Chapter 613 Number Two

"I think it fits pretty well." Lu Qing changed into the clothes that Irene brought her, and stood in front of the mirror, looking left and right.

"Ah, Ling'er thinks this outfit is very pretty!" Ling floated beside Lu Qing, floating up and down constantly.

This is a set of light black clothing that is easy to move around. Lu Qing doesn't know the specific material used, but it feels very smooth when the palm of your hand is lightly brushed over it.

The slightly tight design of the upper body of the clothes makes the girl in the form of the [Black Rose Vampire] in the mirror appear slender. There is no trace of fat, only the slightly sunken abdomen near the navel, which looks very cute.

And under the lower abdomen, there is a black and purple pleated skirt, and as the figure turns slightly, the skirt is also flying up and down briskly.

Raise your left hand slightly, and pull up the tulle-like black middle finger cuff. Against the backdrop of the triangular black fabric, the palm and the fabric are clearly separated at the junction of white and black.

"Maybe it's still a little tight?" After Lu Qing finished speaking, she walked lightly for two more steps.

"Ling'er thinks it's just right." Ling said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"It's normal to be a little tighter. If you feel looser, I'll have to change it up." Irene looked at Lu Qing in the dance costume with admiring eyes and said.

This is a completely different feeling from Her Royal Highness, perhaps because of her temperament, even in the form of a black rose vampire, Irene cannot see that noble and mysterious feeling in Lu Qing.

On the contrary, the current Her Royal Highness may be cuter than before?
"This feeling is quite strange." Lu Qing looked at herself in the mirror, then sat on the sofa, picked up the breakfast that Irene prepared for her and said.

It’s still the same body as before, but suddenly the body shape has changed a lot, and I’m wearing clothes that I’ve never experienced before. It’s as if the world in my eyes has suddenly changed to another appearance, full of novelty.

"That hiccup river and crab dust, why will you be late?" Lu Qing asked Irene while eating.

Don't tell me, the breakfast Irene prepared for her was quite delicious. It consisted of fried pancakes wrapped in tough meat, vegetables and a slightly sweet sauce.

In addition, there is gruel, the two add up to a lot, at least as large as three servings of adults, it seems that even in the past 50 years, Irene has not forgotten that Her Royal Highness has a big appetite.

"What kind of meat is this? It's delicious." After swallowing the food in her mouth, Lu Qing looked at Irene curiously.

"The core members of the sect will arrive at noon today. As for this meat." After a little hesitation, Irene looked at Lu Qing and said, "This is a kind of worm meat called protein worm, because it is very easy to feed, adult meat The size is also very large, so it has become the mainstream breeding animal in the city of steel."

"Worm, worm?" Lu Qing was slightly stunned, and then said: "The protein is six times that of beef, and it tastes great?"

"What are you talking about?" Irene looked at Lu Qing with some doubts.

"No, it's nothing." Lu Qing said with a slightly embarrassed dry smile.

She doesn't feel uncomfortable about eating worm meat. In essence, there is no difference between worm meat and pork, as long as it doesn't taste bad.

Like in reality, don't some people also eat cicada pupae and locusts?
Of course, if you let her eat a whole worm raw like in some wilderness survival programs, then forget it. Instead of eating that kind of thing, she might as well eat wood.

"By the way, are there still flour and vegetables in the City of Steel?" Lu Qing suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously.

Wheat is needed to make flour, and land is needed to grow vegetables. There should be no problem with the land, but what about the light?
"There are vegetables and flour. In addition, there are rice and various fruits in the Iron City." After hearing what Lu Qing said, Irene explained to her:

"There are many greenhouses in the city of steel. With the help of the power of the fire element to provide light for the crops, the output is not bad, but there are many people who buy it, so it is very expensive."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Qing felt that when Irene said this, there seemed to be a look of pain on her face.

Thinking about her appetite, maybe Irene's painful expression is not her illusion.
The core member of the Guiji Sect will not come until noon, and the time from noon is not too short, but it is not too long, so she will not go out wandered off.

If you don't go out, there seems to be nothing to do in the tavern. After thinking about it, Lu Qing began to practice in her room.

This practice, she did not expect to actually achieve some results, and her [Fan Hu Si Dan Breathing Method] has been upgraded.

[Fan Husi Dread Breathing Method LV7-LV8]

[Strength +1] [Agility +1] [Physical +1] [Spirit +0]

Perhaps because Lu Qing's attributes are already high enough, [Fan Hu Si Dan's breathing method] has not brought her as much improvement as before, and her spirit has not increased at all.

Some people may wonder why breathing can increase spiritual attributes. This is mainly because the body and the spirit are one.

The increase of the body can enhance the power of the spirit, and the improvement of the spirit power can affect the soul. The embodiment in the dream game is that the player cannot increase all the attribute points in the spirit without thinking. When the value of the spirit is too high, Only by increasing physical fitness can we continue to increase spiritual attributes.


Stretching her body vigorously, Lu Qing withdrew from the state of cultivation. Counting the time, the core member of the Guiji Sect would almost come here.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing walked out of her room and walked down the stairs from the second floor of the tavern.

When she came to the space on the first floor of the tavern, she immediately saw that Irene was talking with a man in a dress, and when Lu Qing saw the man's appearance, she immediately froze in place .

She had seen that man before. During the Holy Tree Festival, with the help of Wein's sight, he looked down from a high altitude.
Fortunately, she made preparations in advance, otherwise, if she appeared in front of the other party with the face of Princess Lu Qing, she might be exposed at a glance.

"Ah, just right, she's already here." Irene said to the man in front of her after seeing Lu Qing coming down the stairs on the second floor.

"Oh?" Hearing Irene's words, the man turned around and focused his gaze on Lu Qing.

"Hello, I am the dancer who participated in the dance party this time. My name is..." After a pause, Lu Qing realized that she and Irene didn't seem to have decided on the name of their false identity.

Fortunately, her brain was working very fast, but after a slight pause for half a second, she continued, "My name is Rose."

(End of this chapter)

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