The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 454 Chapter 434 Motorcycle Man Appears

After Lin Hui and Qin Jinfeng came back, they joined the battle.

"Lin Hui, you are back!" Jianhua felt that there was another figure beside him, and when he looked back, it was Lin Hui and Qin Jinfeng.

Lin Hui nodded slightly.

Then repeat an action with everyone.

Shovel a path with a shovel.

When he and Qin Jinfeng came back, they had already seen that everyone was far away from the mountain fire.

Start digging a line.

Although Lin Hui didn't understand what it meant to dig this road.

But since everyone is digging hard with concerted efforts, there must be a certain intention.

It was very hard to watch the big guy digging a path with shovel after shovel.

When Lin Hui and the others came back earlier, the prototype had already appeared.

The vegetation was shoveled off on the steep hillside, and today's vegetation has begun to grow out one after another, and some have even grown to the height of a person.

Until these vegetation are cut down, the yellow soil is exposed.

Enough to stand at a distance of 1 or 2 people.

All of them repeat an action.Repeat this back and forth hundreds of times and thousands of times.

Until the sweat slowly soaked the clothes.

Jianhua gasped for air and stopped briefly.

When I turned around, I saw only Lin Hui and Qin Jinfeng. When they left, there were obviously three of them. So where did Li Yu go?
"Why didn't Li Yu come back with you!"

Lin Hui raised his head, "Li Yu's foot was accidentally crooked, and he has already been sent down the mountain, but it's nothing serious!"

Hearing what Lin Hui said, Jianhua didn't continue to ask.

Continue to work.

Speaking of Li Yu, he should be at the foot of the mountain by now.

Outside the tent at the foot of the mountain

"Sister Yu'er, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xueru saw Li Yu being carried down the mountain by two medical staff.

The first reaction in my mind is, what happened?Where is it sick?
"Xueru, you don't have to worry, I just sprained my ankle, it's nothing serious!"

Seeing that Xueru was so worried about him, Li Yu said hastily.

Hearing what Li Yu said, Xueru regained her composure.

Li Xueru patted her chest and said, "It's fine, it's fine, you scared me to death!"

In fact, Li Yu felt that there was nothing serious about her, but she felt a little sorry for the two medical staff who kept carrying him down the mountainside, such a steep mountain.

Without further ado, the two medical staff took her to a safe place step by step.

Two medical staff put Li Yu on the bed in the tent, and Li Yu quickly said "Thank you!".

One of the medical staff took out medicine and gauze from the medicine box, and simply treated Li Yu's wound.

"The wound has been treated, it's not a serious problem, but you still can't move around more!" The medical staff packed up the medical supplies and Li Yu advanced again, "You must rest in bed for 24 hours!"

After speaking, he left directly.

Li Xueru and Li Yu were left behind.

"Sister Yu'er, everyone on the train has been sent here. It's relatively safe here, but it's far away from the rescue place. You came down from above. How is the situation now? Can you tell me about it? ?”

Li Xueru briefly told you about the situation on the train, and then asked about the situation above.

"I don't know the details!" Li Yu said shamefully.

It's all to blame for his unsatisfactory feet, otherwise he would be able to help the big guys share everything.

Li Xueru thought that Li Yu would be able to hear about the situation of the fire above, but she didn't expect that she still didn't know anything.

Just when he was downcast.

The harsh sound of the engine reached their ears.

Obviously Li Yu and Li Xueru heard this voice at the same time.

"Someone outside?!"

"Sister Yu'er, I'll take a look while you're here!"

Li Xueru came out of the tent, and saw a sturdy, short man getting off the motorcycle.

He also carried a basket on his back.

"I'm a local resident, and I read from the newspaper that a fire broke out here!"

Li Xueru listened to the man, did he come to fight the fire?
"Yes, there is a fire on the top of the mountain!"

Li Xueru pointed to the mountaintop in the distance.

"You, are you here to fight the fire?" Li Xueru asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I am familiar with the terrain here, and I am here to fight the fire!"

A motorcycle, a person, and a basket.

"Xueru? Who is that outside!"

Listening to the voices outside, Li Yu asked loudly.

"Oh, sister Yu'er is fine, she's here to put out the fire!"

As for the firefighters, Li Yu was very different when he heard that someone was coming to fight the fire.

Although the medical staff repeatedly told her to stay in bed.

But compared to now, she wants to know what kind of person the firefighter in front of her is.

Li Yu took difficult steps and moved to the door step by step.

Raised the curtain.

A man with a round black face appeared in front of her.

Is this the boy who came to put out the fire?She looked only in her 20s, not a few years older than her.

"Excuse me! Are you here to fight the fire?"

The appearance of Li Yu startled Li Xueru.

"Sister Yu'er, why did you come out? Didn't the doctor tell you to stay in bed?" He said and hurried forward to support Li Yu.

"It's okay!" Li Yu said simply, then turned his gaze to the man just now.

"Yes, Liangshan is the memory of our generations. I heard that the fire here has been burning for a long time. Liangshan watched us grow up from generation to generation. How can I be a citizen of Liangshan? Indifferent?"

What the man said was very sincere, but also revealed sadness.

It can be seen that he has deep feelings for this place.

It turned out that this mountain was called Liangshan.

"As you can see, the fire here is different from other places, and the rescue is very difficult!"

Li Yu thought of the ferocity of the fire, so he told the real situation to the man in front of him.

"I know, as the people of Liangshan, I will not ignore it!"

The man's words were firm, sonorous and forceful, as if declaring.

"What can you do? Now the firefighters have gone up to thousands of people, and the fire is still burning!"

What Li Xueru said was straightforward.But she could also see that the man wanted to try his best to do what he could from the bottom of his heart.

"No!" The man pointed to the basket on his body, and then put it on the ground.

There are water and food in the basket.

"Although I can't put out the fire, I can't let the heroes who put out the fire go hungry without water or food!"

This is the kind of thing that men prepare for rescuers.

Li Yu was very moved when he heard this sentence.

Unexpectedly, there are still enthusiastic residents here.

"But how do you go up the mountain?"

You can't walk up the mountain step by step with a basket on your back.

Going at this pace will take a long time.

"I have a motorcycle, and I can use it to carry me and transport my backpack to the top of the mountain!"

As the man spoke, he put the basket on his back.

"But it's difficult for us all to go up. How do you go up on a motorcycle?"

Li Xueru asked without thinking.

"The roads are made by people. As long as there are roads, my motorcycle can go up the mountain. Don't worry. I will go up!"

Men don't know where confidence comes from.

Li Yu looked like such a steep hillside, he was worried for the man.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a bang.

The man started the motorcycle under his feet, and set off towards the top of the steep mountain with a basket on his back.

Li Yu and Li Xueru looked at the man's low back, their hearts were full of admiration and emotion.

"Sister Yu'er, I'm a little worried!"

"You're worried that he won't be able to get on the motorcycle, aren't you!"

Li Xueru nodded.

"He is a resident here, so he must be familiar with the terrain here, but as for how he rode a motorcycle up there, I really don't know!"

Li Yu didn't dare to show the worry on his face.

She clenched her fists tightly, hoping that the man would succeed.

Suddenly, she remembered that he still didn't know the man's name.

"Sister Yu'er, this person doesn't seem to be very tall, but he has a strong heart in his heart!" Li Xuerou patted his forehead lightly as he spoke, "Ah! I haven't had time to ask his name yet." Already!"

"Could this be the unsung hero in the legend!" Li Xueru muttered to herself.

With a slight smile on the corner of Li Yu's mouth, he turned around and opened the curtain.

Seeing this, Li Xueru stepped forward to help her up, not forgetting to reprimand her, "Sister Yu'er, don't wander around, call me if you need anything! I'll help you. With you here, I feel much more at ease!"

"You don't feel at ease when I'm not here, don't you do a good job!"

Since Li Yu returned to the tent, the big guy has been very stable.

Nothing happened, it can be seen that this is all due to Li Xueru.

She takes care of the elderly and children very well.

Li Xuerong chuckled, lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

At this time, a person came from outside the door, hurriedly opened the curtain and came in.

"Xueru, go and have a look, an old man has fainted!"

"Where? What happened!"

"In the tent in front, I fainted for no reason!"

After hearing the report from the visitor, Li Xueru said to Li Yu who was lying on the bed, "Sister Yu'er, you lie here for a while, I'll go and have a look, and I'll be right back!"

Li Yu nodded, "You go, I'm fine here!"

Then Li Xueru walked out of the tent, leaving Li Yu empty and alone in the tent.

When Xueru was there just now, she didn't realize that she was a little lonely. It wasn't until after Xueru left that she realized that she was very lonely alone in the tent.

It's also easy to get overwhelmed.

It is not known where the man on the motorcycle is now.

Is it safe?

Can he go up?

In Li Yu's mind, the image of a man riding a motorcycle with a basket on his back, galloping up a steep hillside appeared.

There was a cold sweat in her hands.

When she came down just now, it was very difficult for the two medical staff to carry her.

What's more, it is now riding a motorcycle to the top of the mountain.

How difficult is the hardship.

Li Yu didn't dare to imagine, and only hoped that the man could succeed.

Only if he succeeds, can he meet Brother Lin Hui and the others.

I don't know how Brother Lin Hui and the others are doing now.

on top of the mountain.

The initial shape of the road surface has already been seen.One or two people walking can be tolerated.

But the big guys need to extend this distance longer.

It is convenient to transport things down the mountain.

At first, Lin Hui didn't know why he opened up such a road. Later, Jianhua told him that Captain Chen of the fire brigade wanted to let the products of this road come in.

Captain Chen of the fire brigade was born as a veteran. He has participated in thousands of large and small firefighting operations. He has worked in firefighting positions for more than 20 years and is about to retire.

At the beginning, Jianhua and the others didn't understand why they did this.

Later, other firefighters and fighters told them that this was to facilitate the delivery of supplies.

After they understood its intention, they started working together with the big guys.

After all, many people are powerful.

Mountain fires are ruthless and people are sympathetic.Work faster too.

Sure enough.

In less than an hour a winding path was formed.

But the road is too narrow.

Only two people can pass on this road.

It will be even more difficult if there are three more people.

Qin Jinfeng told the firefighters about the situation of the mountain fire and the terrain. They didn't make a specific plan, and they didn't expect the moment they came back.

has been implemented.

Lin Hui thought it was a rookie firefighter.I didn't expect to have two brushes.

"Lin Hui, do you hear any noise?"

Jianhua suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked ahead and asked.

"Sound? What sound!"

Why didn't Lin Hui hear it?
He listened hard with his ears, but still didn't hear any sound.

"Jianhua, are you tired from work? Your head and eyes are dizzy, you misheard, please sit down and rest!"

can't!He clearly heard a sound just now, like some mechanical sound.

What sound?Jianhua couldn't remember for a while.

But after listening so carefully, it seems to be gone.

Could it be that he was really tired from work and had auditory hallucinations in his head?

It shouldn't be!

Jianhua patted both sides of his temples vigorously with his hands.

The temple is an important acupuncture point, as long as the mind is not clear, it can be tapped back and forth or massaged twice.

Soon, the brain regained a clear consciousness.

However, Jianhua knocked a few times and found that his consciousness was still very clear.

"Jinfeng! Listen, is there any sound?"

Jianhua thought he had heard correctly, and called out to Jinfeng loudly.

It suddenly occurred to him that Lin Hui came back and told him that soldiers not only have good eyesight, but also have very good hearing!

This made Jianhua think of Jinfeng.

Jin Feng was taken aback by such a shout.

"I heard something in front of me. Lin Hui said you have super hearing, help me listen, is there any sound!"

Jinfeng understood what Jianhua meant, but Jianhua suspected that there was a voice ahead.

Jin Feng meditated on his thoughts and listened attentively.

Quietly feel the sounds of nature.

There was the sound of birds chirping.There is the sound of insects.There is a sound of burning wildfire.

And the people here, working hard and making the sound of shovels.

Jianhua looked at Jinfeng very seriously!

Did I really hear wrong?

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!)

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