The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 178 The sun is coming out from the west

Chapter 178 The sun is coming out from the west
"How did you learn from me badly?!"

When Xiaoye walked to Brother Lin Hui's door, he heard that he had learned from him badly?He didn't do anything, how could he be a bad guy?Besides, who did he bring down?

"Why did you come in without knocking! And eavesdropping on the conversation!"

Seeing Xiaoye coming in like this swaggeringly, Zhang Xuan just said that it was not good to eat late at night, but now she feels very guilty.

"I saw the door was open, so I came in. I didn't eavesdrop on your speech. You were talking when I walked to brother Lin Hui's door. I just asked casually!"

Xiao Ye sat on Lin Hui's desk while talking, giving people a condescending feeling.

"By the way! You are here for a midnight snack!"

"It's nothing, it's just that I was called a scumbag by someone just now for no reason, so I'll come and take a look! However, Zhang Xuan, Li Yu is really my own sister, I didn't lie to you!"

It turned out that Zhang Xuan came over because of a misunderstanding. The two of them are really a pair of treasures.

"Well, ah, that, brother Lin Hui has already explained to me that Li Yu is your sister, snacking late at night, I was too embarrassed to speak too loudly just now!"

Zhang Xuan's tone of voice was not as brutal as usual, and her attitude was very sincere and gentle, which made Xiaoye wonder if there was something wrong with his ears!
My dear!Rare!Zhang Xuan actually has the potential to admit her mistake, and she still speaks in a low voice!
Is the sun coming out from the west?

Even if you are beaten to death by mistake, you don’t admit it, but today you actually admit your mistake. It’s a good sign, a good sign.

"Just explain it clearly! You wait! I'll go back and get you something!"

After Xiao Ye finished speaking, she jumped off Lin Hui's desk at the same speed as a sword, and immediately disappeared in front of Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan and Lin Hui stood where they were, with their faces covered!

Why did you go for supper?Why is the speed so fast!

Just when Lin Hui and Zhang Xuan were suspicious, Xiao Ye came in with two cups, which seemed to contain liquid like water.

"Zhang Xuan, this is for you! Brother Lin Hui, just now my sister said that you had already had a drink and wouldn't let me bring it to you, so I poured myself a glass too!"

What shit coffee!

Listening to Xiao Ye's words, Lin Hui already guessed it!There is definitely a dark liquid in the cup!
The two brothers and sisters are indeed brothers and sisters!Just now Li Yu brought him a cup for him to drink, and now Supper brought Zhang Xuan a cup.

Lin Hui slowly moved to a place far away from the two cups of coffee. He couldn't appreciate the taste and delicacy!

"Is this coffee?"

Zhang Xuan recognized it at a glance!Then he slowly brought the cup to her mouth and took a sip.

"Well, it's delicious, what kind of coffee is this!? It's delicious and pure!"

delicious!Lin Hui did hear Zhang Xuan say it was delicious!Such a bitter thing Zhang Xuan actually said it was delicious!Didn't he and Zhang Xuan drink the same kind of coffee?

"Zhang Xuan? Isn't it bitter?!"

"Bitter, not bitter! And it has a faint milky aroma, which suits his taste! What kind of coffee is this for a midnight snack!?"

Zhang Xuan actually said that it was not bitter, but had a milky smell. When Lin Hui walked to Zhang Xuan's side, there was indeed no such pungent bitter taste, but a milky smell instead.

Could it be that the way he drinks is wrong!There is a misunderstanding!
At the same time, I heard Xiaoye saying, "This is cat feces coffee, and this kind of cat is a kind of coffee produced by civet cats eating coffee beans. The civet cat itself has fragrance, and the coffee it produces is even rarer. few."

(End of this chapter)

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