This Qing is wrong

Chapter 147 1 paper document leveling Guangdong

Chapter 147
The 'Pillars of the Tang Dynasty' present looked at each other left and right, and Zhang Hao took the lead to ask, "I wonder what your majesty thinks of Shang Zhixin?"

When Li Changqing heard Zhang Hao's question, he immediately understood that they didn't care about how to deal with Shang Zhixin, a surrendered general, but whether Li Changqing had a bad feeling for Shang Zhixin.

Although Shang Zhixin was an enemy general of the Qing army who had personally fought against Li Changqing.

But Li Changqing has no ill feeling toward Shang Zhixin. After all, he is different from his father, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, and has no sense of belonging to the Qing Dynasty.

He even brought more than 3 Qing soldiers. How could Li Changqing hate Shang Zhixin?
What's more, in the previous battles between the two, Shang Zhixin was the one who lost the battle, and as the winner, he was usually more tolerant.

"Shang Zhixin has a good leading talent."

After Li Changqing finished speaking, everyone present immediately understood.

"Your Majesty, since we in the Tang Dynasty want to implement enfeoffment, we might as well follow the example of the Jiedushi system of the Tang Dynasty.

Although the Qing army in Guangdong Province is already terrified, we in Tang Dynasty will inevitably spend a lot of money and food if we want to conquer various places. It is better to give this Shang Zhixin a chance to make contributions.

Let Shang Zhixin take some Qing soldiers to pacify those state capitals where there are not many Qing soldiers stationed.

If he can do a good job, he can be entrusted with a Jiedu envoy to control the real power of the local military and government.

In this way, it will inevitably show the grandeur of our Datang. How can the senior generals of the Qing army not be moved when they see that surrendering to our Datang can still become a local envoy with real power?
And with Shang Zhixin to attack those state capitals in Guangdong Province, His Majesty does not need to spend a single soldier or money, and can have more time to do other things.

Slowly digest the surrender of the brigade brought by Shang Zhixin. "

After Hao Zhongzhong finished speaking, Zhang Hao stood up actively again and added: "Your Majesty, we only need young and strong soldiers to serve as the 'reserves' of the Guards. We might as well use the young and strong soldiers from the Qing army brought by Shang Zhixin. And the military officers and soldiers who have entered the rank are screened out.

Then hand over the old and weak in the garrison army of Guangdong Province and the old and weak who were stroked by the Qing army to the commander of Shang Zhixin, and let him take the old and weak to conquer the state capitals of Guangdong Province, which is also regarded as waste utilization.

In this way, the empire can eliminate those old and weak soldiers who are not very useful to save military pay. "

Those present were all confidantes controlled by their minds, so they naturally understood Li Changqing's 'brainwashing method'.

Under the effect of brainwashing Dafa, the age and physical fitness of the soldiers are the important factors, and the battle experience of veterans is meaningless.

Therefore, those old and weak soldiers can only stay in the air of the Guangdong garrison to spend money and food, or use them as coolies.

Even as coolies, young and strong pawns are more useful!
What's more, young and strong soldiers can be brainwashed into soldiers of the Guards when Li Changqing needs them, which is comparable to the best source of reserve soldiers, killing two birds with one stone!
After those old and weak soldiers were taken away by Shang Zhixin, they no longer needed to consume the financial support of the empire.

It's all sealed off for you, how can you let the central government raise soldiers for you?

The most important thing is that this kind of screening and replacement will not attract Shang Zhixin's hostility, or even excessively consume the military forces he leads.

The reason is simple, the old and weak handed over to Shang Zhixin are not the old and weak among the common people, but the old and weak who have been in the army for decades!

It is true that the physical fitness of older veterans is incomparable with that of young people, especially in hand-to-hand combat, they will be overwhelmed by young and strong soldiers.

But now the most indispensable thing in Guangdong Province is the bird gun. Most of the old and weak Qing soldiers have good marksmanship.

The combat experience of veterans is even more important to ordinary generals than the physical advantages of young people!
Because of this, this kind of replacement will not make Shang Zhixin feel that he has been "weakened by overhead". On the contrary, he thinks that Li Changqing intends to reuse him, so he allocated so many veterans to him.

After all, Shang Zhixin didn't know the truth about Li Changqing's brainwashing practice.

Li Changqing thought for a while, and felt that he really didn't need to be obsessed with distributing too many clan lords in Guangdong Province. As long as someone helped him manage the territory and supply taxes and materials, it didn't matter to Li Changqing how big the feudal envoy was.

Therefore, Li Changqing happily decided on Shang Zhixin's future.

Three days later, Shang Zhixin led more than 3 Qing troops to surrender, and formally swore to join the Tang Empire on the outskirts of Guangzhou and pledge allegiance to Li Changqing!

This kind of ceremony is still very necessary, at least let the officers and soldiers at the bottom know which side they belong to in the future.

Soon, more than 3 Qing soldiers who joined the Tang Empire were disarmed and began to register and screen.

Under the coordination of a large number of officers and soldiers of the Guards and the garrison of Guangdong Province, the speed of screening is relatively fast.

At the same time, Shang Zhixin was officially conferred the title of Zhendong Jiedu Envoy by Emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Dynasty.

Owns the state capital east of Guangzhou City in Guangdong Province.

Of course, this requires Shang Zhixin to personally lead the troops to 'take'.

During this period, the Great Tang Empire had declared Guangdong Province as the first province to be restored by the Great Tang Empire, and had donated in batches inexpensive enfeoffment documents to those clan gentry who had secretly surrendered to the Great Tang Empire.

The tax package system has been implemented nominally.

Don’t underestimate the melodramatic operation here. In just ten days after the Tang Empire distributed these blank papers, the Qing army lost almost all the counties in Guangdong Province that did not have strong garrisons, and even large areas of the countryside fell. Get into a state of self-reliance.

Only in the state capital where Shang Kexi's army stayed, those local clan gentry dared not take the letter of appointment issued by the Tang Empire and gather the township soldiers to play the banner of self-reliance.

After Shang Zhixin was canonized by Guangzhou City as the Zhendong Jiedu Envoy, Li Changqing's cheap old Taishan was also promoted to become the Zhenxi Jiedu Envoy.

As you can tell from the name, Li Changqing enfeoffed all the state capitals west of Guangzhou City in Guangdong Province to Qiu Hui.

Of course, it is also in name, and Qiu Hui needs to pick it up by himself.

But Qiu Hui's situation is much better than Shang Zhixin's.

Because the main force of Shang Kexi's Qing army was in the east of Guangzhou City, many state capitals east of Guangzhou City did not dare to raise their banners to rebel and throw themselves into the arms of Datang.

And the west of Guangzhou City became a model because of the complete fall of Chaozhou Prefecture, and most of the counties were controlled by local clan gentry. Qiu Hui's letter of appointment for the Zhenxi Jiedushi was quite authoritative.

The enfeoffment system of the Tang Empire is actually a big feudal lord with a small feudal lord under him.

The two Jiedu envoys of Zhendong and Zhenxi belonged to the great feudal lords. Under the tax-paying system, every clan gentry was randomly issued a white appointment letter by the Tang Empire, promoting why the township lord, county lord, state commander, etc.

This is the essence of the tax system. In legal theory, the Zhenxi Jiedushi and Zhendong Jiedushi are the immediate bosses of the large and small tax-paying landlords, but they have the autonomous power to collect taxes, build an army and protect themselves.

It is not impossible to annex, but if you swallow a piece of land, you have to bear the supply tax of this piece of land. If there is less money and food, Li Changqing, the emperor of the Tang Empire, will be held accountable.

Who among the well-informed clan gentry in Guangdong Province didn't know that Li Changqing was far away in Guangzhou City, so they sent war puppets to beat Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi until only the cavalry fled?

Even if they were given 1 guts, they would not dare to disobey the order of Emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, the Tang Empire also advocated the reporting of feudal lords.

For example, a small feudal lord concealed the population and labor force he possessed, as well as the area of ​​cultivated fields. As long as it is verified, the whole family will die immediately!
Li Changqing didn't even need to throw war puppets, it would be easy for the clan lords to use too much force, just use a piece of paper to dispatch the surrounding small feudal lords to besiege the traitor who bullied the king.

The advantage is that the small feudal lords participating in the attack can carve up the territory and population of the losers.

This is actually the enfeoffment system of the previous Zhou Dynasty, and it is more similar to the enfeoffment system in the European Middle Ages.

It's just that Li Changqing's personal prestige is enough to crush all dissatisfaction because of his powerful ability to cast war puppets, so he doesn't need to worry about a rising feudal lord under his command threatening his status.

In this way, Li Changqing used documents in black and white to disintegrate the rule of the Qing court in Guangdong Province in an instant.

Not a single soldier was sent, and in less than ten days, most of the state capitals in Guangdong Province no longer obeyed the orders of the Qing court. Groups of clan gentry with their own armed forces, relying on the backing of the demon Dao Li Changqing, directly Raise the banner of self-reliance.

Even quite a few barbaric clan gentry ordered their nephews to march into the county town with armed soldiers!
As a matter of course, under this tax enfeoffment system, it is not uncommon for clans to annihilate, especially those clan lords who did not submit a letter of surrender to Li Changqing in advance and failed to get a name in the Tang Empire suffered a lot.

Because the top management of the Tang Empire didn't even know that there was such a person as them, they naturally didn't get their own "Tang style" legal principles when they distributed the appointment documents in batches.

These clan gentry who did not have the appointment documents of the Tang Empire immediately became the hunting targets of the neighbors who wanted to expand their territory and plunder the population.

One sentence: They are all traitors, and then they joined forces with soldiers from other clans and gentry to push them over...

For a while, I don't know how many clan gentry in Guangdong Province lost their families because they surrendered one step too late!
The battles between the clan gentry are very cruel, and the ordinary people who are coerced may not be slaughtered (after all, the land is sparsely populated, and farming requires labor), but the gentry families in the leadership will be bloodbathed by their opponents one by one. will be subjected to even more horrific abuse.

Of course, in this great chaos in Guangdong Province, there were also examples of clan gentry who had not received the appointment documents from the Tang Empire, and used their own strength or resourcefulness to forcibly defeat their neighbors.

It's just that these victorious clan gentry didn't think of asking the Qing army for help at the first moment, but sent people to Guangzhou City to present a letter of surrender to the Tang Emperor, and only asked the "copying agency" in Guangzhou City to give them a piece of paper. Batch-printed appointment documents.

The noble gentry of the clan who were able to win in the chaos were not easy to get along with, but they cried and begged for an appointment document that was worthless in Li Changqing's eyes. This shows that the Tang Empire was in the territory of Guangdong Province. How high is the 'orthodoxy'.

After all, even ordinary farmers in Guangdong Province know how the Qing army was repeatedly hanged and beaten by the demon Li Changqing...

And the big incident of Shang Zhixin's surrender led the Qing army to slander Li Changqing's cannibalism. At least not many people in Guangdong Province believe it anymore. Save.

Otherwise, without Li Changqing personally launching the war puppets, even the newly established Zhendong Army and Zhenxi Army would not be able to fight against the town soldiers armed by ordinary clan tyrants.

That's right, when the chaos under the tax system was in full swing, the Zhendong Army and the Zhenxi Army had been formally established under the appointment of Li Changqing.

Among them, the Zhenxi Army led by Qiu Hui did not let Li Changqing pay a copper coin, and the Zhendong Army led by Shang Zhixin only paid Li Changqing.

Most of the soldiers in the Zhenxi Army led by Qiu Hui are clan armed forces united by the Qiu family on the Chaozhou border, so it is difficult to count the number.

However, Shang Zhixin's Zhendong Army has a very neat military appearance, and all the soldiers of the Qing army... are old and weak!

After some screening, the size of the garrison in Guangdong Province directly exceeded [-]. Young, strong and high-level warriors became the new backbone of the garrison in Guangdong.

The old and weak monk Zhixin, who was originally an old and weak member of the Guangdong garrison army, brought the old and weak who had suffered a stroke from the Qing army and formed the Zhendong Army.

Because of the limited finances of the Tang Empire, when selecting the Guangdong garrison, that is, the brainwashing reserve of the guards, the Tang Empire was very strict and only selected a little over 1 people.

The remaining 2 people were left to Shang Zhixin to form the Zhendong Army.

More than 4 people are still [-] veterans of the Qing army who are fully armed. This combat power is already invincible in the entire Guangdong Province, except for the main force of the more than [-] Qing army gathered by Shang Kexi.

Even the Zhenxi Army formed by Qiu Hui's Chaozhou clan, its combat effectiveness and scale are far from being comparable to the Zhendong Army.

In other words, there is no need to fight, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Zhendong Army can easily smash the Zhenxi Army.

However, what Shang Zhixin liked the most was not the [-] Zhendong Army, but the appointment document given to him by Emperor Li Changqing of the Tang Dynasty.

The name of Zhendong Jiedushi is much more deterrent to those state capitals that are not controlled by the Qing army than the more than [-] Zhendong troops!
Shang Zhixin's follow-up rations and salaries will all be collected in the name of Zhendong Jiedushi.

Because in the new law of the Tang Dynasty, the Zhendong Jiedu Envoy has the power to requisition the money and grain of the local feudal lords during wartime for war.

These money and food used for military expenses can be reimbursed, and they can be used to replace the share handed over to the center of the Datang Empire.

Although there is room for corruption, Li Changqing issued a death order to Shang Zhixin, requiring him to pacify the entire eastern state capital of Guangdong Province within a certain period of time.

Of course, when encountering the main force of the Qing army led by Shang Kexi, Li Changqing can give "war puppet support".

In fact, there was no need for Shang Zhixin to meet his father at all. Li Changqing didn't believe that Shang Zhixin would really work hard with his father. After Zhendong Army drove out of Guangzhou City, Li Changqing immediately opened the small map.

(End of this chapter)

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