This Qing is wrong

Chapter 192 What about people?

Chapter 192 What about people? (seeking subscription)
There is a not uncommon term in military history-bombing the camp.

Not to mention the relatively backward feudal era, even in modern society, there are occasional "camp bombing" incidents in wars.

The situation facing the camp of 10,000+ grassland warriors outside Guihua City is actually bombing the camp!

Since ancient times, the battles of winning more with less are often inseparable from surprise attacks and sneak attacks. This kind of attack tactics actually takes advantage of the weaknesses in human nature to create panic in a large area, and then let the enemies who are far more numerous than themselves collapse on their own!
Especially in the era of fighting in formations, because the basic level of the army's fighting beliefs are not strong enough, once the formation is not listed, it will be critically attacked, and the morale will easily collapse, which will cause the entire camp to explode!
What kind of attack is more sudden than the systematic enemy army falling from the sky?

What's more, the 10,000+ grassland warriors outside Guihua City, except for their large number of people, they can't be called a regular army at all.

The downfall of the Mongols was not a small one. To put it mildly, the whole people became soldiers. To put it bluntly, the herdsmen took up arms...

These 10,000+ prairie warriors, even including some Zhungeer warriors in Guihua City, are half-soldiers and half-shepherds. They are not comparable to professional soldiers. The only thing they are better than the Han army is that they have too many horses. up!

As many as one person and two horses are just a routine operation, and one person, three or four horses can be made together by gnashing their teeth!
In contrast, in Han, there are not many cavalry with one man and one horse!
Obviously, in the era when flintlocks and smoothbore guns were not fully popularized, the advantage of cavalry over infantry could not be compensated by discipline alone.

The grassland civilization can always have an advantage in war, which has a lot to do with the number of their horses.

Once the farming civilization has enough cavalry, it can often turn the tables and beat the grassland peoples!

A group of grassland warriors who didn't see the cowardly cavalry at all, but could only hear the shouts of killing from the invisible horizon, had all stepped on their horses and prepared their weapons and luggage.

However, the little leader inside shouted to everyone: "Let's leave here quickly, the revived Genghis Khan and Xue Jun are taking revenge, we will all die here if we leave late!"

"Boss, our Taiji is still in Guihua City, should we go find him?"

"What are you looking for?!
Guihua City has long been blocked by the Zhungeer people, and we can't get in at all. Now it is estimated that even the city gates are closed. After a long time, the revived Qi Xuejun came to kill you. You don't want your wife and children anymore? "

The talkative steppe warrior shrank his neck, realizing what a stupid question he had asked.

At this time, another timid prairie warrior said: "We just ran away, will Taiji punish us when we turn back?"

"What are you afraid of, look around, who is no longer running away?

It's not that we are not brave enough, the enemy is the Qi Xuejun who followed Genghis Khan back then. Together, we dare not kill Xue Jun. If you want to prove your bravery, then stay!

Don't worry, if you die in battle, I will take care of your wife and children, and won't let them starve to death! "

The leader of this prairie tribe is quite authentic, and took the initiative to take on the important task of taking care of his comrades' wives and children.

This brother can do it!

The men and women on the prairie are more 'enlightened', not as particular as the people in the Han area, what about widowhood and chastity, the people on the prairie don't agree with that stuff at all.

There is even a tradition of keeping good friends at home and having their wives serve!

Look, what a friendly group this is!
Even if the wife becomes pregnant because of serving outsiders, the husband will not be annoyed, and will even be very happy. He will reap fruit without sowing. What a wonderful thing!

In prairie families, population is a very scarce resource. Because the grassland environment is harsh and the medical system is almost zero, most of the children born will die before they grow up to adulthood.

Therefore, it is not something to be ashamed to say about having more children, borrowing seeds and so on.

The child born will not cheat his father to find some biological father, he will recognize any father according to his own surname!

This is why, after the rise of Genghis Khan, when he led the grassland men to burn, kill, loot, and plunder women, he would raise them regardless of whether they were pregnant women or not, as their own children!

If they can be brought up, women are a fertility booster, and men are cannon fodder on the battlefield!
This kind of cost-effective deal, can the prairie people not understand?

As for the red tape of etiquette, righteousness, honesty and shame, I'm sorry, Confucianism is not yet capable of instilling this kind of thinking into the prairie people, but the prairie people don't understand those chaste and martyrs in the Han area very much.

You said that your man was killed, and you are going to die, why bother?

Wouldn't it be nice to have another man to serve her and continue to give birth to live?
They are all serving men anyway, so what's the difference?
If the size is different, can't you live?

What is the logic?

Therefore, the grassland people are full of contempt for the thoughts of Han women, thinking that they are a group of ethnic groups who love to dig into the horns.

Look at the women on the prairie. Not only are they informal, they can also go to the battlefield with their husbands to kill people when necessary!

This is the real help of a man!
The law of the jungle follows the law of the jungle on the prairie, so if there are no grown-ups to support the front of the family, the whole family will really die!

At this time, a good friend told you, go with all your heart, I will take care of your home, that is a proper true brother!

Therefore, when the boss said this to the soldiers under his command, not only was he not suspected of taking advantage, but he won the respect of the other soldiers under him.

It is reassuring to follow this kind of boss. If there is an accident on the battlefield, the wife and children at home will have a man to rely on.

This is a matter of survival!

What is a festival?
Can it be eaten as a meal?
It's a pity that the prairie soldier is a coward, and he didn't have the guts to stay and try the resurrected cowardly Xue Jun.

These prairie people grew up listening to the stories of Genghis Khan. They may not take the Jin family that has long since declined, but no one dares to take it seriously when Genghis Khan swept across Eurasia, let alone Genghis Khan. The most elite cowardly army under his command!

Soon, the group of prairie warriors flew away without distraction, ignoring the flames of war in the distance.

There are not a few who choose the same as them, or the vast majority of people have made this choice.

Even if there are many rational people who doubt the truth of the news, but seeing that everyone is busy running, I will not insist on going to see what the resurrected Cowardly Commander Xue looks like, and whether I can kill two demons with my own hands. Your own bravery?

Compared with showing one's own bravery, one's life is more important.

It can be seen that the grassland people of this era and the grassland people of the Mongol Empire period are completely two species, not only because of the loose sand.

The most important thing is the change of belief and thinking. Changshengtian is an ancient tribal totem belief. People advocate bravery and are not afraid of death.

The core idea of ​​Huangjiao thought is to persuade people to be good, reincarnation to accumulate evil virtue...

From the ruler's point of view, it is natural that the Yellow Sect thought is more conducive to ruling, and the reason why a harmonious society and poor mountains and rivers make trouble for the people, all fools understand!

But when it comes to war...

It's better to be alive!
Just like that, most of the prairie soldiers who hadn't encountered the cowardly Xue army dispersed on their own just because of the rumors of a rout!
In fact, this is a little different from bombing the camp. The fleeing grassland soldiers were very orderly and did not trample on each other. Everything that should be taken away was carried away on the horses...

Only a messy and dilapidated camp was left.

As for those camps that were being trampled by the cowardly Xue army, it was very miserable. Many grassland warriors were sent to the west by the systematic enemy without even riding their own horses.

Of course, the number of the Qixue army is limited, and even if the camp of the prairie warriors is being attacked, the majority of those killed will not be the majority. The prairie warriors are not lambs to be slaughtered. Will they run away if they can't be beaten?
As long as they could mount their horses, most of the grassland warriors could escape.

In order to break through the camps of living people as much as possible and disintegrate their fighting spirit, it is impossible for Qi Xuejun to chase and kill the rout soldiers.

At this time, the poor military organization ability of the grassland warriors was reflected. It is almost impossible for all the collapsed grassland warriors to be reorganized, and even the big and small leaders ran away with them!
Only a small number of prairie guards who were loyal to Taiji yelled outside the closed gate of Guihua City, wanting to take advantage of the cowardly Xue army not coming to the city to protect their own Taiji boss.

However, not only the prairie warriors were frightened by the rumors of the revival of the fearful Xue army, but also the Zhungeer cavalry who stayed in Guihua City were all terrified, otherwise it would have been impossible to close the gate immediately!
In order to prevent accidents, Galdan only placed the Zhungeer cavalry he brought in Guihua City, and other Taijis who were qualified to come in to discuss matters could only bring in a small number of personal guards.

Therefore, the defenders in Guihua City are all Zhungeer soldiers, and they have a natural sense of superiority over those steppe warriors.

On the grassland where the law of the jungle predominates, it is normal for the Zhungeers to have this sense of superiority. After all, the grassland warriors present are all defeated by them.

Don't be fooled that the population of the Geer tribe is only over 100 million, but this is the most capable grassland tribe on the eastern grassland today, none of them!

The Jin family and so on were not taken seriously by the Jungar people, unless it was the resurrection of Genghis Khan back then!

The Qi Xue army outside the city was still raging and killing, the grassland soldiers were busy running, but the banquet inside the city was a mess.

Naturally, the rumors also spread to the banquet in the city at this time.

However, Ge Erdan is not one of those grassland warriors whose news channels are blocked. After learning the rumors of the revival of the Qixue Army, he immediately explained it clearly to the Taijis present.

Claiming that it was the war puppet summoned by the demon Dao Li Changqing, not Genghis Khan resurrected with the cowardly army...

As a result, the Taijis, who had never heard of the monster Li Changqing summoning the war puppets, became problem babies in a hurry, and the throats of Galdan's explanations were full of smoke!
"Khan, my tribe is being massacred outside the city. No matter who the enemy is, I must leave the city as soon as possible to command my tribe to respond to the enemy!"

After simply understanding that the war puppets of the Yaodao would die if they were killed just like a living person, these Taijis suddenly became courageous, and one by one clamored to go out of the city to fight.

However, Ge Erdan knew that the truth would appear wave after wave.

He didn't want to follow those Taijis out of town.

But just let them go, they won't run away.

After all, he was a prairie warrior that he finally summoned. If they all ran away, how could he fight against the Tang Kingdom in Han?

Relying on the cavalry of Zhungeer under his command, let alone the monster puppets, it is a question of whether Li Changqing's powerful warlords can be defeated.

Although Ge Erdan was arrogant, he was not stupid, and he already knew from Kangxi that the governors and warlords working under Li Changqing at this time were all led by the original elite of the Qing army.

It's not a rabble of recruits with little war experience.

Even if they win, Zhungeer's warriors will probably suffer heavy casualties. This is Galdan's core combat power, and he is not happy to die one more Galdan.

The warriors of the Zhungeer tribe should press the grassland warriors of other tribes behind, and then give the enemy a fatal blow when necessary!
Instead of being exhausted in the endless war of attrition.

It's just that if these Taiji are not allowed to leave, they may turn against him...

Today's Gerdan knows that he is not really a big Khan who promises everything. He is just the leader of a grassland tribal alliance. Let everyone get rich.

When Genghis Khan was just rising, Genghis Khan did not become the emperor who promised everything overnight. He first took the grassland people to avenge the Kingdom of Jin, and then raised his personal prestige to the peak in battle after battle, and then established the Great Mongol Empire. .

Even so, what Genghis Khan established was not a unified centralized state, but a feudal state, which also paved the way for the subsequent split of the Great Mongol Empire.

The current Galdan is not a little bit behind Genghis Khan's prestige. If he hadn't taken out the bait of going south to Han to plunder, it would be impossible to gather 10,000+ steppe warriors.

Therefore, if they turned against those tribes Taiji at this time, they might turn around and break up, and even would rather continue to hang out with the less powerful Burni.

At this time, Burni was like an ordinary Taiji, mixing in the crowd, not acting like a bird, quietly watching Galdan's response.

If you don't let people go, the grassland tribes will lose their hearts.

Let people go, they just might run away.

How else could Gerdan choose?

Not long after, the gate of Guihua City opened, and the grassland guards who stayed outside greeted their respective Taiji excitedly.

However, the Taijis who walked out of Guihua City looked at the messy camp outside the city, and their expressions froze.

What about their tribe?

That's a camp for 10,000+ people!
How come there are only so few people left?
Didn't it mean that there are only 2000 people in the Yaodao war puppets?

2000 people defeated 10,000+ people?
Isn't this the resurrection of Genghis Khan's cowardly army? !

(End of this chapter)

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