After completing all the procedures and paying the money, Lin Hui returned to Jianhua's ward.

Jianhua looked in the direction of the door thoughtfully.

"Jianhua, are you also looking at Wang Hao?"

Jianhua nodded, but did not speak.

"Wang Hao has already gone back."

Jianhua was a little surprised at what Lin Hui said, and then asked thoughtfully, "Lin Hui, did Jianhua tell you anything?"

Lin Hui thought of what Wang Hao said to him: If you want to think about Jianhua, let him listen to Wang Hao.

At this moment, Jianhua's attitude made Lin Hui feel unexplainable. It can be said that Jianhua is different from the past.

"Wang Hao is so busy, how can he have time to talk to me? After he told me where to pay the money, he hurried back to the hospital!"

Hearing what Lin Hui said about Wang Hao, he was relieved, and for many days he could see that Lin Hui disliked Wang Hao very much. Compared to what Wang Hao knew, he would not say anything more to Lin Hui.

Jianhua let out a cry, and suddenly he thought of something, turned his head and said to Jianhua, "Lin Hui is getting late, and you are very busy today, go back quickly!"

"But Jianhua, you are still infusing fluids. I'd better wait until you finish talking before leaving!"

Jianhua looked up to see that there was still a lot of liquid left in his infusion, "Jianhua, go back, there is still a lot left, and it will be a while before I finish the infusion, I will find a nurse, don't worry, go back first!"

When Lin Hui came in, Jianhua kept urging Lin Hui to leave before he could sit still.

This reminded Lin Hui of Wang Hao's words, don't you doubt Jianhua at all?
Lin Hui had doubts before, how could he not have doubts, and now he is even more suspicious that Jianhua is hiding something from him.

Jianhua, who had regained his thoughts, smiled and said to Lin Hui, then I will leave, and I will come to see you tomorrow.

After speaking, Lin Hui looked at Jianhua reluctantly, but Jianhua waved his hand and told him to leave quickly.

After Lin Hui walked out of the ward for a long time, he remembered that he hadn't asked Jianhua what he wanted to eat tomorrow, so he brought it to Jianhua.

Hastily turned back to the ward.

But he saw a scene that surprised him.

Jianhua supported the bed and walked out step by step with the hanging bottle.

Seeing that Lin Hui came over and deliberately pretended to trip, Lin Hui hurriedly stepped forward to support Jianhua.

"What are you doing?"

Jianhua said in a low voice, "I just want to go to the bathroom."

In fact, Jianhua wanted to know if his leg was injured enough to allow him to walk.

"Jianhua, why didn't you tell me earlier? It's all my fault. When I left just now, I didn't ask you if you could go to the bathroom in advance. What should you do if something really happens to you!"

Lin Hui said with distress, after all, he was the only one left in Jianhua's family. If something happened again, how could he explain to Jianhua's deceased mother, and how to explain to the national team.

"Lin Hui, don't be too nervous, I'm sensible, it's not as serious as you imagined!" Jianhua comforted Lin Hui, "But Lin Hui, why are you back!"

Speaking of coming back, Lin Hui supported Jianhua to sit on the wheelchair, "When I walked halfway, I remembered what you want to eat tomorrow, so I didn't come back to ask. Fortunately, I came back, and there was no one in front of me. And your legs and feet are inconvenient, in case something happens."

Lin Hui didn't continue talking, but pushed Jianhua to the bathroom.

Slowly helped Jianhua up from the wheelchair.

With one hand, he helped Jianhua hold the hanging bottle, and with the other hand, he supported Jianhua.

Jianhua felt a little embarrassed seeing Lin Hui like this, "Lin Hui, can you turn around?"

Looking at the two of them now, Lin Hui really felt that there was something wrong with him.

After all, whoever goes to the toilet, it really doesn't work that way.

However, he and Jianhua took a shower together, went to the toilet together and slept together, with a clear view, but now Jianhua is a little shy, which surprised him a bit.

"Okay, okay, I'll turn around, call me when you're all right!"

Lin Hui could only do this, and said behind Jianhua's back.

After a few minutes, Jianhua said, "Lin Hui, I can do it!"

After getting Jianhua's response, Lin Hui turned around and put Jianhua on the wheelchair.

"Jianhua is not like I said you are such a big person, you can't take care of yourself, what's the matter? You hurt yourself like this just playing a ball, you said you made your aunt worry about you!"

Lin Hui just said a few words casually, but for Jianhua, it had a different taste.

"Lin Hui, do you also think I'm incompetent?"

When Jianhua said this suddenly, Lin Hui was stunned. He never thought that Jianhua would say this about himself.

Lin Hui stopped calmly, stood opposite Jianhua, and squatted down, "Jianhua, don't say that, you are a role model for us to learn from!"

When the word "model" was mentioned, his face suddenly changed, and he sneered, "Lin Hui, are you laughing at me too?"

"Jianhua, I"

Lin Hui's words were blocked by Jianhua's words before he even started to say them, "I am your role model, now I am lying here, how can I become your role model!"

Listening to Jianhua's agitated appearance, Lin Hui knew that he dared not provoke Jianhua. Wang Hao said that Jianhua had more or less psychological problems. As for the psychological problems, they didn't know that only Jianhua knew what was in his heart secret.

Now we can only rely on Jianhua.

"Jianhua, I didn't mean that. I said the wrong thing, can't I?"

"That's not what you mean, what do you mean! Look at yourself, you have always turned against the wind, and I have encountered obstacles every time. You never know how difficult it is in your heart!"

When Jianhua said this, he beat his heart very hard.

Seeing Jianhua like this, Lin Hui was very anxious.

Although he didn't understand the pain in Jianhua's heart, he could feel that Jianhua was tormented by his own demons.

Lin Hui tightly held Jianhua's other hand, "Jianhua, listen carefully, you are not what you think, you have always been a role model for us to learn from, and we regard you as our own family! If you have any distress in your heart, you can tell me, I won't tell anyone else!"

Listening to what Lin Hui said, Jianhua slowly regained his senses, "Lin Hui, I was too excited just now, I shouldn't have said that!"

"Jianhua is fine, as long as you are willing to tell me what you want to say, I will listen anytime!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, seeing that Jianhua didn't respond, he pushed him back to the hospital bed.

Seeing that Jianhua hadn't spoken, Lin Hui just supported Jianhua and slowly began to move onto the bed.

Jianhua gently covered him with a quilt.

He was also grabbed by Jianhua.

"Lin Hui, if I want to tell you someday, will you listen to me and won't you hate me?"

Lin Hui pursed his lips and smiled, it seemed that what he said just now had an effect on Jianhua.

And put the other hand on Jianhua's hand that was pulling his clothes, "Jianhua, I will always be your listener, as long as you want, I will wait for you to tell me everything!"

After listening to Lin Hui's words, Jianhua slowly put down his hands and curled up.

The whole person circled into a ball.

Lin Hui was at a loss seeing Jianhua like this, all he could do was to accompany him silently by Jianhua's side.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Lin Hui saw that Jianhua had slowly closed his eyes, presumably he had already begun to enter a dream.

Look up at the sound of the liquid ticking.

A bottle of liquid is about to run out.

Lin Hui walked out of the ward lightly and came to the nurse's desk to ask the nurse to pull out the liquid.

But I heard two little nurses at the nurse's desk, burying their heads and talking in a low voice, "You said that the patient in bed 58 is also very strange. He can leave after the infusion. Why does he have to stay in the hospital all the time!"

"Xiaoli, don't talk nonsense about the patient's affairs in the future. If it gets to the patient's ears, the consequences will be disastrous! We met a patient before, and a nurse told him that the illness was so unbearable that he jumped off the building! "

"Sister Zhang, how is the patient who jumped off the building?"

The one named Sister Zhang responded, "What can I do? Die!"

Xiao Li was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth.

She wondered if she had said something wrong just now. If the patient heard that such a thing happened, she would lose her job as a nurse.

"Sister Zhang, I have to go to the ward to take a look. The fluid in bed 58 should be finished soon!"

The little nurse stammered a little and stood up.

The No. 58 bed he mentioned refers to Jianhua. Lin Hui has gone through the formalities for Jianhua, so he naturally knows the number of Jianhua's bed.

"Okay, you go, do more things and talk less, remember!"

"Sister Zhang, I know, then I'll go!"

In fact, this little nurse named Xiaoli felt guilty. He wanted to see what was going on with patient No. 58, and if he heard what he said just now.

If it's really what Sister Zhang said just now, wouldn't he be jointly and severally responsible.

Lin Hui happened to hear this scene around a corner.

Seeing the little nurse approaching, he walked out from the corner.

"who are you?"

The scared little nurse backed away again and again, and after a few seconds it was clear that the person coming was not a patient in the ward before she became more relaxed.

The patient was wearing a hospital gown, and the man in front of him was handsome and handsome. It seemed that he was not a patient, but a family member of the patient.

Lin Hui looked at the nurse named Xiao Li who was obviously terrified, and quickly said, "I am the patient's family member. The patient's fluids are almost finished, so I will sue you!"

The little nurse named Xiao Li quickly patted her heart, almost frightening her to death. Fortunately, it was the patient's family members. If the patient didn't even dare to think about what would happen afterwards.

"How many beds are you a patient's family member? I'll go to another one first, and then go to yours after I'm done!"

The little nurse named Xiaoli gave Lin Hui a squinting look, and pushed the patient back. You are punishing him just now.

"I am a family member of the patient in bed 58!"

"Bed 58, okay, I'll make a note, I'll go there in a while, you go back first!"

While the little nurse was using the records, she felt that the No. 58 hospital bed looked very familiar.

Pausing to put down the pen in his hand, he asked Lin Hui again, "How many beds do you think you are in?"

Lin Hui thought that the little nurse didn't hear clearly, so he said to her again indifferently, "What's wrong with bed 58?"

"58 beds?"

When the little nurse heard this number, her face turned pale, her lips turned blue, and she took a few steps back.

He pointed with his finger tremblingly and said, "Did you hear it just now?"

Pointing in the direction of them and Lin Hui station.

Lin Hui nodded first, then shook his head.

Lin Hui nodded to mean that he had heard it, and shook his head to mean that the little nurse said that sister Zhang specifically.

The little nurse heard Lin Hui nodding and shaking her head, and asked impatiently, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard it, but I don't know which sentence you are referring to?"

The little nurse was in a hurry, "Which one are you referring to specifically, have you heard it?"

Lin Hui still nodded.

The little nurse's complexion was worse than before, but after he regained his composure a little, he became very calm.

Fortunately, the people who heard it were the patient's family members, not the patient. If the patient heard that it really happened, he really didn't know what kind of punishment he would face for the accident that Sister Zhang said.

The little nurse bowed at 58 degrees respectfully and said to Lin Hui, "I'm sorry just now, I shouldn't have been so reckless, and said bad things about 58 inches, which caused trouble for you and bed [-]. I'm really sorry."

"What did you say? Didn't understand what you meant?"

The little nurse straightened up, "It's just that I said just now that the patients in bed 58 are holding back."

Lin Hui's face was flustered, apparently he didn't hear clearly the conversation that the little nurse just said to Sister Zhang.

Instead, it was the little nurse who told him what he wanted to hear the most.

Seeing Lin Hui's expression, the little nurse asked a little suspiciously, "Could it be that I didn't hear this sentence?"

Lin Hui nodded again.

The little nurse was obviously more flustered than Lin Hui.

It turned out that he didn't hear it, but she said it, which is too shameful, what should I do?

Because he stood up straight and asked solemnly, "Is what you just said true?"

The little nurse didn't understand what Lin Hui said, "Brother, are you talking about the patient in bed 58?"

The little nurse named Xiaoli asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it's about bed 58. If you tell me about bed 58 in detail, I'll act as if nothing happened today. Otherwise, I'll tell your head nurse about your nonsense. Look at your head nurse. Punish you like this?"

Not long after the little nurse came to the hospital, she was obviously overwhelmed by Lin Hui's words.

"Brother, do you keep your word? If I sue you, are you sure that what happened today didn't happen?"

The little nurse named Xiao Li was quite clever, and she had to confirm with Lin Hui before she would speak.

"Of course I keep my word!"

"Words are unsubstantiated, words are evidence. If you spread the word about today's events, I will..."

The little nurse named Xiaoli didn't know what to say next.

"How are you?"

"I-I" the little nurse thought about it for a long time, and I will tell you about your threat to me.

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