The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 121 Missing the Game

Chapter 121 Missing the Game
"Brother Lin Hui, woo--"

Lin Hui was about to take a rest, when she received a call from Zhang Xuan, Zhang Xuan faltered but cried and didn't make it clear, and finally said that she was in the emergency room of the People's Hospital and hung up the phone.

Lin Hui put down the phone in his hand, put on some clothes, and hurried to the People's Hospital that Zhang Xuan mentioned. Fortunately, Lin Hui had some common medical knowledge and knew that every hospital had a special emergency room, so any nurse would be able to guide him to the correct location. .

When I came to the emergency room, I saw Zhang Xuan standing at the door of the emergency room. Her hair was a little messy. She had been crying since the moment she saw Lin Hui and never stopped.

What happened after he left, Xiao Ye entered the emergency room within a short period of time.

"Zhang Xuan, don't cry. What happened? Tell me!" Lin Hui asked Zhang Xuan who had been crying.

"Brother Lin Hui, after you left, we met a group of drunk people. They started to touch me, and Xiao Ye started fighting with them. There were a lot of them, five or six, seven or eight. , they punched and kicked Xiao Ye, woo-hoo--then I called the police, and they ran away, and now Xiao Ye is lying in there, brother Lin Hui, what should I do? Will Xiao Ye be okay? ?”

Zhang Xuan tremblingly talked about the ins and outs of the matter. Lin Hui looked at Zhang Xuan trembling all over, maybe it was a little cold, or maybe a little scared. Lin Hui was wearing a coat when she left. She looked at Zhang Xuan trembling more It was even worse just now, she took off her coat and put it on Zhang Xuan's body.

Now he fully understood that Xiao Ye was injured to protect Zhang Xuan, and he was also very worried about where Xiao Ye was injured.Is there anything wrong.

At this moment a nurse came out from inside, Lin Hui quickly asked, "How are the people inside?"

"It's being rescued, sorry, please let me go!"

The certain nurse cried even more sadly when she said that she was rescuing Zhang Xuan.How serious is it? It took such a long time to be rescued. Lin Hui has been with Zhang Xuan for nearly an hour since he received Zhang Xuan's call.

"Zhang Xuan, you'll be fine if you sit down there, I'll just watch over there!" Lin Hui saw that Zhang Xuan couldn't stand still, she looked dazed, there happened to be a long chair in the corridor of the hospital , let Zhang Xuan take a break.

Supported by Lin Hui, Zhang Xuan walked to the chair and sat down. Her face was pale and her eyes were full of fright.

"God bless, Xiao Ye is fine!" Lin Hui, who didn't believe in any gods, at this moment also hoped that God would help Xiao Ye to tide over the difficulties.

Xiao Ye is still young, he still has a lot of youth, he still has to participate in the competition, he is not yet an adult, all these pains should not be let him bear alone, Xiao Ye is such a good person, I hope Xiao Ye can be safe and sound. thing.

Just as Lin Hui was praying in his heart, the lights in the emergency room went out, and the doctor came out. Lin Hui hurried forward and asked, "Doctor, how is Xiao Ye?"

"The patient hasn't woken up yet. When and whether he will wake up depends on the patient's willpower. You can talk more about the past and the patient."

Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan were like a bolt from the blue, and Xiao Ye was a symptom of amnesia.

Zhang Xuan cried even harder, she never dreamed that Xiao Ye would be beaten because of him, and even lost his memory.

Lin Hui looked at Zhang Xuan collapsed on the ground, God is still unfair!How could such a good person like Xiao Ye not wake up? They didn't know the phone number of Xiao Ye's family. They heard from Xiao Ye that their parents were away, and he didn't have any relatives around him.

Xiao Ye was ejected from the emergency room, still unconscious.

It's already night, it's getting late, and the doctor said to continue to observe.Looks like they don't need to be here right now.

After such a big incident happened, Lin Hui must not be messed up at this time. He wanted to send Zhang Xuan back first to comfort Zhang Xuan. They will visit Xiao Ye tomorrow when they have time.

"Zhang Xuan, let's go back today! Now Xiao Ye is in the intensive care unit, we will come back tomorrow, and you have to persevere. Didn't the doctor just say that telling Xiao Ye about the past, maybe Xiao Ye can wake up. Come on, let's go back today, come to see Xiao Ye tomorrow, and talk about how to take care of Xiao Ye if you don't have a good rest today, let's go!"

Zhang Xuan couldn't bear to leave. After all, what happened to Xiao Ye was because of her, and it had a lot to do with him. Now that he left, he always felt bad conscience.

Hearing what brother Lin Hui said, she had to go back to rest, and she would be able to take care of Xiao Ye tomorrow.

Along the way, Zhang Xuan kept her brows furrowed. Lin Hui would not feel comfortable thinking about anyone else, not to mention that Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan are so close. Xiao Ye was a lively boy a few hours ago. Just lying there, the situation is still unclear, and whoever puts it on will feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Ye is usually optimistic and cheerful, God will take care of him, he will be fine.

Lin Hui felt pain in his heart. One second they were still together, and the next second he couldn't talk. Lin Hui didn't know this kind of pain before, but now he finally understood how grandma felt when grandpa left.

When grandpa left, grandma was in heart-piercing pain. Grandma didn't cry or fuss at first, she just kept busy at home. Now he can feel the pain, and only by constantly busy can he forget the pain.

Although Xiao Ye was not related to the two of them, he was their good friend. This kind of friendship was deeper than the sea. Just now they agreed to go to Caixia and watch him play billiards together.

Xiao Ye, who has always done his job well, suddenly figured it out. He wanted to come to the BJ competition. These things happened just a second ago. How could it be so sudden? Lin Hui still couldn't figure it out.

Maybe things in the world are like this, the last second is a reunion, and the next second is a parting.

Now that Xiao Ye is lying here, they don't know what will happen tomorrow, Lin Hui really can't figure out why it is so serious, he has been looking at Zhang Xuan listlessly.

Zhang Xuan should feel even more uncomfortable now. After all, he experienced Xiao Ye being knocked down by those drunken people. He suddenly wondered whether Zhang Xuan called the police.

"Zhang Xuan, have you called the police?"

"Call the police, I don't have one!"

Seeing Zhang Xuan's amazed expression, Zhang Xuan didn't need to say anything, he could tell that Zhang Xuan didn't call the police, and now they can't go back, they have to call the police to seek justice for Xiao Ye.

Lin Hui accompanied Zhang Xuan to the nearest point to call the police. Only Zhang Xuan witnessed the whole process, so she had to report.

When they came to the police station, Zhang Xuan explained all the problems to the police on duty.

The police officer was called Li, and they recorded relevant statements. Officer Li was a relatively good police officer. Seeing that Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan were so late, they proposed to send them back.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Officer Li, take Zhang Xuan back to the dance school first. I'm in the national team next to her."

Officer Li drove and asked them where they were going?After thinking about it for a while, Lin Hui still wanted to send Zhang Xuan to school safely. After all, he was frightened just now. Now that he was escorted back by Police Officer Li, he felt much more at ease. Things slow down.

"Are you from the national team?"

"Yes, I play table tennis in the national team."

"Ping-pong is good! I always wanted to play in the national team, but I can't, brother, to be in the national team is to play well and win glory for the country."

From Officer Xu's words, it can be heard that Officer Xu is also a sports enthusiast. It seems that sports are enjoyed by many people regardless of occupation or age.

"Officer Xu, our friend who was injured, also participated in the competition. He was in the billiards competition. He was also a good player when he was in the province. He came to BJ this time to participate in the finals. He specially invited me to participate today. I didn't expect this to happen tonight."

"Comrade, don't worry! It is my responsibility to find those gangsters, so you can rest assured. You can play with peace of mind. It is our responsibility to protect the people. We will not let you feel chilled, not to mention that the person who was attacked was also a For those who participated in the competition, it's a pity that something happened at this juncture, so you can't participate in the competition."

As soon as Police Officer Xu said that Xiao Ye would not be able to participate in the competition, Zhang Xuan, who was in a calm mood, began to sob again.

"It's all my fault. If I had avoided those people and stopped Xiao Ye, none of this would have happened."

"Girl, don't be too sad. Those drunk people can do anything. You can't hide and stop them. This is my duty. I will punish them. Don't worry. .”

"Thank you!"

Zhang Xuan's mind is in a mess now. Hearing what Officer Xu said, she felt much more comfortable. She knew that what happened to Xiao Ye had nothing to do with her. Officer Xu was trying to comfort her, but she still wanted to say thank you. She didn't know what to say, her mind was buzzing, she didn't want such a thing to happen, she had thought about many possibilities just now, if she and Xiao Ye walked quickly, they might pass by those people, Or the two of them walk slowly, and she asked Xiao Ye to treat him to a candied haws or something like that. Even if they met, she dragged Xiao Ye and ran away, maybe it would not happen She thought about dozens of possibilities of not encountering such gangsters, and also thought of the possibility of not having disputes with them after encountering gangsters.

But all of this has already happened, there is nothing possible or impossible, Xiao Ye is just lying there, this is a fact, there is no going back to the past and starting over again.

"Zhang Xuan, Zhang Xuan, we are here!"

Lin Hui called Zhang Xuan a few times, but Zhang Xuan still didn't respond. It seemed that Zhang Xuan was very frightened. Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan were sitting in the back row. They called Zhang Xuan a few times but there was no response. Zhang Xuan was pushed lightly.

Zhang Xuan curled up instinctively after being touched lightly.

"Zhang Xuan, don't be afraid, I'm here, it's time to get off!"


Zhang Xuan heard brother Lin Hui call that he had arrived, she glanced outside through the glass, it was indeed their school, and she had already returned to school.

Lin Hui was afraid that Zhang Xuan would be overly frightened, "Officer Xu, wait a moment, I will send her inside and she will come out immediately."

"Brother Lin Hui, you think Xiao Ye won't be like this all the time, right? When will he wake up? I'm really afraid that if he keeps sleeping like this and won't wake up, then I'll hurt Xiao Ye."

"Zhang Xuan, listen to me. It's not your fault. Don't blame you. It has nothing to do with you. You can only blame those who drink. If it were me, I would protect you too. , not only Xiao Ye will do this, anyone will protect you, it's not your fault, go back and sleep well, maybe Xiao Ye will wake up when you wake up, it's impossible for someone as good as Xiao Ye to be okay Yes, don't worry, brother Lin Hui won't lie to you!"

Lin Hui felt flustered when he said this, he didn't know when Xiao Ye would wake up, but now he couldn't watch Zhang Xuan break down again, instead of making Zhang Xuan suffer, it was better to convince her with white lies.

It's almost three o'clock in the morning, and the human brain should rest at this time, but Zhang Xuan is still so overly nervous, there is no way, only let her relax her vigilance.Get a good night's sleep, not only Zhang Xuan, but Lin Hui is also very tired now, his mind is already very tired, if there is a bed now, he can sleep right away.

"Really? Brother Lin Hui?"

Zhang Xuan didn't believe anyone, but she believed in Brother Lin Hui, who would not lie to her.

"Really, go back and have a good sleep. We will go to the hospital to see Xiao Ye tomorrow. We may wake up if we are not sure. Go in! Go to bed early, close your eyes and don't think too much."

After Lin Hui finished speaking, Zhang Xuan handed the clothes to Lin Hui and walked slowly towards the dormitory room.

Seeing Zhang Xuan disappear from his field of vision, Lin Hui left with confidence. The reason he said this just now was that he had experienced this kind of pain. Uncontrollable, he didn't sleep for three days and three nights. During those three days, he wanted to understand a lot of things, so he could fully understand Zhang Xuan's mood.

Zhang Xuan, a girl who grew up in a greenhouse, how could she have experienced this, she must be terribly scared.

After a few steps, they arrived at the door. Officer Xu was waiting for Lin Hui here, and he sat in the front passenger seat.

"Officer Xu, let's go! He is the one who thanked you today, otherwise we really don't know how to get back."

"Too polite, to serve the people, but you must win glory for our country. The sports industry in our country has never been proud, and the hope is pinned on you."

Police officer Xu didn't talk much along the way, but he kept emphasizing that we should play well and win glory for the country. Lin Hui felt that he was burdened with the hopes of not only the province but also the people of the whole country, and he would definitely play well.

"I will definitely play well and win glory for the country! But Xiao Ye's affairs will still bother you!"

Thinking of table tennis, Lin Hui's eyes were filled with confidence. He would still play the ball well if Officer Xu didn't tell him, but now that Xiao Ye was still there, he was still a little worried, and hoped that Officer Xu would do his best.

Only in this way can Xiao Ye give him a satisfactory answer the moment he wakes up.

The national team and Zhang Xuan's school have been close to each other for a long time, and the time will arrive in a short while, especially when driving a car, the speed will be faster.

"You can rest assured to play, and let us do other things!"

When Lin Hui got out of the car, Officer Xu once again asked Lin Hui to play well.

"Okay! Officer Xu, drive slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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