The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 461 Fire Out (Written for Chongqing Mountain Fire Rescue)

"You guys are so leisurely and elegant! You are all lying here!"

Xu Xin and Shaojie came over, looking at them, they felt very comfortable.

Lin Hui still squinted his eyes and took a look, "What is Leisure and Elegance, I'm obviously so tired that I'm lying down!"

Lin Hui was busy going back and forth all the time, so he didn't have time to rest, so he took advantage of this free time to take a good rest, and there was still a tough battle left.

Now everyone is resting in place, waiting for the wind to come.

So much so that Xu Xin and Shaojie had time to come over.

At the same time, Shaojie looked at Jianhua, Lin Hui, and Wang Jiahao, who were lying on all sides with the ground as their bed and the sky as their quilt.

Immediately, he also followed their example and lay down.

Xu Xin, who was standing aside, was at a loss.

Even after working continuously for a long time, she was very tired.

After all, he is a girl, how can he lie down like them.

"Xu Xin, what are you doing standing up? Lie down and rest for a while, there are more difficult tasks waiting for us!"

Jianhua was lying on the ground, looking at Xu Xin standing upright from the corner of his eye, and quickly let her lie on the ground like him.

When Xu Xin felt embarrassed, Lin Hui suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Jianhua, do you think Xu Xin is a boy who can lie down in the same place as you?"

It was because of this sentence that aroused Xu Xin's inner grievance, "What's wrong with the girls, don't they still play table tennis like you!"

There was a strong smell of gunpowder.


Xu Xin lay on the ground like them.

Lin Hui saw Xu Xin's quick movements, and a suspicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Xu Xin was lying on the ground, and suddenly felt that his waist began to hurt, his legs also felt a little numb, and his whole body began to ache.

She had been busy just now, and she didn't find any discomfort in her hands and feet at all, but when she suddenly rested like this, all the problems were found.

But this is nothing to Xu Xin, she was often hurt during training before.

This has become a habit.

"Oh, by the way, Lin Hui, let the big guys rest where they are, the wind will surely come!"

Taking advantage of this break, Xu Xin suddenly asked.

"Yes, of course you can, that's what the climate experts say!"

Lin Hui has always been unrestrained, even his voice is so perfunctory.

It's just because he is really tired from thinking, and he wants to make more use of this moment to record for a while.

"Xu Xin, although Lin Hui seems unreliable, this is not a child's play. Don't worry, take a good rest!"

Shaojie said from the side.

He is unreliable!Lin Hui snorted softly.

If he is unreliable in this world, then other people will be even more unreliable.

During this time, everyone was silent.

Ming is closing his eyes and resting his mind, but in fact they are all worried whether the wind will come or not?when will you arrive?

Let the fire go now, let it burn.

Is this reliable?Can it work?

Everyone has doubts in their hearts.

Only Lin Hui felt that as long as the wind direction changed and everyone worked together, they would definitely be able to tide over the difficulties together.

Half an hour later a loud sound sounded like a charge.

"got windy!"

The people who were still in the lost lake suddenly stood up with a jolt.

Looking at the direction of the wind, it is indeed the east wind.


Lin Hui shouted.

They need to make preparations immediately.

One person after another, like a vast river.

Densely lined up on this blockade.

It's almost here now, evening.

It started to get dark slowly.

Everyone wears a headlamp on their headband.Lights up everyone's heart in the dark.

Everyone is waiting for this moment.

And the arrival of this moment means success or failure.

Calculate the time, everyone holds a fire extinguisher in their hands, and there are 5 to 10 fire extinguishers behind them.

in case the emergency.

At this moment, the wildfire was only 5 meters away from them.

Just waiting for an order, ready to rush.

All the people stared intently at the fire in front of them, watching the flames gradually approaching them.

Although some people have fear on their faces, they are not afraid at all.

Because we are all fighting together, we are not alone.

There was still a distance of three meters, and the fire was burning very fast.

Will not discuss with anyone at all.They gradually approached everyone step by step.

Keep your eyes straight ahead, lean forward, and put out the fire with your hands.

At the same time, there was a smell of burning vegetation, which was very choking.


A loud voice came from nowhere.

All the people held up the fire extinguishers and sprayed the fire with all their might.

Use one fire extinguisher and then use another fire extinguisher.

The fire is still burning.

Coming towards their bodies, it seems that the vegetation on the mountain is not in line with their appetite, and they need some fresh blood to support them.

But the more critical it is, the more you can't give up.

"Let's all work together!"

It was Qin Jinfeng's voice.

"We can definitely defeat the wildfire! As long as the wildfire is not extinguished, we will not retreat!"

Looking at the current scene, Qin Jinfeng thought of the time when he was fighting with his comrades.

It was the sound of fire burning and exploding, devouring everyone.

He was the only one who saved his life when one of his comrades pushed out suddenly at the critical moment.

He saw the mountain fire, and the sacrificed comrades appeared in front of his eyes.

They are still so young.So heroic.

But now it has disappeared forever in that big river.

He won't let this happen again.

A fire extinguisher in the left hand and a fire extinguisher in the right hand.

Facing the mountain fire is a vigorous spray.

A fire extinguisher weighs up to 8-10 catties.

But for him, as long as he can put out the fire, he has strength in his hands.

Hear Qin Jinfeng's inspiring ambition.

Lin Hui also began to follow Qin Jinfeng's example, one fire extinguisher in each hand.

In this way, people learn from others, and everyone starts to hold two fire extinguishers, and spray them desperately at the fire.

Sure enough, the effect was much better than before.

Looking at the sadistic mountain fire, it gradually began to show signs of going up.

Everyone gradually regained their confidence.

The 200-meter-long fire was suddenly extinguished by everyone.

It was like the surrounding enemies were suddenly wiped out, leaving a gap.

Seeing that this gap was destroyed, everyone began to have a glimmer of hope.A smile appeared on his face.

A few brave people began to stand on this gap to eliminate the fire coming from other directions.

It was getting darker and darker.

And the fire is the only thing that lights up in the dark.At this moment, they hope that this area will be forever dark.

Only the emergence of large areas of darkness can prove that the upper fire has been wiped out forever.

However, the fire is like a kindling that never goes out.

As soon as it is destroyed, it burns again.

And the motorcycle riders behind them.

There was a burst of roar.

They know that now is the critical time, and only by delivering the supplies can we ensure that the fire extinguishers in everyone's hands will continue.

The motorcycles parked in front of the tent area before, but now they appeared one by one behind them.

Because they know time is precious.Cherish every second of your time.

Motorbikes drove away to deliver the supplies to everyone behind them, and one of them specially accepted the supplies and passed them to the people who put out the fire in front.

Such uninterrupted work and rest gave the mountain in the dark a strong human touch.

Lin Hui saw a busy figure behind him.

The riders are working non-stop and the firefighters are advancing against the wind.

He raised the fire extinguisher in his hand involuntarily.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, "Someone fainted!"

The voice seemed to come from Shaojie's team.

"Quick! Help me down!"

The two passed by Zhong Linhui, who was carrying a fainted man.

His face was pale, and his whole body was paralyzed.

It can be done, but it is tiring.

They had been fighting the fire like this for nearly an hour, and their hands were a little numb.

And those who are roasted by the fire must spray the fire uninterruptedly. As long as one is not careful, the fire will rush towards them.

They have to be on the alert all the time, seeing is a very simple task, but it has life-like dangers.

Sweat dripped from their cheeks and foreheads to the land.

Lin Hui found that this was not possible.But there is no other way, only one way to go to the dark.

After all, now has reached the most critical moment.

Success or failure together is at this moment.

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

In the past, Lin Hui hated lightning and thunder.

Just because the sound is too scary.

Now he especially likes this sound.

This means that a heavy rain is coming.

"Great, great, it's going to rain, let's hold on!"

"Yeah, it's going to rain, that's great!"

"It's God's work!"

"Kung fu pays off to kind people, God knows we have worked hard!"

While putting out the fire, everyone was discussing one after another.

This means that all the hard work will pay off.

Less than 1 minutes.

Heavy rain fell from the sky.

It's very time to come.

The rain hit everyone's face, thinking it was the sweat of victory.

The fire extinguisher in his hand was still waving.Plus rain erosion.

The fire was quickly extinguished.

"Destroyed! Destroyed!"

Everyone danced.

Jumping and jumping.

Even Lin Hui jumped up hugging the unfamiliar people around him.

"I'm gone! That's great!"

The fire burned for a long time, and almost burned everyone's hopes.

"Yes! The fire is out!"

Lin Hui looked at his family singing and laughing happily in the siege belt.

The densely packed lights on everyone's head are like the stars in the sky illuminating the dark night.

Just when everyone is happy.

As soon as the sound is heard.

"We also need to pay attention to sparks to prevent him from burning again!"

As soon as this remark comes out, it means that everyone will have to close down the mountains and put out the fire on a large scale.

As long as you see sparks, prevent it from burning again. This is the experience of firefighters. Every time they put out a fire, they will screen a large area.

Although the heavy rain fell heavily, I was still afraid that it might rekindle here.

"Sister Yuer, sister Yuer! Has the fire gone out!"

Li Xueru broke into the tent suddenly and yelled loudly at Li Yu.

Li Yu, who was deeply asleep at the moment, was awakened.Just now Li Yu was still worried about when the fire would be extinguished, but when she was about to stand up and look around, her feet started to ache as soon as they hit the ground.

The doctor told him to stay in bed for a long time, otherwise it will relapse.

But he didn't listen, he was really worried about the big guy, and he didn't expect that his feet would start to hurt as soon as they hit the ground.

She had no choice but to go back to bed and rest again.

I fell asleep without knowing it.

When she was woken up, she heard Li Xueru telling her that the fire was out.

Li Yu opened his eyes in a haze.

Hearing my voice, I shuddered and sat up.

Grabbing Li Xueru, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"The fire is out!"

"The fire is out? Is it true!"

Li Yu questioned Li Xueru in disbelief.

"Yes, Sister Yu'er, just one minute ago, the fire went out!"

Li Yu was a little excited when he heard the news, and wanted to see for himself whether it was true.

"Sister Yu'er, why are you still not recovering from your legs, you can't get off the ground!"

Li Yu struggled again to get out of bed, but was stopped by Li Xueru.

"Xueru, don't stop me at this time, I want to see it with my own eyes!"

Li Yu's stubbornness made it impossible for Li Xueru to stop her, but he was able to support her to move forward step by step.

When we came to the entrance of the tent.

Li Yu heard the sound of rain.

"Is it raining?!"

"Yes, it rained just now!"

There was thunder and lightning just now, sister Yu'er didn't hear it, she must be very tired.

Li Yu opened the tent and looked outside at the raindrops that were the size of beads.

"It was the rain that extinguished the fire! How timely it was!"

Li Yu looked at the rain outside as if the crops met dew when they were dry.

"It's great!" Li Yu firmly believed that the fire had been extinguished.

Grab Li Xueru's hand.

"Sister Yu'er, don't worry, everyone is safe and fine! And the rain is really timely!"

Fortunately, it was Xueru who reminded him, and Li Yu realized that since the fire had been extinguished, why he hadn't seen them coming down, especially Lin Hui's.

She began to feel a little worried and asked, "Then when will they go down the mountain? Have you heard?"

Li Xueru walked up Yaotou, and she didn't hear any news about anyone coming down from the mountain.

It's just that when it was raining, he took a look outside, and the mountain that was originally flickering with fire became dark.

It occurred to her that the fire must have been extinguished.

Especially when there is so much rain.

"Sister Yu'er, they should be coming down soon, after all, the fire has been put out! Let me help you to bed for a while! Your feet are still injured!"

Now that the fire has been extinguished, Li Yu is more impatient than before. He wants to see brother Lin Hui sooner.

Li Yu glanced at the rain outside the tent and nodded.

The only thing she can do now is to wait here for Brother Lin Hui and the others to return from the mountain triumphantly.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!)

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