The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 168 I'm teasing you

Chapter 168 I'm teasing you

"Jianhua, I'm teasing you, look at your face is green! I've eaten so much, where can I eat more! Do you think my stomach is that of Zhu Bajie?"

"Lin Hui, at this time, you still joked with me, can't you be a little positive?"

Lin Hui was in the mood to make a joke, but Jianhua's appearance made people feel distressed, and he was just looking for fun for Jianhua.

The most unbearable suffering in the world is the suffering of love. Has Lin Hui experienced it before?

When Xiao Yu'er broke up with him, he seemed to have forgotten the pain in the world and had become blind.He now knows the pain in Jianhua's heart.

Although things are relatively good, he still hopes that Jianhua can treat his feelings normally. After all, he is a professional athlete and cannot be worried about his children's affection.

"Lin Hui, now that you've eaten and drank enough, it's time to tell me what Wenya is all about!"

Jianhua finally said what he had been holding back for a long time. Seeing that Jianhua was so impatient, Lin Hui stopped teasing him.

He also hopes that Jianhua can treat feelings correctly.

"Jianhua, no matter what the situation is, there must be a reason for Wenya to do what she does."

Before Lin Hui finished speaking, Jianhua interrupted, "You should quickly talk about what's going on, don't make detours here, are you going to kill me?"

"Then I told you, don't worry?!" Lin Hui continued to persuade Jianhua like this, but Jianhua didn't make any response, and Lin Hui, who was listening attentively, inquired about the news.

"Wen Ya has returned to her hometown now!"

"Why is it so fast! Is this avoiding me?"

He told Jianhua not to be impatient, but to be steady, and Jianhua cut him off just as he was halfway through.

"I haven't finished talking yet, why are you in a hurry, can't you let me tell you what happened?"

Jianhua glanced at Lin Hui, touched the back of his head with his hand and said embarrassedly, "Aren't I worried about Wenya?!"

"Zhang Xi told me that Wenya's father is gone, so she went back!"

"What, why didn't Wenya tell me such a big thing!"

I usually see that Jianhua is very stable, but when he talks about elegant things, he seems to be a different person, jumping up and down in a hurry.

"The point I'm talking about is that Wenya has a younger brother and mother at home. It's a pity to hear that Wenya doesn't plan to return to the group. Now she just asked for leave. I said that in the future, Wenya might not come. It was Zhang Shi who told me."

Lin Hui conveyed Zhang Xi's exact words to Jianhua.Jianhua froze when he heard that he would not come back.

"If you don't come back, how can you not come back? What is the relationship between us? Is it a game? Wenya, how can you say no to it, just don't!"

Jianhua murmured to himself, and Lin Hui heard it very clearly. Now Jianhua only thought of Wenya leaving him, and planned not to see him. He didn't think about why Wenya didn't come back, why he insisted on breaking up with him.

"Jianhua, Wenya's family situation is a bit special. Her father has been bedridden for many years. Her mother has to take care of both her father and her younger brother. Most of Wenya's wages are also sent back. Now Wenya's family has this situation. How could she have the heart to leave her mother and younger brother at home, she can only go back to her hometown to take responsibility for her mother."

After Lin Hui said so much, it turned out that she always thought that Wenya was a positive and cheerful girl. She never knew that her family had a father who was sick in bed. No wonder Wenya always evaded every time they chatted. The situation is like this.

Wenya is such a self-reliant girl, she never shows her most vulnerable place, every time the two of them go out on a date, Wenya is always happy, every time Jianhua looks at Wenya, she always looks innocent , I didn't expect Wenya to have so many things in her heart.

Why didn't Wenya tell him these things?
Is it because he is afraid that he will know that their family conditions are not good, or that Wenya's self-esteem will be insulted when he finds out about this.

Jianhua has always wondered, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they will have a family in the future. Does Wenya feel that he has no responsibility to protect her?

"Lin Hui, is Wenya afraid of dragging me down and burdening me?"

"It's possible. After all, you are still a national athlete and you want to stand on the world stage. She may be afraid to disturb your thinking! It will distract you."

Even Lin Hui, who is always wise, said so. It seems that Wenya thought so, fearing that she would cause him to lose the game, but now no one knows how painful it is for Jianhua to lose Wenya.

Why can't they face difficulties together, but feel like a drag?
Jianhua was still puzzled. When Wenya was with him, he felt that the happiest thing in his life was being able to grow old with Wenya. Unexpectedly, Wenya had to stop halfway, and he never treated him like this under any circumstances.

"Lin Hui, tell me what I should do!"

Now it is Wenya who has given up on him on his own initiative, but he still doesn't want to give up on Wenya, he wants to face any difficulties with Wenya, if even this little pain Jianhua is unwilling to bear with Wenya, how disappointed Wenya is in him!

"Then do you think Wenya is the person you want to hold hands with forever?"


"Then no matter what difficulties you encounter, are you willing to bear it with Wen Ya?"


"Then do you think you won't be able to live without Wenya?"

"I know the pain in my heart is like a needle, piercing my heart!"

Every word and every sentence of Jianhua is full of desolation, it seems that Jianhua really likes elegance!

"Since you care so much about Wenya, why didn't you chase Wenya back? There is no problem with your relationship! It's just that Wenya is afraid of dragging you down!"

Chase back?
Can it work?
Wen Ya has returned to his hometown now, he doesn't even know his parents' names, he doesn't even have their address, he is completely dark about the situation in Wen Ya's house.

Why didn't he want to chase Wenya back? When Wenya broke up with him, he didn't agree or disagree, but walked away sad!
Now he disagrees!He already knew what happened. Wen Ya was afraid of hurting him and delaying his sports career!

Everything Wen Ya is doing now is for his sake!How could he let go of Wenya's hand so easily? !

Do not!Never let go so easily!
Jianhua clasped his head in both hands, and said to Lin Hui in extreme pain, "I don't even know the address of Wenya's house, and I don't even know Wenya's phone number."

Lin Hui took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Jianhua, "Jianhua, look, what is this?"

What appeared in front of Jianhua was a note with a phone number written on it!
"This is?"

"This is the phone number of Wen Ya's hometown! Zhang Xi gave it to me!"

The phone number of Wenya's hometown, Jianhua looked at the phone number and put it in his pocket like a treasure.

When Lin Hui came out of the art troupe, Jianhua felt that something was wrong with Lin Hui, and he was in good spirits. It turned out that he asked him everything for him, but he didn't tell him anything, and let him worry about it here.

But he is still very grateful to Lin Hui for everything he has done for him. Without Lin Hui, he would be in a mess and don't know what to do!

Now that he already knew the phone number of Wen Ya's house, would he call Wen Ya rashly like this?

"Lin Hui, I have to ask you for help! Can you call Wenya and ask?"

Me, what are you asking?Lin Hui looked bewildered!

"What did I say to Wen Ya?"

Jianhua thought that if he talked to Wenya directly, he was afraid that Wenya would break up with him. If Lin Hui talked to Wenya and Wenya didn't say anything, it proved that he was still willing to chat with him, and it would be perfect for him to call Wenya.

"Call me and ask Wenya, if he knows the situation of their family and is unwilling to break up with her, and he is not afraid that their family will drag him down, will Wenya break up with him?"

Jianhua said firmly to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui's head is buzzing now, how poor he was in his previous life, he must be so nosy in this life, and today's events follow one after another, when will he be big!

It is difficult to be a good person, but it is even more difficult to be a good person who can do things!

He had to do it even if he didn't want to, looking at Jianhua's longing little eyes, his eyes were full of expectations for him, as if his future was in Lin Hui's hands. Do!compulsory!

"Okay! Don't blame me if Wenya refuses, let's talk about the ugly first!"

"How could it be, I can't!"

Although Jianhua said so in his mouth, he hoped that this matter must be successful and not fail!
"Then let's hurry back and call you as soon as we get back!" Lin Hui walked more and more anxiously!

I didn't expect Lin Hui to say that, but he was more enthusiastic than anyone else in his heart, and rushed back to deal with things for him and Wenya. Jianhua also followed Lin Hui's pace and walked faster!

"Shall we fight when we get back?"

Jianhua asked Lin Hui again uncertainly.

"Yes! I'll call you when I get back. This matter should be handled as soon as possible! Otherwise, how can you show your concern for Wenya!"

"Okay! Brother, my lifelong happiness depends on you!"

Jianhua patted Lin Hui on the shoulder, showing a long-lost smile on his face

With a distance of half an hour, Lin Hui and Jianhua walked out at a speed of 15 minutes per hour.

Soon they came to the telephone hall, "Jianhua, take out the phone number!"

Under Lin Hui's urging, Jianhua took out a small note and unfolded it carefully.

Lin Hui dialed the number above, and there was a series of beeps, but no one answered the phone for a long time.

Just when Lin Hui thought he was about to despair, a woman's voice came from the phone, "Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, is Yuan Wenya in?"

The voice on the phone was very mixed, and it took Lin Hui a long time to reply, "You are talking about the eldest girl of Master Yuan's family!"

"Yes, it is!"

"I'm a small shop here, I'll call you there, wait a while!"

It turned out that the number Wenya left for them was from a small shop. No wonder when Lin Hui called just now, the person on the phone hesitated for a while. It turned out that she was wondering whose phone it was.

After a while, there was a crisp voice on the phone, which was a gentle "Hello, are you looking for me?"

"Wen Ya, I'm Lin Hui. I'm asking how things are going with your family? What can you tell us?"

"It's all over, you know it? Does Jianhua know it too?"

When Lin Hui said this, Wenya already guessed that Lin Hui and Jianhua already knew about their family affairs, and now that she knew about it, the stone in her heart also fell.

Everyone hopes that when they are in a relationship, their parents are more promising, but Wenya's parents have always been afraid to talk to Jianhua, because she is afraid that Jianhua will dislike her family's poor family conditions.The second is that Jianhua is a national athlete. He knows that the girlfriend he is looking for has a bad family, and let others know to laugh at her.

Wen Ya has never dared to talk about this matter, and now she doesn't need to stop talking about it, since everyone already knows, there is no need for him to hide it, choking!
"Yes, we don't know anymore. Jianhua asked me to call you. Jianhua said that he is willing to share the responsibility with you! Wenya is fine. Jianhua is a responsible person. When will you come back! "

Just now when he said that Jianhua asked you to make this call, Jianhua kept shaking his hands.He has the phone in his hand and his mouth grows on his body, which is beyond Jianhua's control.

At this time, the voice of sighing and wiping tears came from the phone, it seemed that the effect he wanted came out.

Wenya is also reluctant to break up with Jianhua.

"Gentleman! Don't cry!"

As soon as he heard Wenya crying, Jianhua immediately took the phone from Lin Hui.

"Wenya, I'm Jianhua, I won't break up with you, we'll face anything together, I'm not afraid of being dragged down, I'm afraid of dragging you down, how about you come back!"

As soon as she heard Jianhua's voice, Wenya couldn't stop crying.

Jianhua continued, "If you don't come back, I'll go find you!"

"No, I'll be back in a few days, you practice hard!"

"Okay, then I'll look for you when you come back, I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Wen Ya said that she would be back in a few days, and asked him to play seriously. It seems that Wen Ya didn't really want to break up with him, but she was afraid of dragging him down.

"That's it! I'll go back first!"

"Okay! Come back and I'll find you!"

Jianhua's elegant voice on the phone obviously softened a lot, not as tough as when he broke up with him today!

He put down the phone, feeling much more comfortable in his heart. He was no longer as nervous as before. When Lin Hui and Wen Ya were on the phone, it was uncomfortable for him to stand or move his position.

Now his mood is as bright as a colorful rainbow after the rain.

"Let's go! Don't hold the phone stupidly, the other end has already hung up!"

Lin Hui looked at Jianhua holding the phone and put it down, and couldn't help but reminded him.

"Let's go! Go back and rest!" Jianhua heard Lin Hui's voice, put down the phone, and said to Lin Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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