The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 162 Breakthrough

Chapter 162 Breakthrough

Lin Hui and Jianhua soon came to Wenya's art troupe. Jianhua and Wenya were often together, so they naturally knew Wenya's dormitory.

They rushed to the elegant dormitory, and when they reached the door of the dormitory, Jianhua said, "Lin Hui, I'll wait for you here, you go in!"

"Okay, then you wait for me here, don't wander around! I'll come to you after I ask you!"

"it is good!"

Along the way, Jianhua's mood was significantly better than when Lin Hui first entered the dormitory.But he was still worried about Jianhua, and told Jianhua not to go far away, just wait for him where he was, and come back to him immediately after he asked the reason.

Although Jianhua promised so readily, he was still worried about Jianhua, after all, he would be somewhat traumatized if he was broken up for no reason.

Now he can only go and come back quickly. When he came to the dormitory, Lin Hui followed the dormitory room number given by Jianhua, and walked to the dormitory auntie, asking him to help call Zhang Shi.

The aunt in the dormitory of the art troupe is also a good talker, so she agreed very happily.

Not long after, Zhang unfortunately came out from inside.

"Hello! Are you looking for me?"

Zhang Xi looked at this familiar figure and asked, only to see Lin Hui when he turned around. He and Lin Hui had met several times, and they were familiar with each other.

From the moment Lin Hui turned around, she knew that Lin Hui must have come here for Wenya and Jianhua.

"It's a pity! That this"

Lin Hui turned around and hesitated for a long time without saying what he wanted to say. After all, he and Zhang Xi were not close enough to talk straight, and he had never approached Zhang Xi.

It was a pity that he came to find Zhang for the sake of Wenya and Jianhua, let alone being a little embarrassed, didn't he think he was just asking why on the road?Standing in front of others now, I feel really embarrassed to open my mouth to ask.

"You came here for Wenya and Jianhua, right?!"

Seeing Lin Hui hesitating, Wen Ya guessed that Lin Hui must have come for the two of them, so she asked.

"Yes, I came here because of the two of them. When I returned to the dormitory, I saw Jianhua sitting there pitifully. He was so stupid that he didn't say anything when he asked. You see, I can't ask directly. What happened to Wenya, I want to ask you better than Wenya, you more or less know what happened?"

Since Zhang Xi already knew the purpose of his visit, he could only tell the whole story in full, that is, to make Jianhua look a little pitiful. If he didn't say it, how could he tell What the hell is going on with him.

He simply didn't hide anything, and told all the things in one go.

Unfortunately, Zhang already knew what Lin Hui meant, and Wenya told her not to tell Jianhua, but now it was Lin Hui, if she sued Lin Hui, she would not be compared with Wenya, and Lin Hui seemed to be very pitiful about Jianhua.Even Lin Hui didn't know what happened to the two of them.

It seems that with Lin Hui's appearance today, he must ask something out of her mouth, otherwise he would not go back, Wen Ya, don't blame me for not keeping my promise, I promised you not to tell Jianhua, but I didn't promise not to tell Lin Hui Hui.

Zhang Xi sighed, and said slowly: "Something happened to Wenya's family, and Wenya never let me tell Jianhua, so she broke up with Jianhua. Although it was unfair to Jianhua, there was nothing I could do about it."

(End of this chapter)

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