Chapter 197

Bend over, throw high, look up!

Toss, drop, spin!

"Is this a spin serve?!"

Lin Hui shouted, Jianhua is going to show his ultimate skills!
There is a certain degree of difficulty in spinning the serve, and he must make full use of the force!There must be a good balance between friction and action!

And it is necessary to give full play to the muscle regulation of all parts of the body.

When serving, the force is initiated from the ground, along the foot, the direction of the calf, the direction of the thigh, the torso, and then passes through the upper arm, forearm, and hand!Finally, through the racket, the force of the racket is then transferred to the ball.

At this time, each link must give full play to the accelerated actions of each joint.

Lin Hui was 100% sure that Jianhua wanted to fight him to the end!

Well done, Jianhua!

The ball has been passed to Che Feng's platform, and Che Feng also feels very amazing about Jianhua's spin serve!

This is the first time I have seen a reverse spin serve!

Che Feng hurriedly passed this on to Jianhua.

Jianhua aimed at the opportunity and passed it to Che Feng more accurately and quickly. The catch just now was a fluke, but now Che Feng obviously feels powerless!
Reluctantly passed the ball to Jianhua.

Jianhua also took the opportunity to change the ball into a slice, which is what he is best at!
The strength of this chip is just right!Not too bad, just passed the net, very close to the net, Che Feng didn't straddle the ball with his 130 long arms.


After finally recovering a ball, Jianhua bowed his head happily and shouted.

"Jianhua's spinning serve won! It was too easy to win, you say no, Shaojie, Xu Xin!"

"Yes! I am very happy for Jianhua!"

"It is not easy to win in adversity!"

Shaojie always speaks with a youthful flavor!But Lin Hui loves to hear this flavor!As long as he can't speak a sentence, it's a good thing!
Many things seem to have no hope, but there may be hope right in front of us!
Jianhua did it this time, and Lin Hui was very happy for Jianhua!
Now Jianhua is ready to serve, judging by his appearance, it should not be the spinning serve just now!It should be other serving postures, and I can see it after practicing with Jianhua for so long!If I'm not mistaken, it's chopping!

He fixed his eyes on Jianhua!

The spin serve just now could make this kid pee, and now he can come up with his best chopping ball.

Backhand slice! A good slice is a good shot, and a bad slice is a failure!
Jianhua is very aware of this.But he still has to try, how will he know how much he weighs if he doesn't try!
When the ball was sent out, Jianhua regretted it a bit. Before the opponent had figured out his technique of reverse spin serve, another serve should have a better effect than this chopping ball. It was his carelessness!
But the problem is not too big, he is also very good at cutting the ball!

With a bang, Che Feng will also slice the ball!

It's a battle of two chops.Let's see who can beat whom.

If you dare to cut me, I will cut you back again!
Bang, Che Feng cut back again.

The ball was chipped back and forth by the two of them!

With a bang, the ball started to be played by Che Feng, and he changed the ball into a normal seesaw ball.

Seeing the ball is better than cutting the ball, it is a long-distance hit!
"Jianhua will suffer if he fights Che Feng like this!"

"Che Feng has taken the dominant position in the game now. Jianhua is obviously very passive!"

When Xu Xin heard the conversation between Lin Hui and Shaojie, he broke into a sweat for Jianhua!

Shouted loudly, "Come on, Jianhua!"

Xu Xin felt that all she could do for him now was cheer for him!Maybe this will help!
Jianhua's ball is really smelly, how can Che Feng take advantage of it!

However, after counting these few balls, Che Feng's ball can always change the passive ball into a dominant ball!
Che Feng's skills are obviously higher than Jianhua's. If Jianhua still doesn't change his tactics, he will obviously fall behind!

With a bang, Jianhua was only 0.05cm away from the ball.

Now Jianhua is behind again.

At this moment, the referee called for a break.
Lin Hui, Jianhua, and Xu Xin hurriedly stood in front of Jianhua.

"Jianhua, don't look at Che Feng's eyes! His eyes are too alluring, look at his hands!" Lin Hui said

"Hmm," Jianhua hummed lightly.

"Hit the rest of the ball well!" Shaojie patted Jianhua on the shoulder!

"it is good!"

"Jianhua, we will cheer for you!"

"I heard it just now, thank you!"

After a short break, Jianhua took a sip of the water Lin Hui handed him and stood on the playing field!
He moved his muscles and bones, raised his hands, kicked his feet, and turned his feet!

After simply exercising his muscles and bones, the arena returned to the quietness just now.

Lin Hui said don't look into his eyes, yes, his eyes are so charming, when he played a few games, he saw his temptation, always 0.01cm away.

That time I hated my own teeth itching, don’t look into his eyes, it’s so alluring, it’s like some kind of insanity, it makes people have a short stay in the mind for a moment!
This time it was a change of serve, starting from Che Feng, where Jianhua kept his eyes on the ball.

When the ball was passed, Jianhua accurately passed the ball back to Che Feng's table without looking at the ball.

Don't look at his face, don't look at his eyes, Jianhua kept thinking silently.

When the ball was passed, Jianhua still hit the racket wonderfully and unmistakably.

Seeing that the ball was no longer under his control, Che Feng began to change his tactics. When Jianhua passed the ball, he deliberately kept the ball in parallel with his eyes and face.

Jianhua saw his bewitching eyes!
But he immediately came back to his senses, fortunately he caught the ball, otherwise he would be killed by his eyes again.

It is said that beauties are all over the world and wrong country, and men are all over the world and wrong ball.

Jianhua has a deep understanding.

"Che Feng's nirvana is to never allow others to see his ball and face. Shaojie, have you noticed that as long as Jianhua looks at his face, he will be unresponsive. To be precise, it is his face." Distract Jianhua's attention!"

"Lin Hui, don't tell me I didn't realize it. Jianhua hesitated a little and almost lost again!"

"Ha ha!"

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Aren't you kidding, I've heard of beauty tricks, but this is the first time I've seen beauty tricks! But with that capital, you guys can't use beauty tricks!"

"Xu Xin, it's wrong for you to say that. Look, there are two handsome guys beside you. Isn't Jianhua a first-class talent?"

Lin Hui strongly opposed Xu Xin's statement!

He, Shaojie, Jianhua, that one is not handsome!They are handsome from the inside to the outside!
"I didn't say you're not handsome, it's because you can't use a beauty trick! Do you have eyes as charming as others? Do you have seductive faces?!"

When Xu Xin said this, Lin Hui and Shaojie sighed in unison.

"Hey, Shaojie, why do you think that women nowadays like to watch handsome hotpots!"

"Yes! If you can't keep handsome, you can eat it!"

The two sang together, just like singing double porn!
Xu Xin rolled his eyes, "I'm too lazy to tell you two, you don't understand, this is art, it's appreciation! It's over, when did Jianhua lose a goal and become 1:4?"

Before they talked for 2 minutes, Jianhua was killed by Che Feng!
I go!This speed is too fast!

Che Feng is definitely a challenging contestant!If Che Feng is allowed to be a training partner or something, it really can't be too good.

You can judge whether you have this concentration.

Do you have the ability to resist temptation!
"I guess Jianhua is overwhelmed by Che Feng's beauty, even Xu Xin won't stand with us anymore, maybe Jianhua is too!"

"Lin Hui, will you talk to me? No matter how handsome you are, my class position cannot be changed. I'm on Jianhua's side!"

Yeah?Lin Hui wanted to refute, do girls still have a class position?

In his eyes, don't girls just love to look at beautiful boys?Don't you blink your eyes when you see a pretty boy?Even too much, some girls will drool.

"Lin Hui, Xu Xin, what you are talking about, Jianhua may lose another goal, so can't you cheer for Jianhua, please come on?"

Shaojie's left and right ears were rattled by the two of them!
I really can't stand it anymore, let alone the two of them, they probably won't stop until the end of the game.

"is it?"

It's not that Lin Hui doesn't have confidence in Jianhua, it's that Che Feng's skills are a bit elusive, and it will be impossible to figure out the reason for a while.

But Lin Hui really admired Che Feng very much, and he must have a few tricks with him if he has the opportunity.

At this moment, when Xu Xin heard that Shaojie lost, she immediately turned her eyes to the stage. Just now she missed how Jianhua lost that ball, but now she can't miss it anymore.

Her father often taught her that you have to watch every game carefully, carefully watch each player's style of play, and see why the winning side wins, and the losing side is the reason for that side lost.

Is it skill?How to play?Or physical strength?
Experience can be summed up from the success of others, and experience can also be summed up from the failure of others!

She always kept in mind what her father said to him. Although his father was very strict, it was also a talk from experience.

Xu Xin returned his eyes to the stage again.

Jianhua beat tears streaming down his face!
Really!It's too shameless, except for this face, this look, can't you play well?
Every time Fei put his face and the ball on a horizontal line, it made him confused.

At this moment, how much he wished that he had a clairvoyant eye, keeping the good things, and stuffing the bad things directly.

Now it is 1:4, if you don't reverse it, you will really lose!

bang 1:5
Jianhua still missed!
Just when you are about to hit the next ball!
The whistle is blowing!

Hey, why did he take a break again, Jianhua was a little puzzled!

Coach Wu was also there, and he called Che Feng over.

Then I don't know what Coach Wu and Che Feng said.

It was announced that Che Feng had abstained.

Happiness came too fast, he still wanted to struggle desperately for the last few balls, why did he abstain?
I really do not understand.

One second he was scolding Che Feng, and the next second he was going to thank Che Feng for abstaining!
This reversed too quickly.

"Jianhua, you can participate in the World Table Tennis Championships, Che Feng has abstained!"

At the World Table Tennis Championships, when Jianhua heard these three words, he saw that it was Lin Hui who was talking to him. Just now he was overwhelmed by happiness and forgot his mind!
"I can participate in the World Table Tennis Championships!"

Jianhua was a little excited and repeated Lin Hui's words.

"Yes, Jianhua, Che Feng has abstained, and this spot is yours!" Xu Xin added.

"Do you think it's strange? Che Feng is about to win, why did he abstain?!"

Shaojie looked at the back of Che Feng who had already left, and said silently.

"Yeah! I can't figure it out either. You said that you were about to take a break just now. Coach Wu also came. I don't know what he said to Che Feng. Then Che Feng's face became stiff. It's more like a zombie than stiff." Face, Che Feng's face is so beautiful, it suddenly turned into a zombie face, what made his complexion change so much that he can give up the game at the same time?!"

Jianhua also began to analyze, he watched Che Feng clearly from the beginning to the end.

"What is more important than participating in the World Table Tennis Championships, what can make you give up the spot you will get immediately?"

Lin Hui said while holding his chin with his hand.

"Could it be something urgent at home?" Xu Xin said.

Girls are all thoughtful, and all they can think of is this matter. If there are very important things at home, they may panic for a while.

"It's possible, don't care about him, now Jianhua has picked up a spot for nothing, that's great, the rest is up to Xu Xin and Shaojie you two."

Lin Hui changed the topic, this question is really complicated, you may guess wrong!All dare not forget the conclusion.

However, Jianhua felt a little preoccupied with this opportunity he borrowed in vain. After he and Che Feng fought several times, he put aside Che Feng's appearance, and he was not Che Feng's opponent either!

After hitting 6 balls, only one of him won against Che Feng. This probability is really low and scary. If he continues to hit the ball, his golf skills may really not be as good as Che Feng.

This time he was really lucky to win the opportunity, and he was always a little uneasy about such an opportunity.

"Jianhua, what are you thinking, it's all over, it's time to go!"

Lin Hui asked Jianhua.

"It's Jianhua, calm down, and don't think about such a good thing, right, Shaojie?" Xu Xin also saw that Jianhua had been absent-minded all the time.

"That's right! Jianhua, don't think about it anymore. Many people want to enter the World Table Tennis Championships without this qualification. If you have this qualification, you must cherish the opportunity and perform well in the World Table Tennis Championships!"

Lin Hui loves to listen to Shaojie's speech, there are a lot of reasons, and he likes the youthful taste.

"Okay! Since God has favored me and given me this opportunity, I must play well, but please help me find out why Che Feng chose to abstain."

Jianhua was still apprehensive about this chance he had picked up. He wanted to find out what was going on, even if it was a chance that was picked for nothing.

"Okay! We are also curious! I will help you find out!" Lin Hui said to Jianhua.

Even if he doesn't say he wants to ask why.



Shaojie and Xu Xin also agreed!

(End of this chapter)

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