"Let's make a temporary decision on this matter, let's talk about it when we go back!"

Lin Hui felt that this idea was indeed quite good, but as for the price, they still needed to know more about it.

"Brother Lin Hui, don't worry! If you don't have enough money, let the supper be subsidized!"

"Is this okay?!"

Lin Hui couldn't help stammering, and every time he had a problem, he would find someone to have a supper.

And since they knew Xiaoye, Xiaoye always appeared when they needed it most.

This is no longer something that happens once or twice.

Lin Hui frowned, poor kid for supper!

Whenever there is a problem, I think of supper.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Xiaoye is so rich, it's not normal for him to make money. Besides, I've already called Xiaoye in advance, saying that we're going back! He's already prepared Xicheng in advance. Already!"

A new smile appeared on Li Yu's face as he spoke.

And everyone sat in front of them silently, without saying a word.

Their wages are limited, and they really can't help much.

But Li Yu is different, he has a rich younger brother.

It's a breeze for them.

But just now they heard Li Yu say that supper would cleanse them up.

Xu Xin asked, "Do you mean that Supper will pick us up in person?"

Li Yu turned his body to face Xu Xin and said happily, "What should be the matter!"

Li Yu called Xiaoye and told Xiaoye what time they were taking the train. Xiaoye just said, well, if there is nothing else, he will try his best to pick them up.

But Xiaoye said that he would clean up the dust for them.

This made Li Yu very confused.

Will the midnight snack guy come to pick them up?
But it doesn't matter, regardless of whether the supper will come or not, Li Yu decided to take the big guys to the supper club to have a big meal and drink, and slaughter her well.

To put it bluntly, it is to bring the big guys to eat together, to put it bluntly, Li Yu is really greedy.

He hasn't had a good meal for a long time, and he really misses the food managed by the anti-inflammatory society.

What Xiaolongbao?What kind of big lobster, what kind of siu mai, she wants to eat.

Thinking about it, Li Yu actually had the desire to drool.

"Where have we been? Are we going back soon?" Li Yu glanced left and right out of the window.

The train was rumbling forward.

Lin Hui raised his watch and looked at the time.

"Five hours left!"

Five hours was a torment for them to sit motionless on the train.

"Li Yu, let's sleep for a while, we might go back when we wake up, that's the time in the blink of an eye!"

Li Yu could only nod helplessly, and slowly closed his eyes.

She began to think about the plot of the novel.

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Slowly fell asleep.

Lin Hui, who was sitting by the side, saw that the big guys were already asleep, but he didn't feel idle at all.

Lin Hui thought that he would return to the national team soon.

I don't know how the big guys are doing during the time they left?

What happened to Xiao Ye and Zhang Xuan?

When Lin Hui was leaving, Zhang Xuan's parents specially asked Lin Hui to bring some things with him.

What a pity for parents in the world!

It's so nice to think of other people's parents.Lin Hui couldn't help feeling envious.

If his parents can be like other people's parents, give them such a little bit of comfort.

Lin Hui didn't think so either, there was always a kind of resentment added to him.

Even though it's been so long.Lin Hui has already figured out a lot of things, but when he occasionally thinks of his parents, there is always an inexplicable pain in his heart that tears him apart.

Although Lin Hui is not a little famous now, he can be considered to have made a lot of achievements.

He can always think of the scene where he was unbearable.

Lin Hui's grandma and father saw all this, would they be happy for him?
Naturally his grandma would be happy for him, because in his life, grandma was the one who warmed his heart.

If it weren't for Grandma, he couldn't imagine how evil he would be alive.

It is precisely because grandma has been by his side urging him to take care of him that he has not entered into the attempt.

In the past, Lin Hui always had a kind of unrestrained and unrestrained thought in his heart.

But as long as he thinks of his grandma, he will restrain himself a lot.

And thinking of his father, he would slowly start to become irritable again.

Lin Hui's father was the most indelible pain in his life.

In the past, he always thought that his father didn't take him seriously, thinking that he was someone else's child.

Now Lin Hui is getting more sensible and realizes that everyone has their own difficulties.

He also began to feel relieved slowly, although when he thought of this incident, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Hui also felt that his heart was suddenly pierced by something, and the pain was severe.

He clutched his chest.

But it still hurts so much.

Soon, beads of sweat oozed out from Lin Hui's forehead.

what happened to him?
Lin Hui arched his waist, clutching his stomach, and stretched his other hand down Jianhua's end with difficulty.

Jianhua slept soundly, and suddenly found that something seemed to be coming towards his face.

He stretched out his hand randomly, and slapped it in front of him.

But it seemed to hit a hand.

At the same time, there was a faint voice.

It seemed to be calling his name.

Jianhua's voice sounded so familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, it was Lin Hui's voice.

And here Lin Hui stretched out his hand, moaned in a low voice and let out a weak cry.

Jianhua didn't respond.

Lin Hui reached out his hand again and touched Jianhua's body.

Jianhua was there but suddenly woke up.

In the lost lake, he saw that Lin Hui seemed a little uncomfortable.

He immediately woke up and went to Lin Hui.

"Lin Hui, what's the matter with you, what's wrong?"

Jianhua's shout woke up Shaojie and Xu Xin.

The moment he woke up, he saw Lin Hui's painful expression.

"What happened!" Xu Xin was frightened by Lin Hui's scene, and at the same time woke up Li Yu who was still asleep.

Li Yu opened his eyes and saw the big guy looking anxious.

Turning around to look, it turned out that Brother Lin Hui's pained expression made everyone a little worried.

"Brother Lin Hui, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone was staring at Lin Hui wondering what happened to him.

"I, I may have a stomach problem!" Lin Hui was out of breath, and after a pause, "I have medicine in my bag!"

Lin Hui was often hungry and full, which made his stomach feel uncomfortable.

He can roll on the ground when it hurts, he is used to it.

But when Lin Hui was about to get the medicine, he found that he didn't have the strength to get the luggage on it.

He could only reach out to wake up Jianhua who was closer to him.

Unexpectedly, Jianhua disturbed everyone.

Hearing Lin Hui say that there was medicine in the bag, Jianhua and Shaojie immediately searched for Lin Hui's luggage.

After searching for a while, I finally found a small white bottle from the suitcase.

"Is it this bottle?" Jianhua held up the bottle and dropped it in front of Lin Hui.

At this moment, Lin Hui's face was pale, without a trace of blood, and he just nodded slightly.

After Lin Hui's debate, Jianhua immediately took out pills from the small white bottle and handed them to Lin Hui.

Li Yu took out the water glass from his bag, and after Lin Hui finished eating the small white pill, he dropped the unscrewed water glass in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took the water glass and drank it down.

At the same time, Lin Hui didn't know why his stomach suddenly became uncomfortable.

"Brother Lin Hui, are you feeling better!" Li Yu turned sideways to see that Lin Hui's body had turned a little bloody, and the sweat on his face was no longer dripping.

But Lin Hui still had no strength, just a little pain, but not as severe as before. He just nodded lightly in response to Li Yu, and at the same time told everyone that he was fine.

"Lin Hui, are you sure there is nothing wrong? Do you want to get the medical staff on the train for you?"

Shaojie saw that Lin Hui was better than before, but he still didn't dare to be careless. If something really happened, they couldn't afford to delay.

After all, Lin Hui is different from other people. He is a good player in table tennis. If the country does not have Lin Hui, it will be a great loss.

While speaking, Shaojie stood up, ready to walk towards the train.

But Lin Hui held him back.

"Shaojie, don't bother everyone, I'm really fine, my body knows this is an old problem, just take some medicine and you'll be fine!"

Lin Hui's stomach problem was not developed in a day, but it took a long time to reach the meal time, but he hadn't eaten yet. He only had food after the meal time, which often caused him stomach discomfort.

It took a long time to become what it is today.

But he has been eating on time for a long time and has never been sick.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt pain this time.

"Lin Hui, did you eat something unclean? Why did you suddenly feel uncomfortable in your stomach? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

Xu Xin was curious about Lin Hui's sudden physical discomfort.

And Lin Hui has been with them all the time, what to eat and what to use, and they are together during this time, why is it that Lin Hui has something to do when they are all fine.

"Lin Hui ate the same food as everyone else, except that he ate some dates just now and didn't eat anything else!"

Jianhua replied awkwardly.

"Jujube should be fine. After all, jujube nourishes blood and nourishes qi. Maybe it's jujube," Xu Xin said.

She was the first to rule out the jujube matter.

"Everyone, stop arguing! It is estimated that I have not eaten regularly during this time, so I will get sick. I will be fine when I go back and eat properly!"

Too many things happened during this period, and Lin Hui's meals were a little irregular.

That's what caused the physical discomfort just now.

After taking the medicine for a while, Lin Hui didn't feel as uncomfortable as before.

He can fully appreciate everyone's kindness.

They are all worried about his body.

"Then Lin Hui, go back and have a good checkup. It's not an option to always get sick so suddenly. Go back and do a comprehensive checkup." Xu Xin said.

"It's Lin Hui. I'll accompany you for an examination when you go back. You are the pillar of our national team. The national team relies on you to play table tennis. You can't fall ill at this time! Didn't you say that you will participate in the competition soon?" Is it? I dare not ignore it!"

Jianhua thought that Lin Hui had said before that Coach Wu asked them to go back to participate in the competition.

And Lin Hui suddenly fell ill now, which is not a good sign.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If there is any problem and treated in time, there will be no big mistakes. !
Lin Hui slowly raised his head when he heard what Jianhua said, "Hmm."

Lin Hui knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and he must not fall ill, especially the expectations of the people of Dandong.

His every action represents the country's support, and the country's support for training him is to let him win glory for the country. He should protect and cherish his body well not for himself but for the national team.

Lin Hui agreed with Jianhua's idea.

"However, Lin Hui, are you feeling better now? Can you hold on? If you can't hold on, I'll ask the medical staff on the train if they can prescribe you some more medicine?"

Shaojie saw that Lin Hui was only a little better than before, and there was no big improvement.

He could barely speak a few words, and his face was much more relaxed than before, but this situation worried Shaojie very much.

"No, I can hold on, and besides, I just took the medicine, how could it be better immediately!"

The pain this time was different from the previous ones.

In the past, it was always like a needle prick, and it hurt a little bit.

But this time, the pain continued like a needle prick.

It made Lin Hui feel as if someone was poking his body violently with a pin.

But in order not to worry the big guys, Lin Hui still held back the pain and put on a smiling face.

"Brother Lin Hui, would you like some water?"

Li Yu handed the hot water to Lin Hui, but Lin Hui shook his head.

Lin Hui didn't feel thirsty, but his stomach felt a little uncomfortable like a needle prick.

Xu Xin, who was sitting by the side, looked outside, and saw that it was already dawn.

The tickets they bought arrived in the early morning. Looking at this time, they will go back soon.

He turned his head and said calmly, "It should not be a few hours, we will go back soon, if you still feel uncomfortable after going back, then we will send Lin Hui to the hospital for a check-up right away!"

Although there are medical staff on the train, their inspection equipment is limited after all.

Compared with some of their big hospitals in BJ, the medical conditions here are difficult.

"That's right, brother Lin Hui, if you feel uncomfortable, you must sue us, don't bear it alone!"

Li Yu knew Lin Hui best. In some matters, Ming Hui was like a big man, making decisions on his own.

But there are some things that cannot be concealed, such as the current pain.

Li Yu had some doubts, maybe Brother Lin Hui didn't want the big guys to worry about him, but he was holding back the pain and persisting.

"Okay, don't worry about me, everyone, I will tell you something!" Lin Hui said simply.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

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