The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 611 Operation of the Quiet Sect

Chapter 611 Operation of the Quiet Sect

Irene looked at Lu Qing, her gaze seemed to go back to the time when she took care of Her Royal Highness decades ago. It seemed that Her Royal Highness has been so gentle since a long time ago.

How long ago was that memory? Irene can't remember it now, but she just vaguely remembers that Her Royal Highness at that time was always emitting a light that people couldn't help but want to follow.

This may be the reason why she is still willing to tell the other party everything 50 years later.

"If you want to check the status of the fire element, I may have some solutions." After thinking for a while, Irene looked at Lu Qing and said.

"Really?" Lu Qing asked in surprise.

Even the core members of the Iron Church don't know exactly where the fire element is. People only know that the fire element is in the core of the city of steel, providing warmth and power for the entire city.

That is the heart of the city of steel, and it is the basis for the survival of the people who support the city of steel until now.

Lu Qing just wanted to ask Irene about some news in the city of steel, and never thought that the other party could provide her with information on the location of the fire element.

"Of course it is true. Regarding the location of the Fire Element, the Guiji Sect has been searching for it in secret." Irene nodded and continued: "The reason why the Iron Sect is able to control the city is because they control the city." driving force at the heart of the city of steel."

"As long as the person at the top of the Iron Order wants to, they can paralyze the entire city at any time."

"This is the foundation of the status of the Iron Order. If the Quiet Sect wants to overthrow the Iron Order's rule, they can only find the location of the fire element first."

"The Guiji Sect wants to subvert the Iron Sect and replace it?" Lu Qing asked with some doubts: "What is the reason for them to do this?"

In her impression, the Guiji Sect is a group of lunatics polluted by the power of the void. The idea of ​​the whole sect is that the sacred tree affects the evolution of human beings. Only by destroying the sacred tree and exposing all human beings to the power of the void can the The whole world ushered in progress.

At present, the holy tree has been withered by Archbishop Angus using large-scale ritual magic, as long as they wait patiently, until the moment when Archbishop Angus completely devours the core of the holy tree, won't their purpose be completed?

From this point of view, whether they want to subvert the Iron Order's rule over Iron City, or spread void potions around the city are superfluous.

"The Guiji Sect wants to increase compatriots." Irene saw Lu Qing's doubts and said, she is also a member of the Guiji Sect now. Although her status is not very high, she still has a good understanding of some matters in the sect.

At least he knows more than Lu Qing.

"Those void potions that have been spread out, in fact, the movement of every one is paid attention to by the Quiet Sect. Those who inject the void potion will be observed by them until someone has a perfect or semi-perfect fusion potion."

"The Quiet Sect will accept those who have perfect and semi-perfect fusion potions as part of them. That's how I joined the Quiet Sect at the beginning."

"I understand." Lu Qing lowered her head slightly, thinking: "Such behavior of the Guiji Sect will definitely be blocked by the Iron Cult. They set the Void Potion as a contraband and prohibit all private transactions of Void Potion. "

"This has greatly affected the behavior of the new members of the Returning Silence Sect. If they can control the Steel City in their own hands, they can dispense void potions at will, right?"

"Almost so."

"En." Lu Qing nodded, then looked at Irene and said, "There is news about the location of the fire element."

"Actually, I'm not sure if I can get information about the location of the fire element." Irene shook her head and said, "It's just that tomorrow afternoon, a core member of the Iron Order who likes dancing very much will hold a dance viewing party."

Irene took out a portrait out of nowhere, which showed a majestic old nobleman in light red noble attire.

"This is the appearance of that core member. He used to be a nobleman of Vanhusdar. He pays great attention to etiquette and likes to watch dances. After coming to the city of steel, because of the environment here. You know."

"In short, he likes watching dances more now, and he will hold a dancing party almost every once in a while."

"Because I am the owner of this tavern, I have two tickets to watch the dance party. In addition, I can also bring a dancer with superb dancing skills."

"Someone from the sect came to me, and they asked me to bring a member of the sect to watch the dance when I went to the dance tomorrow."

"However, I don't know the identity and appearance of that member, but I can roughly guess that he is an upper-level member of the sect, and it is very likely that he has a serial number."

"Number?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Well." Irene nodded, and said: "The core members of the sect all have their own numbers, from one hundred to one, and only the first five numbers are eligible to participate in the sect meeting, as for number one."

"Is it Archbishop Angus?" Lu Qing said without Irene going on.


"." Lu Qing subconsciously tapped her leg with her finger. After thinking for a while, she said, "If it is a core member with a serial number, is it possible that the other party is someone who saw my appearance 50 years ago?"

"The number has changed quite frequently in the past 50 years, but it is not impossible." Irene said after hearing Lu Qing's words, recalling it.

"I can prepare a veil or other things to cover your face, but if you see silver hair, no one should think of you."

"No need." Lu Qing shook her head and said, "I have other ways."

"That would be great." Irene was a little curious about what method Lu Qing said, so she asked, "Can you tell me what method it is?"


Replying to Irene without saying a word, Lu Qing closed her eyes, and then transformed her body into the form of [Black Rose Vampire].

"What is this?" Irene asked in surprise as she looked at Lu Qing who had changed greatly.

"Just treat this as a way of camouflage." Lu Qing looked at Irene and said.

"Great, I was worried that your figure might not be able to get in as a dancer, so I don't need to worry!" Irene looked a little happy.

Lu Qing: "???"

What's wrong with my figure? If I'm shorter, flatter, and my butt is not so raised, can I not be a dancer? This is discrimination!Lu Qing protested angrily in her heart.

It's a pity that Irene couldn't hear what she was saying in her heart, and Lu Qing was too embarrassed to say these words directly, so she could only hold back her protest in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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