This Qing is wrong

Chapter 124 War of Attrition

Chapter 124 War of Attrition

The Chinese pikemen who had been destroyed by the Qing army's firearms not only had fewer numbers, but also had a much sparser formation than the Qing army's pike formations, and they inevitably fell into a disadvantage in the collision.

However, the Chinese pikemen who are not afraid of death and completely give up defense with long spear thrusts just pierced through the enemy with similar casualties as their own!

The spears of the two sides collided, and the winner was decided in just a few minutes, because all the Chinese spearmen rushed forward, and while their bodies were penetrated, they also wiped out the unbelievably clear faces on the opposite side. The sergeant stabbed it into a gourd of flesh and blood.

The cloth armor on both sides was harder than white paper in front of the spear stabbing, and they couldn't defend against it at all.

In melee combat, the armor-piercing ability of spear stabbing is much higher than that of sword slashing, which is one of the reasons why spears are enduring in cold weapon battlefields.

Even the steel plate armor of the European Renaissance period can't defend against the thrusting spears coming at high speed.

It was such a few minutes of collision that made the Qing army spearmen in the front row feel like another day. When they looked around, they couldn't help but feel a sense of survival after a catastrophe.

This kind of emotion is not common among these murderous veterans of the Qing army.

Not to mention that they only fought for a few minutes.

In a normal spear sprint, there is no such thing as rushing forward irrespectively. Even if you kill the enemy, you will surely die. Therefore, the veterans of the Qing army have never experienced this kind of unreasonable and tragic long spear sprint.

Of course, Shang Zhixin, who was on the third battlefield, couldn't see the subtle expressions of the old soldiers of the Qing army in front of the battle even if he held up the binoculars. He only knew that his men had won this wave.

It is enough to have this answer!
Afterwards, when Shang Zhixin's binoculars were moved to the second battlefield, his face suddenly darkened.

Because the front row of the Qing army in the second battlefield was smashed with small holes.

The Qing army on the second battlefield faced the halberd soldiers. Although the halberd soldiers also used long pole weapons, their fighting methods were still very different from the pikemen.

They will not rush forward with their spears in one mind, and kill the enemy in a life-for-life way.

Long halberds can chop and kill enemies, and the combat skills of halberd soldiers are obviously better than Chinese pike soldiers.

The result was that after the two sides fought hand-to-hand in the second battlefield, the front row of the Qing army failed to wipe out all the halberd soldiers in the first place, but was pushed back by the increasing casualties.

No matter how fierce the old soldiers of the Qing army were, they were still living people, and if they were living people, they would fear death.

Seeing the comrades around him continue to fall, how could they not back down?
If it wasn't for the fact that there were still people in the back, it would probably have collapsed by this time.

This is the frightening thing about the elite soldiers who are not afraid of death. The number of halberd soldiers who can achieve this result is far less than that of the enemy. The halberd also has a lot to do with it.

The halberd-handling skills of these halberd soldiers are no less than that of the Qing army veterans on the opposite side, and even better than many Qing army veterans.

After all, the old soldiers of the Qing army are different from the enemy army of the system. Everyone in the enemy army of the system has the same level of combat skills. Among the veteran soldiers of the Qing army, everyone has different combat skills, and the weapons they are good at using are also different.

It can still be done like this if five hit one! "

Shang Zhixin couldn't help but cursed.

It's not that Shang Zhi's confidence is low, but the battle line of the second battlefield. At a glance, you can see how big the Qing army's front row is!

It was almost a halberd soldier pressing several Qing army veterans and beating them.

What is the difference between this and the green camp soldiers fighting the peasant uprising army?
When did the elite banner-leading Han army fall to this point?

Even if he faced the rumored Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, he wouldn't be beaten like this.

The Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing court are formidable because of their immediate skills. If they dismount and fight on foot, the Han army, the core banner leader of San Francisco, still has the courage to face it.

Even a unicorn arm in the 21st century understands the difference between horses and horses, let alone the generals of this era?

Fortunately, the old soldiers of the Qing army on the front line were afraid of death, but the generals of the Qing army who were in charge of commanding behind were not afraid (he was not the one who died anyway!), a series of command orders were issued, and the soldiers of the Qing army in the front row were quickly suppressed by the supervisory team behind them. , Relying on the advantage of numbers, the halberd soldiers who rushed into the crowd of the Qing army made dumplings from both sides.

A big flaw of the enemy's fearless system is exposed. They have no basic tactical mind at all. They only care about killing themselves. They don't care whether they are rounded up behind them. Only then will he turn around and face the fight.

But at this time, the fate of the system enemy army also came to an end.

Shang Zhixin, who had been paying attention to the situation on the second battlefield, saw those halberd soldiers surrounded by groups and cut into small encirclement circles to encircle and annihilate them. Then he put down the binoculars and looked at the third battlefield where he was.

Then, Shang Zhixin almost lost his breath.

Originally, Shang Zhixin thought that the situation in the second battlefield was already embarrassing, but unexpectedly, the last 'clown' was actually the third battlefield he personally led!

During the short time when Shang Zhixin was observing the other two battlefields, the Dubre warriors rushed up after being baptized by bullets, dancing their swords in the air, and swept across a large area. In a daze, a huge gap was made by the Doppler warriors rushing in groups.

It wasn't the small openings made by the halberd soldiers in the second battlefield, but a whole large opening. The Qing army's long spear array in the third battlefield was almost pierced through!

This is because one of his generals led his own personal guards and led the bloody battle of the Qing army in the front row, so that the Dubre warriors did not penetrate the entire formation.

The banner leader of the Pingnan Palace is the Han Eight Banners system, and the Eight Banners military system is used, which is completely different from the Green Camp military system.

According to the standard system of the Eight Banners, 300 people are one Niulu, which is called Zuoling in Chinese.

This is the basic establishment of the Eight Banners. Before the Eight Banners entered the customs, there were actually [-] households full of people, and each household sent out a strong man to join the army.

In fact, this is the same as the previous farming and warfare system of the Qin Dynasty, the military system of good family members in the Han Dynasty, the government soldier system in the Tang Dynasty, and the military household system in the Ming Dynasty.

They are all rooted in the system of recruiting soldiers from the land and the people.

Later, after the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs and established the Dingding Empire, every family of the Eight Banners soldiers had enough Han Chinese coated slaves to be responsible for farming land, and there were even Han people who were not even qualified as slaves under the coated slaves to squeeze.

Naturally, the family of the Eight Banners Soldiers has realized the dream of full production and self-sufficiency, and can enjoy riding on the heads of the majority of Han laborers.

As a result, the Eight Banners system was transformed from a military-civilian integration system into a purely military system, and Niu Lu no longer only refers to military households, but is just a military unit.

The later Han Eight Banners were all established in imitation of the Manchu Eight Banners, and the military system was naturally the same.

Niulu, also known as Zuoling, is the basic military unit of the Eight Banners. Five Niulu form a Jiala, the leader is called Jiala Ezhen, and the Chinese name is Shenling.

In other words, being a leader is equivalent to controlling a total of 21 soldiers. Even in the [-]st century, he is still a middle-level officer at the battalion level.

Going up, the five Jiala are combined into one Gushan. At first, this Gushan was the size of one banner. Later, as the scale of the Eight Banners became larger and larger, each banner no longer only had one Gushan.

The barbaric expansion of the Han Eight Banners has already broken this routine. The commander of Gushan is Gushan Ezhen, and the Chinese name is Dutong.

And under Shang Zhixin's hands, there is one Dutong and two deputy Dutongs who obey orders!

You must know that the flag-leading Han army brought out by Shang Zhixin is only a part of the Pingnan Palace.

Just because these banners led the Han army, there was a banner of troops before the Manchu Qing entered the customs.

Because of this, Gushan has become a specific military organization under the Eight Banners, similar to a division-level force in the 21st century.

Even the leader of the camp personally led the troops to fight on the front line, one can imagine how endangered the third battlefield has been.

"The gap between the war puppets summoned by the demon Daoist Li Changqing is so large. Those heavy armored infantrymen with two-handed swords are as powerful as high-ranking warriors."

In desperation, Shang Zhixin dispatched a command flag to recall the friendly troops from the other two battlefields, and at the same time put all his reserve troops on the battlefield, barely saved the crisis in the third battlefield, and killed all the soldiers who had entered the Qing army. The Bule warriors divided and surrounded, gathered and wiped them out.

After winning, Shang Zhixin did not continue to retreat, but kept gathering the scattered teams.

He finally understood that that monster Li Changqing didn't want him to go at all, as long as he transformed the army into a marching column for running, there would be an extra wave of war puppets in front of him immediately.

The regrouped Qing army suffered as many as a quarter of the casualties. Although they won the battle, their morale dropped sharply.

How can Shang Zhixin, who has led the army, still not see the crisis he is facing at this time?

On the three battlefields, if the Qing army's firearms hadn't killed the war puppets in large numbers in advance, the three thousand war puppets alone would have eaten all 8000 of them.

Even the eight thousand Qing troops were elite banner-leading Han troops.

Now Shang Zhixin has a deep understanding of Shang Kei's sense of powerlessness in the face of the demon Li Changqing, this is an invincible enemy at all!

Li Changqing held up the binoculars in his hand, aimed at the troops of the Qing army who were regrouping, and asked Zhang Hao beside him, "What do you think is the probability of success if you go to recruit surrender now?"

Li Changqing saw that Shang Zhixin, who was still in a hurry to run away just now, wanted to stop and regroup after the fight, and had no intention of continuing to retreat at all. How could he not know that Shang Zhixin had figured out his situation?
Although there were no war puppet enemies around, Shang Zhixin was besieged by Li Changqing at this time.

The siege in momentum!

After Zhang Hao heard Li Changqing's question, he frowned and replied: "If the subordinates send someone over, the probability of Shang Zhixin's willingness to surrender is estimated to be [-] to [-]%, but the probability of him going back on his word afterwards is also so high...

If you want to recruit Shang Zhixin, you must first have the military power to restrain him. "

Li Changqing sighed and replied: "That's right, this is our biggest shortcoming now.

Shang Zhixin is different from the previous Qing army. The previous Qing army was defeated by us and had no other way out except surrender, but Shang Zhixin had more choices, and he could make false claims with us.

If the Qing army can be recruited and surrendered on a large scale, our overthrow of the Manchu Qing will definitely be smoother. "

As soon as the words fell, a thousand Lan Duo warriors appeared in front of the Qing army that Shang Zhixin had just gathered.

Li Changqing waited so long to give Shang Zhixin the opportunity to gather troops.

Otherwise, with the Qing army losing so many troops, Li Changqing was really worried that a thousand Lan Duo warriors would penetrate it.

And Shang Zhixin, who was gathering soldiers, saw the puppet summoned by the demon Dao Li Changqing appearing in front of his family's formation, instead of the envoy sent by the demon Dao Li Changqing to surrender, the look of despair in his eyes became more intense.

His little plan was shattered!

Li Changqing had a case of recruiting the Qing army before, so Shang Zhixin wanted to gather troops to tell Li Changqing that he did not want to continue fighting.

As long as there is a chance to get rid of this battle, even if Li Changqing points him to go to Chaoyang County afterwards, Shang Zhixin has the opportunity to lead his troops to escape.

After all, it is a long road, and there will definitely be terrain that is not suitable for the deployment of troops. You don't have to be surrounded by war puppets summoned by the demon Daoist Li Changqing on the unobstructed terrain like now.

Unfortunately, Li Changqing did not give him a chance to 'surrender'.

That being the case, Shang Zhixin can only adopt the second option...

The appearance of warrior Lan Duo immediately made the Qing army, which had just calmed down, stir up again.

However, under the scolding of the military officers, the infantry of the Qing army could only bite the bullet and line up to meet them.

The Lando warriors held their small round shields, shouted the Spanish charge slogan, and ran towards the front of the Qing army's formation without forming a formation.

What the Qing army is most afraid of at this time is that the puppets run and charge, because this means that they will not be able to fire a few rounds of volleys.

After the volley of guns, the Landuo warriors, who had suffered little losses, slammed into the arms of the Qing army in the front row like cannon hammers, and the brutal close-range fight quickly entered a state of melee.

The low morale of the Qing army fought and retreated, and the formation was constantly compressed by the Lan Duo warriors.

At this time, even if a group of Qing army infantry went around behind Warrior Lan Duo and launched an attack, attacking Warrior Lan Duo from both sides, it still failed to restore the decline of the Qing army.

On the periphery of the battle formation, deserters kept leaving the field, and were shot and killed by the cavalry of the Qing army who supervised the battle.

In front of the systematic enemy forces, these elite banner-leading Han troops did not perform much better than the green battalion soldiers.

Shang Zhixin looked at the situation that was falling into a war of attrition, his eyes widened, and he thought angrily in his heart: "Damn Li Changqing, if you don't let me lead my troops away, I will use my army to consume you and make you feel bad !"

Shang Zhixin believes that the constant summoning of the war puppets by the demonic Li Changqing must consume some things, and so many war puppets cannot be born out of thin air.

Now he knew that he couldn't run away with the infantry, and he was not willing to let his army be smashed and slaughtered like this. He was also happy to think that he could kill another wave of puppets to make Li Changqing feel more uncomfortable!

PS: This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, one chapter is equivalent to two chapters, which is equal to one hundred monthly tickets plus two chapters, and one hundred monthly tickets plus one new chapter!

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(End of this chapter)

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