The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 104 There is watermelon to eat

Chapter 104 There is watermelon to eat
There is still some time before the gala, Jianhua, Lin Hui, and Shaojie have discussed and arranged a complete set of fancy table tennis.

Some movements are newly invented by them recently, and some movements are further strengthened on the basis of the previous ones. Only in this way can the sorority be more coherent and surprise the audience.

After thinking about it all night, Lin Hui told Jianhua and Shaojie how to play this game, and they added something based on his foundation, making this show more like table tennis.

In the past few days, they have been staying in the training room to study their style of play, strengthen their proficiency,

Time flies very fast, and there are still 48 hours before the countdown to the gala.

But for the smooth performance of the day after tomorrow, they still have to practice in the training room.

"Lin Hui, Shaojie, Jianhua, rest and rest. I bought you a watermelon from the supermarket. Eat some before you practice."

Xu Xin watched them put in so much effort for the fraternity, and felt that she should do something for them too.

They came out of a provincial team, were comrades in arms fighting side by side, and worked hard for the same goal, after a long time of thinking.

Xu Xin came back from the outside with a watermelon. It is rare to be able to eat it this season, but Xu Xin must support them materially so that they can show them at the national team gala for the first time. .

"There's watermelon to eat, so let's take a break!"

Once Lin Hui heard that there was something to eat, he could rest for a while.

Xu Xin is really supporting them all!Based on his usual observations, there must be no small supermarkets around. He can only go to larger supermarkets. Xu Xin's watermelon not only includes her friendship, but also includes her support for them.

Lin Hui can always meet people who help him and support him. He feels that there are so many good people in this world!

It just so happened that he had been practicing for a while, and his mouth was really dry.He jumped over from the desk, and Xu Xin handed the cut watermelon to Lin Hui.

Looking at this watermelon, it is red and big, and it must be very sweet.

Lin Hui opened his mouth wide and took a bite, it was really sweet, "Jianhua, Shaojie, you guys should rest for a while and practice. This watermelon is really sweet, come and taste it."

It is true that Shaojie and Jianhua have also practiced for a long time, and their bodies are a little tired.The two of them stopped the ball in their hands.Jianhua wiped the sweat off his face with a towel, Xu Xin saw that Shaojie was also sweating, and handed the towel that was put aside to Shaojie.

"Thank you!"

Shaojie took the towel and thanked Xu Xin.

Xu Xin saw that Jianhua had finished wiping off his sweat, and handed the cut watermelons to Jianhua and Shaojie one after the other.

"It's really sweet."

"Yes, very sweet."

"I know Tian, ​​you guys must perform well in the performance the day after tomorrow!"

Xu Xin came back with a watermelon from far away. If she was an ordinary person, she would definitely be exhausted, but she is an athlete, so this is nothing at all.But as long as a few of them can perform well at the sorority party, it's worth anything.

If his father were here, he would definitely do the same. They usually go to their house to eat, and their family is reluctant to eat meat for several months.

One or two is okay, but they are three big, heavy and tall youngsters, almost eating up her parents' salary in a month, sometimes she wants to have a good meal and has to prepare it with her parents in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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