The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 126 Foreign Friends

Chapter 126 Foreign Friends
I drank a little too much last night, but it was the happiest thing they had come here.

The few of them slept until dawn, quickly washed up, bought a few buns and ate them on the way, while rushing to the training room.

Lin Hui was in the front, and Jianhua was in the back, chewing the buns while walking with big strides.

"water, water"

Lin Hui left in such a hurry and ate voraciously that he almost choked him. Jianhua had a habit of bringing water with him wherever he went. Hearing Lin Hui's hoarse voice, his face turned red, and he hurried Unscrew the water and hand it to Lin Hui.

After Lin Hui swallowed a few sips of water, it was obvious that he was much better, and Jianhua began to say, "Slow down! No one will fight with you. Besides, you have heard that the athlete was choked to death. You If you choke to death, you will be laughed at."

"Bah, bah, don't say such unlucky words, I still have to play and win glory for the country!"

Hey, when did Jianhua learn to joke.Sure enough, people who have girlfriends are different, and they become glib.

Lin Hui knew that Jianhua was joking with him, so he deliberately vomited three times.

"You still know why you want to play table tennis! To win glory for the country! Then you must think about where you can choke next time."

Jianhua has improved a lot. He obviously can't talk about Jianhua anymore. Jianhua is clearly saying to eat slowly, but secretly saying that if you want to play, you should pay attention to your body and don't be in a hurry. It's really a pun.

Lin Hui did not continue bickering with Jianhua either. He felt that Jianhua would be terrible after he became enlightened. so.

Jianhua usually doesn't like to talk much, but since he met Wenya, Jianhua has talked a lot more than before, and he also likes to joke with everyone. As far as yesterday, he never thought that Jianhua would say that the bastard looks at mung beans and sees the right eye.

The words are rough, but the principle is the same.

He saw that Jianhua has become a lot more cheerful now, and he is also happy for Jianhua. Jianhua is his best friend, and no one wants Jianhua to live a better life than him.

Just as they walked into the training room, he saw Coach Wu was there, and everyone stood neatly in a row.

He and Jianhua also quickly stood in the line. Not long after they stood there, Xu Xin and Shaojie also came in one after the other.

Why did Coach Wu come so early today, and everyone is still standing so neatly, there must be something to announce.

After coach Wu watched the people arrive one after another, he began to say to all the players: "All the people have arrived, and I want to tell you a good news. The Russian table tennis team will come to visit us next week! Everyone wants Communicate with each other!"

If in the past, Coach Wu would always ask him why he was late when he saw people arriving after him, it turned out that Coach Wu was in such a good mood because he had good news to announce to them.

This news is indeed a news that no one has heard. When the players heard that a foreigner was coming to their national team, they all chatted about it, including Jianhua and Lin Hui.
"Jianhua, this is the first time I've met a foreigner, and I don't know how they play against us?"

As soon as Lin Hui heard that foreign friends were coming to the national team, what he understood was to learn from each other. Fortunately, he could know himself and the enemy at the World Table Tennis Championships in the future. However, this was the first time Lin Hui came to the national team. There are other national teams coming like this Mutual communication.

He is very excited!No wonder many people sharpen their heads and want to squeeze into the national team?It can not only broaden their horizons, but also allow them to know more skills. It seems that not everyone can enter a place like the national team.

Lin Hui felt very lucky at this moment. He used to have a whole body of talent, but he couldn't overcome it due to psychological reasons and finally gave up. Now he can finally come to the national team to win glory for the country with these skills.

"I haven't seen it either. Will we know when we meet?"

Jianhua was as excited as Lin Hui. First of all, not to mention how good the opponent's game was. How many people in their era had seen foreigners. It was really rare, and they played in Russia. It is possible to see them. Sex is minimal.

He can tell Wen Ya about this matter as an anecdote, Wen Ya must be very happy to hear it.

"Okay, now that everyone knows the news, don't hurry up and practice. When foreign friends come, you must show your skills."

Coach Wu saw that everyone was discussing so fiercely, he couldn't bear to interrupt, but no matter how much the discussion was, he had to return to the actual action. Showing it and letting them praise China's table tennis is the result he wants.

Just when he said yes, everyone quieted down and listened to Coach Wu's continued speech.

Coach Wu's kindness today is to let them practice well, show them in front of foreigners, and let them know how great China's table tennis is.

Lin Hui felt that what Coach Wu said was very reasonable. They should continue to practice and show their best skills to compete with their foreign friends.

"Lin Hui, Jianhua, I have something to say to you, I called my dad a few days ago, and my dad asked me to bring you something!"

After Coach Wu left, Xu Xin and Jianhua walked up to Jianhua and Lin Hui.The two of them inserted the ping-pong bats in their backs into their trousers.

Xu Xin and his father talked about everything here when they called. Coach Xu has always been proud of training several of their outstanding national players. They have been in the national team for a while, and Xu Xin has been busy with Shaojie. Shuang, they have played relatively steadily recently, and she also took the time to report to Coach Xu that she is safe, and by the way, tell Coach Xu everything that happened here.

Lin Hui and Jianhua continued to discuss about foreign friends coming to BJ as guests. Xu Xin walked in front of them. When he heard that Coach Xu had brought them a message, Lin Hui was a little stunned. Thinking of winning glory for the country, he came to the national team but always thinking of Coach Xu's entrustment to him to let him practice more and make less trouble. He thinks he is very good recently!Could it be that Jianhua's love affair let Coach Xu know.

But coach Xu doesn't care about the freedom of love!

"My dad told us to play well! I brought you dried fish to replenish your strength. After you practice, come to me and I'll share it with you."

Dried fish is marinated with fish. There are many complicated processes. It can be made salty, spicy, and spiced. It can supplement the necessary energy of the human body, especially for their athletes.

Coach Xu can really be a very responsible coach. He asks them to take a piece of ginseng every time they play, and cooks them various delicacies when they usually play.

They have been in the national team for some time, not only did they fail to report to Coach Xu that they were safe, and they made a phone call, but they made Coach Xu miss them.

"Xu Xin, thank Coach Xu for us!"

In Lin Hui's eyes, coach Xu is a mentor, and he also takes care of them like their father.

"That's right, Xu Xin, thank Coach Xu for us."

In the eyes of Coach Xu, Jianhua is a three-good student. Coach Xu is very relieved of Jianhua in many things, and Jianhua also followed Lin Hui.

"If you really want to thank my dad, that good grade is the greatest thank you to him!"

Xu Xin knew that Lin Hui and Jianhua were sincerely grateful to his father. When his father called, he asked them about their situation, and his concern for them was far more than her own. Girl, but what his father wants is not thanks from them, but hope that they can give him good grades in return. If one day they can get good grades, he will also I can proudly tell them that this is a player he trained.

"We will definitely achieve good results! We will definitely not disappoint Coach Xu. Didn't Coach Wu just say that there are foreign friends coming to our national team? We just have this opportunity to learn how other countries play and study other countries tactics."

"Yes, I heard what Coach Wu said just now. It just so happens that Shaojie and I have already mastered the skills proficiently. I just hope that someone can accept their results. How about we play a few times!"


Not only for Coach Xu, but also for myself. I don’t need anyone to help me. Lin Hui’s dream of playing basketball will never be shattered. Just when Xu Xin and Shaojie came over, they haven’t played against each other for a long time. , You can also see if they have been growing up recently by fighting with them.

The four of them stood in their seats. Although they heard the sound of table tennis, they officially started a two-two PK. After a few rounds, their skills have improved significantly. Compared with the provincial team But it was advancing by leaps and bounds. Sure enough, Coach Wu's plan was very good.

The national team and the provincial team are not at the same level. After a few rounds, Xu Xin, Shaojie, Jianhua, and Lin Hui couldn't tell the difference.

"Your playing skills have really improved by leaps and bounds these days!"

"You guys are not bad either!"

"If we continue to fight like this, we will definitely not be able to tell the difference. We will rest!"

Lin Hui and Xu Xin shouted from the air that she and Shaojie had really made great progress in the mixed doubles. In addition, they made a special style of play for the mixed doubles. He and Jianhua were still singles. He and Jianhua were only responsible for the doubles. Although their respective playing skills have a tacit understanding with Jianhua, compared with Shaojie and Xu Xin, their professionalism is still not very high.

"Then you mean to admit defeat?"

"You guys specialize in mixed doubles, and the two of us are men's singles. If you two team up and still bully the two of us, how can it be called admitting defeat?"

Xu Xin said that Lin Hui was admitting defeat, how could he admit defeat, the word "lose" has never been in his dictionary, it's just that if he keeps fighting like this, he doesn't know when the winner will be determined, the tug-of-war is always one point behind In addition, they all drank alcohol yesterday, although it has been a whole night, but the stamina is still there.

"Then Lin Hui, what do you think of our fight?" Shaojie also started to shout at Lin Hui from the air.

"It's a good fight! It's the best pair in the mixed doubles."

In terms of skills and tactics, Shaojie and Xu Xin played really well in the mixed doubles of the national team. If they are allowed to participate in the competition, it is really okay.Lin Hui had to admit this.

"Xu Xin, why don't we end our sparring today! Lin Hui said that we have played well. It seems that we have really improved. We keep exhausting, and our physical strength will also be exhausted. I drank too much yesterday. A little too much, is your head dizzy now?!"

Shaojie and Xu Xin said that only the two of them could hear the decibels clearly.

"Okay! Then let's go to the end!"

Since Shaojie has said so, Shaojie must be feeling a little uncomfortable, she can't ignore her partner!The gay men did drink a lot of wine yesterday, I guess they were really happy yesterday, and the girls were luckier, all they drank were sodas.

Lin Hui heard what Shaojie and Xu Xin said quietly, and Xu Xin agreed not to fight.But that's fine, whoever says not to fight is fine, as long as there are no losers and no winners.

Jianhua took the ball back, really thirsty and tired, Jianhua took a few swigs of water, Lin Hui also sat aside, picked up a towel to wipe off his sweat, gulped a few gulps and said .

"Xu Xin, take a break!"

Shaojie and Xu Xin were at another table tennis desk and said to Xu Xin.

"Are you dizzy or not, why don't we go back!"

Just now Shaojie said that he was a little dizzy, and he just squatted down on the ground during the break. Did Shaojie have a headache? I also blamed her for playing with Lin Hui and the others all the time, forgetting that they drank so much wine.

"It's okay, just take a break!"

Shaojie's head was dizzy. He doesn't usually drink much, and his alcohol capacity is not good. Yesterday was the happiest day for them to come to the national team. He hasn't been this happy for a long time. He drank a lot without knowing it. , I really didn't expect Xu Xin to play with them. What Xu Xin told was that she called home yesterday, and Coach Xu brought something.

How could it have occurred to Xu Xin that he was going to PK with Lin Hui and Jianhua as soon as he came up? He wanted to stop it so much, but with Xu Xin's personality, it was impossible to stop him, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to fight with Xu Xin.

I thought it would be enough to fight back and forth a few times, but Lin Hui and Jianhua were unwilling to show weakness and could only continue to fight.

At the end of the fight, seeing Lin Hui suggested not to fight, he really couldn't hold on anymore. He didn't expect Xu Xin to continue to fight, so he could only tell Xu Xin truthfully.

But he was afraid that Xu Xin would be worried, so he could only say that it was fine, just rest for a while.

After resting for a while, Shao Jie was much better than before.

"Go Xu Xin, let's go back!"

"it is good!"

Xu Xin could see that Shaojie had a bad face, so she immediately agreed. Then she thought of something, and said to Lin Hui and Jianhua, "Don't forget, ask me for the dried fish!"

(End of this chapter)

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