The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 109 Meteor Chasing the Moon

Chapter 109 Meteor Chasing the Moon ([-])
This was the first time Lin Hui was encouraged by people on stage. Although he was not the first to perform, it didn't affect the audience's love for their team. He couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Jianhua continued to position himself to attack the second ball.

The audience who were present just now were still full of enthusiasm, but now when they saw Jianhua preparing to attack the second goal, they immediately became silent.

All the audience held their breath, and Xu Xin could see clearly from the central position. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, as if she was praying, but also as if she was nervous.

In an instant, the second ball was hit on the ground, and the audience was watching the third ball on the stage. This third ball was the last link, and it was the finale ball. If it hit the ground, it would be a perfect ending. Middle is a show that fails at the beginning.

Jianhua has been practicing this ball for a while, but his face is still obviously nervous. So many audiences are watching him, and he is the first to perform. The opening heat is all due to his third ball Can it be successful.

He raised his head and glanced at Wen Ya who was standing opposite. Wen Ya was standing on the side of the stage, only the people on the stage could clearly see her.

At this moment, Wen Ya was staring at the ball in his hand, her eyes were full of admiration for him, and she could see that she was silently cheering for him.

With Wenya supporting him, he has nothing to be nervous about.

Jianhua threw the ball in his hand into the air, and sent the ball to the third ball on the opposite side at the moment the ball fell, forming a perfect frictional collision between the two balls.

All three balls on the table should be successfully knocked down.When the audience saw that the three balls had landed successfully, they continued to applaud for a long time.

Jianhua smiled at all the audience.He succeeded. He was successful in the opening performance, so he also gained confidence in the next performance. He bowed deeply to the audience sitting here. Without the encouragement of everyone present, he would not have performed so hard. , It is the presence of a group of audiences that makes these performers more confident. Although their performance is not their specialty, they can perform on this stage because of these audiences. Where there are audiences, there is a stage.

Jianhua's first popular Chasing the Moon has been performed.

The applause from the audience lasted for a while. Xu Xin was still holding her hands nervously just now. When she saw Jianhua knock down all three balls, she couldn't help applauding Jianhua on the stage, or was applauded by everyone present. Attracted by the applause of the team members, and attracted by his performance, her hands drummed to the beat one after another.

After Jianhua finished his performance, he cast his eyes on Wenya, who gathered the porcelain jar in front of her chest, freeing up both hands to applaud him.

The two of them looked at each other, Wen Ya smiled at him, looking at Wen Ya smiled brightly like a flower, it was completely different from the smile she had just performed on stage, now Wen Ya saw Jian Hua smiling at him , she could not help lowering her head.

Lin Hui looked at the enthusiasm of the audience below. The next performer was Shaojie. Although they didn't show their talents when they were in the provincial team, they would still see the performances on the stage. Every time they saw the performance on the stage They will also applaud for them if they seriously show them wonderful programs one after another, which is the current situation.

The applause continued.

(End of this chapter)

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