This Qing is wrong

Chapter 11 The Frightened Qing Army Refuses to Negotiate

Chapter 11 The Frightened Qing Army Refuses to Negotiate
"My lord, that Li Changqing is likely to be a Taoist master who can't be seen in the world, and his negotiation this time is probably to lure your lord to black hands, my lord, please think twice.

We still have hundreds of soldiers, and the Xiyi puppets who entered Li Changqing's house were only a dozen or so, and they were wounded, and less than [-]% of their combat strength remained. Our advantage is very great!
The subordinates are willing to personally bring the soldiers of the headquarters to surround Li Changqing's house, or attack it by force or set it on fire with kerosene and other things. "

After the previous battle with the Swadian militia, in the eyes of Yan Dingjun and his party, Li Changqing's threat level clearly surpassed that of Zhang Jianfei, a seventh-rank martial artist who knows everything.

Although Taoist disciples are weak in melee combat and are easy to kill, their methods are treacherous and changeable. Even Taoist disciples from the same sect have completely different Taoism skills.

Compared with Wufu, no one is willing to easily provoke a Taoist master.

Of course, it is precisely because Taoist spells are complex and treacherous that it is difficult to count, so all kinds of "warlocks" will emerge in the rivers and lakes and pretend to be Taoist disciples to deceive and deceive.

For example, the most common fortune-teller, the ability to observe the sky and the qi is a well-known ability in Taoism, but it was regarded by those quacks as a unique way to defraud people of money...

Not to mention ordinary people, even warriors with keen senses don't know anything about the Taoist Qi-watching technique, and they are easily slaughtered as laymen.

In addition, fortune-telling is highly praised by charlatans because it is difficult to verify the authenticity of this kind of magic. As long as the speaking skills are in place and some social psychology is rough, ordinary people and even vulgar martial arts can be fooled. .

Even in the hands of orthodox Taoists, it is impossible to accurately calculate the future with methods such as fortune-telling or qi-watching. The results obtained are ambiguous and unpredictable. In the eyes of liars, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Moreover, Taoist qi-watching techniques all have a common sense cognition-it is easy to count others but difficult to count oneself.

Except for the truly top-notch Taoist masters, ordinary Taoist masters have no way of calculating their own fate.

This caused Taoists to be teased by fate just like martial arts and ordinary people outside.

Those so-called fortune-telling masters are in trouble, and they can even use this as an endorsement to explain.

People of the Taoist school don’t care about divulging such auxiliary supernatural power information as fortune-telling, but the ability that the Taoist school really uses to fight against the enemy, not to mention Yan Dingjun, even the Emperor Kangxi who claims to be a sage and Mingjun in the capital. I dare not say that I know everything.

The incomprehension of Taoism naturally aroused the fear of Yan Dingjun and his party.

What's more, the body of Xiyi who died not long ago, together with the weapons and equipment, all disappeared, further confirming Li Changqing's hidden ability.

Facing such a master of Taoism, one cannot be too cautious.

Yan Dingjun nodded approvingly when he heard the suggestion of his confidants.

What Li Changqing didn't expect was that the Swadian militiamen he summoned would cause such a great psychological pressure on the military attache of the Qing army outside!

Even if the conditions were relaxed enough for Yan Dingjun to take two people with him, he would not dare to risk himself...

Of course, more than half of this deterrent power comes from the various mysterious and unpredictable abilities of Taoism.

Among the three major cultivation systems, martial arts is the most common and the least secretive system.

The second is the Buddhism of the Western Regions who are good at brainwashing. Although they are feared by the people of the Central Plains, there are traces of their methods and moves. There are even books on the fighting methods of Buddhism in the Wusi Yamen of Daqing Town.

Only Taoism, this mysterious magic practice system that originated in the Central Plains, has been around for 5000 years, but it has never been penetrated.

Because Taoist techniques will continue to emerge with the passage of time, and various Taoist geniuses will create unique and novel Taoism!
For example, the most well-known Taoist qi-watching technique was developed by Taoist geniuses during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

Lao Tzu, who developed this method, is honored as the ancestor of Taoism by the Taoist school!
Although Taoism did not originate from Lao Tzu, it was systematically integrated and carried forward in Lao Tzu's hands!

Before Lao Tzu, Taoist spells did not have a concept of systematic cultivation and grading.

"My lord, when Zhang Jianfei sent the message just now, he threatened us that Li Changqing still has a second hand, so let's hurry up and take action against Li Changqing.

Li Changqing put forward the terms of negotiation, perhaps just to delay time.

After all, many Taoist methods need to be arranged in advance. "

Another subordinate reminded Yan Dingjun.

After hearing this, Yan Dingjun couldn't hold back any longer, and issued a series of orders to the messengers.

Soon, the fast squad, strong squad, and white servants who hadn't rested for a long time were gathered together again, armed with various standard weapons, forming a front formation, and slowly pressing towards Li Changqing's house.

The regular and temporary workers in the yamen who complained in their hearts dared not speak out, but they gritted their teeth and moved forward under the aim of the green battalion soldiers' guns, bows and arrows.

But this time, Yan Dingjun didn't turn all the troops forward, and only the Green Battalion soldiers who had retreated from the previous defeat were overseeing the formation.

The Green Battalion soldiers who were originally in charge of blocking Li Changqing and Zhang Jianfei from fleeing, who did not participate in the battle, were regrouped by Yan Dingjun, guarding behind his buttocks, with a bird gun in front, bow and arrow behind, and a spearman and a sword player at the end. Street fighting small phalanx.

This is actually the standard phalanx for Qing infantry combat.

The Qing Dynasty in this world does not despise firearms at all. Whether it is the Eight Banners or the Green Battalion, they all have special firearms soldiers.

In terms of logistics, a large number of experienced firearms craftsmen were hired to make blunderbuss and artillery for the Eight Banners.

Bird guns, an individual matchlock gun inherited from the previous Ming Dynasty, have long been the standard firearms of the Qing army.

The Qing army in this world is still relatively pragmatic, and they highly respect the bird guns, which are easy to use and have super armor-piercing capabilities.

Moreover, the Qing court had very strict supervision over the manufacture of firearms, and all finished firearms needed to be engraved with the name and logo of the craftsman.

If there is a problem with any bird gun, directly lock the source of the craftsman, find out who cut corners, and chop off his head!
Under the knives of the Qing court, the firearms craftsmen, who originally worked for the Ming Dynasty, accounted for [-]% to [-]% of inferior products, broke out with [-]% enthusiasm. The defective rate has dropped to a very safe level, not to mention completely zero. degree.

This is why the rate of bombing of the Qing army's firearms is very low.

Without the danger of bombing, the soldiers would naturally not reject the use of firearms.

To put it bluntly, soldiers' rejection of firearms at the end of the Ming Dynasty was tricked out by the Ming Dynasty's logistics department.

Cold weapons cut corners, and at worst, they will be broken on the spot. If firearms cut corners, they will kill themselves first when they fire!
(End of this chapter)

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