The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 152 What to Do

Chapter 152 What to Do

Following the sound of the ambulance, Zhang Xuan was already waiting at the door.Lin Hui was still helping the old man with emergency rescue.

"The patient is inside!"

As Zhang Xuan's voice fell, some medical staff followed Zhang Xuan. Seeing the old man lying on the ground, the medical staff put the old man on a stretcher.

Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan followed the old man to the hospital.

The old man was brought to the emergency room as the medical staff raced against time.

"Brother Lin Hui, what should we do? Have you been waiting here?"

Zhang Xuan is a girl. It was the first time she experienced this kind of thing, so she was unavoidably at a loss. In addition, she encountered a lot of things today. Just now, she first helped a woman find her wallet, and now she is helping a widowed old man to deliver it to her. Hospital.

What happened this day one after another made Zhang Xuan feel uncomfortable.

"How about Zhang Xuan, you go back first, and I'll just wait here."

"Brother Lin Hui, I mean, does this old man have no children? How should his children be notified? Besides, Brother Lin Hui, if you don't leave, can I leave?"

Lin Hui didn't think about these problems from the moment he saved the person. He only knew that the old man lying on the ground was a fresh life. He saved it first. He never thought about these follow-up things, but Zhang Xuan's words reminded him He, he didn't reach the old man's family long ago!

Don't care about that much now, just wait for the old man to wake up and ask.I don't know how the old man is doing now, and whether he is in danger of leaving.

At this moment, a doctor came out of the operation, "The patient has high blood pressure, which caused cerebral hemorrhage, and needs a craniotomy. This is the fee bill. You have to pay the fee first!"

Cerebral hemorrhage, craniotomy?
Lin Hui looked at the fee receipt again, which was 5000 yuan for the surgery.

"Doctor, I'm not the patient's family member. I can't handle this matter! Can we talk to the patient's family members?"

"You are not the patient's family members, what are you talking about, call the patient's family members over quickly, the patient is in danger of getting sick at any time, as long as there is a one-minute delay, his life will be in danger at any time, go to the patient's family members."

Lin Hui wanted to continue to ask the doctor how long he could give them, but before he could say this, the doctor walked into the operating room.

"Brother Lin Hui, what should we do!" Zhang Xuan listened to the doctor's words, she felt that she and Brother Lin Hui had encountered trouble, and she felt a little worried about this trouble.

Now the old man is lying there, no matter whether it is definitely not good or not, it doesn't matter, what should they do.

Lin Hui felt a little helpless at this moment, what should he do, he sat on the bench beside him.

Looking for the old man's family members, they also met by chance, from where to look, he doesn't even know what the old man's name is, so how should he start.

Lin Hui was in a dilemma. The old man was lying on the hospital bed and was in danger of getting sick at any time. Now he urgently needed surgery and needed money for the surgery. Not only did they have no money, this put Lin Hui in a desperate situation.

"Brother Lin Hui, why don't we try to find Police Officer Xu!"

Zhang Xuan thought that they didn't have many friends here, but the officer Xu who sent her off last time was a nice person and should be able to help them.

Lin Hui stood up from the bench in a huff, "Yes! Zhang Xuan, we should find Police Officer Xu! Give him a call and check."

Reminded by Zhang Xuan, Lin Hui felt that this method would work. Officer Xu should be able to find out the family members of the old man, and they should ask Officer Xu.

It seems that a lot of people means a lot of strength. Fortunately, Zhang Xuan was there to help him make suggestions at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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