Chapter 176
"Brother Lin Hui! You associate with Xi Ang! I remembered that I have something to do with supper!"

Li Yu walked towards the door with small steps and hurried away.

If she stays any longer, if Brother Lin Hui misunderstands her further, how can she write her novel dream!

Originally, she wanted to take her favorite coffee to ask Brother Lin Hui about their being a table tennis player, so that she could write a novel about her and the table tennis player's life, but she didn't expect it to be over so soon.

But it's okay, she has other delicacies to share with Brother Lin Hui.

Looking at Li Yuyuan's back, he remembered the first time he met Li Yu.

It was a late autumn afternoon, on the first day of high school, on his way home, he heard the people in front of him saying, "You know what? The mother in our class doesn't want that Lin Yi, the father doesn't want that, his father He gave birth to a younger brother, no wonder he has to be liked by others, and even invited our family to his brother's full moon wine!"

When Ji Dong heard the news, it was like a thunderbolt!
He is also his father's child, why can't he be given a little love, even his school expenses are paid by his aunt!
The so-called blood-related father ignored him when he had no children with that woman, and now he has their children, the more he ignores his existence.

When Ji Dong heard the news, he was stunned!
Finally, his tears could not be held back like a torrent of beasts!

And this scene happened to be seen by Li Yu who came out to buy stationery!

This was the first time in his life that a girl saw him crying. It was said that men do not shed tears lightly, but a little girl saw him. He picked up his schoolbag and ran away.

But Li Yu stopped him!Gently ask if you have encountered any difficulties or unhappy things, you can talk to her!

Lin Yi took off the veil that had been worn for a long time, and sat with Li Yu on the side of the road at a corner to tell his story.

Li Yu seemed to be listening, listening to every bit of his past.There was no trace of irritability until Ji Dong calmed down.

Realizing that it was already dark, Li Yu stuck out his tongue and ran towards home.

Lin Yi looked at Li Yu's back, and his young heart fluttered slightly.

But just now Lin Hui watched Li Yu's back, which was exactly the same as his little Yu'er, but his character was a little different from Xiao Yu'er.

Li Yu forced him to drink some shitty coffee. If he didn’t drink it, it seemed like he had been wronged by the heavens. He couldn’t even give it away. When he went down, he only thought that as long as he drank it, he would be fine.

Unexpectedly, he didn't pass out after choking on him, holding it in his heart, it was hard to imagine the pain at that time.

The Li Yu in front of her is definitely not his Li Yu. Xiao Yuer treats her better and better after knowing his family situation. She often encourages her to study hard and not to waste her studies because of family misfortune.

Unexpectedly, in the end, because of his obsession with playing, he ruined his beautiful love with Xiao Yu'er.

Thinking about it until now, I still regret it, if he had the achievements he has today, Xiao Yuer would definitely not leave him, it's all because he was young and crazy!

He didn't know how to cherish everything he had back then, but now when he looks at Li Yu now, he always has a kind of regret welling up in his heart.

Don't do wrong things in this life, you will always regret it for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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