The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 202 What happened to the brat?

Chapter 202 What happened to the brat?
Lin Hui didn't expect to be friends with Wang Yanan and Zhou Shuxin, it's really great.

He often thinks that there is no eternal enemy, and it really is.

"Jianhua, I'm so happy! We should communicate more with the members of team 1. It seems to you that you haven't had a formal friendship for so long."

After playing, Lin Hui and Jianhua walked on the road and chatted about the smooth process of playing with Wang Yanan and Zhou Shuxin today.

"Who says it's not? We've been here for so long. Team 2 is always playing with team 2, and team 1 is playing with team 1. There is no communication at all. If we exchange more, actual combat experience It will be much better."

"We should organize this event another day!"

"that would be great!"

Lin Hui felt that if he always played alone like this, there would always be some gaps between each team. If only they could rely on mutual learning to achieve unity and mutual assistance.That would be really nice.

He must find a way to organize a friendship match.First of all, he should find out who the captain of the next team is.

After asking clearly, it is also asked whether the person is willing to fight.

"Jianhua, do you know who the captain of Team 1 is?"

"I don't know, why don't you just ask the captain of our team?"

Lin Hui only cared about socializing with them and forgot about his own team captain.

"Let's go, let's find the captain!"

Lin Hui said to Jianhua.

It's so fast, it's really just doing what you say, it's really a pity that you can't be a soldier with this vigorous speed.Jianhua looked at the back of Lin Hui who had gone away, and stepped forward to chase after him.

"The captain should be back in the dormitory now! Let's go to the dormitory to find him!"

Jianhua caught up and said to Lin Hui.


The two returned to the dormitory and knocked on the captain's door.

The one who opened the door was a tall and thin man with kindness in his brows and eyes. This was Chen Qingfeng, the captain of their team!
"Why are you looking for me so late?!"

Chen Qingfeng was very surprised by the arrival of Jianhua and Lin Hui!

"Yes, Captain, we have something to discuss with you!"

"Then come in and talk!"

Chen Qingfeng politely invited the two of them to sit down.

"Captain, let's organize a friendly match with Team 1, so that our national team players can improve!"

Chen Qingfeng changed from the previous shock to the current shock!

Being with the first team of the national team is a big deal, but he doesn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

Who is National Team 1?They are all top elites, and they are also older players. Ever since they entered the national team, the members of the other team's first team have not looked at them directly. Playing friendly matches with other members of the first team, isn't this asking for trouble?
Chen Qingfeng's face became very stiff.

"Captain, captain!" Lin Hui couldn't help shouting when he saw Chen Qingfeng standing there frowning.

"Oh, that Lin Hui, I think this proposal is very good, but you don't know that our two teams are all new players, and the players in the first team of the national team are basically more than two years old. We greeted people politely last time, but their team members didn’t pay much attention to us, so if you want to have a social gathering now, I think it’s better to forget it!”

Chen Qingfeng articulated his own difficulties!It's not that he doesn't want to, in the second team he's still the captain, but in the first team he's ignored.

He felt that he was really helpless in this matter!

"Captain, you haven't tried it yet, why are you giving up?! Friendship games can increase the skills of both sides, why don't we try it!"

Lin Hui continued to grind hard.

"Captain, let's talk to the captain of the first team, what if it happens?!" Jianhua also said to Chen Qingfeng.

"Lin Hui, Jianhua, it's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's that the second team doesn't like our first team at all!"

Lin Hui had never seen the captain's expression before, it was uglier than bitter gourd.

"They look down on us. Our skills are no worse than theirs. You see, the staff and team 1 we elected for the World Table Tennis Championships this time are half and half. They have no reason to look down on us. We just want to learn new things from them. After all, they have been here longer than us, but their skills may not be as good as ours!"

"That's right, captain! The results of our competition this time speak for themselves."

Lin Hui and Jianhua spoke calmly.

Xu Qingfeng also felt that what the two of them said was very reasonable. The results of their competition this time can explain everything. Why should we be bullied by the old players as rookies? It's not fair.

We are also members of the national team, but we came a few years later than them. Our skills are far superior to theirs in terms of innovation!

You can't always be oppressed by them, they should also stand up and sit on an equal footing with them.

"Okay, let's try it tomorrow, it's getting late now!"

When Lin Hui and Jianhua heard that Xu Qingfeng promised them to try it tomorrow, they held each other's hands, not to mention how happy they were.

As long as the captain agrees to try, don't say tomorrow, they can wait the day after tomorrow.

"Then captain, you should rest early, we will look for you tomorrow!" Lin Hui said to Xu Qingfeng.

"Okay, you go back to rest early."

After Lin Hui and Jianhua came out, they went to their dormitory.

Back in the dormitory, the two of them lay flat on the bed at the same time.

"Jianhua, do you think Team 1 will agree to form a friendship with us?" Lin Hui asked Jianhua while looking at the ceiling.

"If we don't agree with the friendship, we can fight against them!"

is this necessary?How does it feel like a contest between the king and the king, and the winner needs to be re-selected.

"Jianhua, isn't that too exaggerated?"

"Lin Hui, haven't you seen how arrogant the people in Team 1 are? But excluding Che Feng, Wang Yanan, Zhou Shuxin and others, many members of Team [-] are arrogant when they see us. Gao, haven't you seen that look?"

"How do you say I have actually seen it!"

Lin Hui remembered that he was still a newcomer and wanted to go to the library to check some information. He thought he was unfamiliar with the place and was very unfamiliar with the environment here. A team member happened to pass by him.

He went up to ask, but Naben didn't answer him at all. Afterwards, when he had a chat, he realized that it was a member of Team 1, and they always ignored the newcomers.

Do things according to your mood!
"That's it. If they refuse to play a friendly game with us, then we will fight them! They are always so arrogant and look down on us rookies, but our ball is not worse than theirs. Why should we be rejected? They stepped on the soles of their feet!"

The more Jianhua talked, the more angry he became. It seems that Jianhua has also been treated inhumanly, not just him.

The players said the same thing.

It seems that we really should have a head-to-head contest with the second team, and we can't always let them look down on us.

"We will play by ear tomorrow. It would be better if they are willing to associate with me. If they are not willing to see what reason the other party gives!"

After all, there are still good people in the first team, so we can't think of people so badly!
"Okay! Then let's go to bed early!"

After Jianhua and Lin Hui finished the last sentence, they seemed to be snoring. It seemed that Jianhua was a little tired from playing today. Lin Hui felt a burst of drowsiness sweeping through his body. He was also tired, and fell asleep after thinking about it.

The next day, Lin Hui, Jianhua, and Xu Qingfeng came to the first team of the national team as agreed yesterday.

For the arrival of the three of them, the members of Team 1 were very shocked, stopped the ball in hand, and focused all their eyes on the three of them.

As the captain of the second team, Xu Qingfeng naturally recognized Liu Ruifei, the captain of the first team.

Xu Qingfeng led the two of them to Liu Ruifei's side, and said, "Captain Liu, I have something to discuss with you."

Lin Hui stared at Liu Ruifei from the beginning to the end. This person was clean and tidy, with domineering all over his body, not so much domineering, but rather domineering.

"Let's talk about something here! I have to practice again!"

I'll go, it's not polite at all.

Whenever a guest comes to a house, they will politely say a word to others to give up their seat, which is good, I am very busy with this room, so if you have something to say, you can say it quickly, if you have nothing to do, you can leave.

Lin Hui always thought this was what Liu Ruifei meant.

Lin Hui and Jianhua stood behind Xu Qingfeng, and he said with a smile, "Captain Liu, we have been in the national team for a while, and we want to have a friendly match with you! Let's learn from each other."

Just as Chen Qingfeng finished speaking, Liu Ruifei said directly, "Our team has no time."

What kind of attitude, very arrogant, and still don't wait to see the few of us talking, completely ignoring the existence of the few of them.

Lin Hui felt that it was unbearable, so he deliberately raised his voice and said, "Are you worried that the members of our second team will beat you!"

As soon as the words were finished, the members of the first team came here, Liu Ruifei also stopped the ball in his hand, and faced Lin Hui and the others.

What kind of formation is this? A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands.

They stand in a row densely, what is this for?
Do more people bully less people?
"what's your name?!"

Liu Yifei didn't answer Lin Hui's words, but instead asked what his name was?
Is this aimed at him specifically?Lin Hui's heart was pounding!
is this necessary?He's just here to play a friendly match with their team, or if he can't, he can just play in the ring in the afternoon.

He always felt flustered when he asked someone's name out of nowhere.

But Lin Hui couldn't help but tell his name. Asking for a name would prevent him from beating him up, and it was nothing more than a warning.

Lin Hui couldn't be afraid at this time.With a firm expression, he said, "I-Kong-Lin Hui!"

"Kong Linhui, do you think our team will be worried about losing? It should be you who will lose!"

After Liu Ruifei finished speaking, the team members behind him burst out laughing.

What's so funny about this, it's not certain whether you will win or lose, how do you know that you will definitely not lose.

Jianhua and Chen Qingfeng stared at Lin Hui, both worried about Lin Hui. After all, the other party's aura was very scary. There were only three of them, and they couldn't beat them in terms of popularity.

But no matter how bad they are, they are also members of the national team. They don't know how to do anything. If they do something wrong, they will definitely record a big mistake. This is definitely not what anyone wants. They can only overwhelm them in terms of momentum.

"Why are you so sure that the loser will not be you, but our second team!" Lin Hui asked the opponent.

"Aren't you making an international joke? Our first team will lose. How is it possible? If we lose, it will be the brats of your second team!"

Liu Ruifei stared at Lin Hui and said, his face was full of contempt!

There is no mistake!If their second team is a brat, then their first team is old fritters, picking soft persimmons and pinching them!

Besides, what happened to their brats?
It's still not the fight, you guys are yelling!

At this moment, Chen Qingfeng approached Lin Hui slowly, and said in a low voice, "Forget it! Look at the way they all bark their teeth and claws, we can't afford to mess with them!"

never mind? !How could it be forgotten?

That's because he just came, if he had come earlier, how could he have made them all so arrogant!

"Then since you won't lose, do you dare to single out!" Lin Hui said domineeringly.

When Lin Hui finished speaking, the people behind Liu Ruifei began to speak in a low voice, even though the voice was very low, Lin Hui could still hear it!
It seems that it is specially said for them.

I'm really overwhelmed, and I don't know how much it weighs!
Run to our 1st team to play wild, don't take a pee to see if you are qualified!
Hmph! It's true that Lord Ma has three eyes and wants to rebel!

Even Jianhua on the side heard it, and said to Lin Hui in a low voice, "Let's fight them one-on-one this afternoon! See who they are! They are so fucking arrogant!"

It never occurred to Lin Hui that Jianhua, who was always gentle and refined, would swear. It seemed that Jianhua was really angry!
Lin Hui stared at Liu Ruifei with wide eyes.

He didn't wait for Liu Ruifei's reply, but he heard the person standing beside him ask, "What if you lose?"

"You don't care if we lose, what will you do if we win?" Lin Hui immediately hit back.

"You lost by cleaning our toilet for a month!" said the same man.

"It's a deal, what will you do if you lose?!" Lin Hui asked.

"We can't lose!"

"For the sake of fairness! If you lose, you will clean our toilet for a month!"

Lin Hui felt that they should also be exposed to filthy things!You can't always look down at people so proudly.

He felt that it was very cheap for them to clean the toilet, but this was not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal was to learn from their team's playing experience.

Just inexplicably bet on it.

This is not a last resort. When people are forced, it is easy to go to extremes. Now I can only bite the bullet and go for it.

Besides, their team's skills are not bad, but some practice time is short, if they take time, they will definitely surpass them!

Their days of arrogance are over.

"Okay!" Liu Ruifei, as the team leader, still had him at the end.

Now that they have agreed to PK, there is no need for Lin Hui, Jianhua, and Liu Qingfeng to stay here.A few of them left here quickly.

As he walked, he could hear voices behind him.

Our toilet has been cleaned, don't smell that stench again!

A new team member dares to challenge us, it's really hard to keep going

(End of this chapter)

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