The big devil in table tennis

Chapter 497 is still invalid

Chapter 497 is still invalid
The air froze to the extreme, but Lin Hui and Li Yu sat in the car and didn't say anything.

After a long time, Lin Hui spoke.

"Actually, I didn't want to quarrel with Wang Hao just now. I don't know why I became like this when I saw him. I even made you bring her coffee to apologize!"

Lin Hui lowered his head and said with some embarrassment.

But Li Yu held the steering wheel and said indifferently, "Brother Lin Hui, it's nothing!"

Hearing this tone, it seemed that Li Yu was very angry with him.

"Li Yu, I really didn't mean it just now, please don't be angry with me first!"

Li Yu kept looking forward, "Brother Lin Hui, I'm really not angry with you!"

Lin Hui knew that Li Yu was really angry, but he didn't know how to speak, he was rather stupid.

Can only sit quietly, no longer speak.

Finally, Li Yu parked the car at the gate of the national team.

"Brother Lin Hui, I'll send you here, I won't send you there if I have something to do when I go back!"

It seems that Li Yu is really angry. In the past, he would always cling to him, but today is very different from the past.

Lin Hui could only say "oh" lightly, and then returned to the dormitory.

Back in the dormitory after a busy day, he didn't do anything, just lay down and fell asleep.

It was already the next day when he woke up.

He hurriedly put on his clothes and washed up.Go straight to Jianhua's hospital.

When he was at the door, Lin Hui wanted to see what Jianhua was doing, but he didn't expect to see Jianhua walking and exercising.

"Jianhua, you haven't recovered yet, you can't walk on the ground, and besides, you have to take care of your bones for 100 days!"

Lin Hui walked in and quickly helped Jianhua to sit on the bed.

"Lin Hui is not that hypocritical. I can practice walking during this time, otherwise it would be too boring to stay in the room all day!"

Lin Hui heard Jianhua say that he was bored, so he quickly took out the book Jianhua was looking for from behind his back.

"What do you think this is? The book you want."

At this moment, Jianhua was already lying on the bed supported by Lin Hui, and a smile appeared on his face when he saw the book that Lin Hui handed over.

"That's great! Sometimes I don't have to be so boring at work!"

Seeing that Jianhua was not what he and Wang Hao had imagined before, Lin Hui handed the book to Jianhua, and then let the photo fall, and then he asked Jianhua who the photo was, to see how Jianhua reacted.

Now that Jianhua is lying flat on the bed with a book in his hand, it is naturally impossible for the photo to slip off.

Not at all as they had envisioned.

What should I do?

Lin Hui had no choice but to ask, "Jianhua, what is your book talking about? I haven't read it! Let me read it!"

While talking, Lin Hui stretched out his hand and wanted to talk about Jianhua, but Jianhua was ahead of him. You will let me tell you the content of this book directly. This book is more profound, and you cannot understand it.

"Jianhua, you are underestimating me. I have been to school anyway. How can I not understand it? Let me see it!"

Jianhua refused to let Lin Hui read what he said, but insisted on reading Jianhua's book when he went back.

While the two were arguing, Li Yu suddenly came in.

"What are you two doing?"

At this moment, Lin Hui and Jianhua were holding half of the book alone.

The anxious Lin Hui winked at Li Yu who came in. In an instant, Li Yu saw the book in the hands of Jianhua and Brother Lin Hui, and he understood.

Things turned out not to go the way they had gone before.

Li Yu hurried over.

"Brother Jianhua, Brother Lin Hui, are you rushing to read the book? Why don't you show it to me?"

Jianhua dumbfounded?Why do the two of them have to read his book today?
"As for the book, I am reluctant to read it myself, how can I let you read it!"

While speaking, Jianhua pulled the book towards him.

But Lin Hui had a firm attitude, "I just want to read this book today. What is this book about?"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he also pulled the book in Jianhua's hand towards him.

Just like this, the two people tugged at each other and refused to give in, and soon heard a squeak.

The book is thus divided into two halves.

This is the result that neither Lin Hui nor Jianhua expected.

Both were dumbfounded.

After a long time, Li Yu couldn't believe that the two of them were in such a situation, and quickly said, "Brother Lin Hui, what do you think you are doing? Why did you tear Brother Jianhua's book in half!"

Only then did Lin Hui realize that the other half of the book was in his hands, and the photos hadn't come off at all.

At the same time, Lin Hui clearly remembered that the other half of the photo was in his hands.

That is, pressed inside the other half of his book.

If they didn't get a good photo, they didn't know how to ask Jianhua. This matter obviously couldn't complete the task Wang Hao entrusted to him.

In this way, when he saw Wang Hao, he should say him again.

One thought here.Lin Hui didn't know what to do.

It was Li Yu who was more witty, and quickly reminded, "Brother Lin Hui, why are you staring blankly? Hurry up and return the book to Brother Jianhua!"

After being reminded, Lin Hui regained his consciousness.

Picking up the book and handing it to Jianhua, he said at the same time, "Jianhua, I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect this to happen. I saw the exact same book some other day and bought you a copy. Don't be angry, you are patient!"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he handed the book to Jianhua, and Jianhua was about to take the book from Lin Hui's hand, but Lin Hui let go of it ahead of time.

And the book fell to the ground by coincidence.

But the photo still lay intact in the book.

Seeing Brother Lin Hui's flustered expression, Li Yu must have seen the photo in this half of the book.

Quickly picked up the book, and said, "Brother Lin Hui, how old are you, how can you drop something on the ground!"

Li Yu picked up the book on the ground, deliberately shook it down a few times, and finally the photo fell to the ground.

Li Yu pretended not to know, handed the book to Jianhua and said, "Hey, brother Lin Hui, why is there a photo behind you that belongs to you?"

Upon hearing the photo, Lin Hui knew that Li Yu did it on purpose.

"Photo, what photo?"

"There's a picture right behind you?"

Because I deliberately threw the photo behind Brother Lin Hui just now.

Lin Hui turned his gaze to the back, and it was as they had arranged just now.

The photo is prominently exposed there.

And Jianhua looked nervous.

Say loudly, "Give me back the photo!"

And got up to pick up the photos in person.And this move made Lin Hui and Li Yu more convinced.

There must be some secret in this photo, and it is still about Jianhua.

Lin Hui quickly picked up the photo on the ground.

I took a special look and returned it to Jianhua.

"Who is this photo of Jianhua? Is it your previous photo? Why haven't I seen a photo like this of you before!"

Jianhua picked up the photo and gently wiped the dust on the photo.

Staring at this photo with a strange look for a long time.

Li Yu and Lin Hui stood aside, looking at Jianhua like this, feeling very distressed.

The two of them had never seen Jianhua like this.

He didn't even speak, just stared at the picture in a daze.

After a long, long time, Jianhua bloomed and said leisurely, "Isn't the person in this photo me?"

"Jianhua, what are you kidding, the person in this photo is obviously you, how could it not be you, who is not you?"

Lin Hui deliberately wanted to follow Jianhua's words, but Jianhua put the photos in the book at this time, and then put the book under the pillow.

He and Li Yu always thought that Jianhua would talk to them, but they didn't wait for Jianhua to speak.

"Lin Hui, Li Yu, I'm sorry, I'm really tired today, I want to sleep for a while, you can do it yourself!"

After speaking, Jianhua turned his back to them and covered the quilt.

This is obviously very concerned about this photo, not a little bit.

At this time, they couldn't get any words from Jianhua at all.

"Brother Jianhua, rest well, we will come to see you another day, brother Lin Hui and I will go back first!"

You said to Jianhua, who had his back turned to him, but Lin Hui didn't want to leave him from the ward at all, and wanted to see if Jianhua would say something to them.

Li Yu witnessed that he directly pulled Lin Hui out of Jianhua's ward.

Until you come to a corner of the hospital.

Li Yu let go of Lin Hui's arm.

"Lin Hui, why are you dragging me? What if Jianhua still wants to say something to me, and I'm not by his side, what if he doesn't want to say anything anymore, what should I do!"

While speaking, Lin Hui actually wanted to turn back to Jianhua's ward and silently guard him.

"It's useless, didn't you see it just now? Brother Jianhua doesn't want to say anything to us at all. If he wants to say something, will he have to wait so long before replying? Obviously he doesn't want to talk to us. Give him some time and give us some time, let him think about it!"

Li Yu saw what Brother Jianhua did with his own eyes just now, so he was naturally unwilling to talk about it.

If a person is unwilling to tell the secret in his heart, it is impossible for others to ask how he wants.

And now Brother Jianhua is like this.

"In case Jianhua wants to tell me, it may be because you were here just now, so he didn't say it. Now I'm not sure when I go back, he will tell me!"

Lin Hui felt that Jianhua had always wanted to tell him his own story, but because of the presence of other people, he was afraid and embarrassed to speak up.

"Brother Lin Hui, how can you be so stubborn? You have been with Brother Jianhua for so long, don't you know him at all? If he usually wants to say something, he will naturally tell you what he doesn't want to say, you are Chase him with a knife, and he won't tell you!"

Li Yu vividly compared it to Lin Hui, but Lin Hui didn't believe that Jianhua was such a person at all.

"What are you two arguing about here? You can hear your voices from a long distance away. Don't you two know that you are in the hospital?"

Wang Hao knew that Lin Hui and Li Yu would come to Jianhua's ward today, but he was worried that the two of them would mess things up, so he came here on purpose because he was worried.

He didn't expect that as he expected, the two of them really didn't get things done well, otherwise they wouldn't be making such a fuss, and it was still in public.

This is really outrageous!

"Wang Hao, you came at the right time. I was about to tell you about Jianhua!"

Lin Hui can't speak against you right now, so he can only pull the queen over to judge them.

"What did Jianhua just say?"

Wang Hao really wanted to know what Jianhua had told them. As for their red porcelain and white teeth quarreling outside.

"Jianhua didn't say anything, but just now I clearly felt that Jiang Hua had something ready to say to me, but seeing Li Yu was by his side, that's why he didn't say anything. I wanted to go back, but Li Yu refused to say anything! "

Li Yu sneered, "Brother Lin Hui, brother Jianhua obviously doesn't want to talk to you, but you said he wanted to tell you, if he wanted to say, how could he recite it, how could he say it to you, he is obviously going to rest, he still I didn't think about how to tell everyone about this!"

Li Yu said so much in one breath, Lin Hui didn't know how to reply for a while.

Instead, he saw Wang Hao at the side.

"Look, it's like this. It's because he's here that Jianhua didn't talk to me!"

Wang Hao frowned, what are these two people arguing about?It's obvious that things haven't been done yet, so why did he grow up like this?
"It's not important, let me ask you guys what was Jianhua's reaction when he saw the photo just now?"

Lin Hui and Li Yu glanced at each other.

"Nervous, didn't talk, and then went to bed!"

Lin Hui recalled what happened just now, and said to Wang Hao.

"Look, even if you say that, Brother Jianhua obviously doesn't want to say anything!"

Li Yu was really angry, Brother Lin Hui argued with him, and started talking again.

Wang Hao was thinking hard.It doesn't matter two people at all.

Holding his chin in one hand, he asked calmly with the other, "Did Jianhua just tell you a few words about this?"

Lin Hui nodded.

"I also said that the person in the photo is not him at all."

Wang Hao wants to smoke Lin Hui, does he need to say that?They could all tell that the person in the photo was not Jianhua.

But the key is who is this person, and what kind of relationship does he have with Jianhua?They are very eager to know now, but now Jianhua has said nothing, and can't get any information, which means that the matter has been handled very unsuccessfully.

"Li Yu, I'm not talking about you. How can you guide me in front of you? I was afraid today. You guys handled this matter well, so you came here on purpose. I didn't expect it, but it turned out to be a mess. This clue broke us for a while. I really don't know, what other clues can help Jianhua!"

Wang Hao complained and said that he regretted that he should have come earlier, otherwise so many things would not have happened.

If he could help Jianhua, but he has nothing to do now.

"Wang Hao, don't worry. I think Jianhua will tell me what he wants to say. After all, I came to the national team from the provincial team with him. He will tell me anything. If he can't, I'll go back and guard him. , I don’t know when, did he want to tell me?”

Li Yu stood beside Lin Hui and gave him a hard look.

"Lin Hui is useless. Since we can't move like this, Jianhua definitely doesn't want to talk about it, and it doesn't matter if you go back!" Wang Hao said lightly.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, pass by, please leave your little feet, the author is very grateful here, let the author know that he is not alone, be a lonely person, thank you!) .

(End of this chapter)

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