This Qing is wrong

Chapter 194 Scottish Highland Guard Regiment

Chapter 194 Scottish Highland Guard Regiment
The more Ge Erdan thought about it, the more his fear of the demon Li Changqing was amplified in his heart, and the more he understood Kangxi's reason for becoming a runaway emperor...

This is not a war at all, but mortals are fighting against gods!
Is it really human that can summon such a terrifying war puppet out of thin air?

I heard that the Tang Empire is building a Taoist court on the ground, and Li Changqing, the demon Taoist, proclaimed himself the unique Taoist ancestor in the world. He couldn't really be a Taoist god from the sky.

The rumors that Geldan sneered at originally, are constantly being self-improved in his mind at this time, stepping into the vortex of "dihua"...

Compared with Emperor Kangxi, Ge Erdan, who is part-time the great lama of Xueyu, is undoubtedly more superstitious. In this world with a supernatural power system, how can religious people not be superstitious?
When Gerdan was thinking wildly, the warriors of the Zhungeer tribe under his command did not disappoint him after all.

On the East Asian grasslands of this world, Jungar is almost the ceiling of the grassland nation's combat power.

This is not only because the Zhungeer tribe obtained a large amount of iron and firearms to arm itself through trade with the Raksha Kingdom, but also because the Zhungeer tribe has a tough folk style, fought south and north, and had a group of elites trained by the flames !

Although the Zhungeer tribe bullies the grassland tribes fighting among themselves most of the time, which is a dimension reduction attack, but if there are too many battles, pigs can take off, let alone the sturdy warriors of the Zhungeer tribe?
Therefore, after the camel artillery formation outside Guihua City was overwhelmed by the systematic enemy forces regardless of casualties, the rest of the Zhungeer cavalry did not flee in all directions like the steppe warriors, but regrouped under the leadership of their respective leaders !

Even the light cavalry of Zhungeer's department, few of them were deserters!

At this moment, the mobility advantage of the cavalry is once again reflected. As long as the morale does not collapse, the cavalry is far more efficient at regrouping than the infantry.

And because of the fast speed of the cavalry, not many people were killed by the enemy of the system. Regardless of the continuous breakthrough of the enemy of the system, in fact, only about a thousand warriors of the Zhungeer tribe they really killed, most of them Or the Zhungeer light cavalry killed while riding and shooting.

Of course, the system enemy troops did not suffer much damage during the cavalry duel, but when they charged towards the camel artillery positions of the Zhungeer Ministry, the casualties were very heavy!
The armor on Kexue's body can withstand the bow and arrow of Zhungeer Qingqi, but it is as fragile as paper when facing the salvo of camel cannons.

This caused Ke Xuelin Dengwan to reduce the number of troops under his command after he smashed the camel artillery position of the Zhungeer Ministry.

However, the number of Qixue troops became smaller, and they became fatter in front of the fierce Zhungeer cavalry.

You must know that the Zhungeer cavalry who have never fought against the enemy army of the system know very little about the war puppets of the Yaodao. They do not know that after the enemy army of the system is killed, the corpses will disappear together with their weapons and equipment.

The armor on the Qixue is better than the armor on the Zhungeer cavalry, and the standard is uniform, unlike the Zhungeer armored heavy cavalry, the quality of the armor on the body depends on the level of personal financial resources...

In addition, there is also the cavalry bow in Ke Xue's hand, which also makes the Zhungeer cavalry salivate. On the grassland, a good bow is more valuable than a firearm!

Therefore, this group of Zhungeer cavalry has a high enthusiasm for annihilating Kexue.

They feel that after winning this battle, the parts on their bodies can be replaced.

These are all equipment that can be regarded as family heirlooms!
The timid Xue Lindenwan didn't know that he and his people had been regarded as sweet pastries, and they were still chasing and slaughtering the fleeing camel gunners recklessly.

Although the camel cannon is a mobile artillery, it is obviously impossible for a camel to carry a small cannon and outrun the cavalry, even the heavy cavalry!
Naturally, he became the target of wanton massacres by cowards.

However, unknowingly, Xue Lindenwan found that he and his troops were surrounded by living cavalry regiments that could not see the end.

Accompanied by the sound of the bowstring vibrating, a rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun rose from the ground, covering the positions of the cowards, including the camel gunners who were being hunted down!

The overwhelming rain of riding and archery is the favorite fighting method of the grassland people.

Cavalry charging and cavalry hedging require courage that ordinary people can't match.

In a real war, the cavalry of the steppe nation would rarely charge. They would charge to harvest heads only when the opponent's formation was scattered and morale collapsed.

Hundreds of cowards were shrouded in the rain of arrows, but few fell down.

There is no way, the quality of Ke Xue's armor is so good that even the war horse is covered with a layer of iron!

This rain of arrows is hard to hurt them.

It is obvious that the system enemy army will not fight back without being beaten, and the number will soon be small, but the extra-precision arrows are flying towards the crowd of Zhungeer cavalry, and almost every arrow will fall with a scream!
"They shot too accurately. There are too many of us, so we rushed up and hacked them to death!"

Quite a number of rational Zhungeer cavalry generals hurriedly shouted at the soldiers under their command, and passed on the order layer by layer.

It didn't take long for the Zhungeer cavalry who surrounded them to give up archery and put on hand-to-hand weapons to charge towards the cowards.

At this time, the system enemy army did not gather together because of the camel artillery, and the chaotic and noisy battlefield did not allow coward Xue Lindenwan enough time to regroup the cavalry.

As a large group of Zhungeer cavalry charged up with strange roars, the two sides soon fell into a tragic melee.

Under the high-speed movement of the war horse, the armor on Ke Xue's body was finally no longer so strong.

The blunt weapon strike effect in the hands of Zhungeer cavalry is still very strong.

Soon, the circle protecting Ke Xuelin Dengwan fell and was pierced as the systematic enemy troops fell one after another.

Those Zhungeer cavalry also knew the principle of capturing the thief first, and wanted to kill this cowardly Xue Lindengwan who looked like a 'leader' first.

When Ke Xuelin Dengwan was beaten to death, the rest of Qi Xue Qi disappeared, including those good equipment that the Zhungeer cavalry had been thinking about!
"Damn it!
Why is it gone? !

Even the blood on the corpse disappeared!
What the hell are we fighting with? !"

Some Zhungeer cavalry roared angrily, looking at the disappearing corpses and even weapons and equipment on the ground, their heartache seemed to be dripping blood...

They are so desperate, what are they trying to do?

Ge Erdan on the gate tower already knew about this.

Naturally, he would not be interested in the weapons and equipment of those monster war puppets, so he didn't have any regretful emotions at this time, only deep fear.

While Xue Lindenwan was being annihilated, Li Changqing on the other side received a reward prompt from the system. After randomly drawing the template of the unit, Li Changqing found that it was neither a cavalry template nor an infantry unit with better firearms than the Thunderbolt Guards, so he replaced it. Became the essence of life.

After a quick operation, I pulled out the small map to check it out.


In just one wave of war puppets, the big red dot in Guihua City split into a small red dot, but there is still a big red dot in Guihua City. Does this mean that Galdan's main force is still there, but part of it has been broken up?
Well, there is a big red dot, and it should be able to resist the next wave of war puppets. "

Li Changqing looked at the scattered red dots, each of which had a small arrow indicating that it was moving, and happily watched the real-time dynamic mini-map.

The dots of various colors on the minimap are very rough, but if the army breaks up, you can still see the red dot splitting.

"It's a pity that there are only two types of markings on the small map, the big red dot and the small red dot, and I don't know how much vitality is left in the big red dot in Guihua City.

I hope Gerdan can resist for a while.

According to past experience, even if the enemy army of the system defeats Galdan, there is Guihua City next to them, the enemy army of the system will try to slaughter the entire Guihua City as much as possible, and then choose to go south towards me.

Defeating a system enemy army with a big red dot should be exhausted in the process of massacring the city. "

Thinking of this, Li Changqing casually threw the second wave of system enemy troops towards Guihua City.

Outside the city of Guihua, in the open space outside the cavalry of the Zhungeer Department who were regrouping, cleaning up the battlefield, and treating the wounded, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in the dilapidated camp left by the grassland soldiers.

A group of soldiers wearing red military uniforms with thick legs exposed underneath, showing a lot of leg hair to the world, and wearing checkered skirts below the knees, holding high the Scottish battle flag and the British Union flag, playing the Scottish bagpipes, striding toward the target The direction of the Geer cavalry.

Not surprisingly, Comrade Gerdan won the lottery again this time!

He even randomly picked up the famous Scottish Highland Guards in history!

Don't look at the label on the back is the guard regiment, they have nothing to do with ordinary guards, they are the real British regular army.

The source of soldiers all came from the poor and rough Scottish Highlands.

That is the sturdy Scottish Highlands!
The descendants of barbarians who almost reversed the English in history!

In history, the most famous achievement of the Scottish Highland Guards in the era of queuing up to shoot was that they dared to line up the front line with a thin infantry line and launch a counter-charge towards the enemy cavalry who rushed over.

This is a move that violates the common sense of battlefield tactics and requires courage that ordinary people can't imagine.

Most importantly, the Scottish High and Low Guards frankly won!
It is a very rare case in history where a thin infantry battle line bayonet charge and defeat the cavalry.

After all, it is difficult for the infantry who charge up to maintain a tight formation, and the infantry without a tight formation will often become the target of being slaughtered in the face of the cavalry. Under this gap, they can still fight back, which is enough to show that the Scottish Highlands at that time Courage and combat prowess of the Guard Corps.

The Scottish Highland Guard held their heads high, lined up in a thin line of battle under the sound of Scottish bagpipes, and strode towards the stunned Zhungeer cavalry.

Gerdan on the top of the wall closed his eyes in despair, and blamed himself: "Too fast!

Li Changqing, the demon way, cast the war puppets too fast!
Ben Khan shouldn't agree to Emperor Kangxi's request, the hateful Emperor Kangxi is using Ben Khan as a meat shield in the back of the palace!
The demon Li Changqing is invincible! "

The ferocious Zhungeer cavalry didn't know that their khans were filled with fear at this time. Although they were surprised by the way the monster war puppets appeared, their fighting instincts quickly regrouped them.

Even the camel cannons that had been scattered before were regrouped and placed in the center, with the muzzle aimed at the monster puppet who was striding over.

When the Zhungeer cavalry saw the monster puppets lined up in a thin battle line, there was no trace of fear on their faces, and they were full of weirdness.

"These monster war puppets really have no brains.

They actually lined up in such a formation that they could go through at once, and took the initiative to attack our cavalry group.

Are they all crazy? "

"Well, after all, they are war puppets. Their brains may not be as good as lunatics."

"However, the war puppets who were dressed like Genghis Khan before were not stupid in their tactics. It seems that there is still a commander in command.

They are all monsters and war puppets, so there should not be such a big gap in intelligence. "

"Why do you think so much, wouldn't it be good for us to form such a formation?

Just watch, the general will let us charge in a moment.

I don't know if these monsters' weapons will disappear after they are killed.

Can you see that the musket in the hands of the Yaodao war puppet does not even have a matchlock, this is the self-generated firecracker that the Hannu in the south said!

It is said that it can hit farther than our firecrackers, and it is several times easier to reload! "

Amidst the discussions of the Zhungeer cavalry, the dull sound of the horn sounded again.

Facing the thin battle line of the monster puppets who seemed to be contemptuous of themselves, the generals of the Zhungeer Department did not adopt standard cavalry and shooting tactics, intending to smash down the infantry battle line of the monster puppets in one go, and then play horseback riding A carnage game versus hack and slash.

In the eyes of the Zhungeer cavalry, the infantry without formation support is not much better than the lamb.

Soon, the Zhungeer cavalry with excellent equestrian skills completed the change.

The armored heavy cavalry is at the front with a spear, and the Zhungeer light cavalry is on the wings and behind.

The number of Zhungeer cavalry is several times that of the Yaodao war puppets, so naturally there is no need to preserve their strength.

What's more, the battle line of the Yaodao war puppets is too thin, spreading the cross section of the battlefield very wide, and the Zhungeer cavalry can deploy all their troops out of the city to charge and kill together.

If you're lucky, those stupid monster war puppets can be killed in two rounds.

However, the general of the Zhungeer cavalry, who despised his opponent tactically, was still cautious. He did not directly order the cavalry to charge, but let the camel artillery stand at the forefront and shoot at the advancing Scottish Highland Guard regiment.

The camel cannon is a large-caliber firearm. It is not considered a cannon according to European standards, but it is already the strongest firearm that Central Asia can produce...

It's like the reason why the Japanese like to turn matchlock guns into iron guns...

The level of firearms is not good, and it can only be boasted by naming rights.

After all, Pao's name sounds more powerful.

The Scottish bagpipers stood behind the line of infantry one by one, playing Scottish war tunes. The Scottish Highland Guard walked rhythmically, and the line of the right line was so thin that there were only four rows!
In the eyes of the traditional feudal cavalry, this is really an infantry array that can be broken with one stab.

(End of this chapter)

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