This Qing is wrong

Chapter 145 Creating the Datang Authority

Chapter 145 Creating the Datang Authority
"So fast?

Is it so easy to become a rank nine martial artist? "

Li Changqing said in surprise.

Pang Yan did not say that he would use krypton gold to buy medicinal materials. After all, the Qing army was not rich at this time, and the territory it occupied was not small, but the population was very small. Moreover, the Han people who could be kept by the Qing army were not only a matter of poverty. , and the proportion of young adults is also very low.

As a result, Li Changqing's Great Tang Empire is now a beggar empire. It is no problem to support Li Changqing's extravagance and lust alone, but it is impossible to support hundreds of people who have stepped into the ninth-grade body training realm to consume the auxiliary medicine bath.

What's more, Li Changqing doesn't have a stable purchasing channel at all now, and he can only rely on smuggling if he wants to get high-quality medicinal materials.

As we all know, smuggling is profiteering, and the wool comes from the buyer!
Pang Yan is in a high position, so it is impossible not to understand this truth, so the other party dared to propose this plan, which shows that he can do it without too much expense.

In this way, how could Li Changqing not be surprised?
"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is naturally not easy to become a ninth-rank martial artist, otherwise there would not be so few advanced martial artists in the world.

However, I discovered yesterday that some of the soldiers in His Majesty's Guards Regiment are full of energy and blood, far surpassing ordinary people, and have excellent bones. If I hadn't tested it myself, I would have thought that I had met a group of high-quality warriors as soldiers. "

After hearing this, Li Changqing thought silently: "No, they are high-grade warriors, but their brains are not..."

At this point, Li Changqing understood why Pang Yan was able to pick out so many good seedlings suitable for cultivating the Sunflower Collection.

Previously, Li Changqing brainwashed a group of entry-level warriors who were sent down to the army. Although these entry-level warriors were brainwashed to be 'stupid', their bodies were not "washed off", so it is not surprising that they were selected by Pang Yan.

Li Changqing is naturally happy to have a group of high-grade warriors around him, especially these high-grade warriors are still brainwashed loyal and brave people, isn't it a bit too cruel to just sacrifice their little nails?

In Li Changqing's mind, the brainwashed soldiers in the Guards Corps could not help showing their lack of lust, thinking:
"They seem to keep that thing and won't use it, cutting it or not has little effect on them.

Moreover, the Sunflower Treasure Book is a high-quality exercise specially used by eunuchs that has not been passed on by the courts of the past dynasties. It is rumored to have evolved from an ancient book.
It is really good to choose the Sunflower Collection as the main practice method, and the Sunflower Collection also has the characteristic of advanced speed.

If it weren't for the imperial court's strict control over the secrets of the Sunflower Book, and the flaws in the Sunflower Book, it is estimated that the Sunflower Book has long been regarded as a treasure by people in the Jianghu. "

Li Changqing has been supplementing all kinds of knowledge in this parallel world since his time travel. He is no longer the time travel novice, so he naturally knows the great name of the Sunflower Book.

Although the Sunflower Collection did not fall into the rivers and lakes, the reputation of the Sunflower Collection has always been talked about by people in the rivers and lakes.

For one thing, almost all the eunuch masters of the imperial court used the Sunflower Book as their main practice method. The factory masters in the Ming Dynasty were able to hold down Jin Yiwei to death, relying on the tyranny of the Sunflower Book!
Secondly, in the Sunflower Treasure Book, the prefix that you must first get out of the palace in order to practice this skill is easy for men to remember at a glance, and it is difficult to forget such an evil skill...

It is no exaggeration to say that the exercises that Li Changqing has collected now, except for the Jade Heart Sutra that only beauties can practice, belong to the highest grade of the Sunflower Collection.

It's just that Li Changqing is very puzzled, why do the fast-advancing exercises have such obvious flaws?

Could it be that this Sunflower Collection is also an ancient immortal who, for some inexplicable reason, personally created exercises suitable for mortals to practice, but set the prefix of must first come from the palace?

If there is such an allusion, it would be terrible...

"I will give you the authority to select people from the Guards Corps. If you can really do what you said, you will be the head of the newly established Guard Division from now on."

The Guard Office is the department that Li Changqing will set up soon.

The reason for setting up this department is very simple. Li Changqing's mind control quota is used up again. Li Changqing, who is extremely insecure, naturally wants to find ways to enhance his personal security.

As Li Changqing's ability became stronger and stronger, he knew that the danger he faced was also increasing.

Zhang Hao's ability is obviously not enough to protect him.

Li Changqing didn't think that the Qing court could only undertake the assassination scale at the enthronement ceremony once, let alone the Qing court was not the only country in the world.

The rumored Buddhism of the Western Regions is wary of people in the Central Plains with many masters.

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty!"

Eunuch Pang was so excited that he was about to knelt down and kowtowed to thank him, when he suddenly realized that he was already in the "Xin Dynasty", so he quickly stopped his body, straightened his slightly hunched back as much as possible, and raised his right arm 45 degrees upwards degree angle held high.

It's a pity that Eunuch Pang looks extra funny when doing this military salute that shows the burly figure of a soldier...

It has a bit of a monkey-like charm.

When people under Li Changqing's command salute each other, they are more casual, usually just raising their right hand and standing up, but when facing Li Changqing, they try their best to hold their heads high and their arms raised accurately. At a 45-degree angle, no matter how solemn it is.

Afterwards, Li Changqing took advantage of the new dynasty's establishment and called his other confidants over.

Of course, those who are eligible to be called by Li Changqing are still those who are controlled by mind.

Except for Xuenv who was too brave to participate because of her new personnel experience, Zhang Jianfei, Yan Dingjun, Hao Zhongcheng, Zhang Hao, and Pang Yan were all present.

Li Changqing did not sit by himself and asked them to stand.

As a person from a harmonious society in the 21st century, naturally, he would not demand such unnecessary details from his subordinates.

Li Changqing sat at the top, and the other five sat on chairs on both sides.

This meeting of the highest authority of the Tang Empire is not at all like a decision-making meeting at the national level, but rather like a rich family and gentry discussing matters.

Of course, what Li Changqing from the 21st century hates most is the red tape, which has a lot to do with his background in a civilian family.

Having never been in the officialdom like boiling oil, Li Changqing's whole body showed the "simplicity" of the low-level civilians, as well as his natural aversion to face-saving projects.

What's more, the cheating players who have the system by their side have a mental arrogance that Li Changqing didn't even realize. Li Changqing's unruly and unrestrained "willful" behavior.

It can be seen from Li Changqing's unhesitating use of his enthronement pawn as a trap, how much he despises the so-called imperial ceremony.

Because of this, if Li Changqing did not have a system plug-in, even if he traveled through time, he would not be able to rise quickly, unless he became a big man with a high status in order to reverse history.

Even Zhu Chongba, who started with a bowl, really got his first pot of gold by being a son-in-law.

This is the humane society.

The reason is simple. The cake in society is fixed. If you don’t overturn the table, why should the people who share the cake reserve a seat for you?

What Li Changqing is doing now is overturning the table of the Qing court!

"The Great Tang Empire has been formally established, and the call for action has already been issued.

Now that we are already a country, we can no longer continue to manage in the crude way of defeating the Qing army.

Although our country name is "Tang", it is not the same thing as the Tang Dynasty that has perished. At most, it can be regarded as inheriting the style of martial arts in the Tang Dynasty and restoring the clothes of the Han family.

Therefore, I do not intend to continue to use the previous system.

Let me talk about military reform first, which is also the most important.

I plan to set up a bodyguard department, which is responsible for my personal safety and conveying my orders, and Pang Yan will be the head of the bodyguard department.

He can train at least [-] entry-level warriors for the guards, and he can also train higher-level warriors in the future. People in the guards can only be selected from the guards, and this rule will not change in the future.

The [-]st Guards Infantry Regiment was renamed the Guards, and there was no upper limit on the size of the Guards. The commander of the Guards was still Hao Zhongcheng.

The guards will set up a fixed company, platoon and battalion basic organizational system.

The regiment-level organization will be used as a flexible organization. According to the needs of the battlefield, several battalions will be temporarily merged into one regiment to be responsible for combat.

In the future, if the guards expand, consider the issue of fixing the regiment level.

The new attached army was renamed the Guangdong Provincial Garrison. It will not undertake combat missions in the future. Its main responsibilities are to do some chores and maintain law and order.

The garrison of Guangdong Province does not need to be equipped with firearms for the time being, because I plan to ban firearms in the direct jurisdiction of the Tang Empire.

As before, all firearms are given priority to the Guards.

Next, the guards need to expand by 400 people. I will send someone to greet Qiu Hui and ask him to send another group of young and strong prisoners. Then you will pick some young surrendered soldiers from the original new attached army and join them. into the military training sequence.

When recruiting people, the salary of the Guards was said to be higher. Everyone can rest assured that all officers and soldiers of the Guards will not reveal the truth that they did not receive a copper coin.

The staff department under Yan Dingjun's command was renamed the Security Department, and all garrison troops will be under the jurisdiction of the Security Department in the future.

Of course, now Yan Dingjun only needs to be in charge of the Guangdong garrison. "

Li Changqing did not set up a separate police force, because in this backward era, the local garrison often served as a police officer.

For Li Changqing, who does not need the local garrison to go to the battlefield, he can safely and boldly use the Guangdong garrison as the "Guangdong police". Naturally, there is no need to set up an additional police department.

"The responsibilities of the Military Intelligence Bureau remain unchanged, and Zhang Jianfei is still in charge.

I will establish a new Ministry of Government Affairs, with Zhang Hao as the first minister.

Now that our Datang Empire is being created, the government affairs department has to bear all the civil powers and responsibilities. Zhang Hao's burden can be heavier, so everyone should try to cooperate with Zhang Hao's work.

In addition to applying for the military forces of the Guangdong Garrison and even the Guards to handle extreme incidents, the Ministry of Government Affairs can also recruit limited yamen servants to handle ordinary civil disputes.

Yamen servants don’t need to be set up according to the previous three classes of yamen servants, only need to recruit Zaoli and Baiyue. Now our finances are not rich, and we will expand the staffing of the Ministry of Government Affairs when the national finances ease in the future. "

Everyone understands that the Zaoli mentioned by Li Changqing is the facade of the Ministry of Government Affairs, similar to the judicial police in the 21st century.

There will be no firearms, just simple sabers, shackles and long clubs.

These things don't need to cost too much, and they can deter ordinary people, which is enough.

Baiyue is a temporary worker.

Hiring white servants is of course to save money!
Because the white servants can only get paid when they are called together to do things, and there is no need to pay the white servants on weekdays.

To put it simply, Zaoli is a regular worker of the Ministry of Government Affairs, and Baiyue is a temporary worker of the Ministry of Government Affairs.

 I have been busy with the funeral for most of the day today, so the update can be a little later, and the first chapter will be published first. Don't worry, everyone will make up what is owed.

(End of this chapter)

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