The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 86 Can crows catch fish?

Chapter 86 Can crows catch fish?

Vin was summoned by her on the first night, during the free time after the dance at the beginning.

Lu Qing originally asked him to fly outside to patrol, but he didn't expect to fly for a whole day, and he didn't come back until now.

Looking at the ice wall in front of him, Wein stretched out his paws and scratched it, but failed to leave any marks.

"It seems that we can only wait." Standing by the iron window, Wein looked into the cell through the ice wall, and after confirming that Lu Qing was fine, he closed his eyes and rested in peace.

The next day, in the early morning, as the sun rose, the ice wall was taken back by the ice monster at some point.

Feeling physically tired, Lu Qing woke up from the stone chair. She looked out the window and saw Wein resting by the window at a glance.


Overjoyed in her heart, Lu Qing just wanted to say hello when she suddenly remembered that she hadn't taken down the piercing ring yet.

I was so tired yesterday that I forgot about it and fell asleep lying on the stone chair.

Before coming to the penetrating ring, Lu Qing looked into the ring, and saw that the ice monster was standing motionless in the middle of the room.

Compared with Lu Qing's room full of all kinds of bugs, there might not be any creatures in the ice monster's room except for the ice monster.

The thick snow and ice covered all life, and the cold air flowed in the room. The original wall surface in the cell had long been occupied by azure blue ice.

What attracts the most attention is actually a snowman in the corner of the room.

This snowman is very small, it looks about 1.5 meters, with a round body and the same round head.

Two square ice cubes are inlaid on the snowman's head to act as eyes, and the nose is a piece of ice that is a circle larger than the eyes.

In addition, there are two long square ice cubes inserted on both sides of the snowman's body, which are used as arms, and a blue ice top hat is worn on the snowman's head. Cute and cute.

"Can ice monsters still make snowmen?" Lu Qing couldn't help thinking when she saw this.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing decided to say hello first and give it a try.

"Mr. Ice Monster, are you there?"

The ice monster standing in the room stood quietly on the spot. After Lu Qing finished speaking, she stared carefully at the other party. After seeing that there was no reaction, she took the penetrating ring off the wall and walked towards the iron window.

She didn't want the ice monster to know Vin, it was just some vigilance in her heart.

The sound insulation effect of the cell is good. Usually, as long as the noises from other creatures in the cell are not too loud, Lu Qing can't hear it at all.

Similarly, as long as her voice in the cell is controlled within a certain range, even the ice monster next door can't hear it clearly.

When she came to the barred window, Lu Qing looked helplessly at Wein, who had her eyes closed tightly. Although she was a little embarrassed, Lu Qing still wanted to wake him up.

The girl's slender fingers gently pushed on Wein's forehead, and said, "Wein, don't sleep, it's time to wake up."


Pushed and shaken by Lu Qing's fingers, Wein woke up after a while. He opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, he recovered, looked at Lu Qing and said, "Gah, good morning, little master."

"Can't you unify the titles?" Lu Qing pushed Wein hard with her fingers.

"What do you want me to call you, little master?" Wein took two steps back and walked away from Lu Qing's fingers.

"Well, let me think about it"

Lu Qing put her finger on her chin, thought for a while, and said:

"Remove the small one and call the master."

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Wein showed a humanized look of disgust on Bird's face, and said:
"Ga, you woman really exposed your true thoughts. You must be very proud to have such a great existence like me be your servant, right Ga?"

"This stinking bird."

Lu Qing helped her forehead. She originally thought that Wein's character had improved, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this topic, what did you see outside?" Lu Qing asked.

When it comes to business, Wein's expression became serious, and he said:
"Ga, fly out of the iron window, the outside is a sea, and the prison is a part of a huge sky building Ga."

"I flew up to the sky to have a look, and found that this building floating in the air is a huge city. It has everything that should be in the city, including residential areas, barracks, city walls, sentry towers, arrow towers, and magic towers. wait."

"Besides, there are warehouses, arsenals, granaries and other messy things."

"There are a large number of demons living in the city, and in the center of the city, there is a huge castle with a considerable number of demon soldiers patrolling it."

"I just took a rough look at these things and didn't get close. The bows and crossbows in the hands of those demon soldiers were too much to bear. Afterwards, I went to the sea to catch a fish to replenish my strength, and I came back after eating."

"When I came back, I found that the bars were covered by a layer of ice, and then I fell asleep outside, and I just woke up now."

"Can crows catch fish too, and are you sure the bars are covered with a layer of ice?" Lu Qing asked immediately after hearing Wein's words.

Wein rolled his eyes at Lu Qing and said:

"Don't compare me with those ordinary stupid birds. Isn't it easy for me to catch a fish?"

"Also, who do you think you are questioning? I am the heir to the great god of misfortune and misfortune. How could I misread even a small layer of ice?"

"It's not just the iron windows, the door of the cell is actually blocked by ice. The ice is very strange. It won't absorb heat, but instead locks the heat in the room, making the cell much warmer last night. It's a pity. The bird couldn't get in, and it was freezing outside all night."

"That's it"

These ices should be made by ice monsters. It seems that the other party is helping him?
But why, Lu Qing couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to help her, she didn't think she could help the ice monster.

If you can't figure it out, just don't think about it, anyway, the other party is next door to you, so let's ask later.

Before that, Lu Qing touched her shriveled belly with her hands, looked at Wein and asked:

"Could you catch another fish and bring it up?"

The piece of bread from yesterday had been digested long ago, and the fever subsided. At this moment, Lu Qing felt very hungry.

After knowing that Wein could catch fish, the thought of eating fish almost never stopped.

"It really can call birds."

Wein complained, but didn't say much. He flapped his wings and flew down from the bars. It seemed that he was going to catch fish.

Looking at the place where Wein disappeared, a smile appeared on Lu Qing's face.

"This guy's personality isn't that bad."

(End of this chapter)

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