Chapter 618 Flesh Crystals

[Dark Magic·Dark Bullet! 】

Lu Qing drew out a large amount of spiritual power from her body, forming a dark energy bullet with a diameter of about five meters, and shot it from her palm towards the flower of flesh and blood that was pressed to the ground by gravity magic.


The dark bullet full of corrosive power hit the body of the flower of flesh and blood, and after a while, a huge hole was corroded. With the giant double-headed ax of the black mist giant falling down, the flower of flesh and blood transformed by No. [-] Hua completely lost her movement.

【Magic element +2000】

Lu Qing felt a little surprised when the words "increased magic essence" popped up in the diary.

The death of No. [-] may have been too simple, so that it made her feel unreal, but the words that the magic essence has increased appeared in the diary at this time
"Is there a possibility that it's not that the enemy is too weak, but that I'm too strong." Lu Qing looked at the black mist giant beside her and thought.

The giant of black mist summoned by the mask of the Wailer is too powerful, and in a sense, this giant of black mist is his father.

"Well, Dad is really too strong." Lu Qing commented in her heart.

"Hiss" had already started to hurt her head, she had no choice but to take off the wailer mask from her cheek.

The white hypnotic gas hadn't dissipated at this time, Lu Qing came to the corpse of the Flower of Flesh, and found that there was an item emitting deep purple light in its body.

"What is this?" Lu Qing sliced ​​open the body of the Flower of Flesh with the holy silver secret dagger, and took the purple-quality item in her hand.

[Prop Name: Flesh Crystal]

[Item Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: A special crystal that will be produced in a powerful void individual. It is said that the Quiet Sect once produced an imitation of the flesh and blood crystal. It was made with twisted technology, a taboo among taboos! 】

[Skill: None]

[Remarks: Let it bloom, the flower named Twisted. 】

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere before." Lu Qing looked at the information recorded in the diary, and after recalling for a while, she opened the locker of the hut and took it out after defeating the cursed creature in Fan Lingshui Lake. Items dropped.

[Prop Name: Broken Flesh Crystal]

[Item Quality: Purple]

[Introduction: The crystal made by distorted technology is a taboo among taboos, very dangerous! 】

[However, once the power of taboo is mastered, who cares about the risks? 】

The brief introduction can be matched, there is no mistake, the damaged flesh and blood crystal is an imitation item of the Guiji Sect.

I don't know if there was an accident after the imitation, or if it was left in Fanlingshui Lake on purpose. If it wasn't for the monster full of pollution, the water in Fanlingshui Lake would have recovered under the self-purification of water elements.

"Get out of here first."

Lu Qing held the unconscious Irene in her arms with one hand, and held Senator Diss on her shoulder with the other hand.

"Where did Ling go?" Before leaving, Lu Qing suddenly remembered something.

Because there is really no place for the spirit to hide in the dance clothes Irene gave her, so Lu Qing left the spirit in the Dujuan Tavern, but at this time the Dujuan Tavern has been collapsed by No. Where is the spirit?

"Ling, are you there?" Lu Qing called out tentatively.

"Ah, I'm here!" When Lu Qing shouted a second time, Ling's voice sounded from Lu Qing's side.

"Where did you go before?" After hearing Ling's voice, Lu Qing came to Ling's side and asked curiously.

"Ling'er stayed in the Cuckoo Tavern before, but after that, out of curiosity, she wandered around the nearby streets, and came back after hearing the movement here."

"Don't worry, no one will see Ling'er, elves are very good at concealment." Ling's voice sounded a little confident.

"Is that so?" Lu Qing's intuition told her that Ling was not lying, and considering her purple intuition skills, this idea was probably correct.

As long as you know that Ling is not lying, Lu Qing let Ling follow her, and at the same time told Ling what happened after they separated.

The Cuckoo Tavern is gone, and Lu Qing plans to go back to the dark tunnel and talk in the train they came on.

At this time, there were people from the Iron Order wearing breathing filters in the sleeping gas. She quietly bypassed these people and returned to the train without any danger.

After waiting for a while, about two or three hours later, Irene and Congressman Diss woke up from sleep one after another.

It was Irene who woke up first. Lu Qing told her what happened after she fell asleep, and she also remembered the explosion of her tavern after waking up.

"My tavern." Irene said with a distressed look.

She has lived in the city of steel for so many years, relying on her own void power and some resources of the Quiet Sect, she worked hard step by step to become the owner of the Dujuan Tavern.

It was impossible to say that she had no affection for the tavern, but
"Fortunately, all my money is in the bank." Irene suddenly changed her expression.

Although there was a lot of cash stored in the tavern, as long as the bank didn't close down and she didn't die, the land of the tavern still belonged to her, and compared to the money for the land, it didn't cost much to rebuild a tavern.

"If Her Royal Highness cured the sacred tree, then the tavern would not be important." Irene's eyes were full of hope, and she looked at Lu Qing and thought.

"Uh" At the same time, Congressman Diss, who was placed on the train seat by Lu Qing, woke up.

"This is..." Senator Diss sat up with some headaches, looked around, and said, "This is the train from Steel City?"

Long-lasting memories flooded his mind, and Senator Diss recalled the scene of him taking the train to the City of Steel with other members of the Iron Order more than ten years ago.

"You are Miss Rose and Irene, the owner of the Cuckoo Tavern?" Congressman Diss gradually remembered what happened before he fell into a coma, and quickly looked to his side and said, "Where's that monster!?"

"We're not escaping from the City of Steel right now!" Congressman Diss broke into a cold sweat thinking that he was sitting on a train in the City of Steel.

"Please calm down." Lu Qing comforted the flustered Congressman Diss, and then repeated what she had said to Irene to Congressman Diss.

"It has been eliminated, Miss Rose, did you eliminate it?" After listening to Lu Qing's words, Councilman Diss said in a daze.

"That's right, I was the one who eliminated it. In fact, I have the same purpose as that member of the Quiet Sect. I also want to ask you about the location of the fire element." Lu Qing looked at Representative Diss with sincere eyes and said:
"I hope you can tell me what you know. This news is really important to me."

"I'm sorry." Representative Diss squirmed his lips, hesitated for a while, and said: "Even if you are my savior, I can't tell you about the fire element."

"You can ask me to do something else to repay you, as long as it's something I can do and it won't touch my bottom line."

"It will be all right!"

(End of this chapter)

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