This Qing is wrong

Chapter 126 Assassination

Chapter 126 Assassination
Shang Zhixin ran away, and ran away with the cavalry and military officers before the entire army collapsed.

Before running away, Shang Zhixin looked around and found that there were no new war puppets from the beginning to the end. He couldn't help thinking: "It can't be that the demon Daoist Li Changqing is just incapable of summoning war puppets at this time...

Impossible, this is too coincidental.

He didn't summon the war puppets to wipe out all these remnants, I guess I guessed it right!
He needs to consume some foundation to summon the war puppet, so when he is fighting, he can save as much as he can.

The main force of the Qing army's infantry has been completely disintegrated, and there are not many cavalry. If his war puppets were infantry, they would not be able to catch up with the cavalry at all. Therefore, the cost-effectiveness of summoning war puppets at this time is not worth it in the eyes of the demon Taoist Li Changqing.

The demon Li Changqing has to pay a price for summoning the puppet, this message is very important, I must tell my father! "

On the other side, Zhang Hao looked at the fleeing Qing soldiers, and asked Li Changqing: "General, Shang Zhixin has already left with the cavalry, should we gather those defeated Qing soldiers?"

"Are you sure you can gather those routs of the Qing army who lost their establishment and fled frantically?

Or, can you guarantee that if you appear in front of them, those Qing soldiers will not shoot at you?
When those Qing soldiers collapsed, they even killed their own people. "

Li Changqing asked with a smile.

After Zhang Hao thought about it for a while, he nodded solemnly, cupped his hands and replied, "The general is wise, but his subordinates are dull."

"Go to Wubao to see if the manager has been released. If he recovers his identity, let him pass a word to Qiu Hui for us.

If Qiu Hui doesn't need the armed servants who rebelled in Wubao this time, they can be tied up and sent to me. I just need people, especially strong men. "

Zhang Hao raised his right arm at a 45-degree angle to salute, and took the order to leave.

Now that Li Changqing has accumulated 500 unused training places for soldiers, it is natural to make preparations in advance and recruit some strong men to brainwash them.

Brainwashing his own people is not very interesting, Li Changqing is more inclined to brainwash soldiers and enemies.

Although the young and strong men of the right age among the surrendered troops from the Qing army had not been exhausted, but young and strong men were a 'strategic resource' for Li Changqing, and it was always a good thing to reserve some in advance.

Those armed servants of the Qiu family who couldn't see the situation clearly and rebelled in Wubao will be taken care of by Qiu Hui sooner or later. Instead of being wasted by Qiu Hui, it is better to brainwash him.

"The Qing army's defeated soldiers belong to the Eight Banners of Han in Guangdong Province, and their families are all under the control of Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi. There is a high probability that they will not become bandits, and they will probably flee back to the city under the control of Pingnan Wangfu.

Too bad they didn't kill them all.

But the double-edged sword of the system enemy army is not suitable for chasing and killing rout soldiers. The rout soldiers will not cause harm to the system enemy army at all.

It seems that I still have to bring my troops with me in the future. If the Qing army is defeated, it is the best choice for my headquarters to clean up the mess.

But having said that, now that the Qing army is so afraid of me, I'm afraid they won't fight against me at all.

Forget it, the Qing army in Chaozhou Prefecture is settled, and the next step is to take down Guangzhou City first, after all, it is related to two mind control quotas. "

From the beginning to the end, Li Changqing himself did not show his face in front of the Qiu family, but Li Changqing who did not show up completely shocked the Qiu family.

Whether it was the Qiu family who witnessed the battle or the Qiu family who heard the news later, they all had deep fear of Li Changqing's ability.

As a matter of course, Qiu Hui, who developed Li Changqing into a marriage partner, his status in the Qiu family and even the entire Chaozhou Prefecture has risen accordingly. Even after Qiu Hui intentionally released the news, the clan gentry of other prefectures in Guangdong Province also frequently sent people to follow him in private. The Qiu family contacted.

These clan gentry who once knelt and licked the Qing court began to find a way out for themselves.

Which of the clan gentry who can keep their wealth under the butcher knife of the Qing army is not the master of the wind and the wind?
Of course, at this time, the foundation of the Qing government’s rule in Guangdong Province has not yet disintegrated, so the clan gentry in other state capitals are far less open than those in Chaozhou Prefecture. On the surface, they are still loyal subjects of the Qing Dynasty. Wang Shangke can only do his best to search for the common people to hand over the distribution of military rations.

In war, it is the common people who suffer in the end.

Disgraced, Shang Zhixin took the cavalry back to Zhaoqing Mansion where Shang Kexi, King of Pingnan, temporarily lived, and was relieved of his military power by Shang Kexi on the same day.

After losing a full eight thousand banners to lead the Han army, Shang Zhixin's status as heir is shaky, let alone military power.

Shang Zhixin's defeat made Shang Fan's generals reunite on Shang Kexi's side.

Shang Kexi, who is older, has always been loyal to the Qing court, and even asked to cut down the feudal clan. However, many generals of the Shang clan were dissatisfied. This is the root cause of Shang Zhixin's rise.

Otherwise, as a son, how could he possibly beat Lao Tzu?

Now that Shang Zhixin has suffered a big defeat, his prestige has plummeted, and the Holy Majesty no longer mentions the matter of reducing the Fan, the generals of Shang Fan will naturally choose to stand in line again.

Shang Kexi's loyalty to the Qing Dynasty does not mean that the people under him think the same way. In fact, Shang Fan's generals are similar to Wu Fan's generals, they are all mercenary.

Otherwise, how could they be willing to act as the vanguard of the Manchu Qing, betray their own country and nation, massacre the Han people to please the Manchu masters?

To put it bluntly, it's all about the temptation of interests.

This is also the reason why so many Shangfan generals felt disgusted when the Qing court revealed that it deprived them of their vested interests.

The oil and water in Guangdong Province are so rich, and the profit from smuggling alone is as high as several million taels of silver a year. The good land in Guangdong Province is even allowed to be occupied by them, and they live like a local emperor. The generals of Shangfan are naturally unwilling. Then return to the bitter cold land of Liaodong.

Their families have already migrated here, and the so-called attractiveness of their hometown is just a gimmick.

What's more, Liaodong is next to Shengjing, the old nest of the Manchu heavenly soldiers. They are about to withdraw their vassals and go back. They are destined to bow their heads and serve as slaves to the Manchus. comfortable?

Therefore, when the Qing government cut down the feudal clan, Shang Kexi was fighting against most of the vested interest groups of the Shang clan, and it would be strange if his own rights were not weakened.

Now there is no such concern at all.

This is also the reason why Shang Kexi let go of Shang Zhixin's shackles and asked him to summon his old confidants and lead troops to Chaozhou Prefecture.

The demon Li Changqing is staying in Chaozhou Mansion, so what if Shang Zhixin goes?
The so-called strategic needs are just Shang Kexi fooling her son.

However, Shang Zhixin was eager to gain military power and raise his prestige one step further.

It can only be said that Shang Kexi's strategy just met Shang Zhixin's needs, which led to Shang Zhixin's complete defeat.

However, Shang Zhixin's defeat also made Shang Kexi make up his mind.

"After this battle, the arrogance of Li Changqing, the demon Daoist, is destined to rise, and he will try to get his hands on Guangzhou City in a short time. We can't continue to wait here for the support of the masters of the capital.

It's time for the masters of Zhenwusi in Guangdong Province to make a move.

Demon Daoist Li Changqing only had Zhang Jianfei, Yan Dingjun, and Hao Zhongcheng of the seventh rank around him, not a single master of the sixth rank, and the Zhenwu Division of Guangdong Province had a fifth rank and two sixth ranks, so the assassination still had a high success rate. "

"My lord, Zhenwusi is not under our control, how can we persuade the masters of Zhenwusi?"

"It's simple, don't forget that I have received the Holy Majesty's will to mobilize all forces to destroy the demon Li Changqing!"

Shang Ke said confidently.

He didn't have the imperial decree, but Emperor Kangxi still had the secret decree.

For the masters of the Zhenwu Division, there is not much difference between the secret decree and the imperial decree, as long as it is the meaning of the emperor Laozi.

A few days later, in Chaoyang County, thousands of civilians and soldiers of the newly attached army, pushing carts, horse-drawn carts, ox carts and other means of transportation, drove forward mightily, and the entire city of Chaoyang County was moved into an empty city.

The 500 unused training places for soldiers have already been detained on the foreheads of the strong prisoners brought over by the Qiu family.

Qiu Hui is indeed a person who handles big things. After learning about Li Changqing's needs, he also asked about the quantity by the way.

After learning that Li Changqing needed 500 young and strong men of the right age, he not only escorted the rebellious armed servants, but also got a group of strong and strong prisoners from somewhere and gave them to Li Changqing for use.

Li Changqing didn't inquire about the origins of these strong prisoners, but sent someone to check their health and age requirements, and then dragged them together for brainwashing training. Li Changqing's First Guards Infantry Regiment added another 500 recruits.

"General, I have followed your request. Ordinary family members will be escorted by the newly attached army, and important craftsmen and food supplies will be transported by the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment."

Yan Dingjun touched the sweat on his forehead, and ran to Li Changqing to report.

"Well, you did a great job."

Li Changqing looked at the Qing army that kept pouring out of the gate of Chaoyang County, and said without looking back.

"Are there any deserters in the new attached army?"

"Three deserters were caught last night, but they were executed in public.

The cavalry of the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment has been watching from the outside, and it is impossible for the deserters of the new appendages to stay away from the main force. "

Hao Zhongcheng reported on the other side.

The military discipline of the Qing army was very strict, and it was often the death penalty. Li Changqing knew that he could not win the hearts of the people, so he could only rely on torture to restrain the team.

The [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment is not simply a team of infantry, it also includes cavalry scouts and artillery units. The reason why it is called an infantry regiment is only because infantry is the main unit.

However, the artillery of the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment was just for display, and few shells were seized, and Chaoyang County had no raw materials for making shells, so the artillery units of the [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment were empty shells with guns but no ammunition.

The few shells that were originally there were all consumed when the First Guards Infantry Regiment trained the artillery to fire live ammunition.

However, the manufacturing technology of artillery shells is not high these days. As long as there are sufficient raw materials, they can be mass-produced sooner or later. Artillery is still a huge wealth.

What's more, does Li Changqing need artillery when he fights?
On the first day after leaving Chaoyang County, Li Changqing took the First Guards Infantry Regiment and Zhang Hao's bodyguards to the forefront, which was equivalent to a pioneer.

This is Li Changqing's confidence.

In the entire marching ranks, in front of Li Changqing were scouts and scouts who opened the way, behind them were the main force of the First Guards Infantry Regiment escorting craftsmen and food and supplies, and behind them were the new attached troops and ordinary family members.

After nightfall, only Li Changqing's own tent was brightly lit and had a stove burning. In the outdoor camp, he didn't feel the slightest chill, and it was very comfortable to exercise even if he was naked.

Well, that's what Li Changqing did!
In the middle of the night, several black shadows avoided the guard posts of ordinary people and slowly approached Li Changqing's camp.

The three shadows didn't know which tent Li Changqing was in, but the tent Li Changqing lived in was so gorgeous that they didn't need to be identified at all.

Hearing the faint groans not far away, Zhao Li couldn't help being stunned, and muttered in a low voice: "It's already late at night, and he's still playing with women, this Li Changqing is really lustful!"

Zhao Li is the only fifth-rank master in Zhenwu Division of Guangdong Province, and he is a swordsman.

"I heard that Li Changqing married a flower from the Qiu family, and he loves it very much. After the ticket is completed, we just took away the flower from the Qiu family, so that the brothers can enjoy it.

It is said that the flowers of the Qiu family are more beautiful than those red cards in the brothel. "

A wretched-looking middle-aged man beside Zhao Li licked his dry lips and whispered.

Obviously, those groans made him feel itchy.

At the same time, the three of them also understood why there were no guards standing guard around the big tent.

This is called avoidance.

However, when the three of them approached more than ten steps away, the groaning in the big tent stopped abruptly, and Zhao Li and the other three looked startled, and no longer cared about hiding their bodies, they quickened their pace and charged forward with all their lightness kung fu.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly burst out from the dark place around: "Great Vajra Palm!"

Before the wretched middle-aged man who proposed to kidnap Qiu Shuzhen, before he could react, he was slapped flying with his palm. While flying, he vomited blood like he didn't want money, and he couldn't get up when he landed on the ground.

"It turned out to be a master of Buddhism!"

Zhao Li exclaimed, and just locked on the opponent's position, a Buddhist voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Amitabha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

After hearing this voice, Zhao Li rushed to Li Changqing's camp and paused, his palms loosened slightly, and he tried his best not to drop the sharp sword in his hand.

But another sixth-rank martial artist beside him had already dropped his weapon with a dull gaze, clasped his hands together, completely gave up his own defense, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Damn it!
This is a Buddhist master who has practiced Zen!

How can there be such a person around Li Changqing? Could it be that Li Changqing is a dark child cultivated by Buddhism?

No, if there is such a powerful figure in the Buddhist sect as the demon Dao Li Changqing, he can completely attack from the front of the Western Regions. With the ability of the demon Dao Li Changqing to summon war puppets, the lamas in the snow region can't stop it at all! "

Zhao Li's thoughts turned sharply, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all, and the sharp sword pressed towards Li Changqing's tent again.

This is Li Changqing's camp, he can't afford it!

(End of this chapter)

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