Chapter 184

In the fully enclosed special dragon chariot, Luna woke up leisurely, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a scene that made her blush.

Li Changqing, who was holding Yan Lingji's head, saw Luna wake up, and asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Luna stared blankly at Yan Lingji who was working there, and couldn't combine this Yan Lingji with the one in his memory for a while.

Although Yan Lingji is the most sexy and charming among them, Luna knows very well that Yan Lingji doesn't really like men, but just likes to tease men in this way, seeing men's greedy and unattainable demeanor. Just for fun.

But what is Yan Lingji doing now? !

However, after Luna and Li Changqing looked at each other with smiles, a clear understanding immediately rose in their hearts.

If this is the request of the Tang Emperor, it seems normal...

Luna sensed her soul and physical state, and found that she hadn't suffered any harm, including the soul that made her vomit blood!
At the same time, there was a strong emotion in Luna's heart that could not violate any order of Li Changqing, strong enough to influence her thoughts and decisions.

Luna couldn't help but think of the terrible scene he 'saw' after fainting, and respectfully replied to Li Changqing: "Thank you for your concern, Luna is in good condition."

When Yan Lingji heard the voice of the Moon God behind her, she paused, Li Changqing patted Yan Lingji's shoulder lightly and said, "Don't stop, keep going."

Yan Lingji continued to work obediently.

Although the three girls who just took control are all stunning, but Yan Lingji is undoubtedly the one who is most likely to provoke male desires among the three girls, and coupled with Yan Lingji's initiative, she naturally became the first one around Li Changqing. 'Stay close to yourself'.

"I remember you said half a sentence before you fell into a coma, did you see something?
For example, God~"

Li Changqing asked curiously, and imitated the appearance of the moon god on the last word and drew the long sound.

At this time, Li Changqing had already confirmed that the Moon God was also controlled by the mind, so he naturally didn't have any scruples, and asked directly if he wanted to know something.

Under the effect of mind control, it is impossible for the other party to lie.

Li Changqing guessed that Luna should have seen one side of the system, or the tip of the iceberg of the system?
Li Changqing has always felt that the system fused with his own soul is awesome, the ability to control the mind is comparable to a god, and the ability to materialize the system enemy army out of thin air is as terrifying as the high rules!
Moreover, the system's so-called supreme balance rule of the universe also made Li Changqing feel great, although he didn't understand the balance of the system's enemy army chasing and killing him...

Except for various system panels, Li Changqing has never seen what the system looks like, and even has very little communication with the rigid system.

Moon God thought for a while and replied: "Your Majesty, I didn't see anything, but I just vaguely sensed the supreme way of heaven.

Your Majesty should be the Son of Heaven born in heaven! "

Moon God said while thinking: "Well, it must be the way of heaven. Your Majesty is so wise and mighty, so it must be impossible for him to be a demon or a dog. That would be against his will!"

In fact, Luna did not see anything, but only sensed the power of rules. At that time, she felt that she might have encountered an evil spirit from outside the sky, but after being controlled by her mind, Luna was extremely firm that she saw the way of heaven!

Anyone who asks must be the way of heaven!
"The way of heaven?"

Li Changqing chewed this word silently, even distracted.

Yan Lingji, who was working, had no choice but to work overtime harder to draw Li Changqing's attention back.

Li Changqing, whose attention was pulled back, took a deep breath, and did not delve into the connotation of the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is the way of heaven!

Anyway, I'm having a good time now, and that's enough.

Luna tried her best not to look at Yan Lingji, who was working hard, and looked directly at Li Changqing, but the blush on her face could not be eliminated no matter what.

As the suzerain of the Jade Girl Sect, Luna had never been in such an embarrassing scene.

Sure enough, the outside rumors about Li Changqing were all true!

No, isn't it normal for the great and wise Emperor Tang to have three thousand beauties in his harem?

Which one of the ancient emperors didn't embrace left and right?
Unless the body can't bear it!
In any case, Li Changqing is the king of entrepreneurship, a dignified rank-[-] martial artist, and his body is completely fine.

"Your whereabouts should be very secretive.

I asked Da Si Ming and Yan Lingji to give advice to take down Shao Si Ming and Chi Lian from the White Lotus Sect with the least cost, but both of them think it is best for you to come up with an idea.

Most of the plans in the White Lotus Sect were made by you, Moon God. "

"Thanks to Your Majesty's love, please forgive me for asking a question rashly.

Can His Majesty still control people's hearts?
If possible, I am sure that His Majesty can take down the entire White Lotus Sect and even the Jade Girl Sect without a single soldier. "

As the suzerain of the Jade Maiden Sect, Luna has no psychological pressure to sell the Jade Maiden Sect. This is the power of mind control!
Much better than Yuri in Red Alert.

Although the number of mind control quotas is a secret, Li Changqing has no need to hide from his confidantes, and said directly: "Controlling Shao Si Ming and Chi Lian is completely fine.

But only if I get close to them. "

After hearing these words, Luna breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty had fully accepted him.

Logically speaking, this trivial matter should not cause Luna to have such a big reaction, but she felt a sense of relief, as if Li Changqing's attitude towards her was more important than her own life.

Luna knew that she was wrong to think so, but she just couldn't help it.

"Your Majesty, we can do this..."

When Luna finished talking about her plan, Yan Lingji finally finished her work for the day, and sat beside her sweaty and panting to rest.

Li Changqing hooked his fingers at the Moon God. Although the Moon God was dignified and elegant, his exaggerated figure was no less exaggerated than that of Yan Lingji, so Li Changqing would not let it go.

Li Changqing had to admit that the women of the Jade Maiden Sect were indeed the most perfect women in the world. Among them, the Bailian Saintess, who had the body of a fairy, was the best in the Jade Maiden Sect.

It feels so beautiful that it is unreal, as if it came out of two-dimensional perfection, it satisfies all the beautiful fantasies of men.

Of course, it's a biological fantasy.

At nightfall, Li Changqing, Yan Lingji, Luna, and Da Si Ming disappeared together.

However, the team escorting Li Changqing did not stop, and was still escorting Li Changqing's dragon chariot forward, but the dragon chariot that was originally at the front fell to a safe position in the middle.

Even the top guards such as Xue Nu and Pang Yan next to the dragon carriage did not disappear, and everything seemed to return to normal.

Li Changqing learned from the mouth of the three women of the Moon God that they had sneaked over, and no one had seen them except Li Changqing's people.

And Li Changqing's guards and those soldiers are all brainwashed soldiers, and Xue Nu and Pang Yan who have not been brainwashed are also mind-controlled objects. They will keep their mouths shut as long as Li Changqing orders them.

That is to say, during the period when Li Changqing's team arrived at the front line of Daming Mansion, it was impossible for outsiders to know that the three Lunas were overwhelmed by Li Changqing.

At the same time, Li Changqing was quickly taken to Fucheng of Daming Mansion by the three women using lightness kung fu.

According to the secret signal prepared in advance, the three daughters of the Moon God successfully entered the Yamen of the Daming Mansion and met Shao Siming.

The congregation of the White Lotus Sect is naturally commanded by the masters of the Jade Girl Sect below, and Shao Siming only exists as the Dinghai God Needle, and has been practicing in seclusion.

It wasn't until the people below informed that the three of Moon God had captured the demon Taoist Li Changqing alive that they came to meet in the back hall of the government office.

After Shao Siming entered the room, he saw Li Changqing without any shackles at first sight.

Seeing this scene, Shao Siming had no doubts, because the three Luna Gods were standing beside Li Changqing. In Shao Siming's eyes, Li Changqing only had the cultivation of a sixth-rank warrior. The restraint of the three people around him.

However, after Shao Siming stepped into the room and saw Li Changqing's eyes, he immediately felt that his whole consciousness was plunged into an endless vortex. got sublimated.

Then, he bowed down and knelt down in front of Li Changqing.

At this time, Da Si Ming reminded: "Your Majesty, Shao Si Ming has practiced silent art, so he can't speak easily."

Li Changqing nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

"Get up, you can stay with me tonight."

After Li Changqing finished speaking, he looked at Luna, waiting for her next plan.

"Da Si Ming, please come and replace Chi Lian. The reason is that we have captured the Emperor of the Tang Empire and we need her to come over to discuss the next strategy."

At this time, Li Changqing stopped him suddenly: "Da Si Ming hasn't attended bed yet, so stay with me tonight with Shao Si Ming, you can send Yan Lingji there."

After hearing this, Yan Lingji took the initiative to lead the order and said, "Obey, Your Majesty."

After speaking, Li Changqing ordered to Moon God: "I will trouble you to maintain the outside affairs, and the chief commander and the young commander will stay and watch me."

Luna was a little worried and said: "However, the Qing army outside the Daming Mansion didn't know about it. What should I do if Li Ergou attacks again?"

Luna feels that she is now Li Changqing's person, in various senses!

So she didn't want to continue to kill the soldiers under the command of the Tang Empire.

However, if she wanted to continue the show and lure Chi Lian, she had to lead the White Lotus Sect to defend the city.

When the time comes, should she make a move or not?

All this needs to be decided by Li Changqing.

"Before Chi Lian entered the net, it's just the same as before, Li Ergou is just a dog under my hands, and his army is not supported by me.

For the sake of the overall situation, you just take action.

However, Li Ergou has already suffered a loss, so he probably won't send the main army to attack the city again. It will be a tentative attack at most, so don't worry. "

After receiving Li Changqing's reply, Luna felt at ease.

With Li Changqing's affirmation, Luna would naturally not hold back, she was only loyal to Li Changqing personally, and she did not have any good feelings for the Tang Empire Luna, and even had a dislike.

Of course, in front of Li Changqing, Luna will not reveal anything.

However, through this incident, Luna and the other three women around him have already understood the position of the warlord governor in the Great Tang Empire in the heart of the Great Tang Emperor Li Changqing.

It can be said that there is no surprise.

Even without those warlords, Li Changqing, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was still the supreme existence. But if those warlords did not have the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, they would either be wiped out or move westward with their clan like Kang Paopao.

Oh, by the way, I heard that President Wu Sangui and Wu Da in the southwest direction have already started marching into Myanmar?
I hope that Wu Sangui, a duplicitous man, can successfully escape from Yunguichuan before the Tang emperor consolidates the northern territory, otherwise...

At this time, Luna didn't know why, but this thought came to her.

In her eyes, the northern Han land can already be declared to be the territory of the Tang Empire, because the five white lotus saintesses have the absolute right to speak whether they are in the White Lotus Sect or the Jade Girl Sect.

As long as the five white lotus saintesses reach an agreement, there will be no hindrance in surrendering to the Tang Empire.

Even the masters of the Jade Girl Sect refused to admit defeat in their hearts, and did not dare to resist openly. At most, they defected like the Xuenu back then.

But this time, Moon God will not give the Jade Girl Sect masters the chance to defect.

After both Luna and Yan Lingji left, Da Si Ming lowered his head, and kept fighting fiercely.

After Da Si Ming was controlled by his mind, he did not have any sexual desire for Li Changqing, which was related to her own obsession.

What Da Si Ming yearns for is to be a general who fights on the battlefield, and he is rigid and serious, a person who cannot tolerate sand in his eyes.

In a sense, Da Si Ming is a bit like a manly woman, but it's a pity that her good looks are too high, and her body curve is too exquisite, so she really can't fit the image of a manly woman.

And Da Si Ming doesn't like men's clothes, he often wears a red robe that is slit to the waist, and then digs out the eyeballs of the inferior men who dare to cast obscene glances at him...

Unlike Yan Lingji who just teases and mocks men mentally, Da Si Ming really treats those men who dare to moles her with their eyes cruelly.

Among the five great white lotus saintesses, apart from Chi Lian who played poison, Da Si Ming was the one most feared by the White Lotus Sect.

Shao Siming is a 'dumb' and can't speak easily, so he has a low sense of existence in the White Lotus Sect. Every member of the White Lotus Sect knows that there is such a high-ranking saint as Shao Siming, but no one will speak to Shao Siming. Create a sense of awe.

Shao Si Ming never participated in the management of the White Lotus Sect, and usually followed Da Si Ming's side. Since then, he has been a qualified and competent thug, killing people without talking!
Of course, Shao Si Ming, who masters the inheritance of vitality, is also the nanny of the White Lotus Sect, but the minimum who can get her treatment has to be a disciple of the Jade Girl Sect.

Moon God is the most normal person among the saints of the White Lotus Sect, or she has always maintained the personality of a rational leader, and she is the one who gives the most orders in the White Lotus Sect.

Although the five white lotus saintesses have the same status, the other four habitually obey her orders because Moon God was originally the suzerain of the Jade Girl Sect.

Chi Lian, whom Li Changqing had never seen before, was an existence that terrified the followers and enemies of the White Lotus Sect. According to rumors, Chi Lian's favorite thing to do was to feed the various poisons she sacrificed with living people!
(End of this chapter)

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