Chapter 114
"Jianhua, your performance just now was really wonderful. I was a little surprised when I saw it!"

After the performance, Wenya prepared to return the tea and porcelain mug to Jianhua and did not forget to praise her in her free time.

Jianhua was in the provincial team. When he was in the national team, he never heard anyone praise him. Wen Ya was the first one.Hearing Wenya's compliment, he was overwhelmed with happiness.

"Really? I was really nervous when I watched the audience applaud us just now."

Jianhua seems to be a stable person, but he is always very nervous when it comes to critical moments, especially just now, he was really very nervous.

Fortunately, when he was at the bottom, Lin Hui handed him a candy, which relieved his nervous pressure.

"Your performance is really good! When will you take me to practice the ball. Seeing that you played very well just now, I want to try it too."

"Anytime, I'll teach you when the time comes."

Wen Ya was really impressed by the way Jianhua played just now. Don't mention how much she loves Peng Bai just now. This is the best show she has seen at this gala.

In terms of how often she rehearses, it's really wonderful.Now she doesn't know how to describe her mood at this time, besides being happy, she is excited. Jianhua's way of playing is still in her mind. She is really playing very aggressively. She also wants to experience this feeling, like a an artistic performance.

Jianhua heard Wenya said that she wanted to learn how to play basketball with him, and he couldn't wait for it.Wouldn't this be able to shorten the distance between him and Wenya, and also see Wenya? How could he refuse such a good thing? Of course it is very good!

"Wen Ya, if you come to practice, I'll pick you up"

Just as Jianhua was halfway through speaking, he heard Lin Hui's voice coming from the stage. When he was chatting with Wenya just in time, why did Lin Hui call him that.


Seeing that Jianhua didn't respond, Lin Hui continued to shout. Jianhua wanted to continue what he said just now, but Lin Hui always shouting at him like this was not a solution. He said to Lin Hui, "Oh! Here we come."

"Jianhua, here you are!" Wenya took something out of his pocket and handed it to Jianhua.

"Movie tickets, Sunday's movie tickets! Be polite and I will definitely go, you wait for me!"

Jianhua heard Lin Hui calling him again, he hurriedly said something to Wenya, and quickly put the movie ticket into his pocket.

When he came to the stage, he saw everyone preparing to take pictures.

After each performance, they had to take photos as souvenirs. The team members were almost ready to stand on the stage, but Lin Hui realized that Jianhua was missing.Seeing Jianhua chatting with Wenya, he hurriedly called out.

The commemoration is their first commemoration when they come to the national team, how can they miss it.


Lin Hui saw that Jianhua hadn't moved for a long time, and looked at it again, thinking what Jianhua was talking about!Why can't we wait until the photo is taken before we finish talking?

Listening to Lin Hui's voice, Jianhua and Wenya walked onto the stage one after the other. Lin Hui glanced at Jianhua. Jianhua's eyes were completely different from usual. It seemed that Wenya's eyes were dodging after talking to him. , Lin Hui tidied up the clothes for Jianhua.

When all the people had arrived and stood up neatly, the sound of pressing the keys stayed at this moment.

In this way, a perfect group photo was formed. It is a souvenir of the national team 2 and the art troupe, and it is also a souvenir of Jianhua and Wenya being together.

(End of this chapter)

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