The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 1010 Critical Moment

Chapter 1010 Critical Moment

Time passed by second after second.

On the stage, Jianhua held a racket in his hand and stood tall. His eyes were firmly fixed on the table tennis ball, as if he wanted to take in every subtle change of the ball.

Jianhua's body was a little tired, and his movements were no longer as agile and agile as before.

The table tennis ball bounced on his racket, sometimes deviating from its original trajectory, which made him somewhat powerless.

Xu Xin frowned, feeling worried in his heart.

He knew that the outcome of this game was no longer important.

"Whether it's Jianhua or the opponent, no matter who loses or wins, the two of them have become the focus of this game."

Shaojie stood aside and spoke calmly.

Then he took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

He knew that all of this went beyond the concept of victory or defeat. This is an extraordinary duel, a process of challenge and growth.

Xu Xin turned around and showed a gentle smile to Shaojie. He said with deep emotion: "Shaojie, you are right."

Shaojie smiled slightly and turned his eyes back to the playing field again. He saw Jianhua swinging the racket hard, his body bent into a graceful arc, and his strength and flexibility were perfectly combined.

Every time he returns the ball, people can't take their eyes off it, as if he is performing a wonderful table tennis stage play.

And the opponent showed no sign of weakness. His body was flexible and powerful, his racket was like a sharp sword, and every hit was accurate.

Their confrontation was like a sword duel, with each round triggering bursts of cheers and applause from the audience.

The atmosphere on the court became increasingly tense, and the heartbeats of the audience seemed to echo throughout the venue.

Everyone was deeply attracted by this game. Their eyes were fixed on the court, as if they could feel the tension and excitement of the players.

In this tense and fierce atmosphere, Jianhua and the other party's figures intertwined with each other, and their sweat splashed in the air, as if they had turned into strings of crystal pearls.

Every shot they hit brought a release of power and a display of skill, and every movement was precise and perfect.

Xu Xin watched all this with unspeakable excitement in her heart.

Then, Jianhua made a final burst of power, his racket brought up a beautiful arc, and the ball flew towards the opponent.

The opponent did not show any weakness. He reacted quickly, and the racket met the ball, making a crisp collision sound.

The entire venue fell into silence, as if time had frozen at this moment.

The audience's eyes were glued to the trajectory of the ball, looking forward to the final result.

The ball slowly flew over the net and went straight to the opponent.

Then, it gently touched the edge of the goal and slowly slid off.

The opponent watched nervously as the table tennis ball stopped at the edge of the goal. His grip on the racket was slightly loosened, and a slightly tired expression appeared on his face.

He took a deep breath, and the tension in his heart slowly relaxed.

Jianhua felt the strength and encouragement from the audience. He refocused his attention and stared at the opponent firmly.

Jianhua was not discouraged. He looked at the other player calmly.

The opposing player is certainly full of confidence now.

Because his racket is constantly dancing, the ball shuttles quickly across the table, and every swing contains endless power and skill.

His figure flickered on the stage, sweat dripped from his forehead, and their breathing gradually became heavier.

Even the flight trajectory of every ball thrown by the opponent's player tugs at their heartstrings.

The ball flew over the net, and Jianhua collided with the racket tacitly, making a crisp collision sound.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew towards each other with their heartbeats.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped, and the entire venue fell into dead silence.

Jianhua's eyes were fixed on the trajectory of the ball, and a strong determination surged in his heart.

He bit his lower lip and swung the racket as hard as he could, hoping to steady the ball and hit it over the edge.

However, the ball did not fly over the sideline as he wanted, but was caught by the opponent again, causing the ping pong ball to roll again.

Jianhua watched the ball rolling under the opponent's bat, feeling a wave of disappointment in his heart.

He knows that his reaction speed is not fast enough, his technique is not skilled enough, and he still has a long way to go to win this game.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and prepared to welcome it.

The opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination, but this did not make Jianhua shrink back, but instead aroused his stronger fighting spirit.

The game continued, and each round was full of fierce confrontation and tense atmosphere.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game and responded to every ball with all his strength, not afraid of challenges and failure.

As the game progressed, Jianhua's condition gradually improved, and he began to find his own rhythm and feeling.

His skills gradually emerged, showing his amazing potential and putting pressure on his opponents.

Jianhua devoted himself to the game, staring intently at every flying ball, moving his body flexibly to hit the ball back to the opponent's side. His mood was like surging waves, full of desire for victory and courage to challenge.

As the game progressed, Jianhua's condition gradually improved, and he began to find his own rhythm and feeling. Every shot he took was accurate, and every move he made was as natural and smooth as flowing water. The crowd cheered for his performance, and his coach encouraged him from the sidelines, giving him even more confidence.

Jianhua's skills gradually emerged, showing his amazing potential and putting pressure on his opponents. He hit the ball with just the right intensity and angle to catch his opponents by surprise. Anxiety gradually appeared on the opponents' faces, and they began to increase their efforts to force Jianhua into a difficult situation.

However, Jianhua is not afraid, and his stable mentality allows him to stay calm at critical moments. He constantly adjusts his tactics, flexibly responds to changes in his opponents, and hits the ball accurately and powerfully. The competition became more and more intense, and the audience held their breath and cheered for the wonderful performances of both players.

Naturally, the opposing player could not give up and continue fighting Jianhua.

Their duel was like a fierce contest, and the atmosphere on the court was filled with tension.

However, there can only be one final winner, and Jianhua is determined to use his own efforts and strength to win this victory.

He swings the racket, goes all out to meet the challenge of every ball, and is not afraid of failure.

The atmosphere on the court became more and more tense, and the pace of the game accelerated.

Every fight and every pass has become the focus of the audience's attention.

Their figures are like a gust of wind on the court, making it difficult for people to see their traces.

Suddenly Jianhua felt a gust of wind passing by him. His heart moved. He immediately turned around and moved to the side. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the ball in his palm.

His movements were clean and neat, without giving the other party any time to react.

There was a roar of admiration from the audience, who were impressed by Jianhua's flexibility and agility.

This time, Jianhua perfectly interpreted what "retreating to advance" means, turning the opponent's offensive into his own offensive opportunities.

His speed was so dazzling that he seemed to leave a radiant arc on the court.

The opposing player regained control of the ball and calmly observed the situation on the court. Quickly decide on a surprise tactic. He suddenly stopped and deliberately created a moment of stagnation, making Jianhua think he would choose to pass the ball.

Jianhua reacted immediately and prepared to quickly return to defense to prevent the opponent's attack.

Jianhua hurriedly adjusted his posture to prepare for Jianhua's attack.

The racket resonated perfectly with the table tennis ball, and the ball quickly moved toward Jianhua at an elusive angle.

Every encounter between them was full of sparks, and every collision of the ball took people's breath away.

The opposing player used his flexibility and agility to constantly cause trouble for Jianhua, while Jianhua used his tenacity and wisdom to constantly look for opportunities to counterattack.

Then the opponent player seized an excellent opportunity and fired a high-speed rotating ping pong ball.

The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew towards Jianhua's space.

Jianhua fought with all his strength.

so close! Almost lost.

But luckily he caught the ball.

At that time, Jianhua's eyes were fixed on the high-speed rotating ping pong ball. His muscles tightened, he quickly adjusted his posture, stretched out his arms, and caught the ball.

He felt the jolt of the ball's spin, but he kept the ball firmly in his hands.

Then the audience burst into warm applause and cheers. They saw a thrilling game, and Jianhua also felt the joy of victory.

A feeling of confidence and pride arose in his heart. He knew that he still had the strength and the opportunity.

The opponent looked at Jianhua with a look of surprise and respect.

He knew that the duel between Jianhua and the others had attracted everyone's attention.

The next competition will be more intense and tense.

Jianhua took a deep breath, readjusted his state, and prepared to face the next round of challenges.

He knows that this game will be a contest about honor and dignity, and he will not be afraid of hardships and go all out.

He exuded a sense of confidence and strength, and he knew that victory was just around the corner, all he needed to do was concentrate again and perform at his best.

As the game continued, they battled wits and courage with each other, trying their best to constantly surpass their own limits.

The eyes of the opposing player and Jianhua both shone with determination, and they were determined not to give up.

Their duel became more and more intense, their table tennis skills continued to improve, and every shot was precise and powerful.

Jianhua seized every opportunity and launched an attack with thunderous momentum.

His table tennis ball left a beautiful arc in the air and flew accurately to the opponent's space.

The opponent's player's eyes are fixed on the table tennis ball, and he focuses all his attention on the ball.

His movements became more consistent, and each shot was perfectly timed.

His hand speed and reaction time have reached an incredible level.

But Jianhua was not willing to give in. He decided to go all out. No matter how tired or tired he was, he would never give up.

He adjusted his breathing, concentrated, and thought only about defeating his opponent.

They battle each other's wits and courage, constantly trying to surpass their own limits.

The table tennis balls shuttled like ghosts on the table, making a crisp impact sound.

The audience was attracted by this fierce competition. They held their breath and stared at the two players on the table.

They could feel the tension between the players, and they were struck by the fighting spirit of the two.

Time seems to stand still. Every moment becomes extremely precious, and every shot determines the outcome.

At this time, he had entered a wonderful state. They only had table tennis in each other's eyes, and their thoughts were completely occupied by the skill and strength of the bat.

Jianhua held the racket tightly, feeling the sweat on his palms. Every breath he took seemed to condense into a clue of time.

He took a deep breath and devoted his full attention to this ball.

The ball was on the move, traveling through the air like a bolt of lightning, bouncing gently, and then landed accurately on the opponent's court.

The spectators held their breath, their eyes glued to the trajectory of the ball.

On the table, the eyes of the opposing player and Jianhua met, and they could both feel the firmness and determination emanating from the other player.

At this moment, they all have only one belief in their hearts - no matter how hard they try, they must strive for victory.

Jianhua took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing and posture. His eyes revealed a sense of confidence and determination. He had decided not to give his opponent any chance.

The racket trembled in his hand, he could feel the power building, his body was like a spring, ready to burst out with maximum force.

Similarly, the opponent's eyes flashed with determination, and he knew that this game was very important to him.

He doesn't want to let down his hard work and training, nor does he want to let down his family and coaches.

The opponent gave a provocative look, as if mocking Jianhua's efforts as futile.

But Jianhua had no idea of ​​being defeated, and decided to use his own strength to prove everything.

The game continued, and as the racket was swung, the ball flew across the court, making a crisp sound.

Jianhua's movements are smooth and powerful, and every shot is full of power and skill.

The opponents were not to be outdone. Their duel was extremely fierce, and the atmosphere on the court was tense and enthusiastic.

The audience was attracted by their performance and cheered them on.

Bang bang bang!

The table tennis ball was aggressively played back and forth between the opponent and Jianhua.

It was very intense, and everyone on and off the stage watched eagerly as the ball progressed bit by bit.

In the past, they could judge the outcome, but now, they are actually watching the table tennis balls flying on the table.

I don’t know who can successfully stand out between Jianhua and the other player.

The two players on the same stage didn't know either. They were just playing seriously and had a mentality of not admitting defeat.

They are unsure of who can win.

You can only play every ball in your hand well.

(PS: Please recommend votes, monthly votes, and rewards. If you pass by, please leave your little feet. The author is extremely grateful here, letting the author know that he is not fighting alone and being a loner, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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