This Qing is wrong

Chapter 158 I am the ancestor of Taoism

Chapter 158 I am the ancestor of Taoism

However, what Li Changqing can accept is only compatriots with black hair and black eyes who speak Chinese, even if they are ethnic minorities, but he cannot accept, or people in this era cannot accept, a group of Westerners who look like ghosts and do not meet the aesthetics of Han The Yiyang people became the same nation as them.

A nation, as the name suggests, is the foundational nation of a country.

The Qing court has always been guarding against the Han people and other ethnic minorities, so the Qing court’s nation has only the children of the Eight Banners, and the Han Eight Banners and Mongolian Eight Banners can only be counted as half of the nation.

The group of nations is not divided randomly, it mainly depends on the ethnic origin of the ruler and the ethnic policy promulgated by the national court.

The Manchu ruling class was unable to turn all the people in the country into a nation because they were Manchus and could not be recognized by the Han people.

Even the Manchus themselves don’t recognize it. Except for the Manchu emperors, the Manchus below only think that they are victors and conquerors. How can they be in the same class as those conquered Han people?
This is the reason why the Manchu and Qing courts could not truly be a Manchu family.

The Han people didn't agree, and the Manchus felt superior to others, so they fell apart.

Li Changqing, who is a Han, does not have this problem. He even relaxed the national policy to the extent that as long as he has black hair and black eyes, speaks Chinese and accepts Han folk culture, he can become a national.

This is actually the assimilation of ethnic minorities.

In fact, in this era, as long as the imperial court and the people do not take the initiative to reject distinctions, ethnic assimilation is very easy, and regional differences are not a big deal at all.

Not to mention, this parallel world does not have the problem of language barriers for Han people, and people all over the world speak Mandarin...

It's just that Li Changqing, who wants to assimilate the Westerners, can't do it. It's not that he is so angry that he wants to kill all white people. Li Changqing likes to ride big ocean horses...

If he had to choose a target for genocide, Li Changqing would only choose black people.

It's just that the ethnic recognition of a country cannot be settled by the monarch with a single sentence, especially under the premise that the acceptance of Westerners by the Han people in this era is very low.

If Li Changqing is willing to accept all the white people of Xiyi as a nation, he will definitely be at odds with the people under his command.

Li Changqing is not worried about the rebellion of the civilians under his command, but doing so will not benefit Li Changqing, it is better to list the surrendered whites as foreigners.

Yiren has a discriminatory color of insulting and slandering in Chinese, so naturally it can no longer be used.

Of course, for those white people who are unwilling to submit to the Tang Dynasty, they can be called barbarians.

Of course, the name "foreigner" was specially prepared by Li Changqing for the Portuguese in Macau.

After the following Macau officials saw Governor Don Quixote's anger dissipate, officials who knew Li Changqing's ability stood up and persuaded:
"Your Excellency, the Qing Dynasty in the east has been defeated by Li Changqing and driven away from Guangdong Province. Li Changqing's ability to launch war puppets from a long distance is not only the enemy of the Qing army, but also a huge threat to the Governor-General of Macau.

Li Changqing can even directly throw the war puppet over the fortress we built and throw it at our side.

Those war puppets summoned by Li Changqing were all fearless of death and killed without blinking an eye. It is said that none of the people who fell into the hands of the war puppets survived.

Recently, news has spread from the borders of Guangdong Province that the war puppets summoned by Li Changqing love to eat human flesh.

Once Li Changqing casts war puppets on Macau, we and our relatives may encounter misfortune. "

Don Quixote asked suspiciously: "Can Li Changqing summon war puppets?

Is he a summoner or a magician? "


Probably, it should be the Summoner.

However, the war puppets summoned by Li Changqing all appeared together with thousands of people, and they were fully armed like an army, able to form a battle formation, far from being able to match the elemental enablers summoned by our summoners on the continent of Europa. "

Summoners and magicians are both extraordinary professions on the continent of Western Europa.

There are three major cultivation systems in the Eastern Continent, and Western civilization naturally has its own extraordinary professions.

It's just that they are called professionals in the West, and professionals are not as free and undisciplined as practitioners in the East. Professionals are often controlled by the church and secular kingship.

In other words, the church and secular kingship were originally established by the ancestors of professionals, and professionals are more likely to give birth to professionals, so the theory of blood in Western civilization has always been orthodox.

The speed of Li Changqing's rise is too fast, it has not even been a year, and Don Quixote has to deal with all kinds of affairs and socialize in various banquets, so he doesn't care much about the information on the Eastern Continent.

This aspect has always been handled by subordinates.

Originally, the Portuguese in this area of ​​Macau always felt that the Eastern civil war had nothing to do with them. When the former Ming court and the Qing court confronted each other, they didn’t bother the Portuguese. At most, they were restricted from leaving the Governor-General of Macau.

Unexpectedly, after the change of the Tang court in Guangdong Province, the emperor turned out to be such an arrogant and unreasonable person. He skipped the negotiation of bargaining and issued an ultimatum to the Governor-General of Macau!

That's right, in the eyes of Don Quixote, the request made by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is an ultimatum!

Why didn't Li Changqing put Macao in his eyes?

Because the Portuguese garrison in Macau is just a small red dot on the small map.

In Li Changqing's eyes, the little red dot couldn't stop even a wave of systematic enemy troops!
This is why Li Changqing allowed the Portuguese Viceroyalty to surrender.

He was worried that he would use too much force after launching the system enemy army.

It doesn't matter if the system enemy army slaughters all the Portuguese in Macau, but it's not easy to deal with them.

Li Changqing doesn't want the secrets of the system he launched to be attacked by the enemy to be made public to the world.

Therefore, Li Changqing resorted to political coercion.

Li Changqing, who is rich in the Governor-General of Macau, is still very concerned. The Portuguese have developed well here, and even have an arsenal!

Relying on sea trade, the Portuguese can be completely self-sufficient.

Before Li Changqing founded the country, the materials obtained in the smuggling trade all came from the Governor-General of Macau.

These Westerners have no political affiliation at all, and they will sell to whoever pays the most.

Therefore, even if Shang Kexi collapsed and the Governor-General of Macau lost its biggest customer, the war-torn Guangdong Province provided the Governor-General of Macau with a lot of smuggling profits.

Not only Li Changqing needs smuggling, but also those clan armed forces!

Especially after Li Changqing pacified Guangdong with a document, the feudal lords all over the country rose like spring bamboo, and the demand for firearms increased greatly, which made the Governor-General of Macau a fortune in war.

"Facing Li Changqing, do we really have no chance of winning?"

Don Quixote, who didn't know Li Changqing well, asked with a gloomy expression.

These officials are all grasshoppers tied to him by the same rope, Don Quixote needn't worry about them deceiving him, since the division of labor between the two sides is different.

Don Quixote mainly dealt with the military and political management of the Governor-General of Macau and the suzerainty of Europa.

Negotiating with the Orientals has never been regarded as the main business of the Governor of Macau.

Because the Orientals always buy all kinds of weapons from the Portuguese, the Portuguese think that the Orientals are behind them in terms of armament technology, which causes the Portuguese to have a sense of arrogance.

If the Orientals were a unified dynasty, the Portuguese might be afraid that the Orientals would swallow up Macau with the force of the whole country, but the Easterners in the war could not bring a sense of crisis to the Portuguese.

This is why Don Quixote stopped paying attention to the intelligence of the Orientals after the war in Guangdong Province.

"Sorry, Your Excellency.

I swear in the name of God, if Li Changqing wants to attack us, we will have no chance of winning.

The forts and cannons we depend on for survival will not help us much against the war puppets Li Changqing summons.

And the number of our soldiers is too small, there is no way to fight street fighting with Li Changqing's puppets.

Not to mention, there seems to be no upper limit for the war puppets that Li Changqing can summon. So far, the army of the Qing Dynasty has not tested the upper limit of Li Changqing's summoned war puppets!
According to the Qing side, Li Changqing is not human at all.

You can't compare Li Changqing with the summoners on the continent of Europa. "

At this time, another official in charge of negotiating with the Tang Empire stepped forward and said something that was not in the black and white treaty.

"Your Excellency, the Tang State does not have enough manpower to take over the Governor-General of Macau. Even if we submit to the Tang State, they still allow the Governor-General of Macau to continue to be managed by us. The Tang Dynasty will only send supervisors to collect taxes.

Of course, we need to sever allegiance to the overlord of Europa.

The Tang Emperor is willing to provide us with military protection. "

After saying this condition, the expression on Don Quixote's face suddenly softened.

Under the premise of being invincible, it is undoubtedly the best choice to maintain one's own position of power.

"But, our faith."

Don Quixote asked a question again.

People in this era are more pious in their beliefs, after all, their cultural level is low!
Scientific truth does not occupy people's hearts, and everyone is naturally more willing to believe in an all-knowing and omnipotent God, not to mention that the Europa continent is still controlled by the church.

It's not that Don Quixote is unwilling to change his beliefs for his own prosperity and wealth, but he is worried that the Portuguese in the Governor-General of Macau will not.

If they change their beliefs without permission, Portuguese soldiers are likely to launch a mutiny!

For them, this is much more serious than betraying their motherland.

Because mercenaries are prevalent in continental Europe, and there are even incidents where mercenaries help enemy countries fight their own countries, the patriotism of the people at the bottom of European countries is really not good.

In other words, patriotism in this era is often equated with loyalty to the monarch. The common people think that being loyal to the monarch is patriotism, so the country belongs to the monarch, not the people!
Naturally, this kind of definition cannot give ordinary people a great sense of belonging to the country.

Especially for white people who have traveled across the ocean and settled abroad, the concept of country is very weak.

Although the white people in the Governor-General of Macau are all naturalized as Portuguese, in fact many of them are not native Portuguese at all.

There are even Japanese mercenaries who look completely different from whites and settle in Macau as second-class slaves.

Those Japanese were all ronin who wandered during the Warring States period of Japan, and were later recruited by the Portuguese to settle and multiply in Macau.

Because these Japanese are far away from their homeland, the Portuguese are more at ease in foreign countries, so they have always been one of the important armed forces in the Governor-General of Macau.

Otherwise, relying on the white colonists alone would not be able to support such a large facade of the Governor-General of Macau.

This is why Don Quixote has no psychological barriers to treason, but is worried about converting people's beliefs.

After all, apart from officials who are willing to sell their beliefs for profit, those low-level officers, soldiers and civilians will really sacrifice their lives for their beliefs.

They may not be able to beat Li Changqing, but it is definitely enough to kill Don Quixote, the governor of Macau who betrayed his faith.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that Li Changqing, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, does not have high requirements for faith.

Even now, there is no clear belief under the Tang Dynasty.

Although they respected Confucianism, that was just what scholars said. The Tang court never determined the state religion and belief.

After we surrender, we can keep our faith.

But the emperor of the Tang Dynasty did not allow us to spread the gospel of God, and our faith can only be limited to the Governor-General of Macau. "

Li Changqing is an atheist, and his attitude towards belief has always been neutral.

But Li Changqing is well aware of how easily faith and religion can corrupt people's hearts, so he naturally wants to stop the spread of God's 'Gospel'.

In fact, after the establishment of the Great Tang Empire, Li Changqing had already privately ordered the cabinet to launch a movement to create gods.

The goal of creating a god is naturally Li Changqing himself.

It's just that the time is too short, and the effect is not significant enough.

It is easy to convince the common people that Li Changqing is a monster, but it is easy to convince the common people that Li Changqing is a real god who descended into the world...

Then Li Changqing had to perform a miracle first!

Not the kind of miracles used to kill people, but miracles that benefit all peoples.

Obviously, Li Changqing doesn't have that ability...

Therefore, the creation of gods can only be slowly and imperceptibly through daily propaganda work.

Making gods is not about just shouting slogans and others will believe it. At least you must have a mythical story background with its own logic.

The background Li Changqing set for himself was Daoist Hongjun.

In order to create a god movement, the Datang Yinggou under Li Changqing's command did not miss the trouble of those wandering Taoists, asking them to give Li Changqing the identity of Hongjun Daoist!

Li Changqing even planned to dig out those Taoist masters hiding in the deep mountains and old forests after conquering the world, and force them to prove their identities on their own platforms.

The Qing court has been propagating that Li Changqing is a demon, and Li Changqing's Taoist identity is still very "marketable". Li Changqing simply pushed the boat along and arranged for himself the identity of the human incarnation of Hongjun Daozu in an attempt to build a **** empire.

To rule the nations both physically and mentally.

Li Changqing, who has such a grand plan, naturally cannot allow Western Christianity to take root in the Eastern Continent. It is already Li Changqing's "benevolent act" to restrict the missionary work in the Governor-General of Macau.

Li Changqing is also planning to kick the Portuguese away after digesting Macau in the future...

The reputation of the monarch is not important to Li Changqing.

(End of this chapter)

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