The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 608 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 608 Meeting an Acquaintance
The internal structure of the Iron City is completely different from what Lu Qing had imagined before coming here. It is narrow, crowded, dimly lit, and there is a rusty smell that lingers in the air all the time.

This place is like an iron cage built by human beings to survive. They lock themselves here and never take a step outside.
"Boom boom boom."

There was a huge sound of metal friction, as if it was time to work, and the machinery in various factories in the City of Steel was running at this moment.

Lu Qing had no intention of exploring these factories. She and Ling continued to walk towards the interior of the Steel City. As they moved forward, the buildings on both sides of the street became more lively.

Lu Qing took off her ceremonial costumes that were not so gregarious, and put the dexterous cloak on the outermost layer to cover her long silver-white hair. At the same time, she let Ling hide under her cloak.

Some residents of the City of Steel woke up from their sleep. They walked out of their narrow rooms and looked at Lu Qing, who was neatly dressed and carried a large number of weapons, with curious eyes.

Of course, it was just a look, but no one dared to go up and talk to Lu Qing. In the city of steel, people's hearts were as closed as steel.

They have their own jobs, but these jobs are very cheap, and they work from dawn to dusk every day, and they can barely maintain food and clothing, but at least, this is much better than those homeless people who have nowhere to go.

Without wasting too much time on Lu Qing, the men lowered their heads one after another and rushed towards the location of the factory in a hurry.

Lu Qing looked at the backs of those who left, shook her head in her heart, and dismissed the idea of ​​asking about the status of these people.

She now needs to collect some information, at least to have a basic understanding of this city made of steel.

As for the ways to obtain information, there are many ways. Lu Qing looked around, and then came to a boy squatting on the ground playing with stones.

"If you put it like this, all the stones will collapse." Lu Qing said after seeing the boy holding a stone in his hand and trying to pile it on top of the stone.

"." The boy glanced at Lu Qing, stood up directly from the ground, and ran to the distance without looking back.

"Um, it failed." Lu Qing looked at the little boy who left, and scratched her cheek with her fingers in embarrassment.

She picked up the stones that the boy threw on the ground, and then carefully stacked them on top of the stone tower left by the boy.

Accompanied by the sound of stones colliding with each other, as expected, the stone tower built by the boy with stones collapsed. There is no way to do it. After all, the boy built it wrong from the bottom of the building, and the foundation was not done properly. How high can it be?

Speaking of which, Lu Qing didn't think of one thing until this time. If she didn't guess wrong, she is currently under the backlash effect of the lucky coin, and her own luck will decline.

Maybe that's why the boy ran away when he saw her?
But if luck is really down, then why didn't something unlucky happen to the previous train, such as a sudden engine failure or something.

There are two possibilities, one is that the luck that the lucky coin reduces is not very much, and the other possibility is that the effect of the lucky coin to reduce luck may be in an instant.

When she encounters something that may be more critical, she suddenly reduces her luck, causing a backlash effect.

Lu Qing hopes it is the first type. If it is the second type, then she will be in great trouble. I believe that kind of thing will happen to everyone. As long as you are lucky, the result will be completely different.
Suddenly, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps. Lu Qing looked in the direction of the sound and found a group of soldiers wearing steel armor and holding brass-colored steam rifles coming to this street.

After Lu Qing observed carefully for a while, she found that their target did not seem to be herself, but a building next to the street.

One of them kicked open the door of the building, and the rest rushed into the house with him holding a steam rifle.

"Raise your hand, someone reported you for contraband!" Lu Qing, who had excellent hearing, heard what the other party said in the room.

"What are the contraband?" Lu Qing thought curiously, relying on the [Breath Blocking] skill brought by the Florentine Eagle Ezio card, she quietly touched the side of the building without causing any damage. One's attention.

"I, I don't have any contraband here, it's all slander!" A man's voice came from the room.

"Whether there are any contraband is up to you, search for me!" The man who seemed to be the captain said in a cold tone.

After the voice fell, the remaining soldiers began to search the room. After a while, the captain's voice sounded again: "Hehe, there are no contraband? Then what is it?"

"I, I." The man was a little speechless, just when Lu Qing was curious about what that contraband was, she suddenly noticed a breath of void power spreading in the room.

"I was forced, why are you forcing me!" The man's distorted voice sounded in the room, besides that, there was the growling of the captain.

"Quick, he's gone mad, fire!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

The loud sound of the steam rifle entered the ears, and within 2 minutes, the movement in the room disappeared.

"Those weapons also have the power of the fire element!" Ling who was hiding under Lu Qing's cloak seemed to have sensed something, and said hastily.

"Pick up his corpse and throw it into the cremator." The captain said to the soldiers under him.


Listening to the sound of something being dragged in the room, Lu Qing roughly guessed what happened inside.

The man with the contraband, if nothing else, should have used the power of the void to transform into some kind of powerful monster, and the soldiers killed the deformed man with a steam rifle with the power of the fire element.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for ordinary steam rifles to cause damage to creatures polluted by the void.

However, Lu Qing was still a little curious about what the contraband was. She waited patiently for a while, and soon saw one of the soldiers walking out of the room holding an iron box.

What surprised Lu Qing was that the items in the iron box actually exuded a blue light that belonged to props!

This further strengthened Lu Qing's idea of ​​wanting to take that thing away. Thinking of this, she suddenly burst out of the shadows, and without anyone reacting, she grabbed the iron box in her hands.

"Who!?" Although the team leader reacted quickly, when he raised the steam rifle, Lu Qing had already disappeared from their sight.

After a while, Lu Qing appeared in a dark alley, the hood on top of her head slowly slipped off, revealing her long silver-white hair.

Before Lu Qing opened the box to check the attributes of the item, a female voice sounded familiar from behind her.

"Excuse me, are you the Princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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