This Qing is wrong

Chapter 156 Reopening the Datang Imperial Examination

Chapter 156 Reopening the Datang Imperial Examination
"Hold on, everyone, there are not many monster war puppets left outside, we have a strong city wall, killing them all is victory!
King Pingnan has left, and Li Changqing, the demon Taoist, will not send war puppets to us again. Annihilate these more than 1000 Mongolian war puppets, and we will survive!

Kill the war puppet!live! ! ! "

The confidant generals arranged by Li Ergou continued to patrol and shout on the city wall to boost morale.

Of course, these words were discussed by Li Ergou and many confidants and generals!

Li Ergou or most of the military officers of the Qing army knew very well that the fighting power of their soldiers was no weaker than that of the war puppets summoned by the monster Li Changqing.

Because no one knows how many waves of war puppets will be released by the demon Dao Li Changqing. In the eyes of the Qing army officers and soldiers, there is an inherent impression that once the demon Dao Li Changqing casts war puppets, there will be a steady stream of them, and the number will be endless.

Naturally, even if the officers and soldiers of the Qing army were possessed by divine power, they would be consumed to death by the puppets thrown by the demon Daoist Li Changqing!

Since they couldn't fight no matter what, the Qing army naturally didn't dare to fight desperately when facing the monster Li Changqing's puppet.

Desperate is sure to die, there is still a glimmer of life if you don't run desperately, so do you need to think about how to choose?

The Great Qing was not the belief of the officers and soldiers of the Qing army, so they were naturally unwilling to sacrifice themselves to benefit others.

As a result, the officers and soldiers of the Qing army fell apart as soon as they encountered the monsters and puppets, and everyone dared not fight for their own protection.

Because of this, Li Ergou and other military officers of the Qing army knew that if they wanted their soldiers to fight hard, they must first dispel their belief that they would be defeated.

The most effective way to dispel this belief is to convince the officers and soldiers under his command that after he annihilates this wave of monster puppets, there will be no more other monster puppets.

Therefore, Li Ergou sent someone to bring out the news that King Pingnan Shang Kexi had run away, and told those desperate soldiers on the city wall to let them kill the enemy with peace of mind, and everyone can win the final victory by annihilating the enemy in front of them!
The Mongolian cavalry outside the city also cooperated very well. After the Mongolian Lin Dengwan wiped out the Qing army outside the city, he saw a big city full of living people in front of him and captured many siege ladders left by the Qing army. Simply let the Mongolian cavalry dismount and attack the city.

This is really tough.

More than 1000 Mongolian cavalrymen dare to attack a big city with tens of thousands of troops!

Except for the system enemy Lin Dengwan, can normal people do such a thing?

But this can be regarded as a major feature of Lindenwans - fearlessness.

This feature is not only one of the sources of fear for the Qing army, but also makes the Qing army despise the monsters and war puppets in terms of IQ.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no clear upper limit to the number of monster war puppets, the Qing army would never have regarded the monster war puppets as invincible.

After the soldiers of the Qing army heard these yells, they thought about it and found it quite reasonable. Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi had already run away, and that monster Li Changqing probably wouldn't continue to 'stare' here.

That is to say, if you wipe out those war puppets outside who are so stupid that they use more than 1000 people to attack tens of thousands of cities, you will be able to survive!
Survival has become the obsession in the hearts of Qing army officers and soldiers at this time.

There is no other reason, it is too cruel to fight with the monsters and war puppets, let alone surrender, the war puppets also like to chase and kill!

The morale-recovered Qing army confronted the mindless Mongolian cavalry, and soon gained the absolute upper hand. Although some soldiers of the Qing army were shot by the arrows of the Mongolian cavalry from time to time, everyone gritted their teeth and insisted on not letting a single soldier go. Mongolian cavalry ascended the city.

Under the absolute advantage of firepower and the cover of the city wall, all the enemy soldiers of the system under Mongol Lindenwan's hands were lost. After seeing all the soldiers under his command were killed, Mongol Lindenwan screamed as if he had completed his mission. He pulled out his saber and launched a lone hero charge, and was smashed into a sieve by a round of volleys from the Qing army...

At this point, all the corpses of the Mongolian cavalry disappeared instantly.

The officers and soldiers of the Qing army who saw this scene watched nervously up and down the city. No one put down their weapons and relaxed, ready to fight at any time.

This state lasted until lunch time.

However, even if the state of alert of the whole army is lifted, Li Ergou still adopts a rotation system for the sake of caution. Half of the people eat and the other half are on alert, and then change shifts after eating.

It can be seen from this that how much shadow area the monsters and war puppets have left on the psychology of these Qing troops.

However, Li Ergou really made the right bet. Li Changqing, who was far away in Guangzhou City, saw the big red dot on the small map representing King Pingnan Shang Kexi split into two small red dots again, so he didn't put any more war puppets.

The war puppets of the Ming army that were launched last time could not even block tens of thousands of Qing troops. Li Changqing did not dare to launch them against the Qing army that was only a small red dot.

You can't always count on the "lucky" clan armed to ambush and rob the enemy army every time.

When the county lord Guangzhi sent people to Guangzhou City to plead guilty, he naturally brought the details of their annihilation of the enemy troops in the system.

Li Changqing knew that it was an ambush where the terrain was very favorable for the clan's armed forces, and the clan's armed forces were equipped with a large number of firecrackers and crossbows, which had three times the strength advantage of the system's enemy forces!
As soon as the ambush started, more than half of the system's enemy troops were wiped out with long-range projectile weapons!
Even so, the clan armed forces still killed more than 100 people by the system enemy in the follow-up melee!
You must know that the total number of Ming troops who really came to melee combat was less than a hundred!

And in hand-to-hand combat, the clan armed forces have always fought more and less.

It can be seen from this that the combat effectiveness of the system enemy army is much higher than that of the clan armed forces.

If it weren't for the fact that the system enemy army carried too much spoils at that time, the clan armed forces who had seen the system enemy army's combat power might not have gone all out and would have retreated long ago.

The combat power of the system enemy army itself is comparable to the elite troops of this era, with the morale bonus of being brave and fearless, coupled with the intelligent commander Lin Dengwan, the combat power is not comparable to that of the Qing army with the same number of people in this era Yes, not to mention the civilian armed forces that are not even as good as the Qing army.

According to Li Changqing's estimate, if he drops the system enemy army at a location without the red dot at this time, the opponent can definitely easily kill the city of Guangzhou, no matter how many clan armed forces are able to stop it.

After the Mongolian cavalry was wiped out, Li Changqing drew Mongolian archers.

When Li Changqing first saw the name, he was very pleasantly surprised, thinking that he had drawn the template of the cavalry unit!

Doesn't that mean that thousands of war horses can be directly realized?

As a result, I clicked in and saw that it was really a Mongolian archer, the kind without a horse...

Angry Li Changqing directly replaced the template of the Mongolian archer with 20 points of life essence.

At this time, the regular army generally wore iron armor, and shields were also standing weapons. The lethality of bows and arrows was too weak. Any well-trained regular army could well defend against the rain of arrows.

This is one of the reasons why firearms are so popular.

The cost of archer training alone is not enough to completely eliminate bows and arrows, weapons with a rate of fire that can crush firecrackers, in the era of queuing and shooting.

If it is a strong bow, the effective distance of the projectile is higher than that of the bird gun, and it is even enough to rival the more advanced flintlock gun.

In terms of hit rate, the two sides are evenly matched. Arrow showers and flintlock volleys rely on face-to-face strikes, and even bows and arrows can crush flintlock guns by relying on the rate of fire.

However, the two major shortcomings of cost and armor penetration make bows and arrows more and more unsatisfactory.

Bows and arrows shoot the enemy, the fatality rate is not high, and the armor-piercing ability is crushed by firearms. The ruling group will naturally abandon bows and arrows on a large scale and use firearms.

Even the establishment of elite archers is no longer retained.

Britain in modern history is a typical example. Originally, all people in Britain practiced longbows, and British longbowmen were famous all over Europe. In the end, the establishment of longbowmen was completely abolished because bows and arrows have been eliminated by the times.

Originally, archers could rely on shooting horses to attack heavy cavalry. Later, even horses began to wear armor, and arrows became tickling equipment.

When facing the infantry formation, the rain of arrows became a joke. A group of soldiers in iron armor only needed to raise their large shields to form the tortoise formation that existed in Roman times, and the rain of arrows would be ineffective!

The arrows shot by the archers expended a lot of arm strength, not to mention all the useless work, and greatly reduced their endurance in melee combat. Fools know that muskets are more useful.

The infantry in heavy armor dared to charge towards the group of archers fearlessly, but would they dare to charge towards the group of musketeers?

After the appearance of muskets, the armor on the heavy infantry could not provide enough protection, and naturally became a burden. This is why the European standing armies in the 18th century all wore fancy woolen coat uniforms.

War is the best practice. Those who advocate that bows and arrows are better than muskets are those who think that their IQ can crush all European emperors in modern history...

The queuing and shooting tactics explored in Europe for hundreds of years of war have been dismissed as worthless, but no one knows that Eastern civilization has been fully overtaken and even crushed by Western powers since the era of queuing and shooting!
Later in the Opium War, Western civilization even used the seemingly silly tactics of queuing up and shooting, and defeated the cavalry and infantry tactics that the Manchus believed to be invincible in the world, so that his grandmother didn't even know it...

This is why Li Changqing despised archers.

It has nothing to do with the training cost, he doesn't need to care about the training cost, what Li Changqing cares about is the actual combat effect.

Nowadays, in the eastern world, under the premise of iron armor everywhere, bows and arrows are really not as easy to use as muskets.

Even in the Qing army, the proportion of archers is far lower than that of firecrackers, and they are not fully equipped with birdcracks, just because they don't want to spend so much money...

"Now there are only two red dots left in Guangdong Province, and one of them is still fleeing north. I wonder if King Pingnan Shang Kexi lost his subordinates and fled again.

No matter how you look at it, the Datang family established by me dominates the territory of Guangdong Province now. Without the obstruction of the Qing army, it is only a matter of time before the two armies in Zhendong and Zhenxi wipe out Guangdong Province.

It's time to expand the territory directly under the Central Government. "

Li Changqing closed the small map and asked Xue Nu, who was waiting beside him, to call the cabinet ministers for a meeting.

At this time, the center of the Tang Empire was huddled in the city of Guangzhou, and the cabinet ministers all lived in one block of the city, so it was very convenient to hold meetings.

After this period of establishment of the system, the grassroots team in Li Changqing's hands has been fully set up, and the mind control targets appointed by him as cabinet ministers are also familiar with their work.

They may not have outstanding abilities in their positions, but at least they can maintain the operation of the entire central court, which is enough.

The most important thing is that these mind-controlled cabinet ministers all have hearts for Li Changqing. They will not embezzle the country's wealth in order to fill their own pockets, and even hate officials who dare to embezzle public funds. , will be severely punished by the cabinet ministers.

Today's Datang Empire has a very simple political system, that is, the cabinet is the main body and some small branches are separated to manage the central site. The feudal lords outside are all self-contained, and the connection with the Datang Central is only to pay taxes.

It is similar to the system of vassals paying tribute, except that Li Changqing never returns gifts.

After the cabinet ministers arrived, Li Changqing said loudly:

"I called everyone here today because the Qing army in Guangdong Province has been basically wiped out, and the next step of strategic planning can be implemented."

Li Changqing came to the large map of Guangdong Province that his subordinates had seized from the Qing government's yamen, and pointed out the key points of the big cities and military passages marked on it:

"Although we lack administrative officials, we can't just hide in Guangzhou City.

The major cities and transportation points in Guangdong Province must be brought under the control of the central court.

Next, everyone drafts a document that our Tang Empire will reopen the imperial examination! "

It is not difficult for Li Changqing to expand the territory directly under the central government of the imperial court. The difficulty is that he does not have many backbone talents to establish local administrative departments.

Without a sound local administrative department, how to collect taxes and organize production for public security?
If the management of those big cities is a mess and they can't collect a few taxes, it's better to continue to let the clan gentry occupy those places.

As for the opening of the imperial examination, it is of course to win over scholars.

Governing the world can't rely on a group of big bosses who can only chop people but can't read!
If those people who kill people without blinking an eye are allowed to become magistrates, I don't know how many ordinary people will be killed.

Governing the people cannot simply use violence to solve problems.

After all, the empire Li Changqing established was too short to develop his own set of examination mechanisms. Naturally, he had to use the yearning of scholars in this era for the imperial examination system to select talents.

Li Changqing didn't ask the scholars who came to take the exam to be masters of stereotyped essays, and it was not enough to be a muddled official who could understand current policies.

Although Li Changqing held the Great Tang Imperial Examination in name, in fact the content of the exam had nothing to do with stereotyped essays. All the exams were in vernacular, and no questions about poetry, songs, or prose were planned.

Of course, it is even more impossible to have any mathematics, physics and chemistry...

Officials don't need to understand mathematics, physics and chemistry!
Li Changqing's order is that the questions of the imperial examinations must be in line with the current situation, and think about the situation from a strategic point of view!
(End of this chapter)

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