"Auntie, we just need to bring something with us when we leave. You say it's not Jianhua!"

Right now!

The more Li's mother talked, the more sad she became. If they continue like this, if they seem to tell Ran Ran about it, they will probably forget about it!

Lin Hui felt that going on like this was not an option, so he immediately gave Jianhua a look that looked like he was drinking tea with his head down.

When Jianhua heard Lin Hui call his name again, he immediately panicked, "Well, yes! We will bring some when we leave!"

It may be that Jianhua's words played a role, and Li's mother's face immediately changed to joy!
If Lin Hui hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he might wonder if he was wrong!
Even Lin Hui once thought it was a pity that Li's mother should not be an actress!
He took a sip from the teacup casually!
It’s incredible!
"Good! Good! I'll bring you some tea and water!"

Standing aside, Li Yao couldn't understand her mother's temperament!
"Mom—" she yelled heavily, "Go and prepare, you will forget it if you can't keep it!"

Since what happened last time, Li Yao can tolerate it as much as she can, and when she can't bear it, she can only control her to another thing to distract her.

"Oh, ok, I'll get ready, I'll get ready!"

Mother Li could also see that Li Yao disliked her a little.

She could only leave helplessly.

After Li's mother left, Li Yao continued to step forward and asked anxiously, "Brother Kong, is there something wrong with Brother Zhao?"

Just now her mother had been by her side, she really had no way to ask, until she dared her mother to go out, she took a look to make sure she didn't mean to turn back before asking.

Unknown, Mother Li quietly hid at the door and listened to what was said inside.

Since the two young men first came in, her right eyelid has been twitching, not because she is superstitious, but as long as her right eye twitches, she is always worried that something bad will happen!

It used to be like this, and now she is also worried about it!
She tried her best to listen to the conversation inside!

"Li Yao, we came to you today because of Ran Ran's affairs!"

"whats the matter?"

"After your special situation, we went to the dean on purpose, and the dean gave us an authoritative answer. He said that a series of inspections will be required, and only when there are no problems in the inspections can we donate!" Lin Hui explained the matter in one word Not badly informed Li Yao, and then he glanced at Jianhua again, "If you regret it now, you are in a hurry. Once there is no problem in the physical examination, you will make a donation! You can think carefully about it!"

"Don't think about it, I know how difficult it is to survive with this disease. The reason why I am still standing here is because I have my brother's blood in my body, and Ran Ran has the same disease as me now. , since fate has allowed us to know each other, and it happens that my bone marrow was successfully matched, as long as there is no problem in my physical examination, I will donate my own bone marrow without hesitation, there is no doubt about it!"


Lin Hui was still worried that Li Yao's parents would have any opinions.

Mother Li leaned against the wall, and she could hear the conversation inside clearly!
At the same time, she also knows what kind of personality her child has, and she will not give up as long as it is a decision.

"Since Yaoyao agrees, we adults don't have any worries!"

Mother Li came in with the prepared tea.

The sudden voice scared Lin Hui and Jianhua to their feet.

She has heard everything they said!

It must be like this, otherwise, I wouldn't be so obliged to support Li Yao!


Li Yao yelled out again, this time the voice was moved and thanked!
In Li Yao's heart, she has never supported her like this, never once!

This time is rare!
Li's mother signed Li Yao's hand, "You have grown up, and you can decide many things. Before, we always thought that you were still young and needed protection. We didn't expect that our layer upon layer of protection would bring you chains again and again. Let your heart suffer, no matter what decision you make this time, your father and I will support you without hesitation!"

"Mom, thank you!" Li Yao said these words affectionately!
Lin Hui was very moved when she saw this scene, maybe Li Yao never complained about her parents in her heart, she just couldn't understand why, her parents would always reject what she did!
Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, the promise is always negative. Over time, this kind of resentment will grow more and more, like a dead knot, no matter how you solve it, it can't be solved. In fact, as long as there is a little more understanding and tolerance , and some explanations, what is not a matter at all between parents and children!
Lin Hui was still immersed in this emotion, when suddenly he heard Li Yao say, "I'll check what's up!"

Lin Hui froze for a moment, then quickly realized, "Anytime!"

"That's fine, it's not too early today, let's do it tomorrow! I'll go to check up early tomorrow, so I can help Ran Ran earlier!"

Li Yao has always been thinking about that lively and lovely girl!
In her heart, for some reason, she always felt that she was very kind when she saw Ran Ran, definitely not the kindness of a candy!
"Okay, you can decide the time, Li Yao, Jianhua and I don't bother, we have other things to deal with, so let's go first!"

Now that Li Yao has decided to go to the hospital for a physical examination, one of his heart problems has finally gone.

On the way here, he kept thinking in his heart whether Li Yao's parents would suddenly retort and not let Li Yao donate.

At that time, it was uncertain what Mihun Ji was, but he didn't think well, and Li Yao's parents had always supported her!
"That's fine, Brother Kong, Brother Zhao, I won't keep you guys, oh, yes, don't forget about tea!" Li Yao showed a smile on his face when he said the word tea.

Lin Hui and Jianhua also laughed at the same time.

"You young people, you just don't understand, what is necessary for health preservation is tea"

Mother Li started talking about tea again, it seems that she really likes tea!It is also true to love tea, otherwise you can't leave tea!

"We really don't understand, we will drink tea with you in the future!" Li Yao hugged the back of Mother Li's hand and said snugglingly.

Mother Li looked at these young people, "You guys!"

Then Lin Hui and Jianhua were sent to the door.

Lin Hui and Jianhua saw that they were still cuddling together, and felt that Li Yao was really relieved of the past, and his heart felt much more at ease!

"Go back quickly!"

At the same time, the moment he turned his head, he saw how beautiful their mother and daughter were under the setting sun!

While walking on the road, Jianhua said relaxedly, "When we saw Li Yao in the past, we were always worried, but now we look at it differently, and there is a sunny smile on our face again!"

"Actually, in the final analysis, it was caused by love. Li Yao's parents thought that they wrapped Li Yao tightly so that she would not be hurt, so they thought it was love for her. Unexpectedly, this love was too heavy. Li Yao was so stressed that she couldn't breathe, now that everything has been said, there is no such misunderstanding!"

"Yes! Why can't you just say it openly? If you say it, maybe there won't be so many misunderstandings!"

Jianhua murmured, he thought of Wenya!
Why couldn't Wenya just break up with her directly, instead of avoiding him.

How beautiful was the relationship between them in the past, but now it is so full of holes!
If you don't love, you don't love. Why is this happening?
Jianhua didn't understand why Wenya would do this, and he even firmly believed that the person he saw was Wenya!

He and Wenya have known each other for so long, one background, one look can tell that this is Wenya!

Wen Ya didn't go abroad at all, she was lying to him in order to break up with him!

Since they don't like each other anymore, why can't they say it in front of him?
To use such an extreme method? !
"Jianhua, it's time to get in the car!"

When Lin Hui and Jianhua walked to the bus station, there happened to be a car passing by, which happened to be relatively close to their hotel, and they only needed to get down and walk two steps to get there!

But Jianhua was fascinated by thinking about things!

Lin Hui talked to him many times, but he didn't respond!

When the car came, Lin Hui had to shout loudly to interrupt his thoughts.

"What did you say?" Jianhua raised his head!Thoughts wandering!
"Come on, it's time for us to get in the car!"


Jianhua simply answered Lin Hui's words, and then followed Lin Hui onto the bus.

There are not many people in the car, and there are more than half of the seats left!
"Jianhua, go back!"

Lin Hui saw that Jianhua was still so dull, and told him to walk back!

Lin Hui likes to sit in the back the most, especially the last row, next to the window.

The view outside can be seen and reversed as the car moves.

It was at this moment that Lin Hui's heart was the most peaceful.

You can enjoy the beauty of nature and the changes of the city!
It is a kind of peaceful enjoyment!

Lin Hui sat in the back with Jianhua, and he gave up the window to Jianhua.

"Jianhua, look at the scenery outside! I like to lean on the window to enjoy the scenery outside, especially in summer, when a breeze blows, it's so pleasant!"

Lin Hui didn't know what happened to Jianhua, but he could feel that Jianhua was not in a good mood, maybe this could make him feel different.

Jianhua looked astonished!

Looking out the window?

What's so interesting about this, isn't the tree still the same tree, and the street still the same street?

He kept complaining mentally, but his face still couldn't help but look towards the window.

A steady stream of people walked past him, including busy figures, elderly people taking a leisurely walk, and people full of vitality and jumping up and down.

Although I can't see their expressions clearly, I can feel that they are very happy.

Jianhua did not expect to see such a warm scene in the car.

Lin Hui turned his face and looked outside, "How is it? Is there a different scenery? We are always busy with various things, but when you calm down, you will find that the outside world will be different. ! Sometimes I feel that the scenery outside is the same as the people sitting here! The moment we get off the car, we are them, but the second we get on the car, we always see the outside world It feels great!"

Lin Hui didn't care if Jianhua listened carefully, even if he said it to himself, he said it to Jianhua.

"We are also one of them. Maybe we are not happy at this moment, but when we get off the car, we will forget all our troubles because we are busy! This may be when we are doing what. Let’s go! You shouldn’t move forward with a heavy load!”

Jianhua looked outside and responded.

Lin Hui didn't understand what Jianhua was alluding to, but he could feel that Jianhua's state of mind was quite different from before.

But he encountered many things, and he began to grow slowly!Especially after meeting Wenya, Lin Hui felt that Jianhua became more mature overnight!

Perhaps in Jianhua's heart, Wenya is the white lotus that once bloomed in his heart, and he may put him in a corner forever.As an eternal memory.

Just like Lin Hui, Xiao Yu'er will always be in a corner of his heart, whether it is wind and rain or the world changes, Lin Hui will always remember his little Yu'er, always so beautiful and so pure and white.

It was Xiao Yu'er who accompanied him through the darkest moment in his life. Now that he has achieved such achievements, he cannot share them with her.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yu'er, he wouldn't have taken this path. Even if Xiao Yu'er helped him choose this road, it was Li Yu's own choice.

"Lin Hui, no wonder, just now you insisted on being the last one. Now I understand that the world at this moment is the quietest, and the heart is also the quietest!"

Jianhua's words interrupted Lin Hui's thoughts.

"That's natural, you must like what I like!"

Jianhua frowned, "Lin Hui, what you said is wrong!"

"No, why not?!"

"You like Li Yu, I"

"you dare!"

Before Jianhua could finish speaking, Lin Hui blurted out with his eyes wide open!

"So! What you like may not be what I like!"

It seems that there is some truth in what Jianhua said, but it is true that he really likes to see the scenery.

"Lin Hui, Rang Rang, if you want to stay in the car and enjoy the scenery, don't stop me from getting out of the car. I need to catch up on my sleep when I go back. I'm exhausted from the day!"

Jianhua stood up after speaking, Lin Hui looked around, and it was indeed almost there, before Jianhua got up, Lin Hui stood up.

"Who said I can't do it anymore! I have to go back and see our family's Li Yu!"

As soon as these words came out, Jianhua sneered.

I know now, look at this day, I guess Li Yu has been forgotten for a long time!

Maybe Li Yu woke up early and was looking for the two of them in a hurry!

Lin Hui saw that Jianhua was almost in a good mood, and he had learned how to flirt with others, so he started to argue!

Lin Hui swallowed a few words softly, "I don't have time to talk to you!"

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!)

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