This Qing is wrong

Chapter 37 Cavalry Charge

Chapter 37 Cavalry Charge
The Swadian heavy cavalry, with the sound of layers of armor scratching, manipulated the Swadian army horses that were as emotionless as they were, and quickly spread out to form a straight horizontal line. The heavy cavalry raised their lances high.

The lance used by the Swadian heavy cavalry, Li Changqing knew at a glance that it was a hollow lance of the same style as the European Middle Ages.

There is a counterweight ball at the back, which can make the length of the lance very long, longer than the general infantry spear.

Of course, it was almost worse than the ultra-long guns specially used by infantry for anti-riding.

However, the anti-riding super long gun for infantry is not something that can be used by just a farmer after a few months of training. The anti-riding super long gun is very poorly balanced, and the infantry needs a long period of training before it can really be used against the enemy. Otherwise, it can't be done just by propping it up and laying it flat.

Obviously, the Qing army who came to besiege Li Changqing, a monster, never thought that he would have a day to confront the cavalry.

After all, the people who escaped from Chaoyang County only provided information that Li Changqing would summon infantry, and did not mention cavalry.

Moreover, being able to summon a puppet with a mount is a miracle that has never been reported in the Taoist sect!
In fact, the vanguard of the Qing army at this time has already begun to despair, but the only remaining reason tells them that if they don't form a resistance at this time, if they turn around and flee, they will only die faster under the chase of the horse-riding puppets!
Moreover, the number of Swadian heavy cavalry was only a hundred, which also aroused the Qing army's desire to desperately survive in a desperate situation.

Everyone from the green battalion military officer down to the green battalion soldiers knew that these puppets summoned by Li Changqing had no possibility of taking prisoners. They were a group of fighting machines that only knew how to kill!

If you don't resist, if you don't try your best, you just put your own life in the hands of the other party!

"Except for the gunners, everyone put on their spears and prepare to fight against the cavalry!
It's time to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

If you want to survive, give me all your energy!
Those battle puppets who only know how to kill will not spare your life just because you dropped your weapon and ran away! "


The words of the military attache of the Qing army continued to be conveyed in the phalanx. The military attache of the Qing army riding a horse walked slowly from one side of the phalanx to the other, shouting loudly and repeatedly in a hoarse voice to encourage everyone.

The most important point is to let everyone understand the concept that if you don't work hard at this time, you will die!
This full stop is much better than the so-called "loyalty to the Qing Dynasty".

Li Ergou's psychological gap from entering Chaoyang County to grab a fortune to now having to desperately survive has made him extremely miserable.

The eyes were already filled with bloodshot eyes at some point, and the mouth even bulged with fire bubbles, grinning so hard that it hurt even to touch it.

Fear and despair had already filled his heart, but years of soldiering made him unwilling to give up the hope of living.

Unsurprisingly, Li Ergou, who was the gunner, was placed in the first row again.

He looked at the Swadian heavy cavalry on the opposite side, forming a long thin line, and gradually speeding up. When the horses under his crotch started to gallop, the huge lances that soared into the sky were leveled down one after another.

The Swadian heavy cavalry skillfully clamped the lance in their arms, with their palms in front to maintain direction and balance. The firmly fixed tip of the lance was laid flat like a bulldozer towards the Qing infantry. rushed over.

The number of the Qing army is several times that of the Swadian heavy cavalry, so when the same battle is laid out, it has more defense in depth.

Coupled with the fact that the Swadian heavy cavalry, the systematic enemy army, only knows how to face the face, and does not even make a detour, so that the Qing army does not need to make additional deployments on the left, right and rear, and all the spearheads are aimed at the front. Can.

This time, the green battalion bird soldiers only stood in two rows. Li Ergou in the first row half-kneeled on the ground listening to the officer's hoarse order, while the fellow behind him stood upright, holding the bird gun to himself Aim in front of your eyes.

Li Ergou looked at the Swadian heavy cavalry who had already sped up, and knew that he only had one chance to fire.

But this time the opportunity to fire was not up to him to decide.

Although the Green Battalion soldiers of the Qing army sent by General Hao Shen as vanguards were not up to the level of prohibition, in terms of discipline, they were already considered tall men out of the short men.

The most important thing is that these veterans of the Green Battalion are very aware of the importance of the first shot before the battle. They don't need the military attache of the Qing army to repeat it over and over again. The firing distance of the first shot behind the formation.

Li Ergou looked at the points of the lances lying flat, cold sweat dripped down his brow at some point, but he endured not to pull the trigger.

Until he heard the order to fire!

bang bang bang~
A burst of white smoke drifted by, and the effect of the two volleys of the Qing army's green battalion gunmen was as good as before. The Swadian heavy cavalry who were charging at full speed suddenly fell to the ground with dozens of small horses or cavalry!
The Swadian heavy cavalry fell down by the army horse, because of the heavy armor on their bodies, when they fell to the ground, even if they were not disabled, they would be thrown into a coma.

Many Swadian heavy cavalry simply kissed the mother earth with their faces facing the ground, and couldn't get up after falling...

However, the horses under the crotch of those Swadian heavy cavalry who were shot and fell off did not stop charging because the Swadian heavy cavalry on them disappeared, and still flew their horseshoes forward at full speed according to inertia.

Of course, Li Ergou didn't see all this. After he pulled the trigger, he immediately got up and fled backwards, getting in through the gap between the spearmen in the back row.

He went all the way to the last row, only to be stopped by the military attache of the green battalion who was riding a horse to supervise the battle, and picked up the spear that had been placed on the ground according to the order.

The bird gun was thrown aside.

Once the enemy cavalry has pierced the infantry phalanx, it is very stupid to use bird guns to fight, unless the green battalion bird gunners are all sharpshooters with perfect bullets!

The probability of becoming a sharpshooter with a bird gun with low shooting accuracy is far hundreds of times and thousands of times harder than that of snipers of later generations.

Therefore, Li Ergou and his group of green camp bird musketeers were all asked to pick up their spears and join the battle after they shot.

Of course, if the enemy cavalry is stopped by the phalanx, there is no danger in using the bird gun, but using the spear can better attack the enemy cavalry trapped in the infantry phalanx.

As soon as Li Ergou put on a spear, he heard the sound of ping-pong-pong from the front, as well as louder screams.

Li Ergou looked up and saw that several humanoid objects flew up on the ground under the huge force, and landed heavily in the crowd in the back row, taking advantage of the opportunity to knock down two or three colleagues!
(End of this chapter)

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