The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 481 I feel unreliable

Chapter 481 I feel unreliable

Time passed by minute by minute.

The three of them waited impatiently at the same time.

Supper came in exhausted.

As soon as she came back from midnight snack, Li Yu immediately walked over, forgetting about the injury on her foot.

"Snack, how is brother Lin Hui?"

Before taking off his exhaustion, Xiaoye was blocked by Li Yu's body.

Xiaoye slowly raised his tired eyes, "It's okay, the operation has been done!"

"Surgery! What surgery?"

During the supper, he actually forgot not to let them worry, but he just blurted it out so casually, which instead attracted the attention of the three of them.

Xiaoye raised his head and scratched the back of his head, "Sweat, it's Brother Lin Hui, overworked these past few days caused stomach discomfort and appendicitis, it's just such a small operation!"

While speaking, Ono also gestured with his little finger.

"It turned out to be appendicitis! No wonder Lin Hui turned pale on the train!" Niutou said to Li Yu, "Well, Li Yu, don't worry, it's true that appendicitis is a minor operation. Don't worry, you'll be fine!"

When Xu Xin was young, she followed Chen Huanying in the hospital all the year round and saw many such small operations.

For appendicitis this operation is indeed very common.It'll be fine if you cut it off.

"Oh." Li Yu hummed lightly.Obviously, he didn't quite believe what Xiaoye said.

But in order to reassure everyone, Li Yu showed a relaxed expression.

"Since Brother Lin Hui is fine, Xu Xin and Zhang Xuan should go back too!"

After all, Xu Xin and Zhang Zhang had been with him for several hours, how could Li Yu feel ashamed to waste time with him like this.

Tell everyone to go back quickly.In addition, such a long-distance trek must have been exhausted. Thinking of their athletes, they must train the next day when they go back. How can their bodies bear it.

Xu Xin watched the sky darken.

"Since Lin Huihui is fine, I'll go back first! You don't have to worry too much!"

Xu Xin patted Li Yu on the shoulder and said goodbye to Zhang Xuan and Xiao Ye at the same time.

After Xu Xin left, Li Yu's left eyelid kept twitching.

After returning from supper, he looked listless.It's obviously a little different than usual.

At the same time, a small operation took such a long time.

As soon as she came back, Xiaoye's eyes dodged left and right.

Li Yu dared to conclude that Xiao Ye must have something hidden from him.

Since I was young, I can't hide anything in my heart, and it will show on my face, and it is like this now.

After some speculation and thinking.

Li Yu still decided to find brother Lin Hui.

"Snack, which hospital is Brother Lin Hui in?"

"Li Yu, it's so late, you don't mean to go to the hospital!"

Judging from your look and expression, he must have guessed something, right?
Xiaoye knew that this matter could not be hidden from Li Yu.

Even so, it is better to speak out boldly.

"Li Yu is like this. Brother Lin Hui did have an operation and is now fine. It's just that the operation was performed in a private hospital!"

"Private hospital, what private hospital?"

"Anja Hospital!"

When I heard the words Anya Hospital.

Li Yu was terrified. Some time ago, Anya Hospital had taken care of Lei.

Immediately, Li Yu jumped into a rage, and roared loudly, "Xiao Ye, are you crazy? How did you send brother Lin Hui to Anya Hospital! Don't you know about Anya Hospital?"

The matter of Anya Hospital, what is it?Xiao Ye was confused.

"Isn't Anya Hospital the best hospital in the capital!"

"I heard that there was a medical accident in Anya Hospital some time ago, is that true? Sister Li Yu?"

Because there are people in their dance troupe who live near Anya Hospital, so word of mouth has passed on, and everyone in their dance troupe already knows about it.

"What should I say about you at night! Even Zhang Xuan has heard about it, why don't you understand it! Anya Hospital seems to be a tall hospital, but they have frequent medical accidents! Whenever there is an accident, it will be paid for. Come to suppress, but this time they couldn't move, they were blown out!"

At this moment Xiaoye realized the seriousness of the matter, his face turned pale, and his whole body trembled slightly. Fortunately, brother Lin Hui's operation was successful, otherwise he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"Then what are you going to do now?!"

"What should I do? Needless to say? Hurry up and transfer to another hospital!"

When it came to the hospital transfer, Xiaoye panicked.

"Is it transferred?!"

"It's not whether he lets it go or not. We don't want to deal with this matter in their hospital. If they have problems later, can they afford it? Don't you know what kind of person Lin Hui is? But for the country The team wins!"

Zhang Xuan stood on the side, seeing the whole process clearly, she ate supper when she knew it, and made the most positive mistake, she hurriedly helped her and said, "Supper, why are you standing there? Listen to Sister Li Yu and hurry to the hospital!"

Xiaoye stood there trembling all the time. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious, because it was just a simple operation, and he could be discharged from the hospital after the operation. He didn't expect that there would be so many follow-ups. It was his carelessness.

After recovering, "Oh, I'm going to drive right away.


After getting into the car, Xiaoye took Zhang Xuan and Li Yu for a wild run.

He drove the car to the fastest speed, but his heart was pounding, begging Lin Hui that nothing would happen to him.

Finally, 15 minutes later, he parked the car at the gate of the hospital.

After parking the car for midnight snack, he took Li Yu and Zhang Xuan and ran all the way to Lin Hui's hospital bed.

For the reappearance of the supper, Lin Hui half-lyed on the bed with a look of astonishment.

This is the best hospital Lin Hui has ever lived in, especially with the big screen TV.

You can watch game programs at any time, especially table tennis.

Just when he looked Wangqing.

The door slammed open suddenly, interrupting all his thoughts.

It was Xiaoye who opened the door, and standing behind were Li Yu and Zhang Xuan.

"How did you get here?"

The suddenness was clearly a surprise at their sudden arrival.

After all, when Xiao Ye was leaving, he said that he would be back soon after returning.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was like the time to go to the toilet, or even faster than the time to go to the toilet.

If Zhang Xuan and Li Yu weren't following behind, Lin Hui would think that Xiao Ye never left.

"Zhang Xuan, Li Yu is here, come in and sit down!"

Jianhua was looking at the screen on the TV with interest.

There was also the sound of a door opening.

Watching Xiaoye bring Li Yu and Zhang Xuan to the door, he hurriedly let them in and sit down.

When Xiaoye walked to Jianhua's side, Jianhua asked in a low voice, "Why are you here? Didn't you agree to come tomorrow?"

"Brother Jianhua, you don't know that there was a medical accident in this hospital, and Li Yu asked us to handle the transfer!"

"Medical accident, when did it happen?" Jianhua said in amazement when he heard the medical accident.

Realizing that his voice was too loud and afraid of letting Lin Hui hear it, he quickly lowered the decibel.

"It's what Li Yu and Zhang Zhang said! They said that this is indeed a hospital with problems. What do you think we should do now?"

Xiaoye and Jianhua whispered beside him.

And Lin Hui was half lying on the bed, watching the two of them chatting furtively, and had a panoramic view of everything.

"Supper, Lin Hui, what are you doing there? Come and sit down!"

Jianhua and Xiaoyezhen were chatting about how to deal with this matter, when suddenly Lin Hui's words interrupted all their train of thought.

Jianhua immediately said to Lin Hui, "That Lin Hui, talk to Li Yu and the others first, and Xiaoye and I will go out for a while to smoke a cigarette!"

He found a few excuses and left the room.

The three of them, Zhang Xuan and Li Yu, were left in the room.

In order not to make Lin Hui suspicious.

With a smile on his face, Li Yu asked, "Brother Lin Hui, how is your wound? Does it hurt? Is there any discomfort?"

Lin Hui shook his head.

"Li Yu, don't be so nervous, as if you were the one doing the surgery!"

How could he not be nervous enough? He clearly knew that this hospital was a black hospital, but he couldn't tell Brother Lin Hui, lest Brother Lin Hui feel uncomfortable and cause unbearable consequences to his operation.

The atmosphere in the room is very awkward now.

In order to relieve the tension, Zhang Xuan who was standing on the side smiled and said, "Brother Lin Hui, it's Sister Li Yu who is worrying about you. I envy you very much. Someone like Sister Li Yu is worried about you!"

"From Zhang Xuan's words, it seems that supper is not good for you!"

"No, it's good for me not to eat late at night, but I envy the relationship between you and Sister Li Yu!"

When Lin Hui heard Zhang Xuan's praise of his relationship with Li Yu, he was naturally satisfied, and his face suddenly seemed to be blooming with joy.

Indeed, no other couple can understand and comfort each other like they do, and move forward with each other along the way.

Lin Hui already felt very content.With Li Yu by his side, he has nothing to worry about.

However, Lin Hui saw that Zhang Xuan and Li Yu didn't deal with each other very much.

At least it is different from what I saw before, as if there is something on my mind.

"Yes, Li Yu, it's so late, you guys go back quickly, you have seen me too, isn't it great! Besides, Zhang Xuan's dance team is so busy, let Xiao Ye take you back quickly!"

Lin Hui ordered the eviction here, obviously because he didn't want them to waste too much time here, after all, they came back from the provincial team after doing a lot of work.

Li Yu was still injured on his foot.And Zhang Xuan has to participate in the rehearsal the next day.

You shouldn't spend all your time with him.

Suddenly Lin Hui thought, "By the way, Zhang Xuan, your parents asked me to bring you something, and I'll let Jianhua come back later to take it back for you!"

"Okay!" Zhang Xuan replied calmly, without excitement at all.

Lin Hui felt that this was unreasonable, shouldn't he be extremely happy?Why does Zhang Xuan seem to have something particularly heavy on her mind.

Even Li Yu who was sitting beside him looked worried.

What the hell is going on here?

Lin Hui wanted to know very much.

"Zhang Xuan, did something happen?"

"No, no!"

Zhang Xuan looked guilty, obviously something was on her mind.

"Are you too tired from rehearsal? Or did supper make you unhappy?"

Zhang Xuan did not expect that Brother Lin Hui was still thinking of others.

While everyone was worried about him at the moment, he was only thinking about others.

Immediately, Zhang Xuan's throat felt as uncomfortable as if something was stuck in her mouth.
He choked up and said, "Brother Lin Hui, don't worry about me, I'm fine, it's you who make us worry."

As soon as he finished saying this, Li Yu made small movements and touched Zhang Xuan lightly, but he couldn't hide it from Lin Hui.

"Worry about me, what's wrong with me? Don't I have appendicitis!"

Zhang Xuan and Li Yu talked silently.

"Did I suffer from some incurable disease? Li Yu, tell me what happened!"

Li Yu knew that Brother Lin Hui's intelligence could not be hidden from him.

"Brother Lin Hui, you really have appendicitis!"

Huh, that's strange, if he had appendicitis, why did Zhang Xuan, Li Yu and Xiao Ye all look bitter, as if he had some serious illness that was life-or-death.

"Since you have appendicitis, you have already undergone an operation, so what else do you have to worry about!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, there was no sound in the room, and he kept silent.

Even if the two of them didn't talk about it, Lin Hui knew what was going on. It was definitely not as simple as he imagined. Since they didn't talk about it, sometimes they found the reason.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, then I'll go to the doctor and find out exactly what disease I have and what happened!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he lifted the sheet on his hospital bed and was about to get out of bed.

But Li Yu hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Lin Hui, let's say yes!"

"What you have is appendicitis, but there are some problems with the medical skills of this hospital. They have had medical malpractice. We are worried that he will say that I have some problems. We are discussing to transfer you to another hospital!"


After Minghui's operation, he felt his stomach was relaxed, without the pain he felt before, and he felt much better.

Isn't this a good thing?Why should he be transferred to another hospital, and what is wrong with the medical treatment in this hospital?
Lin Hui was a little puzzled by the series of questions before him.

Based on his understanding of the environment here and the attitude of the medical staff, it shouldn't be too bad here, but there are not many people seeing the doctor.

No other abnormalities were found.

What's more, he can eat, drink, move, and sleep now, and he looks exactly like a good person, except that there is a little shadow pain in the wound after the operation.

"No need, Li Yu. I'm doing well in this hospital, and I can be discharged in a day or two. It's such a troublesome thing to transfer to another hospital. Besides, I'm in good health right now!"

"Brother Lin Hui!" Li Yu called Lin Hui's name heavily.

Obviously dissatisfied with what he said.

"It's not what you imagined at all, and just because you're fine now doesn't mean you'll be fine in the future, let's transfer to another hospital first!"

Li Yu's words were still as vague as before, and there was always something in the words, which made Lin Hui not quite understand.

He was always thinking about a question in his heart, what kind of thing happened?
(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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