This Qing is wrong

Chapter 166 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 166 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

The military reform of the Qing Dynasty is in full swing, and the suppression and division of Monan Mobei and the host Mongolia are also going on simultaneously. The entire Qing Dynasty is like a clockwork machine, showing its bloodthirsty fangs.

The demon Li Changqing is the beheading knife suspended on Daqing's head, making them dare not relax in the slightest.

At the same time, Li Ergou was intoxicated in Huguang Province, enjoying a luxurious life that he never dared to imagine. Geng Jingzhong was still working hard on the Northern Expedition, planning to establish his own dynasty.

Wu Sangui from Yunnan watched the Qing army deploy heavy troops in the Shaanxi-Gansu region, but he did not dare to act rashly and deplete his own strength.

After the truce between Sun Yanling and Kong Sizhen in Guangxi and Zu Zeqing, Sun Yanling set up a Hongmen Banquet to kill most of the former generals of the Kong family army and seize the military power of the Kong family army.

Sun Yanling thought that he had won a complete victory, but Kong Sizhen did not know how to pull Wu Yinglin into this line.

As a result, the Wu Sangui Group accused Sun Yanling of murderousness and killing his own people, and teamed up with Zu Zeqing to attack from both sides. After the poor Sun Yanling was defeated, he was executed by Kong Sizhen who held a grudge.

So far, Zu Zeqing has completely occupied Guangxi, and after seeing the combat effectiveness of Wu's army, he respects Wu Sangui even more.

After Li Changqing defeated the Qing Army of the Four Routes, the situation in the entire East took a shocking turn.

When Li Changqing received the change in the external situation from the Military Intelligence Bureau in charge of Zhang Jianfei, he was shocked.

"How long has it been since the Manchu and Qing Tartars lost half of their country?"

"It's all thanks to His Majesty's strength."

Zhang Jianfei said seriously.

Li Changqing thought for a while, and called other cabinet ministers to hold a cabinet meeting.

Li Changqing was obsessed with Xuenv's bosom and the Korean dance in Chuxiu Palace all day long, so he was a little slow to react to the outside world.

Li Changqing understands why kings don't like early courts!

That post in the morning is the essence!
After the cabinet ministers arrived, Li Changqing said without any opening remarks: "In this situation, who do you think can be recruited by us?
It's not a nominal surrender, but a down-to-earth vassal to the Tang Empire. "

The cabinet ministers present all understood what Li Changqing meant.

To be a vassal to the Tang Empire means that if the Tang Empire asks you to send troops, you will send troops, and pay taxes regularly, and accept the "envoys" sent by the Tang Empire to check the acres of land and calculate the tax amount on a regular basis.

This is what the big and small feudal lords under the rule of the Tang Empire now do.

The central court of the Tang Empire is like a vampire, entrenched in these feudal lords, sucking blood continuously, and it is not enough to suck less!
Of course, the feudal lords can also resist, kill the envoy sent by the Tang Empire, and then wait for the war puppets to descend from the sky!
Because of this, after the Great Tang Empire took control of Guangdong Province, the following feudal lords had to reduce their troops repeatedly in order to meet the needs of the Great Tang Center.

The center of the Tang Empire also issued a peace guarantee agreement in due course to resolve disputes between feudal lords.

All in all, it prevents feudal lords from launching wars, otherwise, regardless of right or wrong, the one who strikes first will be punished!

There is no such thing as self-defense. After all, this is not a fight between people. A fight between feudal lords often involves thousands of families. How many people will die in one fight.

Guangdong Province has a small population, and the Tang Empire naturally couldn't let this kind of chaotic war happen.

The center of the Tang Empire didn't care about it before, because its hands were not long enough. Now that it has enough bureaucratic teams, the imperial examinations have greatly enriched the bureaucratic teams of the Tang Empire, so it naturally has the energy to manage.

If it does not involve the mobilization of troops, if it is just government expenditure, it is not very big.

Moreover, after Li Changqing tasted the sweetness of the examination and selection of talents, in addition to the imperial examination for selecting officials, he set up an examination for imperial civil servants with a lower threshold.

It is commonly known as the official examination.

That's right, Li Changqing doesn't intend to assign the right to select officials to the local chief executive.

How could Li Changqing from the 21st century not know the importance of grassroots management?
Naturally, Li Changqing will start from the grassroots management.

This is how the official examination came into being.

The officials of the Tang Empire are actually the grassroots of the government in the 21st century, equivalent to civil servants and even temporary workers.

The Tang Empire now has two exams a year, one is the official selection exam in the cloak of the imperial examination, the exam is more difficult, and the scope is different every year.

The other time was the civil servant examination. Compared with being an official, the treatment of civil servants is completely incomparable. There is only one attractive feature - the iron rice bowl, as long as you don't make principled mistakes, you can work for a lifetime!

Officials are actually other staff in the yamen except officials.

Officials don't have to select their own staff such as masters, and the imperial court can't allocate funds. If the official has money and pays for recruiting people out of his own pocket, the imperial court doesn't care.

Officials are supported by funds allocated by the imperial court, which is also a precautionary measure to prevent officials from turning local yamen into their own halls.

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate this. What really prevents local officials from controlling power is the system of reassignment every three years.

Officials are generally arranged in different places instead of local to prevent officials from forming cliques.

Doing so will certainly make the work of officials more difficult, but the court can't control so much, anyway, some people sign up for the exam...

Of course, whether it is an imperial examination or an official examination, you must obey the imperial court's distribution!

Personal will is completely useless.

Li Changqing's set is naturally plagiarized by referring to the system of later generations.

Compared with the examination scope of the imperial examination, which changes every year and is more difficult, the difficulty of the official examination is very low, and the scope of the examination is still fixed.

After all, there are traces of the work content that the officials are responsible for, and the selection of officials for any position can be based on the relevant content.

Even the Tang court took the initiative to publish review materials for the official examination to help the people pass the examination for grassroots officials.

It's a pity that the illiteracy rate in this era is really too high. Even if there are examination materials published by the imperial court, the official examination is still controlled by those landlord families. Ordinary people can't even write their own names. ?

The biggest beneficiary of the official examination was Yu Ding from the landlord family.

That is, men who are not eligible to inherit the family business.

These people have been educated, but they cannot inherit the family business, so they can only rely on themselves. It is their first choice to obtain official officials who can be guaranteed for life.

In any case, officials also serve the court, and their status in this era is not low.

According to the advice given by the cabinet, Li Changqing sent envoys to Li Ergou and Zu Zeqing respectively.

The forces of Geng Jingzhong and Wu Sangui did not send envoys.

Geng Jingzhong's ambitions are great, which is well known to the world after he rebelled on his own.

The possibility of Wu Sangui's surrender is too small. Wu Sangui's power is too strong, and he can even attack the Qing court.

Originally, Li Changqing wanted to send envoys to the forces of King Yanping of Taiwan to persuade him to surrender, but he was told by the cabinet ministers that King Zheng Jing of Taiwan Yanping was very disgusted with the name of the Tang Empire, and believed that Li Changqing had betrayed the ambitions of the former Ming Dynasty. Daming actually brought out the long-dead Tang Dynasty...

After hearing this, Li Changqing naturally canceled his plan to send envoys to Taiwan.

Among these rebel forces, the Yanping Prince's Mansion in Taiwan is the weakest, and Li Changqing doesn't like it either.

In March of the second year of Wuwei in the Tang Dynasty, a team of envoys from the Tang State entered Wuchang Mansion in Huguang.

Li Ergou personally met the envoy of Tang State.

"Your Majesty appreciates your anti-Qing measures very much. As long as you are willing to surrender, you can serve as the Huguang Jiedu Envoy of the Tang Empire..."

After Li Ergou listened carefully to the conditions of the envoy of the Tang Dynasty, he pretended to hesitate and said that he still had to think about it, and then sent the envoy of the Tang Dynasty back.

Then he said to his confidantes and generals: "What does this monster Li Changqing think of me?

Beggar beggar?
Asking Lao Tzu to surrender, not only does not give any benefits, but also makes me give up all the important cities of Huguang to him. I really treat Lao Tzu like a soft persimmon! "

After Li Ergou's voice fell, the generals below immediately agreed.

Although Li Ergou is vulgar and uneducated, he is quite good to his subordinates. Following Li Ergou's group of leading troops, each of them has made a fortune, and now all of them are concubines living in luxury houses. Life, not to mention how unrestrained, is naturally not willing to be a running dog for some monster Li Changqing.

The military group led by Li Ergou destroyed the richness and prosperity of Huguang Province in just a few months.

However, Li Ergou was addicted to enjoyment and couldn't extricate himself, advocating his bravery all day long.

Married dozens of concubines!
Li Ergou, who had been marching and fighting for many years, had a body full of tendons and eight-pack abdominal muscles, but now he looked weak and hollowed out by wine, and his eight-pack abdominal muscles were ninety-nine into one, turning into a belly...

The generals under Li Ergou's command are naturally not much better.

However, Li Ergou is lucky. The Qing Dynasty that wants to suppress him has no energy and troops. The surrounding forces regard Li Ergou as a rebel of the same kind. ally.

Although the Manchu Qing lost half of the country, the rebellious forces, except for Wu Sangui, have no national strength and military strength comparable to the Manchu Qing.

Emperor Kangxi began to make great efforts to govern again, expanding the army wantonly, and even the Han army flag organization and slave organization that were regarded as fundamental by the Manchus began to relax!

Emperor Kangxi's series of violent operations in Mongolia made the rebels feel a strong sense of crisis. Wu Sangui's Northern Expeditionary Army was stuck in the Shaanxi-Gansu area.

Such a powerful Manchu Qing, how can everyone return to internal strife?
After Geng Jingzhong was defeated by the Qing army in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it was too late to win over Li Ergou, so naturally he would not attack Li Ergou.

Therefore, now Li Ergou is very safe, occupying the affluent Huguang, eating and drinking all day long, singing and singing every night, wishing to get back all the glory and wealth that he has never enjoyed in this life.

Not surprisingly, the Tang envoy who went to lobby Zu Zeqing also failed, and was even kicked out by Zu Zeqing.

In Guangzhou City, the capital of the Tang Empire, Li Changqing laughed when he learned that of the two waves of envoys he sent out, one was rejected and the other was kicked out.

"Li Ergou, Zu Zeqing, I didn't expect that you two trash would dare to refuse, it seems that I didn't kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey.

I thought that the failure of the Fourth Route Qing Army would make your memory long, but it's a pity. "

Li Changqing opened the small map, looked at Fujian Province, and found that there were only a few small red dots in Fujian Province.

Obviously, the main force in Fujian Province was transferred to Jiangsu and Zhejiang by Geng Jingzhong to fight against the Qing army.

The situation in JX province is also similar, the number of red dots is very small and not many.

Only Guangxi and Huguang provinces have large red dots gathered together.

The next moment, Li Changqing casually threw a wave of systematic enemy troops at the two big red dots of Guangxi Province and Huguang Province.

In Guilin Fucheng City, Guangxi Province, a group of big-headed soldiers stalked the streets and took what they liked without knowing how to pay for it!
Even after the occupation of Guangxi, the military discipline of these ancestral armies still has not converged.

And Zu Zeqing was very indulgent towards the soldiers under his command, allowing them to fish for the common people, as long as no murders occurred, he would basically turn a blind eye.

Even if people were killed, if it was just ordinary people who died, at most they would go back to the barracks and get whipped.

This caused the ancestral soldiers who gathered in Guilin Mansion to commit crimes in the city, refusing to pay for meals, molesting older girls and younger daughters-in-law, and even vicious cases of chasing women from good families.

It wasn't until the victim threw himself into a well that this incident became a big issue. After all, the thinking of this era is still very conservative. Humiliation of a woman's innocence is an evil thing that will be stabbed in the back by outsiders.

For this reason, Zu Zeqing punished those soldiers who did the fighting, and only then did he curb the deterioration of the ancestor's army's military discipline.

At this moment, 2000 system enemy troops suddenly descended on the city of Guilin Prefecture!
(End of this chapter)

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