fast, and she couldn't help but fly to the edge of the classroom, the figure with short blond hair sitting in the sun.

"Let me introduce myself." The middle-aged teacher said to Minasha.

"Okay." Minasa's eyes were shining brightly, she looked at the eldest prince Kevin, and said slowly: "My name is Minasa, I am 12 years old, a skipping student, majoring in talent management, military theory and In politics, the color you like is gold and the color you hate is black."

Along with Minasha's self-introduction, the classroom couldn't help but murmured. In this classroom where most of the people were 20 years old, even 30-year-olds, it was inevitable that the 12-year-old Minasha It would seem too special.

But in any case, being able to enter this classroom means that Minasha's theoretical grades in all subjects have passed, and it is impossible to force her in by relying on interpersonal relationships.

"Kai~wen~brother~brother~" After class, Minasha couldn't wait to run to the eldest prince Kevin, and said in a drawn-out tone.

"Long time no see, Minasha." Kevin said with a smile on his face.

"Don't you wonder why I'm here?" Minasha knelt on the chair in front of Kevin's desk with two slender short legs, and put her hands on her cheeks.

"I've heard it a long time ago, a self-taught genius, a girl who can get full marks in almost every subject, and a girl who keeps skipping grades."

"To be honest, I was really surprised when I heard it for the first time." After a pause, Kevin added.

"Hmph, I'm very powerful." Minasha raised her head and said proudly: "In the future, I will assist brother Kevin, and I will definitely make you a king!"

"It's not fun to say that." Kevin's mouth twitched twice, and he said, "There are still many candidates for the king. If you spread your words, something big will happen."

"Hee hee, no one can hear it, this is a little secret between us!" Minasha smiled mischievously.


"Why didn't I realize you were like this before?" Kevin looked at Minasha helplessly, and after thinking about it, he said, "Smart."

"Of course I'm smart, how can I assist the king if I'm not smart?" Minasha said naturally.

"You didn't apply for the military and talent management exam just to find me, did you?" Kevin said with a bit of a headache.

"When" Minasha opened her mouth, then stuck out her tongue and said, "Hey, guess."

"This..." Kevin wanted to say that there was no need to guess at all, but he opened his mouth and finally said nothing. After a moment of silence, a relieved smile appeared on his face: "Just be happy. "

"Welcome to the military class, let's get to know each other again, my name is Kevin, I am 22 years old, and my favorite color is"

"Blue." Kevin looked into Minasha's eyes and said mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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