This Qing is wrong

Chapter 142 The Demon Way Is Scary

Chapter 142 The Demon Way Is Scary
Wu Chongyang was very angry at this time, but under the cover of anger, it was the extreme fear in his heart.

Originally, everything went as planned, and even went smoothly beyond imagination. Li Changqing, the monster who they regarded as the biggest threat, was just a low-level warrior in any case.

In this way, the two of them can complete the task even without Eunuch Pang's action.

However, Xue Nu's illogical defection made Wu Chongyang panic.

He knew very well that Xue Nu did not advance to the second-rank martial arts, not because of her innate talent, but because she did not have the cultivation method of the second-rank realm of the Jade Heart Sutra!

The Jade Girl Sect keeps the foundation of the Jade Heart Sutra very strict. Except for the imperial court, Xue Nu, who escaped from the judgment of the sect, could not find the follow-up part of the Jade Heart Sutra.

And the domineering Jade Heart Sutra practitioners have no way to change to other exercises, unless they are willing to abolish all martial arts and start over with ordinary mortal bodies.

However, this kind of self-destruction will inevitably hurt the bones of the body, and almost none of the warriors who self-destruction and retraining can reach the original peak.

Of course, Xuenv would not take the road of self-destruction and reconstruction, which is one of the reasons why she fell into the embrace of the Qing court.

When the Qing army entered the customs and entered BJ City, many exercises in the capital were not taken away by Li Zicheng who fled in a panic.

At that time, the Dashun Army took away mainly various supplies, and the secrets of exercises were not very attractive to Li Zicheng at that time. After all, Li Zicheng himself was a high-quality warrior.

Most of the powerful generals in the Dashun Army are mid-to-high-level warriors.

Therefore, the Dashun Army's inheritance of kung fu secrets from the previous Ming Dynasty has little appeal to the senior officials of the Dashun Army. In addition, the Dashun Army's defeat was too sudden and thorough, and it was too late to even burn the palace. As a result, the Forbidden City A large number of books are cheap for the Qing court.

Among them is the complete set of the Jade Heart Sutra.

This is the reason why Xuenv really returned to her heart.

"Your Majesty has honored God's orders to restore the clothes of the Han family and re-establish the Great Tang Empire. Since I am a Han, I naturally do not want to continue to serve the Manchu Tartars.

This is righteousness, Wu Chongyang, don't you understand?

Now you put down your weapons and bind yourself in front of the Emperor of Tang, and you will be spared the death penalty. "

Xue Nu's voice was cold, and under the vibration of her true energy, every word fell into Wu Chongyang's ears clearly.

Although Wu Chongyang didn't understand the reason for Xue Nu's sudden defection, after hearing this sentence, he understood that Xue Nu had murderous intentions towards him.

Wu Chongyang disliked Xue Nu, mainly because Xue Nu had rejected him.

In other words, all the lustful and high-quality male martial artists in the chief helm of the Zhenwu Division in the capital were rejected by Xuenv.

After all, no male with normal sexual orientation can refuse the charm of Yuki.

This is not only because of the natural beauty of the snow girl, but also the charm bonus brought by the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

The Jade Heart Sutra is a miraculous exercise that can make every woman who has cultivated into a peerless beauty!

This is also the reason why the prefix of the Heart Sutra is "Jade Girl".

Wu Chongyang is very aware of the contradictions in his past words to Xue Nu, now that Xue Nu has an open and honest reason to kill him, how can he not be afraid? !

On the other side, Xue Nu asked in a low voice to her identified 'lover': "Pang Yan is hiding in the dark, and his Sunflower Treasure Lightness Kung Fu practice is better than mine. Is your majesty sure about it?"

Originally Xuenv didn't think how powerful Li Changqing was, but when she found that she couldn't help herself and fell in love with Li Changqing without any foreplay, she completely agreed with Li Changqing's ability.

Xue Nu would not think that Li Changqing manipulated her heart, but only thought that Li Changqing had the magical ability to capture her heart instantly...

This is actually a cognitive bias under the control of the mind.

It can be said that anyone who is controlled by the mind will have obvious loopholes in thinking and logic when facing the fact that they are controlled by Li Changqing, but they themselves think it is normal...

It's like some fans know that it is wrong for them to spend their parents' hard-earned money to give idols various gifts, and even bear debts, but they still do it happily. Others say that they will refute it with righteous words, and even Hostility!
To put it simply, the three words "I do" cannot be exchanged for the collapse of heaven and earth!

Because of this, Li Changqing believes that mind control is a real magical skill, which is not forced control, but completely distorts a normal person's thinking, and can still retain all the rationality of this person.

Relatively speaking, the brainwashing effect of the soldier training quota is not satisfactory. It is completely forcibly replacing a cold loyal personality, and the original personality only has a memory reserve...

"That Wu Chongyang can't surrender, you don't have to worry about me, just go down and deal with him.

If Pang Yan shoots at you, you lead him to me.

If Pang Yan attacks me, don't worry about it, I have my own way to make Pang Yan my own. "

After hearing this, Xue Nu blushed slightly, thinking of the scene where she was turned into one of her own by Li Changqing.

However, Xuenv couldn't hate Li Changqing for doing this, but thought that Li Changqing's doing this was the greatest blessing in her life...

Being controlled by the mind, I still think it is a kind of luck, which shows how powerful the ability of mind control is!
The only pity is that it is too difficult to obtain this quota, so far Li Changqing has not figured out the regularity of random missions.

Wu Chongyang saw Xue Nu coming from the air and landed in front of him, and shouted sternly: "Xue Nu, don't you want the full set of Jade Maiden's Heart Sutra?
That is the true secret book for becoming a first-rank martial saint. Isn't becoming a first-rank martial saint the goal you have been pursuing?
Could it be that you don't want to go back to the Jade Girl Sect to take revenge? "

As Wu Chongyang spoke, he used the corner of his eye to scrutinize Eunuch Pang's figure.

The reason why he didn't run away at this time was because he was worried about being settled by Pang Gonggong Qiuhou.

Wu Chongyang can delay for a while in front of Xue Nu, if Eunuch Pang kills him, he will be powerless to fight back!

So Wu Chongyang could only bite the bullet and stand here.

Xue Nu sneered and didn't answer, but just as she was about to make a move, Wu Chongyang suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted: "Eunuch Pang, save me!"

Xue Nu froze, thinking: How shameless is this to yell such words?

I don't know if Wu Chongyang's words played a role, or if Eunuch Pang couldn't wait any longer, before Wu Chongyang's words landed, a whirlwind of true energy flew towards Li Changqing's position.

At the same time, Wu Chongyang heard the voice of a male duck: "Hold Xuenv, I will deal with the demon Li Changqing!"

The second-rank master Pang Yan just stepped on the zhenqi whirlwind that erupted from him, kicked his legs continuously in mid-air, and rushed towards the building where Li Changqing was located.

Before getting close to Li Changqing, he waved his palm and sank to his dantian.

"Bone-melting palm!"

With a loud shout, a palm print composed of white air flow suddenly formed in front of Eunuch Pang, blasting towards Li Changqing's position.

This scene happened so fast that Li Changqing's 'eyes' were passed over after Pang Gonggong swung out his palm.

Pang Yan, who was in the air, froze, with endless regrets in his heart.

"How can I do anything to a man of destiny like Li Changqing?

Li Changqing is the one who deserves the lifelong allegiance of Zajia!

The Great Tang Empire is the home of miscellaneous families..."

Thinking about it, Pang Yan's expression changed suddenly. He looked at the white palm print he swung, kicked his legs again and again, stepped on the whirlwind of true energy he inspired, and rushed towards Li Changqing on the balcony.

However, no matter how fast Pang Yan was, how could he beat the palm prints he swung?
The moment Huagumian palm was swung out, Zhang Hao stood in front of Li Changqing again, and slapped it with a powerful vajra palm.

When the golden palm and the white palm print formed by the true air flow collided, they collapsed instantly, and the white palm print quickly turned into a vortex, which penetrated into Zhang Hao's body along the palm he swung out.

Zhang Hao's face turned pale, and he stood there motionless as if frozen in ice.

Fortunately, Pang Yan arrived in time at this moment, without even thinking about it, he slapped Zhang Hao's chest, which was still standing still.

Suddenly, a handful of white air was shot out of Zhang Hao's body by Eunuch Pang. Then Zhang Hao's body softened, and he lay on his back on the ground. White cold air kept spitting out from his mouth. One word.

Eunuch Pang bowed down to Li Changqing in awe and fear.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I was the one who accidentally injured His Majesty's guard..."

Li Changqing knew that Pang Yan was completely controlled at this time, so he didn't blame him.

He was just surprised that Eunuch Pang appeared so fast, it was the first time Li Changqing saw that a high-quality martial artist in this world could actually stay in the air for a short period of time!
This Nima is also called Qinggong?

The speed is almost as fast as Yu Jian's flight!

"I understand your difficulties."

Li Changqing said in relief.

He really understands Pang Yan's difficulties, after all, he wanted to kill himself just a moment ago!

"Just, is Zhang Hao really okay?"

After receiving Li Changqing's forgiveness, Pang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know why he was so afraid of Li Changqing, but he was afraid, and he didn't want to go against the other party's will...

He even had the terrible thought of committing suicide immediately if Li Changqing let him die!
Of course, Li Changqing wouldn't do that, and the mind control quota would be gone after being used up, and even if the mind-controlled target died, the quota would not be recovered.

It's like when you shoot a bullet, it's impossible to pick it up and continue shooting.

Because of this, Li Changqing is extra tolerant to the targets of his mind control.

Be very careful every time you choose a mind control target.

For example, when choosing Xuenv, wait until Zhang Hao has tested Xuenv's ability before releasing the mind control quota.

Going to the theater is just a matter of convenience.

After all, Li Changqing couldn't waste a mind control quota just because Xue Nu was beautiful.

What's the difference between that and marrying Qiu Shuzhen?

The scarcity of mind control quotas and unstable access channels meant that Li Changqing needed to use it wisely.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Zhang Hao, His Majesty's guard, has been dispelled by me, and the bones in his body will no longer be broken.

He only needs to rest in bed for ten days and a half months, and take regular medicines for nourishing his body to recover. "


He has to lie down for such a long time after saving people, this Hua Gu Mian Palm is really domineering!

This Mr. Pang is worth it!

The snow girl and Wu Chongyang below were both attracted by Eunuch Pang's high-profile appearance. When Eunuch Pang swung out his bone-like palm, Wu Chongyang almost clapped his hands excitedly.

But how happy Wu Chongyang was at that time, and how desperate he was when he saw Eunuch Pang kneeling in front of Li Changqing.

Now Wu Chongyang has completely understood that Li Changqing, the demon way, is a real demon, he can control people's hearts!
Moreover, there is no fluctuation of mana (the energy source of Taoist spells is called mana by people in the Jianghu habit) when manipulating it. Wu Chongyang has no idea how Eunuch Pang, who is a second-rank master master, got tricked!
At this level, even if the bodhisattvas from the Buddhist schools of the Western Regions came in person, it would be impossible to brainwash Pang Yan!
Wu Chongyang was really scared this time.

Not only was he afraid that Pang Yan would come and chase him down, but he was even more afraid that he would be turned into a servant by the demon Li Changqing!
So, without saying a word, Wu Chongyang burst out with all his true energy, turned around and rushed towards the rear.

Even in order to escape as soon as possible, even the beams of the house were not mounted, and they ran directly on the straight road.

For Wufu, he would definitely run faster on a flat road if he consumed the same amount of qi.

Using fancy lightness skills to jump up and down, just to avoid obstacles.

Pang Yan, who was kneeling in front of Li Changqing, turned his head to look after he noticed the violent fluctuation of Wu Chongyang's true energy behind him.

Immediately, Pang Yan asked sincerely: "Your Majesty, can you go down and bring back Wu Chongyang's head?"

Li Changqing, who no longer had the quota for mind control, would naturally not refuse, he couldn't keep a third-rank martial artist with evil intentions by his side, right?

However, there are still many places for brainwashing in the army, and it seems that they can give it a try.

"It's best to bring it back alive.

I didn't kneel down here to worship, and I don't need to kneel down at every turn in the future. "

Pang Yan took the order, got up and sprinted with both feet, unexpectedly catching up with Xuenv who was also chasing after him.

At this time, Pang Yan and Xue Nu are like wild wolves hunting, and Wu Chongyang, who is five big and three rough, is a rabbit running for his life.

Therefore, Pang Yan and Xue Nu are chasing with all their strength, while Wu Chongyang is running wildly burning the source of life (that is, the upper limit of life)!
That's why Pang Yan, who clearly had a higher realm and better lightness kung fu, couldn't catch up to Wu Chongyang.

However, when Wu Chongyang fled to the Chengmen District of Guangzhou City, his luck ran out.

The Guards Infantry Regiment, which had already closed all the city gates, lined up in two rows of guns. Seeing Wu Chongyang running wildly on the avenue, the commander suddenly pulled out his command saber, and swiped it down fiercely, calculating the distance!

Wu Chongyang, who was running for his life while burning his own source of life, had no time to 'brake' when he saw the uniform muzzle, or in other words, there were two evil spirits behind him who did not dare to brake.

Wu Chongyang had no choice but to stimulate the true energy of his whole body, covering the body surface, and activated the iconic stunt of the fourth-rank martial artist-copper skin and iron bone.

The exposed upper body immediately seemed to be stained with a layer of copper paint, and one could feel the hardness just by looking at it.

The next moment, pieces of lead bullets hit Wu Chongyang's body!
(End of this chapter)

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