The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 174 Was God Sent To Punish Him?

Chapter 174 Was God Sent To Punish Him?

"Brother Lin Hui, the person you said resembles my elder sister is not the one you said you liked before!"

Xiaoye remembered that Brother Lin Hui said that he had someone he liked, but based on Brother Lin Hui's expression on Li Yu, he felt that the two of them seemed to have known each other.

I always feel that Brother Lin Hui has different feelings for Li Yu and Zhang Xuan. It's the kind of excitement after reuniting after a long absence, and the loss that seems to be love but can't get back. It's very complicated.

"Really! It seems that we are still destined!"

Li Yu immediately felt that this matter was worthy of his in-depth study, and she found it very interesting.

She looks very similar to her, and had a relationship with the national athlete in front of her.

Li Yu's major is entertainment journalism, and this news is very interesting to her. It must be very interesting if she writes this into an article, or writes a novel based on the prototype of table tennis.

"Khan, it's been a long time ago! And this friend of mine has passed away!"

It turned out that Lin Hui had disappeared, and he had arrived on another planet that did not belong to him, which was a different planet from Xiao Yuer, but to prevent Li Yu and Xiao Ye from asking him all the time, it could only be said that Xiao Yuer was no longer there. .

"Brother Lin Hui, I'm sorry! I made you sad!"

Lin Hui's face paled, and Xiao Ye hurriedly apologized to Lin Hui.Even Li Yu who was standing by the side felt a heartache.

Just now she kept arguing about Lin Hui, asking her to meet the girl who looked like her, but she didn't expect that the girl was gone.

The heart next to her chest hurt like a needle prick.

It was her incomplete consideration.

Lin Hui stood there for a long time without speaking, Xiao Ye thought that brother Lin Hui was too sad.

He said, "Brother Lin Hui, you are here, I still have some things to deal with, so I'm leaving first."

Since supper is also coming, there is no need for Li Yu to stay here, "Well, I have some things to deal with, so I'm going to be busy too!"

Lin Hui said lightly, "Yes!"

Now Lin Hui's mood is messy!
He didn't know how to adjust his calm mood.

Xiao Yuer is Li Yu and not Li Yu!
Lin Hui picked up the racket and the ball and made harsh noises against the wall.

He doesn't want to think about many things anymore, and he can't figure it out. It's better to let nature take its course. He is still an athlete of the national team, and he needs to fight for the next table tennis match.

This time he has already lost the qualification to play, and he will definitely get it back next time.

He threw the ball hard, making louder noises against the wall!This decompression action made him sweat profusely in a short while.

"Brother Lin Hui, this is the coffee I made for you, you have a rest!"

It was Li Yu, who walked to Lin Hui's desk with a cup of coffee and put the coffee over.


What is coffee? It was the first time Lin Hui had heard of the name. He walked over out of curiosity about coffee.

It's as black as a ball of muddy water, are you sure it's drinkable?

Lin Hui frowned, and stayed a little further away from the coffee shop.

"Brother Lin Hui, try this cat poop coffee! It's very famous and delicious, I brought it back specially!"

What the hell?Cat poop coffee?No wonder it smells so bad and so dark!
It turned out to be coffee made from cat poop!He can't stand this stuff!
Are you sure Li Yu wasn't sent by heaven to punish him? !
(End of this chapter)

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