This Qing is wrong

Chapter 169 Everyone Fears Li Changqing

Chapter 169 Everyone Fears Li Changqing

"Tell me in detail."

Information from the Qing court has always been the focus of Zhang Jianfei's Military Intelligence Bureau. Most of the military intelligence bureau's manpower and material resources are devoted to the Qing court. It may be difficult to find out the secrets of the Qing court's high-level officials, but the public information on the Qing court's side It can still be delivered instantly.

Especially the mobilization and expansion of the military, it is impossible to hide it in this era.

"Report to Your Majesty.

Kang Mazi, who cleared the demons, has been carrying out military reforms in recent months. Kang Mazi has relaxed the restrictions on recruiting coated slaves. As long as they are Han families who successfully join the new army, they can obtain the status of coated slaves.

The Eight Banners have also been reorganized and expanded, but limited by the number of Manchus, only the Northeast side has expanded its organizational system. I heard that the Qing Yao included all the Jurchens in the old forests in the Northeast, and spent a lot of money to recruit and arm them. them.

As for the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, Qing Yao directly doubled the number of troops of the Han army!
The Han Eight Banners troops under the direct control of the Qing Yao were all gathered and reorganized. One banner was expanded to two Gushan Mountains, and one Gushan had more than 16 people. The Han Eight Banners alone expanded the army to as many as [-]!
In addition, Kang Mazi personally took the full Eight Banners and part of the expanded Han army to Monan Mongolia to reorganize and expand the Mongolian Eight Banners.

Kang Mazi had great ambitions, trying to organize all the Mongols in Monan, Mobei and Dongdao grasslands, and included them all in the Mongolian Eight Banners. For this reason, he did not hesitate to abolish the original alliance flag system, and wanted to completely control the Mongols under his own control. hands.

This move was opposed by most of the Mongolian alliance flags in the south and north of the desert, except for the many Zhasak alliance flags in the host Mongolia that originally wore a pair of trousers with the Qing Yao. Kang Mazi personally led troops there to quell the Mongolian rebellion.

Moreover, Kang Mazi also obtained the legal support of the Xueyu Plateau, accepted the position of Grand Lama issued by the Xueyu Buddhism, and proclaimed himself the Mongolian Khan.

The many alliance flags of Mongolia that resisted the Qing demon reform and seized power are united under the command of Burni, who has the blood of the golden family.

It’s just that the Mongols ruled by Burni didn’t dare to confront the Qing army at all. They were chased by the cavalry who were dominated by the Eight Banners and supported by the Mongolian Eight Banners.

Thanks to Burni's running tactics, the main force of the Mongolian resistance was saved and Kang Mazi was dragged on the Mongolian grassland.

However, the Mongols always like to follow the strong. Although Burni has the blood of the golden family, the descendants of Genghis Khan have been lonely for many years. They only rely on their titles and have no real record. Burni's prestige continues to decline in the pursuit of Qing Yao. .

It is said that there are often small tribes on the Mongolian grasslands in the Monan Qingyao camp, willing to be incorporated into the Mongolian Eight Banners by Kang Mazi, and the strength of the Mongolian Eight Banners has been increasing.

Burni's military strength has been weakened.

If Burni does not open the way to escape to the west, sooner or later he will lose the popular support of the Mongols in this chase.

Kang Mazi has now expanded the Eight Banners military system, supplemented by the New Army and the Green Battalion.

Gushan in the Eight Banners is set as a fixed military system, and ten thousand people are one Gushan.

The established organizational system is that there are two Gushan Mountains on the left and right under each banner of the Han Eight Banners, and one Gushan Mountain under each banner of the Manchu Eight Banners, but excluding Shengjuzhen, which has not yet completed reorganization in the Outer Northeast, only the Zhili area and The Manchu Eight Banners on the Mongolian grasslands, together there are eight Manchurian Gushan, and this does not include the Imperial Forest Army who protected Kang Mazi.

Almost all of the Qing Yao new army were recruits, belonging to a military organization similar in nature to the green battalion, but with a higher military status than the green battalion, because the new army was composed of coated slaves, and almost all middle and senior officers were bannermen.

The new army of Qing Yao is still undergoing training, and the exact number is temporarily unknown.

The Green Battalion in the Qing Yao was the only weakened unit, because many elites in the Green Battalion had been raised into the Eight Banners of Han.

The Green Battalion is the army that clears the demons to maintain local law and order. It is scattered in various provinces, and the number is difficult to count.

Nowadays, the known field troops of the Qing Dynasty are 16 soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, and 25 soldiers from the Manchu Eight Banners. Together with Kang Mazi's imperial army, there are about [-] field troops.

The new army composed of coated slaves and the green battalion that has been transferred with elite backbones are weak and unable to undertake the task of the main field force for the time being.

Nowadays, in order to maintain a huge army, the Qing Yao wantonly encloses land and raises taxes. The reason why half of the Qing Yao’s country is in chaos is because there are a large group of new troops and green battalions guarding it.

The key big cities and traffic points were even guarded by soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

In addition, Kang Mazi established a sticky place last month to collect intelligence, but the main target is not overseas, but domestic, to implement strict supervision on those Han ministers.

His subordinates ventured to guess that Kang Mazi was probably leaving himself a way out for a large-scale evacuation.

Qing Yao, who has been extorting violently, is obviously ready to give up the world of the Central Plains. "

Li Changqing became serious after hearing this.

He didn't expect Kang Mazi to react so quickly. Before he started the Northern Expedition, he brought Daqing to explode the beans!
The Qing court, which was reckless and full-scale violence, is still very scary. After all, the Qing court's basic situation is much larger than that of the former Ming Dynasty. The former Ming Dynasty did not conquer Mongolia.

Before the Qing court entered the customs, it had already spread across the Mongolian prairie, and even the Jin family was defeated.

The Mongols also uphold the law of the jungle, and the strong are respected...

As long as Kang Mazi used his means and threatened and lured him, it would not be a problem at all to win Inner and Inner Mongolia.

But at this time, the Tang Empire established by Li Changqing had just acquired a stable base, and it was too late to stop it.

Going northward is even more wishful thinking. Although Li Changqing has been urging the formation of a navy, and even requisitioned the few Western warships in the Governor-General of Macau, it is still far from sending troops to the north...

Unless, Li Changqing is willing to take the risk himself and go north by boat!
"It's no wonder that Wu Sangui has been standing still, hundreds of thousands of Qing troops are watching, if Wu Sangui invades the Shaanxi-Gansu region, he will definitely be greeted by Kang Mazi's fancy sling.

After all, there is no supplementary water network in the Shaanxi-Gansu region to cover Wu Sangui's large troops.

Geng Jingzhong was also a waste. Kang Mazi blocked him with a group of new troops and green camps, plus a small amount of Han Banners, and he still had the energy to open up a second battlefield to conquer the Mongolian grassland.

If things go on like this, within a few years, Kang Mazi can even open up the road to the west.

At that time, how can I catch Kang Mazi and execute him at the Meridian Gate of the capital?
Kang Mazi fled westward with his army, could it be that I rode a filly and chased after him? "

Li Changqing thought of this, but shook his head and denied it in his heart.

Now is not the time when Li Changqing just crossed. At that time, Li Changqing had no choice but to take the risk himself. Now he has all the war puppets that Commander Lin Dengwan has, and they can be placed thousands of miles away on the small map. Why bother to take the risk by himself? ?

The most important thing is that Li Changqing can now sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and continue to win.

A dealer who can win all the time is naturally unwilling to continue taking risks.

Now as long as Li Changqing takes Guangdong Province as his base, he will go northward a little bit, and no one can stop him.

The only regret is that he may not be able to catch Kang Mazi and destroy the root of the demon.

"Kang Mazi is still a smart person, I just broke out, and I realized that I couldn't beat it, so I prepared for the back road.

But the world is so big, even if Kang Mazi can travel to the Western Regions, or even to West Asia and Europe, it is impossible to escape this ball, and he will be caught by me sooner or later.

The big deal is that I will reduce some time for enjoying and focus more on expanding the territory.

Well, if the war continues to expand, I am afraid that the enfeoffment system will continue for a long time.

Maybe I can build a mobile 'capital'?
Just like the Mongol conquests back then, they fought wherever they went.

The land that has been conquered is divided up and managed.

If the person I entrusted rebels, I can call back again and brush the system enemy army again!
Well, that's it!
But I can't let Kang Mazi plunder the people's fat and people's ointment in the Central Plains so comfortably. Now I can transport thousands of people by sea boat. It shouldn't be a problem.

Wait until the matter on Li Ergou's side is resolved, then do it! "

In April of the second year of Wuwei in the Tang Empire, the emperor of the Tang Empire canonized Li Ergou as the governor of Huguang.

Li Ergou, a grassroots man who started his career by fighting against monsters and puppets, eventually became Li Changqing's good dog...

At the same time, Shang Zhixin was canonized as the governor of Guangxi.

Last month, Shang Zhixin led more than 2 Zhendong troops into the chaotic Guangxi Province, and took Guilin, which had no troops stationed.

Although most of the land in Guangxi Province has not been taken down by Shang Zhixin, Li Changqing gave him the title of Governor of Guangxi in advance in order to encourage Shang Zhixin.

In the same way, all the cities under Shang Zhixin's direct control were returned to the central government of the Tang Dynasty.

Many powerful local clan armed forces in Guangdong Province were forced to follow the Zhendong Army to fight for territory in Guangxi.

This is naturally an order issued by Li Changqing to transfer the fiefdom.

If you don't leave, you are against the decree!

Of course, the areas transferred by the feudal lords of the Guangdong clan were large enough, and Li Changqing allowed them to take away their troops and family members.

The center of the Tang Empire is orderly receiving the territory left by the clan feudal lord.

Qiu Hui of the Zhenxi Army also accepted a similar mission to attack Fujian Province, which was also empty of troops.

Geng Jingzhong knew that Li Changqing had the ability to send war puppets into Fujian Province, so he didn't dare to leave the main elite in Fujian Province.

Therefore, Qiu Hui's attack on Fujian Province went smoothly.

Like Shang Zhixin, Qiu Hui also took away a group of local powerful factions from Guangdong to attack Fujian together, and the territories won will be distributed according to their merits.

Qiu Hui was canonized as the short governor of Fujian.

The two governors, Shang Zhixin and Qiu Hui, both need to use their own military power to conquer the territory, and the Datang Center is only responsible for issuing diplomas.

Of course, if there are big red dots in Guangxi and Fujian, Li Changqing will still send system enemy troops to help.

For this reason, Li Changqing specially sent envoys to warn Geng Jingzhong and Wu Sangui.

Thanks to Li Changqing's great reputation, both Wu Sangui and Geng Jingzhong acquiesced in the expansion of the Tang Empire in Guangxi and Fujian provinces.

There is nothing to do if you don't acquiesce, you can't send an army back to help!

It is not difficult to defeat Shang Zhixin and Qiu Hui, but how should Li Changqing deal with the war puppets?

Geng Jingzhong, who was attacked in Fujian Province but could only bear with it, seemed to have realized the truth.

He knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could only succumb to the demon Li Changqing. In this case, why did he still fight hard?
It is even more impossible to be an emperor!

Giving up Fujian Province with his own hands caused Geng Jingzhong a great psychological shadow, and that bit of emperor's dream was also shattered.

The Northern Expedition failed to see results for a long time, and entered a stalemate.

Not long after, Geng Jingzhong made a very painful decision to send envoys to Guangzhou City to test Li Changqing's tone.

Geng Jingzhong's requirements are not high, as long as he can seal the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions he has conquered as governor, which is roughly the area of ​​Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces.

In May of the second year of Wuwei, Li Changqing happily agreed to Geng Jingzhong's request, merged Jiangxi and Zhejiang into the governor-general of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and canonized Geng Jingzhong as governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang!

At the same time, Geng Jingzhong's troops who were still resisting in Fujian Province all withdrew, and Qiu Hui took the whole province of Fujian without bloodshed.

So far, only the province of Guangxi is left in the territory that the Tang Empire is still fighting.

There is no way, there are many chieftain tribes in Guangxi Province who have no information, have never heard of the Tang Empire, and even in their eyes Zu Zeqing's ancestral family army is more deterrent.

Although the chieftains in Guangxi Province were afraid of the Tang army, it did not mean that they were willing to surrender. Shang Zhixin's team failed to fight a devastating battle, and could only slowly conquer the mountainous and forested Guangxi province with a small knife.

However, Guangxi, which has no external support, is conquered by Shang Zhixin is only a matter of time and cost.

There is plenty of time to believe in it, but the cost...

This is Shang Zhixin's turf for himself. The governor of the Tang Empire is a feudal official caught by the military and government. No matter how poor Shang Zhixin is, he has to grit his teeth and persevere!
It can be said that the expansion of the Tang Empire is almost equivalent to the spread of the call, and a tough battle has never been fought!
Of course, Shang Zhixin's Zhendong Army and Qiu Hui's Zhenxi Army were replaced by Guangxi Army and Fujian Army. Except for remote villages and towns, Guangdong Province has entered the era of central government.

Of course, it will take time to fully return to the central government, and it needs newly selected officials to slowly implement it.

There is no rush, after all, there is no Internet in this era...

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the former demon Li Changqing is rapidly transforming into a real lord of a country.

Li Changqing, who originally possessed the ability to summon war puppets against the sky, once he becomes the lord of a country, who can resist?
After Geng Jingzhong surrendered, this question was put on Wu Sangui's table...

"I can't go on like this. The world won't belong to Kangxi, nor can it belong to me. It's time to find a way out for myself."

Wu Sangui got up, walked towards the map of Southeast Asia drawn by himself in the lobby, and his eyes stayed on the Myanmar area.

Wu Sangui didn't want to be Li Changqing's subordinate, so he could only fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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